66 resultados para supplier evaluation criteria
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The purpose of this paper is to examine consumers' experience of a performing arts service to identify the predictors of audience behaviour especially as related to positive repurchase intention. Experiential service settings such as the performing arts have been cited in recent research as service contexts that may challenge current theory that repurchase intention is driven by service quality and customer satisfaction. It is posited that consumer emotions and the hedonic nature of the consumption experience may complicate the evaluation process to repurchase intention in a setting such as the performing arts. Qualitative semi-structured indepth interviews were undertaken of twenty-six performing arts consumers using a pool of questions and prompts developed from a review of the extant literature. Transcribed field notes were examined for key words and phrases and data was divided into the main emergent themes related to each of the questions and also coded for confirmation and is-confirmation of the extant literature constructs and relationships. The dimensions of service experience,price, service quality, target goal-directed emotions and non-target appraisal emotions were identified as driving repurchase intention in a performing arts setting. Customer satisfaction in this setting appears to result from emotional factors rather than expectancy dis-confirmation. This research supports the notion that an experiential consumption experience such as the performing arts will challenge the current theory of the drivers of repurchase intention and suggests that a more thorough large scale examination of these dimensions in this service setting is warranted.
Several schemes have been developed to help select the locations of marine reserves. All of them combine social, economic, and biological criteria, and few offer any guidance as to how to prioritize among the criteria identified. This can imply that the relative weights given to different criteria are unimportant. Where two sites are of equal value ecologically; then socioeconomic criteria should dominate the choice of which should be protected. However, in many cases, socioeconomic criteria are given equal or greater weight than ecological considerations in the choice of sites. This can lead to selection of reserves with little biological value that fail to meet many of the desired objectives. To avoid such a possibility, we develop a series of criteria that allow preliminary evaluation of candidate sites according to their relative biological values in advance of the application of socioeconomic criteria. We include criteria that,. while not strictly biological, have a strong influence on the species present or ecological processes. Out scheme enables sites to be assessed according to their biodiversity, the processes which underpin that diversity, and the processes that support fisheries and provide a spectrum of other services important to people. Criteria that capture biodiversity values include biogeographic representation, habitat representation and heterogeneity, and presence of species or populations of special interest (e.g., threatened species). Criteria that capture sustainability of biodiversity and fishery values include the size of reserves necessary to protect viable habitats, presence of exploitable species, vulnerable life stages, connectivity among reserves, links among ecosystems, and provision of ecosystem services to people. Criteria measuring human and natural threats enable candidate sites to be eliminated from consideration if risks are too great, but also help prioritize among sites where threats can be mitigated by protection. While our criteria can be applied to the design of reserve networks, they also enable choice of single reserves to be made in the context of the attributes of existing protected areas. The overall goal of our scheme is to promote the development of reserve networks that will maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning at large scales. The values of eco-system goods and services for people ultimately depend on meeting this objective.
The Leximancer system is a relatively new method for transforming lexical co-occurrence information from natural language into semantic patterns in an unsupervised manner. It employs two stages of co-occurrence information extraction-semantic and relational-using a different algorithm for each stage. The algorithms used are statistical, but they employ nonlinear dynamics and machine learning. This article is an attempt to validate the output of Leximancer, using a set of evaluation criteria taken from content analysis that are appropriate for knowledge discovery tasks.
Flexible transport services (FTS) have been of increasing interest in developed countries as a bridge between the use of personal car travel and fixed route transit services. This paper reports on findings from a recent study in Queensland Australia, which identified lessons from an international review and implications for Australia. Potential strategic directions, including a vision, mission, key result areas, strategies, and identified means of measuring performance are described. Evaluation criteria for assessing flexible transport proposals were developed, and approaches to identifying and assessing needs and demands outlined. The use of emerging technologies is also a key element of successful flexible transport services.
Objective: A secondary analysis of a previously conducted one year randomised controlled trial to evaluate the capacity of responder criteria based on the WOMAC index to detect between treatment group differences. Methods: 255 patients with knee osteoarthritis were randomised to appropriate care with hylan G-F 20'' (AC+H) or appropriate care without hylan G-F 20'' (AC). In the original analysis, two definitions of patient response from baseline to month 12 were used: ( 1) at least a 20% reduction in WOMAC pain score ( WOMAC 20P); ( 2) at least a 20% reduction in WOMAC pain score and at least a 20% reduction in either WOMAC function or stiffness score ( WOMAC 20PFS). For this analysis, a responder was identified using 50% and 70% minimum clinically important response levels to investigate how increasing response affects the ability to detect treatment group differences. Results: The hylan G- F 20 group had numerically more responders using all patient responder criteria. Increasing the response level from 20% to 50% detected similar differences between treatment groups (25% to 29%). Increasing the response level to 70% reduced the differences between treatment groups (11% to 12%) to a point where the differences were not significant after Bonferroni adjustment. Conclusions: These results provide evidence for incorporating response levels ( WOMAC 50) in clinical trials. While differences at the highest threshold ( WOMAC 70) were not statistically detectable, an appropriately powered study may be capable of detecting differences even at this very high level of improvement.
Mycophenolic acid is an immunosuppressant administered as a bioavailable ester, mycophenolate mofetil. The pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid have been reported to be variable. Accurate measurement of concentrations of this drug could be important to adjust doses. The aim of this study was to compare the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT [Dade Behring; San Jose, CA, U.S.A.]) for mycophenolic acid with a high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay using samples collected from renal transplant recipients. The HPLC assay used solid phase extraction and a C18 stationary phase with ultraviolet (UV) detection (254 nm). The immunoassay required no manual sample preparation. Plasma samples (n = 102) from seven patients, collected at various times after a dose, were analyzed using both methods. Both assays fulfilled quality-control criteria. Higher concentrations were consistently measured in patient samples when using EMIT. The mean (+/- standard deviation [SD]) bias (EMIT-HPLC) was 1.88 +/- 0.86 mg/L. The differences in concentrations were higher in the middle of a dosage interval, suggesting that a metabolite might have been responsible for overestimation. Measurement of glucuronide concentrations by HPLC demonstrated only a weak correlation between assay differences and glucuronide concentrations. If the crossreacting substance is active, EMIT could provide a superior measure of immunosuppression; if inactive, further work is needed to improve antibody specificity. In conclusion, it was found that EMIT overestimates the concentration of mycophenolic acid in plasma samples from renal transplant recipients compared with HPLC analysis.
There is a widely held paradigm that mangroves are critical for sustaining production in coastal fisheries through their role as important nursery areas for fisheries species. This paradigm frequently forms the basis for important management decisions on habitat conservation and restoration of mangroves and other coastal wetlands. This paper reviews the current status of the paradigm and synthesises the information on the processes underlying these potential links. In the past, the paradigm has been supported by studies identifying correlations between the areal and linear extent of mangroves and fisheries catch. This paper goes beyond the correlative approach to develop a new framework on which future evaluations can be based. First, the review identifies what type of marine animals are using mangroves and at what life stages. These species can be categorised as estuarine residents, marine-estuarine species and marine stragglers. The marine-estuarine category includes many commercial species that use mangrove habitats as nurseries. The second stage is to determine why these species are using mangroves as nurseries. The three main proposals are that mangroves provide a refuge from predators, high levels of nutrients and shelter from physical disturbances. The recognition of the important attributes of mangrove nurseries then allows an evaluation of how changes in mangroves will affect the associated fauna. Surprisingly few studies have addressed this question. Consequently, it is difficult to predict how changes in any of these mangrove attributes would affect the faunal communities within them and, ultimately, influence the fisheries associated with them. From the information available, it seems likely that reductions in mangrove habitat complexity would reduce the biodiversity and abundance of the associated fauna, and these changes have the potential to cause cascading effects at higher trophic levels with possible consequences for fisheries. Finally, there is a discussion of the data that are currently available on mangrove distribution and fisheries catch, the limitations of these data and how best to use the data to understand mangrove-fisheries links and, ultimately, to optimise habitat and fisheries management. Examples are drawn from two relatively data-rich regions, Moreton Bay (Australia) and Western Peninsular Malaysia, to illustrate the data needs and research requirements for investigating the mangrove-fisheries paradigm. Having reliable and accurate data at appropriate spatial and temporal scales is crucial for mangrove-fisheries investigations. Recommendations are made for improvements to data collection methods that would meet these important criteria. This review provides a framework on which to base future investigations of mangrove-fisheries links, based on an understanding of the underlying processes and the need for rigorous data collection. Without this information, the understanding of the relationship between mangroves and fisheries will remain limited. Future investigations of mangrove-fisheries links must take this into account in order to have a good ecological basis and to provide better information and understanding to both fisheries and conservation managers.
Objective: To assess the appropriateness of ipratropium bromide prescribing in two tertiary referral hospitals. Method: Criteria for optimal use were developed based on current literature and modified after consultation with respiratory physicians and clinical pharmacists. A prospective review of prescribing was performed over a 2-month period to assess conformity to these criteria. Results: Information was collected from 84 patients; 5% were receiving inhalers and 96% nebuliser therapy (one patient used both). 77% of patients (n = 65) had a principal diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 14% (n = 12) asthma and 8% (n = 7) had neither diagnosis. 75% of patients were using ipratropium outside the guidelines. The major areas where the guidelines were not met were a lack of therapeutic justification, use of inappropriate doses, and use of an inappropriate delivery device. Feedback and educational interventions were designed and delivered based on the data obtained. Conclusions: There was widespread use of ipratropium outside the developed guidelines. Interventions in specific areas could lead to significant improvements in the use of this high cost drug
Functional capacity evaluation (FCE) is a widely used tool in work rehabilitation, despite the limited examination of the soundness of its measurement properties. This paper outlines the development of a new approach to FCE, the GAPP FCE, and reports on the findings of an expert review of aspects of its content validity and technical adequacy and how it meets established test criteria. Five expert occupational therapists reviewed the materials of the GAPP FCE then completed a questionnaire related to the content validity, technical adequacy and safety, reliability, validity, practicality and utility of the GAPP FCE. The experts gave support to most aspects of these criteria. The main issue identified by the review was related to interpretation and extrapolation of the FCE results for return to work. This and other issues are discussed in relation to recent developments in FCE and plans for future development of the GAPP FCE.
Improvement in analysis and reporting results of osteoarthritis (OA) clinical trials has been recently obtained because of harmonization and standardization of the selection of outcome variables (OMERACT 3 and OARSI). Moreover, OARSI has recently proposed the OARSI responder criteria. This composite index permits presentation of results of symptom modifying clinical trials in OA based on individual patient responses (responder yes/no). The 2 organizations (OMERACT and OARSI) established. a task force aimed at evaluating: (1) the variability of observed placebo and active treatment effects using the OARSI responder criteria; and (2) the possibility of proposing a simplified set of criteria. The conclusions of the task force were presented and discussed during the OMERACT 6 conference, where a simplified set of responder criteria (OMERACT-OARSI set of criteria) was proposed.
Background: The heavy usage of coxibs in Australia far outstrips the predicted usage that was based on the treatment of patients with risk factors for upper gastro-intestinal adverse events from conventional anti--inflammatory agents. This raises questions regarding the appropriateness of prescribing. Aims: To determine: (i) the relationship between prescriptions for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors and objective evidence of inflammatory arthritis, (ii) prior experience with paracetamol and/or conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and (iii) contraindications to the use of NSAIDs. Methods: Drug utilization evaluation and rheumato-logical assessment was conducted on 70 consecutive patients admitted on COX-2 inhibitors to a 480-bed metropolitan hospital. The main outcome measures were: the indication for COX-2 inhibitor; objective -evidence of inflammatory arthritis; previous trial of -paracetamol or conventional NSAIDs; and patient -satisfaction. Results: Only 11 patients (16%) had symptoms or signs of an inflammatory arthropathy, and met Pharmaceut-ical Benefits Schedule criteria for prescribing a COX-2 inhibitor. Fifty-nine patients (84%) had chronic osteo-arthritis, degenerative spinal disease, injury or malignancy, without overt active inflammation. Fourteen patients (20%) had trialled regular paracetamol prior to using any NSAID treatment. Conventional NSAIDs had been previously used by 51 patients (73%). Eleven patients (16%) reported previous adverse gastrointestinal effects from conventional NSAIDs. On the basis of significant renal impairment (creatinine clearance 5/10). Conclusions: Drug utilization data indicate that COX-2 inhibitors are frequently used first line for degenerative osteoarthritis in the absence of overt inflammation, without prior adequate trial of paracetamol and with disregard for the cautions and contraindications of these agents. These findings may explain the unprecedented Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule expenditure on COX-2 inhibitors in Australia.