225 resultados para 519 Probalidades y matemática aplicada
The development of transversal competencies provides an integral education. However, its practical implementation among different subjects is not a trivial task. There are several issues that should be previously solved in an optimal way to take advantage of the synergy among subjects. Main issues are: i) the need for a common space for the documents management, ii) the availability of the document everywhere and anytime, and iii) the possibility to collaborate in the documents edition tasks. It was implemented a virtual portfolio for the students which allows the assessment of all the subjects in a global way. To this goal we used the Google apps due to its free access, availability and suitability for the collaborative editing tasks.
Ejercicio resuelto. Contraste para los parámetros de una población Normal, varianza de la población desconocida.
Ejercicio resuelto paso a paso sobre el contraste para los parámetros (media) de dos poblaciones Normales dependientes.
Ejercicio resuelto paso a paso sobre el contraste para los parámetros (media) de dos poblaciones Normales independientes, con varianzas desconocidas y diferentes.
Ejercicio resuelto paso a paso sobre el contraste para los parámetros (media) de dos poblaciones Normales independientes y varianzas iguales.
Ejercicio resuelto paso a paso sobre el contraste de bondad de ajuste a una distribución normal mediante el método de Kolmogorov-Smirnov.
Análisis de series temporales. Introducción. Características generales de las series temporales. Descomposición. Predicción. Modelos ARIMA y derivados.
Ejercicio resuelto paso a paso sobre el contraste de bondad de ajuste en variables disctretas (en a una distribución de Poisson) a partir de Chi-cuadrado.
Comunicación presentada en la Jornada Multidisciplinar sobre las Bases Ecológicas y Culturales del Oasis de Figuig (Marruecos), Oujda, Marruecos, 24 de febrero de 2012
The “El Hondo Nature Park” is mainly composed of a series of irrigation channels and water reservoirs, subjected to various regimes of management as well as reed and vegetation control, thus creating a great variety of habitats and situations. To determine the influence of these habitats and management regimes on the local bird community, a set of characteristics of these channels and their surrounding area were analysed with a Correspondence Analysis (CA). The degree of reed development in channels and the presence in the surroundings of orchards and other reed formations were the most decisive factors to explain the probability of occurrence of reed birds and waterbirds, as well as bird species richness and abundance. Other bird species were not directly influenced by channel variables, but only by those of surrounding land uses.