45 resultados para supported platinum
Dopamine is the biological molecule responsible, among other functions, of the heart beat and blood pressure regulation. Its loss, in the human body, can result in serious diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia or depression. Structurally, this molecule belongs to the group of catecholamines, together with epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The hydroquinone moiety of the molecule can be easily oxidized to quinone, rendering the electrochemical methods a convenient approach for the development of dopamine biosensors. The reactivity of similar aromatic molecules, such as catechol and hydroquinone, at well-ordered platinum surfaces, has recently been investigated in our group. In this paper, we extend these studies to the structurally related molecule dopamine. The study has been performed in neutral pH, since this is closer to the natural conditions for these molecules in biological media. Cyclic voltammetry and in situ infra-red spectroscopy have been combined to extract information about the behavior of this molecule on well-defined platinum surfaces. Dopamine appears to be electrochemically active and reveals interesting adsorption phenomena at low potentials (0.15–0.25 V vs RHE), sensitive to the single crystal orientation. The adsorption of dopamine on these surfaces is very strong, taking place at much lower potentials than the electron transfer from solution species. Specifically, the voltammetry of Pt(1 1 1) and Pt(1 0 0) in dopamine solutions shows an oxidation peak at potentials close to the onset of hydrogen evolution, which is related to the desorption of hydrogen and the adsorption of dopamine. On the other hand, adsorption on Pt(1 1 0) is irreversible and the surface appears totally blocked. Spectroscopic results indicate that dopamine is adsorbed flat on the surface. At potentials higher than 0.6 V vs RHE the three basal planes show a common redox process. The initial formation of the quinone moiety is followed by a chemical step resulting in the formation of 5,6-dihydroxyindoline quinone as final product. This oxidation process has also been investigated by vibrational spectroscopy.
Low metal content Co and Ni alumina supported catalysts (4.0, 2.5 and 1.0 wt% nominal metal content) have been prepared, characterized (by ICP-OES, TEM, TPR-H2 and TPO) and tested for the CO2 reforming of methane. The objective is to optimize the metal loading in order to have a more efficient system. The selected reaction temperature is 973 K, although some tests at higher reaction temperature have been also performed. The results show that the amount of deposited carbon is noticeably lower than that obtained with the Co and Ni reference catalysts (9 wt%), but the CH4 and CO2 conversions are also lower. Among the catalysts tested, the Co(1) catalyst (the value in brackets corresponds to the nominal wt% loading) is deactivated during the first minutes of reaction because CoAl2O4 is formed, while Ni(1) and Co(2.5) catalysts show a high specific activity for methane conversion, a high stability and a very low carbon deposition.
Different catalysts, based on heteropolyacids supported on activated carbon fibers, have been prepared for palmitic acid esterification reaction. The influence of the catalyst (heteropolyacid) and the support on the catalytic activity have been analyzed. The results prove that an adequate combination of both is required to achieve the most suitable catalysts. Regarding to the heteropolyacid, phosphomolybdic acid seems to be the most suitable appropriate taking into account its lowest leaching. About the support, it must show an optimum microporosity, which must be wide enough to allow the entrance and exit of the reagents and products but not too wide in order to avoid the leaching of the catalyst. In addition, both decreasing of the catalytic activity and its recovery over several cycles have been analyzed.
A range of catalysts based on Pd nanoparticles supported on inorganic supports such as BETA and ZSM-5 zeolites, a silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve (SAPO-5) and γ-alumina as a standard support have been tested for the total oxidation of naphthalene (100 ppm, total flow 50 ml/min) showing a conversion to carbon dioxide of 100% between 165 and 180 °C for all the analysed catalysts. From the combined use of zeolites with PVP polymer protected Pd based nanoparticles, enhanced properties have been found for the total abatement of naphthalene in contrast with other kinds of catalysts. A Pd/BETA catalyst has been demonstrated to have excellent activity, with a high degree of stability, as shown by time on line experiments maintaining 100% conversion to CO2 during the 48 h tested.
The present work refers to clay–graphene nanomaterials prepared by a green way using caramel from sucrose and two types of natural clays (montmorillonite and sepiolite) as precursors, with the aim of evaluating their potential use in hydrogen storage. The impregnation of the clay substrates by caramel in aqueous media, followed by a thermal treatment in the absence of oxygen of these clay–caramel intermediates gives rise to graphene-like materials, which remain strongly bound to the silicate support. The nature of the resulting materials was characterized by different techniques such as XRD, Raman spectroscopy and TEM, as well as by adsorption isotherms of N2, CO2 and H2O. These carbon–clay nanocomposites can act as adsorbents for hydrogen storage, achieving, at 298 K and 20 MPa, over 0.1 wt% of hydrogen adsorption excess related to the total mass of the system, and a maximum value close to 0.4 wt% of hydrogen specifically related to the carbon mass. The very high isosteric heat for hydrogen sorption determined from adsorption isotherms at different temperatures (14.5 kJ mol−1) fits well with the theoretical values available for hydrogen storage on materials that show a strong stabilization of the H2 molecule upon adsorption.
A study on the preparation of thin films of ZSM-5 and BETA zeolites, and a SAPO-5 silicoaluminophosphate, supported on cordierite honeycomb monoliths by in situ synthesis was carried out for their use as catalyst supports. Furthermore γ-Al2O3 was also coated onto a cordierite honeycomb monolith by a dip-coating method for use as a standard support. Structured monolithic catalysts were prepared by impregnation of the aforementioned coated monoliths with polymer-protected Pd nanoparticles. The monolithic catalysts have been tested for the total oxidation of naphthalene (100 ppm, GHSV 1220 h−1). From the combined use of the zeolite with polymer-protected nanoparticles, enhanced catalytic properties have been found for the total abatement of naphthalene. The Pd/MBETA and Pd/MZSM-5 catalytic monoliths have shown excellent activity with a high degree of stability, even after undergoing accelerated ageing experiments.
This work reports on the synthesis of nanosheets of layered titanosilicate JDF-L1 supported on commercial E-type glass fibers with the aim of developing novel nanoarchitectures useful as robust and easy to handle hydrogen adsorbents. The preparation of those materials is carried out by hydrothermal reaction from the corresponding gel precursor in the presence of the glass support. Because of the basic character of the synthesis media, silica from the silicate-based glass fibers can be involved in the reaction, cementing its associated titanosilicate and giving rise to strong linkages on the support with the result of very stable heterostructures. The nanoarchitectures built up by this approach promote the growth and disposition of the titanosilicate nanosheets as a house-of-cards radially distributed around the fiber axis. Such an open arrangement represents suitable geometry for potential uses in adsorption and catalytic applications where the active surface has to be available. The content of the titanosilicate crystalline phase in the system represents about 12 wt %, and this percentage of the adsorbent fraction can achieve, at 298 K and 20 MPa, 0.14 wt % hydrogen adsorption with respect to the total mass of the system. Following postsynthesis treatments, small amounts of Pd (<0.1 wt %) have been incorporated into the resulting nanoarchitectures in order to improve their hydrogen adsorption capacity. In this way, Pd-layered titanosilicate supported on glass fibers has been tested as a hydrogen adsorbent at diverse pressures and temperatures, giving rise to values around 0.46 wt % at 298 K and 20 MPa. A mechanism of hydrogen spillover involving the titanosilicate framework and the Pd nanoparticules has been proposed to explain the high increase in the hydrogen uptake capacity after the incorporation of Pd into the nanoarchitecture.
Catalysts based on palladium nanoparticles supported on different zeolites (BETA, ZSM-5 and Y) were prepared and their catalytic performance in formic acid dehydrogenation was studied. The effects of the zeolite structure and porous texture on the catalytic activity were investigated by comparing the behavior of these samples. The results revealed that the samples based on BETA zeolite are promising catalysts for this application.
Carbon molecular sieve membranes have been analyzed in supported and unsupported configurations in this experimental study. The membranes were used to adsorb CO2, N2 and CH4, and their adsorption data were analyzed to establish differences in rate and capacity of adsorption between the two types of samples (supported and unsupported). Experimental results show an important effect of the support, which can be considered as an additional parameter to tailor pore size on these carbon membranes. Immersion calorimetry values were measured by immersing the membranes into liquids of different molecular dimensions (dichloromethane, benzene, n-hexane, 2,2-dimethylbutane). Similarities were found between adsorption and calorimetric analysis. The pore volume of the samples analyzed ranged from 0.016 to 0.263 cm3/g. The effect of the pyrolysis temperature, either 550 or 700 °C, under N2 atmosphere was also analyzed. Quantification of the pore-size distribution of the support was done by liquid-liquid displacement porosimetry. The composite membrane was used for CO2/CH4 separation before and after pore plugging was done. The ideal selectivity factors value (4.47) was over the Knudsen theoretical factor (0.60) for membrane pyrolyzed at 600 °C, which indicates the potential application of these membranes for the separation of low-molecular weight gases.
A high percentage of hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from gasoline vehicles occur during the cold-start period. Among the alternatives proposed to reduce these HC emissions, the use of zeolites before the three-way catalyst (TWC) is thought to be very effective. Zeolites are the preferred adsorbents for this application; however, to avoid high pressure drops, supported zeolites are needed. In this work, two coating methods (dip-coating and in situ crystallization) are optimized to prepare BETA zeolite thin films supported on honeycomb monoliths with tunable properties. The important effect of the density of the thin film in the final performance as a HC trap is demonstrated. A highly effective HC trap is prepared showing 100 % toluene retention, accomplishing the desired performance as a HC trap, desorbing propene at temperatures close to 300 °C, and remaining stable after cycling. The use of this material before the TWC is very promising, and works towards achieving the sustainability and environmental protection goals.
Robust and reproducible metallized nano/microstructured surfaces of polymeric surfaces have been successfully prepared by direct laser interference patterning (DLIP) of commercial polymeric films followed by sputtering of metallic thin films. The SERS spectra for 2-thioaniline adsorbed on a structured polycarbonate surfaces covered with a gold or platinum film showed a ca. three order of magnitude enhancement over a flat surface with the same metal film. The method here reported is suitable for mass production of substrates for SERS since large areas (several cm2) can be structured in ca. 1–5 s.
The present communication studies the adsorption of aniline on platinum single crystal electrodes and the electrochemical properties of the first layers of polyaniline(PANI) grown on those platinum surfaces. The adsorption process was studied in aqueous acidic solution (0.1 M HClO4) and the electrochemical properties of thin films of PANI in both aqueous (1 M HClO4) and non-aqueous media (tetrabutyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6) with additions of methanesulphonic acid in acetonitrile). First of all, it was found that the adsorption of aniline on platinum single crystal surfaces is a surface sensitive process, and even more important that the adsorption features found at low concentrations (5 × 10−5 M) can be directly correlated to the electrochemical properties of thin films of PANI in the very early stages of polymerization. The Pt(1 1 0) surface was found to be more suitable to obtain polymers with more reversible redox transitions when studied in aqueous media (1 M HClO4). This is in good agreement with the higher polymerization rates found on this surface compared to Pt(1 0 0) and Pt(1 1 1). Finally the differences in ionic exchange rate were greatly enhanced when they were studied in organic media. The AC 250 Hz response in the case of the thin films synthesized on Pt(1 1 0) is about twice greater than that obtained in the other basal planes using polymer layers with the same thickness.
Pt–Pd bimetallic nanoparticles supported on graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets were prepared by a sonochemical reduction method in the presence of polyethylene glycol as a stabilizing agent. The synthetic method allowed for a fine tuning of the particle composition without significant changes in their size and degree of aggregation. Detailed characterization of GO-supported Pt–Pd catalysts was carried out by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), AFM, XPS, and electrochemical techniques. Uniform deposition of Pt–Pd nanoparticles with an average diameter of 3 nm was achieved on graphene nanosheets using a novel dual-frequency sonication approach. GO-supported bimetallic catalyst showed significant electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation. The influence of different molar compositions of Pt and Pd (1:1, 2:1, and 3:1) on the methanol oxidation efficiency was also evaluated. Among the different Pt/Pd ratios, the 1:1 ratio material showed the lowest onset potential and generated the highest peak current density. The effect of catalyst loading on carbon paper (working electrode) was also studied. Increasing the catalyst loading beyond a certain amount lowered the catalytic activity due to the aggregation of metal particle-loaded GO nanosheets.
Palladium nanoparticles supported on graphene platelets have been efficiently used as catalyst in the Suzuki–Miyaura coupling between aryl bromides and potassium aryltrifluoroborates using 0.1 mol% of Pd and potassium carbonate as base in MeOH/H2O as solvent at 80 °C. The reaction can be performed using conventional and microwave heating showing the catalyst high reusability, particularly with microwaves, where lower aggregation of Pd nanoparticles has been observed. A dissolution/re-deposition catalytic mechanism is proposed, based on the fact that palladium leaching to the solution is detected under microwave irradiation.
Herein, the preferential oxidation of CO in excess hydrogen (PROX reaction) was studied over Au catalysts supported on ceria and Y or Nb doped ceria. Both supports and catalysts have been extensively characterized by a number of advanced techniques; XRD, N2-adsortion, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, and H2-TPR. The catalytic results showed that when an ideal mixture of H2 and CO is used for the PROX reaction the gold supported on pure ceria behaves better than the others samples. However, when a typical reformate gas composition containing CO2 and H2O is used, the gold supported on Nb doped sample behaves better than gold supported in pure ceria. It is suggested that niobium hampers the strong adsorption of CO2 and H2O in the active sites, thus improving the catalytic performance in real reformate gas.