22 resultados para subsidiary location
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
This paper concerns a collaborative experiment in architectural design teaching and thinking developed during a workshop held at The University of Queensland in 2000. The programme explored the possibilities and the consequences of relocating location-specific architecture to a different context - a 'Trans-Cultural Trans-Location'. The project involved the careful study by Australia-based students of a house designed for a Japanese family in a dense part of Tokyo by the eminent Japanese architect Tadao Ando, and the subsequent translocation of the ideas that underlay the building to a suburban location in Brisbane, for a theoretical equivalent Australian family. This experimental project examined the universality of architectural concepts, their appreciation and the pedagogical setting. The project raised questions of: - How well do students from one culture comprehend architecture designed specifically for another – which are the areas of misunderstanding and understanding? - How can students transpose architectural ideas from one social and physical context to one that is almost entirely the opposite? - What are the limits of collaboration and exchange in design teaching and how do they reveal similarities, inconsistencies and the unexpected in the aims of the teacher and of the student? These questions suggest that in order to comprehend a design, we must understand the culture within which it originated, and that we must understand the cultures within which we work in order to design. This paper is written in two parts. The first part establishes a framework for discussing the contrast of the cultural settings studied. The second part considers the nature, conduct and results of the Studio Workshop itself.
This article presents the findings from a secondary analysis of the 1991 Queensland Crime Victim Survey. Although now more than 10 years old, this survey still has validity as it remains the largest of its kind conducted in Queensland, and it is a rich source of information about the experiences of victims of violence. The study investigated how the experiences of younger female assault victims differ from older female victims in terms of their relationship with their aggressor and the assault location. The following factors were examined: whether or not the assault occurred (a) at the hands of a partner or former partner, (b) in a private dwelling, (c) in a public place, and (d) in a leisure venue away from home. Results pointed to important differences between younger and older women in terms of their experiences of violence. Teenage women reported significantly more assaults in public places compared with older women, and were less likely to be assaulted in their own dwelling. Also, trends in the data suggested that compared to older women, teenage women were more likely to be assaulted in leisure venues away from home, and were less likely to be assaulted by partners or former partners. Considering that young women are at a much higher risk than older women of being assaulted, consideration of these age differences may be helpful in the design of violence prevention strategies. In particular, more attention should be paid to the public place prevention of violence against young women.
Early endosomal antigen I (EEAI) is known to be a marker of early endosomes and in cultured hippocampal neurons it preferentially localizes to the dendritic but not the axonal compartment. We show in cultured dorsal root ganglia and superior cervical ganglia neurons that EEAI localizes to the cell bodies and the neurites of both sensory and sympathetic neurons. We then show in vivo using a ligated rat sciatic nerve that EEAI significantly accumulates on the proximal side and not on the distal side of the ligation. This suggests that EEAI is transported in the anterograde direction in axons either as part of the homeostatic process or to the nerve ligation site in response to nerve injury. NeuroReport 12:281-284 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Objectives: Advances in surface electromyography (sEMG) techniques provide a clear indication that refinement of electrode location relative to innervation zones (IZ) is required in order to optimise the accuracy, relevance and repeatability of the sEMG signals. The aim of this study was to identify the IZ for the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles to provide guidelines for electrode positioning for future clinical and research applications. Methods: Eleven volunteer subjects participated in this study. Myoelectric signals were detected from the sternal and clavicular heads of the stemocleidomastoid and the anterior scalene muscles bilaterally using a linear array of 8 electrodes during isometric cervical flexion contractions. The signals were reviewed and the IZ(s) were identified, marked on the subjects' skin and measurements were obtained relative to selected anatomical landmarks. Results: The position of the IZ lay consistently around the mid-point or in the superior portion of the muscles studied. Conclusions: Results suggest that electrodes should be positioned over the lower portion of the muscle and not the mid-point, which has been commonly used in previous studies. Recommendations for sensor placement on these muscles should assist investigators and clinicians to ensure improved validity in future sEMG applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Techniques for improving the signal to clutter ratio of an. ultra-wideband SAR designed to detect small mine-like objects in the surface of the ground were investigated. In particular, images were collected using different bistatic antenna configurations in an attempt to decorrelate the clutter with respect to the targets. The images were converted to a reference depression angle, summed, and then converted to ground coordinates. The resulting target strengths were then compared with the amplitude distribution of the ground clutter to show the improvement obtained. While some improvement was demonstrated, this was for the relatively easy scenario of targets on the surface partially obscured by grass. Detection based on thresholding the raw RF signal (the bipolar response) rather than the envelope (baseband I-2 + Q(2)) was also considered to further enhance target-to-clutter ratios.
Despite a century's knowledge that soluble aluminum (Al) is associated with acid soils and poor plant growth, it is still uncertain how Al exerts its deleterious effects. Hypotheses include reactions of Al with components of the cell wall, plasmalemma, or cytoplasm of cells close to the root tip, thereby reducing cell expansion and root growth. Digital microscopy was used to determine the initial injuries of soluble Al to mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) roots. Roots of young seedlings were marked with activated carbon particles and grown in 1 mm CaCl2 solution at pH 6 for ca. 100 min (control period), and AlCl3 solution was added to ensure a final concentration of 50 muM Al (pH 4). Further studies were conducted on the effects of pH 4 with and without 50 muM Al. Four distinct, but possibly related, initial detrimental effects of soluble Al were noted. First, there was a 56-75% reduction in the root elongation rate, first evident 18-52 min after the addition of Al, root elongation continuing at a decreased rate for ca. 20 It. Decreasing solution pH from 6 to 4 increased the root elongation rate 4-fold after 5 min, which decreased to close to the original rate after 130 min. The addition of Al during the period of rapid growth at pH 4 reduced the root elongation rate by 71% 14 min after the addition of Al. The activated carbon marks on the roots showed that, during the control period, the zone of maximum root growth occurred at 2,200-5,100 mum from the root tip (i.e. the cell elongation zone). It was there that Al first exerted its detrimental effect and low pH increased root elongation. Second, soluble Al prevented the progress of cells from the transition to the elongation phase, resulting in a considerable reduction of root growth over the longer term. The third type of soluble Al injury occurred after exposure for ca. 4 h to 50 mum Al when a kink developed at 2,370 mum from the root tip. Fourth, ruptures of the root epidermal and cortical cells at 1,900-2,300 mum from the tip occurred greater than or equal to4.3 h after exposure to soluble Al. The timing and location of Al injuries support the contention that Al initially reduces cell elongation, thus decreasing root growth and causing damage to epidermal and cortical cells.
Purpose. Ecological models highlight the importance of environmental influences. We examined associations of coastal versus noncoastal location and perceived environmental attributes with neighborhood walking, total walking, and total activity. Methods. Telephone interviews with 800 faculty and general staff of an Australian university. Results. Men were significantly more likely to walk in their neighborhood if they lived in a coastal location (odds ratio [OR] = 1.66), and they highly rated environmental aesthetics (OR = 1.91), convenience of facilities (OR = 2.20), and access to facilities (OR = 1.98). For women, neighborhood walking was associated with high ratings of convenience (OR = 3.78) but was significantly less likely if they had high ratings for access (OR = 0.48). For total walking and total physical activity, few significant associations emerged. Conclusions. Environmental attributes were related to walking in the neighborhood but not to more general activity indices. Understanding gender-specific environmental correlates of physical activity should be a priority.
Background: Identifying environmental factors that can influence physical activity is a public health priority. We examined associations of perceived environmental attributes with walking for four different purposes: general neighborhood walking, walking for exercise, walking for pleasure, and walking to get to and from places. Methods: Participants (n =399; 57% women) were surveyed by mail. They reported place of residence, walking behaviors, and perceptions of neighborhood environmental attributes. Results: Men with the most positive perceptions of neighborhood aesthetics were significantly more likely (odds ratio [OR] =7.4) to be in the highest category of neighborhood walking. Men who perceived the weather as not inhibiting their walking were much more likely (OR= 4.7) to be high exercise walkers. Women who perceived the weather as not inhibiting their walking were significantly more likely to be high neighborhood walkers (OR=3.8) and those with moderate perceptions of accessibility were much more likely to do more walking for pleasure (OR=3.5). Conclusions: Different environmental attributes were associated with different types of walking and these differed between men and women. Approaches to increasing physical activity might usefully focus on those attributes of the local environment that might influence particular subsets of walking behavior.
Over the last decade, the international business literature has placed ever-greater emphasis on the role that learning and innovation play in determining multinational and multinational subsidiary performance. The present research seeks to understand the organizational paths leading to such desirable outcomes as greater learning, increased innovation and improved performance. Using a model tested with data collected through a survey of managers in subsidiaries of multinational firms, we find dual, independent paths to improved performance - one through networking and inter-unit learning and the other through subsidiary autonomy and innovation. A particular feature of these findings is that they can be shown to be robust after controlling for a wide range of environmental pressures and firm and industry factors. However, in the absence of environmental controls the dual path finding is rejected. These conflicting findings support the imperative to test models that include a diverse range of environmental pressures so that the true effects of organizational factors on learning, innovation and performance can be identified.
There are at least two reasons for a symmetric, unimodal, diffuse tailed hyperbolic secant distribution to be interesting in real-life applications. It displays one of the common types of non normality in natural data and is closely related to the logistic and Cauchy distributions that often arise in practice. To test the difference in location between two hyperbolic secant distributions, we develop a simple linear rank test with trigonometric scores. We investigate the small-sample and asymptotic properties of the test statistic and provide tables of the exact null distribution for small sample sizes. We compare the test to the Wilcoxon two-sample test and show that, although the asymptotic powers of the tests are comparable, the present test has certain practical advantages over the Wilcoxon test.
Eight milling quality and protein properties of autumn-sown Chinese wheats were investigated using 59 cultivars and advanced lines grown in 14 locations in China from 1995 to 1998. Wide ranges of variability for all traits were observed across genotypes and locations. Genotype, location, year, and their interactions all significantly influenced most of the quality parameters. Kernel hardness, Zeleny sedimentation value, and mixograph development time were predominantly influenced by the effects of genotype. Genotype, location and genotype x location interaction were all important sources of variation for thousand kernel weight, test weight, protein content, and falling number, whereas genotype x location interaction had the largest effect on flour yield. Most of the genotypes were characterized by weak gluten strength with Zeleny sedimentation values less than 40 ml and mixograph development time shorter than 3 min. Eight groups of genotypes were recognized based on the average quality performance, grain hardness and gluten strength were the two parameters that determined the grouping, with contributions from protein content. Genotypes such as Zhongyou 16 and Annong 8903 displayed good milling quality, high grain hardness, protein content and strong gluten strength with high sedimentation value and long mixograph development time. Genotypes such as Lumai 15 and Yumai 18 were characterized by low grain hardness, protein content and weak gluten strength. Genotypes such as Yannong 15 and Chuanmai 24 were characterized by strong gluten strength with high sedimentation value and long mixograph development time, but low grain hardness and protein content lower than 12.3%. Genotypes such as Jingdong 6 and Xi'an 8 had weak gluten strength, but with high grain hardness and protein content higher than 12.2%. Five groups of locations were identified, and protein content and gluten strength were the two parameters that determined the grouping. Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Nanyang, Zhumadian and Nanjing produced wheats with medium to strong gluten strength and medium protein content, although there was still a large variation for most of the traits investigated between the locations. Wheat produced in Yantai was characterized by strong gluten strength, but with low protein content. Jinan, Anyang and Linfen locations produced wheats with medium to weak gluten strength and medium to high protein content. Wheats produced in Yangling, Zhenzhou, and Chengdu were characterized by weak gluten strength with medium to low protein content, whereas wheats produced in Xuzhou and Wuhan were characterized by weak gluten strength with low protein content. Industrial grain quality could be substantially improved through integrating knowledge of geographic genotype distribution with key location variables that affected end-use quality.