225 resultados para 519 Probalidades y matemática aplicada
La plataforma tecnológica de datos abiertos universitarios (OpenData4U) permite la publicación de datos abiertos de una universidad, así como su acceso de manera que se potencie su reutilización (a través de un portal de datos abiertos y de un API para desarrolladores), a la vez que se permite disponer de un portal de transparencia para una acceso fácil a los datos de manera comprensible por cualquier persona. Esta es la plataforma que usa la Universidad de Alicante en su proyecto de datos abiertos y transparencia. Puedes acceder al código en https://github.com/UAdatos
El presente libro “Ecosistema de Datos Abiertos de la Universidad de Alicante” pretende ser de utilidad para aquellas Universidades interesadas en desarrollar políticas de transparencia y datos abiertos. En él se detalla la experiencia de la Universidad de Alicante en la implantación de su “Ecosistema de Datos Abiertos”, tanto los aspectos normativos, procedimentales como los tecnológicos. Desde el libro se enlaza el software “Plataforma Tecnológica de Datos Abiertos Univesitarios (OpenData4U)” que busca facilitar un entorno de colaboración tecnológica entre Universidades. Se crea de esta forma, el embrión de una red de ecosistemas tecnológicos de datos abiertos universitarios.
Pochonia chlamydosporia (Pc), a nematophagous fungus and root endophyte, uses appressoria and extracellular enzymes, principally proteases, to infect the eggs of plant parasitic nematodes (PPN). Unlike other fungi, Pc is resistant to chitosan, a deacetylated form of chitin, used in agriculture as a biopesticide to control plant pathogens. In the present work, we show that chitosan increases Meloidogyne javanica egg parasitism by P. chlamydosporia. Using antibodies specific to the Pc enzymes VCP1 (a subtilisin), and SCP1 (a serine carboxypeptidase), we demonstrate chitosan elicitation of the fungal proteases during the parasitic process. Chitosan increases VCP1 immuno-labelling in the cell wall of Pc conidia, hyphal tips of germinating spores, and in appressoria on infected M. javanica eggs. These results support the role of proteases in egg parasitism by the fungus and their activation by chitosan. Phylogenetic analysis of the Pc genome reveals a large diversity of subtilisins (S8) and serine carboxypeptidases (S10). The VCP1 group in the S8 tree shows evidence of gene duplication indicating recent adaptations to nutrient sources. Our results demonstrate that chitosan enhances Pc infectivity of nematode eggs through increased proteolytic activities and appressoria formation and might be used to improve the efficacy of M. javanica biocontrol.
The production of virulence factors by many pathogenic microorganisms depends on the intercellular communication system called quorum sensing, which involves the production and release of signal molecules known as autoinducers. Based on this, new-therapeutic strategies have emerged for the treatment of a variety of infections, such as the enzymatic degradation of signaling molecules, known as quorum quenching (QQ). In this study, we present the screening of QQ activity amongst 450 strains isolated from a bivalve hatchery in Granada (Spain), and the selection of the strain PQQ-42, which degrades a wide range of N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs). The selected strain, identified as Alteromonas stellipolaris, degraded the accumulation of AHLs and reduced the production of protease and chitinase and swimming motility of a Vibrio species in co-cultivation experiments in vitro. In the bio-control experiment, strain PQQ-42 significantly reduced the pathogenicity of Vibrio mediterranei VibC-Oc-097 upon the coral Oculina patagonica showing a lower degree of tissue damage (29.25 ± 14.63%) in its presence, compared to when the coral was infected with V. mediterranei VibC-Oc-097 alone (77.53 ± 13.22%). Our results suggest that this AHL-degrading bacterium may have biotechnological applications in aquaculture.
The new methods accurately integrate forced and damped oscillators. A family of analytical functions is introduced known as T-functions which are dependent on three parameters. The solution is expressed as a series of T-functions calculating their coefficients by means of recurrences which involve the perturbation function. In the T-functions series method the perturbation parameter is the factor in the local truncation error. Furthermore, this method is zero-stable and convergent. An application of this method is exposed to resolve a physic IVP, modeled by means of forced and damped oscillators. The good behavior and precision of the methods, is evidenced by contrasting the results with other-reputed algorithms implemented in MAPLE.
The Lofoten-Vesterålen marine shelf is one of the most geologically diverse coast and offshore margin areas in Norway. This leads to huge heterogeneity in marine environments, and often high biodiversity. However, little is known yet about the benthic communities in this region. Within the ARCTOS LoVe MarineEco project the epibenthic communities of the Hola trough (Vesterålen) are analysed to give a first description of their spatial distribution. In this trough both a complex hydrodynamic system and varied topographic submarine elements occur. Trawling samples were collected for two different approaches: one in a meso-scale and another in a small-scale. For the broad scale a transect consisting in three stations was developed, while for the fine scale a small area on a sand wave field, consisting in five stations called HolaBox, was sampled. All organisms were intended to be identified to species level and colonial fauna was discarded for the analysis. Different diversity indexes were assessed (Shannon index (H’) and Pielou’s eveness (J’)). Clustering and nMDS analyses identified four statistically significant groups in terms of abundance (ind./100m2). A total amount of 211 different taxa were found within all stations. The more outer part of the transect (close to the shelf edge) presented a huge abundance of organisms and was dominated by the hemi sessile tube-builder polychaetes Nothria conchylega and Eunice dubitata and the sea urchin Gacilechinus acutus, while the more inner parts presented less abundance of individuals. Probably some upwelling produced by the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NWAC) is influencing the shelf edge increasing the primary production and, therefore, enriching the seafloor in this region. The sand wave field presented two different groups with few amount of individuals. Small-scale variability could be produced by the high heterogeneity within the different types of sand waves, while the scarce abundance of animals can be produced by the permanent changing environment that movable sand waves produce. Here more active and mobile fauna was found such as brittle stars and hermit crabs (among others). Finally, a fourth group was found in the most inner station of the transect, laying on a ridge in the central part of the trough. This station, with coarse substrate, was mainly dominated again by brittle stars and sea urchins. We can conclude that this is a really heterogeneous trough in environments and therefore in communities (even in a local scale). More detailed studies that focus in the local environmental drivers have to be carried out to get an integrated understanding of the structure of benthic communities in this system.
Fish traps are widely used in Norwegian fjords, especially those designed for monitoring salmonid populations in the marine environment, although many other marine fish species are also captured. The composition and spatio-temporal variations of fish species captured by fish traps were monitored in five different coastal locations throughout the Romsdalsfjord region, Western Norway, from May to August during the three consecutive years (2011–2013). Twenty-three fish species were captured by traps in coastal waters, both resident and migratory fishes. The most common fish and with greater catchability were saithe (Pollachis virens) and sea trout (Salmo trutta), followed by cod (Gadus morhua), pollack (P. pollachius), herring (Clupea harengus) and mackerels (Trachurus trachurus and Scomber scombrus). However, the captured assemblage presented great spatial and seasonal variations, in terms of mean daily catch, probably associated with hydrographical conditions and migrational patterns. Information obtained in this study will help us to better understand the compositions and dynamic of coastal fish populations inhabiting Norwegian coastal waters. In addition, traps are highly recommended as a management tool for fish research (e.g. fish-tagging experiments, mark and recapture) and conservation purposes (coastal use and fisheries studies).
Implantación de los nuevos Grados, como sustitución de las Licenciaturas en los estudios universitarios, lleva consigo un proceso de Reacreditación, consistente en la revisión de una serie de parámetros de calidad, a realizar una vez terminada su implantación. Este proceso se ha desarrollado en tres ámbitos principales: la Gestión del Título, los Recursos de los que se dispone y, por último, los Resultados, y tiene como fin principal evaluar si los resultados obtenidos son adecuados para garantizar la continuidad de la impartición del Grado. El equipo de trabajo que ha llevado a cabo la revisión y ha puesto en marcha los procesos de mejora en el Grado de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante ha sido la Comisión de Título. La revisión que dicha Comisión ha realizado se ha centrado en evaluar la adquisición de competencias por parte de los estudiantes, en los recursos humanos y materiales que soportan el desarrollo del título, y en el análisis de la evolución de los resultados del mismo. Toda la información generada en este grupo de trabajo, ha sido volcada a la aplicación “AstUA” con la que se gestionan los programas de calidad de toda la Universidad de Alicante.
Se presentan los resultados más significativos del proyecto de innovación docente enmarcado dentro de las redes de innovación docente de la Universidad de Alicante. En este trabajo se han examinado una serie de técnicas para la adquisición de microfotografías de utilidad en Geociencias. En particular, los materiales estudiados incluyen microfósiles marinos (foraminíferos) y sedimentos arenosos. Las técnicas analizadas abarcan los siguientes dispositivos: a) microscopio electrónico de barrido; b) microscopio trilocular con iluminación led de luz fría – cámara réflex; y c) estereomicroscopio (lupa binocular) – cámara IDS. El análisis de las distintas fotografías obtenidas ha permitido establecer las mejores condiciones e instrumental para aplicar estas técnicas como recurso de investigación aplicado a la didáctica de las geociencias.
Fruto del convenio marco de colaboración entre las Universidades de Vigo y Alicante y enmarcado dentro de las prácticas docentes interuniversitarias de la Facultad de Ciencias, se ha desarrollado una actividad de prácticas de campo para los alumnos del segundo curso del grado en Ciencias del Mar de la Universidad de Alicante. A través de esta actividad se propone la participación de los estudiantes en otro contexto universitario (Universidad de Vigo), interactuando con profesorado y estudiantes de otra universidad. Los objetivos incluyen actividades de adquisición de conocimientos complementarios (comparación entre ambientes atlánticos y mediterráneos, biodiversidad litoral costera y marina, geomorfología y sedimentología costera marina) y aptitudes para la capacitación de técnicas de muestreo en medios litorales y en dragados mediante embarcación.
Habitat-related heterogeneity of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus heterospecific foraging assemblages was examined off the coast of Spain. Video-based focal-follows conducted on 122 M. surmuletus assemblages (446 total individuals) revealed an array of attendant species (n = 7) with composition linked to benthic habitat complexity; bare sandy substrata were characterized by homospecific groups of M. surmuletus, while habitats with rock and vegetation attracted a variety of scrounging labrids and sparids. Although the nature of the relationship between M. surmuletus and attendants requires further exploration, the present study indicates that substratum composition can be a driving factor explaining the dynamics of this heterospecific assemblage.
The distribution and composition of Amphipoda assemblages were analysed off the coasts of Alicante (Spain, Western Mediterranean), a disturbed area affected by several co-occurring anthropogenic impacts. Although differences among sampled stations were mainly related to natural parameters, anthropogenic activities were linked with changes in amphipod assemblages. Expansion of the Port of Alicante, a sewage outfall and a high salinity brine discharge could be causing the disappearance of amphipods at stations closer to these disturbances. However, the completion of port enlargement works and mitigatory dilution of the brine discharge has led to the recovery of the amphipod assemblage. Among the natural parameters, depth determines the distribution of some of the species. While Siphonoecetes sabatieri was abundant at shallow stations, Ampelisca spp., Photis longipes, Pseudolirius kroyeri, Apherusa chiereghinii and Phtisica marina were more abundant at deeper stations. Grain size and percentage of organic matter also influenced amphipod distribution, resulting in changes in species composition and in the relative percentages of different trophic groups. Species such as Ampelisca brevicornis, Perioculodes longimanus, Urothoe hesperiae and Urothoe elegans were more abundant at stations with a high content of fine sand. Carnivorous species, mainly of the Oedicerotidae family, were more abundant at those stations with a low organic matter content, while detritivorous species were more abundant at stations with a higher mud content. Among 62 identified species, three were reported for the first time from the Spanish Mediterranean coast, two species were recorded for the second time and a new species of Siphonoecetes was found, Siphonoecetes (Centraloecetes) bulborostrum. These results confirm the need for further data on amphipods from the Mediterranean Spanish coast.
Development of desalination projects requires simple methodologies and tools for cost-effective and environmentally-sensitive management. Sentinel taxa and biotic indices are easily interpreted in the perspective of environment management. Echinoderms are potential sentinel taxon to gauge the impact produced by brine discharge and the BOPA index is considered an effective tool for monitoring different types of impact. Salinity increase due to desalination brine discharge was evaluated in terms of these two indicators. They reflected the environmental impact and recovery after implementation of a mitigation measure. Echinoderms disappeared at the station closest to the discharge during the years with highest salinity and then recovered their abundance after installation of a diffuser reduced the salinity increase. In the same period, BOPA responded due to the decrease in sensitive amphipods and the increase in tolerant polychaete families when salinities rose. Although salinity changes explained most of the observed variability in both indicators, other abiotic parameters were also significant in explaining this variability.
Macroalgas epífitas de Zostera marina L. en Bahía Concepción, B. C. S. México.
Ictiofauna de dos praderas de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile con distinto grado de conservación.