209 resultados para Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación


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Les realitats de les escoles infantils són molt diverses, ja que no solament integren xiquets amb diferents capacitats per a aprendre, interessos i motivacions, sinó també xiquets amb diferents contextos socials i culturals de procedència. Aquest fet, conjuntament amb la diversitat de centres i professionals que els integren, fa que l’escola siga un laboratori per a l’aprenentatge professional i que el dia a dia proporcione moltes d’experiències enriquidores i plenes de coneixement. En aquesta pràctica apareixen alguns dubtes i necessitats reals manifestades per mestres i educadors d’escoles infantils. La seua senzillesa i claredat és un indicador que en educació infantil el que importa és el concret, el proper i els petits detalls de les coses sense deixar de ser per això menys rellevants.


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L’espai europeu d’educació superior (EEES) promou la participació de l’alumnat en la construcció dels seus coneixements sobre les diferents assignatures que formen les titulacions de grau. Amb aquesta pràctica, es vol fomentar el desenvolupament de les competències que el grau de Mestre d’Educació Infantil, pretén aconseguir en l’alumnat. En l’assignatura de Psicologia Evolutiva de 0 a 3 anys serà fonamental que els estudiants puguen regular el seu propi procés d’aprenentatge i a la mateixa vegada, que participen en dinàmiques de treball en equip, per a desenvolupar projectes de treball comuns. És per aquest motiu que s’haurà de fomentar en l’alumnat la capacitat de cercar, usar i integrar la informació de diferents fonts bibliogràfiques, per a l’estudi dels blocs de continguts de l’assignatura.


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L’espai europeu d’educació superior (EEES) promou la participació de l’alumnat en la construcció dels seus coneixements sobre les diferents assignatures que formen les titulacions de grau. Amb aquesta pràctica es vol fomentar el desenvolupament de les competències que el grau de Mestre d’Educació Infantil pretén aconseguir en l’alumnat. En l’assignatura de Psicologia Evolutiva de 0 a 3 anys serà fonamental que els estudiants puguen regular el seu propi procés d’aprenentatge i a la mateixa vegada, que participen en dinàmiques de treball en equip, per a desenvolupar projectes de treball comuns. És per aquest motiu que s’haurà de fomentar en l’alumnat la capacitat de cercar, usar i integrar la informació de diferents fonts bibliogràfiques, per a l’estudi dels blocs de continguts de l’assignatura.


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El material audiovisual de suport de la pràctica ens permet conèixer de prop l’Escola Infantil Municipal Rosa Fernández d’Elx: equip pedagògic, famílies, projectes, estil educatiu, ideari i organització, així com un dels projectes més importants i innovadors que en ella es desenvolupen: el projecte de “l’Hort Ecològic”. A més, en el documental podrem conèixer diferents percepcions de l’escola i del projecte aportades per un professor d’un cicle formatiu de grau superior, tres alumnes en pràctiques i algunes famílies que porten als seus fills a l’escola. Aquesta experiència pedagògica ens permetrà analitzar i reflexionar sobre l’impacte de contextos estimulants i les propostes educatives de qualitat en el desenvolupament global del infant.


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El documental “Vida Sana” mostra diverses activitats a l’Escola Infantil Rosa Fernández (Elx) relacionades amb l’educació per a la salut i l’alimentació infantil. En aquest documental ens trobarem fonamentalment amb una eixida a un mercat i una visita al Centre d’Educació Infantil Miguel Hernández (Elx) per a vore el seu hort escolar. Al mateix temps, en el documental apareixen altres propostes didàctiques, comentaris d’educadores, cuineres i aportacions de les directores dels dos centres mostrant el seu estil educatiu. El projecte “Eixida al mercat” està realitzat amb infants de 2 a 3 anys. Aquest projecte porta implícit no solament el coneixement de les normes i rols socials relacionats amb la compra i venda sinó l’aprenentatge de bons hàbits de salut i alimentació i el treball dels valors relacionats amb la cura i millora del medi ambient.


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El document presenta una relació de casos pràctics que mostren distintes realitats de xiquets i xiquetes de 0 a 3 anys per a la seua resolució i debat.


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This study analyzes the relationships between social anxiety and dimensions of self-concept in a sample of 2022 (50.1% males) Spanish adolescents, ranging in age from 12 to 16 year-olds. The social anxiety was assessed by the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI), and self-concept was measured with the Self-Description Questionnaire II (SDQ-II). Logistic regression analyses show that adolescents with social anxiety are more likely to negatively perceive their relationship with opposite sex peers and have lower scores in self-esteem than students without social anxiety. Furthermore, in most logistic models, students with social anxiety also show a higher probability of perceiving their relation with peers of the same sex in a negative way, considering worse student, less attractive and athletic, and more emotional instable than students without social anxiety. The relevance of sex and grade in the relationship between social anxiety and self-concept in adolescence is discussed.


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Introduction. The purpose of this study is to describe and characterize the international sci-entific output relating to “attitudes towards disability in education”, using a battery of bibliometric indicators that make it possible to analyze and monitor international scientific activity. Method. This ex post facto retrospective study analyzed 925 papers published in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database during the period 2000-2011. Results. The number of publications increased steadily between 2006 and 2010. The results reported here include the most productive authors, the journals that deal with this topic, and the articles cited most often. An analysis of research types showed a tendency toward empiri-cal studies. A total of 18 categories were identified when considering article content, and the distribution of the research studies across stages of education was found to be uneven. Discussion and Conclusion. The results reveal a topic that is highly current in today’s scien-tific community, and offer us a view of the traits that have characterized research on "attitudes towards disability in education" for the last eleven years.


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El principal objetivo de las universidades es educar en términos de adquisición de capacidades, habilidades, competencias y valores, con el fin último de promover el empleo. Numerosos autores han llegado a la conclusión de que la inteligencia emocional forma parte de las competencias que requieren las personas para desarrollar con éxito su labor profesional. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación de perfiles de competencias socioemocionales, mediante un análisis multivariado de la varianza, para el cual se dispuso de la opinión de una muestra de 148 maestros en ejercicio y de la medida en dichas competencias de 139 estudiantes de magisterio. Los resultados indicaron que existen diferencias en los perfiles de ambos grupos; siendo esta diferencia significativa para 11 de las 13 variables socioemocionales analizadas. Los estudiantes tienen menos desarrolladas las competencias socioemocionales que requieren según los profesionales. Parece, por tanto, necesario que desde los currícula universitarios se promueva el desarrollo de estas competencias para un desarrollo profesional eficaz.


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Las mujeres que viven una situación de violencia en sus relaciones de pareja pueden verse forzadas por sus parejas masculinas a mantener relaciones sexuales que no desean. El objetivo principal de nuestro trabajo es conocer si existe o ha existido maltrato sexual sobre las mujeres que viven o han vivido una situación de violencia en sus relaciones de pareja. Para lograr este objetivo, hemos elegido un diseño de «estudio de caso», a través del cual analizamos las historias de 14 mujeres que acuden a un servicio de atención psicológica especializado en violencia de género, que refieren vivir o haber vivido maltrato por sus parejas y reciben tratamiento psicológico. Los resultados de nuestro trabajo encuentran que el perfil psicopatológico de las mujeres objeto de nuestro estudio coincide con el encontrado en la bibliografía científica, Sin embargo, hemos encontrado que el porcentaje de mujeres que son forzadas a mantener relaciones sexuales es superior al que indican otras investigaciones.


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As a result of studies examining factors involved in the learning process, various structural models have been developed to explain the direct and indirect effects that occur between the variables in these models. The objective was to evaluate a structural model of cognitive and motivational variables predicting academic achievement, including general intelligence, academic self-concept, goal orientations, effort and learning strategies. The sample comprised of 341 Spanish students in the first year of compulsory secondary education. Different tests and questionnaires were used to evaluate each variable, and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was applied to contrast the relationships of the initial model. The model proposed had a satisfactory fit, and all the hypothesised relationships were significant. General intelligence was the variable most able to explain academic achievement. Also important was the direct influence of academic self-concept on achievement, goal orientations and effort, as well as the mediating ability of effort and learning strategies between academic goals and final achievement.


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Background: The School Anxiety Inventory (SAI) can be applied in different fields of psychology. However, due to the inventory’s administration time, it may not be useful in certain situations. To address this concern, the present study developed a short version of the SAI (the SAI-SV). Method: This study examined the reliability and validity evidence drawn from the scores of the School Anxiety Inventory-Short Version (SAI-SV) using a sample of 2,367 (47.91% boys) Spanish secondary school students, ranging from 12 to 18 years of age. To analyze the dimensional structure of the SAI-SV, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were calculated for SAISV scores. Results: A correlated three-factor structure related to school situations (Anxiety about Aggression, Anxiety about Social Evaluation, and Anxiety about Academic Failure) and a three-factor structure related to the response systems of anxiety (Physiological Anxiety, Cognitive Anxiety, and Behavioral Anxiety) were identified and supported. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were determined to be appropriate. Conclusions: The reliability and validity evidence based on the internal structure of SAI-SV scores was satisfactory.


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Although the study of factors affecting career success has shown connections between biographical and other aspects related to ability, knowledge and personality, few studies have examined the relationship be-tween emotional intelligence and professional success at the initial career stage. When these studies were carried out, the results showed significant relationships between the dimensions of emotional intelligence (emotional self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness or social skills) and the level of professional competence. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between perceived emotional intelligence, measured by the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) questionnaire, general intelligence assessed by the Cattell factor "g" test, scale 3, and extrinsic indicators of career success, in a sample of 130 graduates at the beginning of their careers. Results from hierarchical regression analysis indicate that emotional intelligence makes a specific contribution to the prediction of salary, after controlling the general intelligence effect. The perceived emotional intelligence dimensions of TMMS repair, TMMS attention and sex show a higher correlation and make a greater contribution to professional success than general intelligence. The implications of these results for the development of socio-emotional skills among University graduates are discussed.


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In this paper, we examine the effects of general mental ability (GMA) and the personality traits defined in the big five model on extrinsic and intrinsic indicators of career success, in a sample of 130 graduates who were in the early stages of their careers. Results from hierarchical regression analyses indicated that GMA does not predict any of the success indicators. In contrast, the combination of GMA and three of the Big Five Personality traits, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness, is significantly associated with greater early career success and has incremental predictive validity.


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Background: The assessment of attitudes toward school with the objective of identifying adolescents who may be at risk of underachievement has become an important area of research in educational psychology, although few specific tools for their evaluation have been designed to date. One of the instruments available is the School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised (SAAS-R). Method: The objective of the current research is to test the construct validity and to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the SAAS-R. Data were collected from 1,398 students attending different high schools. Students completed the SAAS-R along with measures of the g factor, and academic achievement was obtained from school records. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance and analysis of variance tests supported the validity evidence. Conclusions: The results indicate that the Spanish version of the SAAS-R is a useful measure that contributes to identification of underachieving students. Lastly, the results obtained and their implications for education are discussed.