29 resultados para Lillo, Spain. San Miguel (Church)
San Roque church (Campeche, Mexico) was built at the end of the 17th century with a micritic limestone and lime mortar in baroque style. In 2005 the church exhibited heavy biodeterioration associated with the development of extensive dark green phototrophic-based biofilms. Several cyanobacteria belonging to the order Chroococcales and lichenized fungi (Toninia nordlandica, Lobaria quercizans, Lecanora subcarnea, Cystocoleus ebeneus) were predominant in the dark biofilm samples, as revealed by DNA-based molecular techniques. In 2009, a cleaning and restoration intervention was adopted; however, after few months, microbial recolonization started to be noticeable on the painted church walls, representing an early phototrophic-based recolonization. According to molecular analysis, scanning electron microscopy observations and digital image analysis of cross sections, new phototrophic-based colonization, composed of cyanobacteria and bryophytes, developed mainly beneath the restored mortars. The intrinsic properties of the mortars, the tropical climate of Campeche and the absence of a biocide treatment in the restoration protocol influenced the recolonization of the church façades and enhanced the overall rate of deterioration in a short-term period.
In the composite section of San Miguel de Salinas the following synthems are represented: MI (preevaporitic Messinan), MII (syn-evaporitic Messinian) and P (post-evaporitic Pliocene). The foraminiferal assemblages of these synthems have been studied in order to reveal the palaeoenvironmental changes related to the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis. The change between MI and MII synthems is characterized by the reduction of the foraminiferal biodiversity. Synthem MII records palaeoenvironmental stress related to the evaporitic deposition during the Salinity Crisis. Synthem P marks an abrupt increase of the foraminiferal biodiversity in coincidence with the Pliocene reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea.
Este estudio se fija en los ciudadanos noreuropeos asentados en la provincia mediterránea de Alicante que tienen un estatus más cercano al de un inmigrante que al de un turista. La importancia que ha cobrado esta corriente inmigratoria ha provocado cambios profundos en muchos municipios. El objetivo es estudiar el papel polÃtico de estos ciudadanos en aquellas regiones en las que su presencia es más significativa. El análisis se basa en datos demográficos y de participación en las elecciones municipales de 2011 y en un trabajo cualitativo que ahonda en la comprensión de los procesos informales de participación polÃtica. El hecho de que la influencia de los residentes noreuropeos en las instituciones polÃticas locales no haya crecido al mismo ritmo que su peso demográfico se debe tanto al desinterés de los extranjeros por participar en la vida pública como al interés de las élites polÃticas por desincentivar dicha participación.
El objeto de la presente comunicación es mostrar los trabajos del levantamiento de la Iglesia de San Pedro y San Pablo en la Isla de Nueva Tabarca, iniciados en 1998 y todavÃa no concluidos. Sin duda, una labor de relevante importancia debido al estado aparente de avanzado deterioro del inmueble. Para redactar el proyecto de restauración fue necesario un levantamiento preciso y minucioso ya que prácticamente no se disponÃa de ninguna documentación gráfica, los documentos gráficos localizados sólo ofrecÃan pistas, pero no daban una base documental suficiente como para acometer los trabajos de restauración. En la presente comunicación se describen: el proceso de toma de datos, levantamiento de la iglesia y la casa parroquial; los descubrimientos aportados por el levantamiento gráfico; asà como las aportaciones realizadas al proyecto y a la construcción gracias al mismo.
El proceso de unificación europea ha facilitado la aparición de nuevos flujos migratorios entre los distintos Estados. Uno muy significativo lo forman los noreuropeos (británicos y alemanes, principalmente) que se trasladan a los paÃses mediterráneos. En este artÃculo se analizan los problemas que enfrentan los inmigrantes residenciales noreuropeos en el sur de España a la hora de establecer vÃnculos con la sociedad española. Con este fin, se lleva a cabo un estudio en el municipio de San Miguel de Salinas, ubicado en el sudeste del paÃs. La perspectiva metodológica articula la investigación cuantitativa con la cualitativa. Los hallazgos obtenidos muestran cómo la barrera idiomática esconde en realidad un entramado de relaciones entre aspectos socioespaciales, polÃticos y económicos. Se configura asà un sistema que dificulta el establecimiento de interacciones entre los residentes españoles y los noreuropeos, generando además procesos de fragmentación social.
El fondo bibliográfico relativo a los siglos XV y XVI que alberga la Biblioteca del Seminario de San Miguel de Orihuela se erige en el objeto de estudio de La Cultura de las Letras. Estudio de una biblioteca eclesiástica en la Edad Moderna. A partir de la catalogación, desbroce y análisis de este fondo, la autora trata de entender en qué medida las obras representaban las inquietudes y objetivos ideológicos, culturales y educacionales de la Biblioteca de San Miguel como ejemplo de "librerÃa institucional" en la Edad Moderna. Pero, junto a ello, las referencias y comentarios sobre los mismos textos, sus ediciones y autores, las corrientes de las que participan o su interés pedagógico o estético se vinculan a su contexto histórico, a la historia de la institución en sà misma, para componer un cuadro preciso y significativo sobre las bibliotecas institucionales.
En esta comunicación se presentan los estudios previos y las intervenciones realizadas en la iglesia de San Sebastián de Orihuela, Alicante (España) con el fin de subsanar los problemas estructurales que presentaba, con múltiples grietas en arcos y bóvedas y eliminar la humedad presente en sus fábricas, además de las sales aportadas por el agua. En el estudio histórico y arquitectónico se ha comprobado que la iglesia se construyó sobre una ermita gótica y se finalizó en 1743 pero ha sufrido numerosas intervenciones. Es una iglesia de nave única con capillas laterales cubierta mediante bóvedas. Su fachada y las pilastras interiores son de piedra vista. Para el diagnóstico se han empleado diversas técnicas (ultrasonidos, higrómetro…) que han permitido deducir las causas de las lesiones. Las intervenciones se han dirigido a reforzar la estructura mediante cosidos e inyecciones, asà como a ventilar la base mediante un forjado sanitario. También se ha saneado la piedra vista, tanto en interior como en fachada y se han sacado a la luz los arcos de piedra ocultos bajo un estucado. También se han restaurado los restos arqueológicos de época gótica.
Background. Health care professionals, especially those working in primary health-care services, can play a key role in preventing and responding to intimate partner violence. However, there are huge variations in the way health care professionals and primary health care teams respond to intimate partner violence. In this study we tested a previously developed programme theory on 15 primary health care center teams located in four different Spanish regions: Murcia, C Valenciana, Castilla-León and Cantabria. The aim was to identify the key combinations of contextual factors and mechanisms that trigger a good primary health care center team response to intimate partner violence. Methods. A multiple case-study design was used. Qualitative and quantitative information was collected from each of the 15 centers (cases). In order to handle the large amount of information without losing familiarity with each case, qualitative comparative analysis was undertaken. Conditions (context and mechanisms) and outcomes, were identified and assessed for each of the 15 cases, and solution formulae were calculated using qualitative comparative analysis software. Results. The emerging programme theory highlighted the importance of the combination of each team’s self-efficacy, perceived preparation and women-centredness in generating a good team response to intimate partner violence. The use of the protocol and accumulated experience in primary health care were the most relevant contextual/intervention conditions to trigger a good response. However in order to achieve this, they must be combined with other conditions, such as an enabling team climate, having a champion social worker and having staff with training in intimate partner violence. Conclusions. Interventions to improve primary health care teams’ response to intimate partner violence should focus on strengthening team’s self-efficacy, perceived preparation and the implementation of a woman-centred approach. The use of the protocol combined with a large working experience in primary health care, and other factors such as training, a good team climate, and having a champion social worker on the team, also played a key role. Measures to sustain such interventions and promote these contextual factors should be encouraged.
Background: Spain’s financial crisis has been characterized by an increase in unemployment. This increase could have produced an increase in deaths of women due to intimate partner-related femicides (IPF). This study aims to determine whether the increase in unemployment among both sexes in different regions in Spain is related to an increase in the rates of IPF during the current financial crisis period. Methods: An ecological longitudinal study was carried out in Spain’s 17 regions. Two study periods were defined: pre-crisis period (2005–2007) and crisis period (2008–2013). IPF rates adjusted by age and unemployment rates for men and women were calculated. We fitted multilevel linear regression models in which observations at level 1 were nested within regions according to a repeated measurements design. Results: Rates of unemployment have progressively increased in Spain, rising above 20 % from 2008 to 2013 in some regions. IPF rates decreased in some regions during crisis period with respect to pre-crisis period. The multilevel analysis does not support the existence of a significant relationship between the increase in unemployment in men and women and the decrease in IPF since 2008. Discussion: The increase in unemployment in men and women in Spain does not appear to have an effect on IPF. The results of the multilevel analysis discard the hypothesis that the increase in the rates of unemployment in women and men are related to an increase in IPF rates. Conclusions: The decline in IPF since 2008 might be interpreted as the result of exposure to other factors such as the lower frequency of divorces in recent years or the medium term effects of the integral protection measures of the law on gender violence that began in 2005.
Objective: Few evaluations have assessed the factors triggering an adequate health care response to intimate partner violence. This article aimed to: 1) describe a realist evaluation carried out in Spain to ascertain why, how and under what circumstances primary health care teams respond to intimate partner violence, and 2) discuss the strengths and challenges of its application. Methods: We carried out a series of case studies in four steps. First, we developed an initial programme theory (PT1), based on interviews with managers. Second, we refined PT1 into PT2 by testing it in a primary healthcare team that was actively responding to violence. Third, we tested the refined PT2 by incorporating three other cases located in the same region. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and thick descriptions were produced and analysed using a retroduction approach. Fourth, we analysed a total of 15 cases, and identified combinations of contextual factors and mechanisms that triggered an adequate response to violence by using qualitative comparative analysis. Results: There were several key mechanisms —the teams’ self-efficacy, perceived preparation, women-centred care—, and contextual factors —an enabling team environment and managerial style, the presence of motivated professionals, the use of the protocol and accumulated experience in primary health care—that should be considered to develop adequate primary health-care responses to violence. Conclusion: The full application of this realist evaluation was demanding, but also well suited to explore a complex intervention reflecting the situation in natural settings.
From the late seventeenth to early nineteenth centuries, many religious temples have been built in the province of Alicante (south east of Spain) with brick domes as their main characteristic feature. Often, the limited data available about these remarkable constructions make rehabilitation interventions become into real research projects, with a high value for their historic conservation over time. The aim of this paper is to show a detailed refurbishment analysis of a religious temple built in 1778, showing the need of preservation of historic buildings as a part of the architectural heritage by establishing a common pattern of materials, geometry and constructive systems, specifically in their domes. In most cases, there was not an architectural project for the construction, that is why the analysis of any documentary and archival sources available is essential to find different ways to proceed on the use and maintenance of these religious buildings.
San Antonio, actual pedanÃa de 2.100 hb situada a 5 km de la ciudad de Requena, es un ejemplo de transformación del paisaje por efecto de la colonización humana. En 1752 poblaban esta partida dos docenas de familias de labradores, jornaleros y pastores repartidos en una veintena de casas dispersas por la campiña. La propiedad de la tierra estaba en manos de una docena de terratenientes forasteros y del concejo municipal de Requena. La superficie cultivada ascendÃa a uno 600 almudes de regadÃo y 1.000 de secano. Cien años más tarde habÃa 730 en riego y 3.700 en secano. Este incremento estuvo acompañado de una expansión del viñedo y los cereales, a costa de pastizales y baldÃos, y de una distribución y traspaso parcial de la propiedad de la tierra a manos de los colonos que se multiplicaron por diez en poco más de un siglo. Las causas que propiciaron aquella transformación fueron básicamente dos: la desamortización y venta de bienes concejiles y eclesiásticos, y la proliferación de contratos de plantación de viña a medias, mediante los cuales decenas de jornaleros lograron hacerse con una pequeña propiedad vitÃcola.
Primera descripción de espeleotemas de sulfatos (yeso, celestina) en la Cueva de Canelobre.