18 resultados para solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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In order to investigate the potential of magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) in the elucidation of post-mortem metabolism in muscle biopsies, simultaneous H-1 and (31)p MAS NMR measurements were made continuously on postmortem (20 min to 24 h) muscle longissimus samples from rabbits. The animals had either been or not been given adrenaline (0.5 mg kg(-1) 4 h pre-slaughter) to deplete stores of muscle glycogen. The intracellular pH was calculated from H-1 spectra, and the post-mortem rate of formation of lactate was followed and quantified. Comparison of measurements made on muscle samples from rabbits treated with adrenaline with measurements made on muscle samples from untreated' rabbits revealed significant effects of adrenaline treatment on both pH (pH24 h = 6.42 vs. pH24 It = 5.60) and formation of lactate (16 mmol g(-1) vs. 65 mmol g(-1)). The P-31 NMR spectra were used to follow the rate of degradation of ATP and phosphocreatine. The present study clearly shows that MAS NMR has potential for the study of post-mortem energy metabolism.


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This study introduces the use of combined Na-23 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Na-23 NMR relaxometry for the study of meat curing. The diffusion of sodium ions into the meat was measured using Na-23 MRI on a 1 kg meat sample brined in 10% w/w NaCl for 3-100 h. Calculations revealed a diffusion coefficient of 1 x 10(-5) cm(2)/s after 3 h of curing and subsequently decreasing to 8 x 10(-6) cm(2)/s at longer curing times, suggesting that changes occur in the microscopic structure of the meat during curing. The microscopic mobility and distribution of sodium was measured using Na-23 relaxometry. Two sodium populations were observed, and with increasing length of curing time the relaxation times of these changed, reflecting a salt-induced swelling and increase in myofibrillar pore sizes. Accordingly, the present study demonstrated that pore size and thereby salt-induced swelling in meat can be assessed using Na-23 relaxometry.


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This paper represents an overview of the spectroscopic studies of both synthetic and naturally occurring beidellites performed as part of my research over the past 16 years. It shows that detailed information on the local structure of beidellite and changes in this local structure upon heating can be obtained by combining a range of spectroscopic techniques such as mid-infrared, near-infrared, infrared emission, Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.


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We propose a scheme for quantum information processing based on donor electron spins in semiconductors, with an architecture complementary to the original Kane proposal. We show that a naive implementation of electron spin qubits provides only modest improvement over the Kane scheme, however through the introduction of global gate control we are able to take full advantage of the fast electron evolution timescales. We estimate that the latent clock speed is 100-1000 times that of the nuclear spin quantum computer with the ratio T-2/T-ops approaching the 10(6) level.


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The wide-line H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of paper in equilibrium with ambient humidity consists of super-imposed relatively broad and narrow lines. The narrower line is of the order of 2 kHz wide at half the maximum height, while the broader line is of the order of 40 kHz in width at half height. On the basis of these line widths, the narrow line is assigned to water sorbed to the paper, and the broad line to the polymeric constituents of the paper. It was not possible to distinguish between the various polymeric components of paper contributing to the H-1 NMR spectra. A modified Goldman-Shen pulse sequence was used to generate a spatial magnetisation gradient between the polymer and water phases. The exchange of magnetisation between protons associated with water and those associated with the macromolecules in paper was observed. The exchange of magnetisation is discussed within a heat transfer model for homonuclear dipolar coupling, with exchange being characterised by a spin-diffusion coefficient. Consideration of the magnitude of the initial rate of the exchange process and estimates of the spin-spin relaxation times based on H-1 line widths indicate that some water must exist in a sufficiently immobile state as to allow homonuclear dipolar interactions between adjacent polymer and water protons. Thus, water sorbed onto paper must exist in at least two states in mass exchange with each other. This observation allows certain conclusions to be drawn about the ratio of free/bound water as a function of moisture content and the dispersal of water within the polymer matrix.


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A numerical method is introduced to determine the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of a donor (P-31) doped inside a silicon substrate under the influence of an applied electric field. This phosphorus donor has been suggested for operation as a qubit for the realization of a solid-state scalable quantum computer. The operation of the qubit is achieved by a combination of the rotation of the phosphorus nuclear spin through a globally applied magnetic field and the selection of the phosphorus nucleus through a locally applied electric field. To realize the selection function, it is required to know the relationship between the applied electric field and the change of the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of phosphorus. In this study, based on the wave functions obtained by the effective-mass theory, we introduce an empirical correction factor to the wave functions at the donor nucleus. Using the corrected wave functions, we formulate a first-order perturbation theory for the perturbed system under the influence of an electric field. In order to calculate the potential distributions inside the silicon and the silicon dioxide layers due to the applied electric field, we use the multilayered Green's functions and solve an integral equation by the moment method. This enables us to consider more realistic, arbitrary shape, and three-dimensional qubit structures. With the calculation of the potential distributions, we have investigated the effects of the thicknesses of silicon and silicon dioxide layers, the relative position of the donor, and the applied electric field on the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of the donor.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to detect petroleum-derived spray oils (PDSOs) in citrus seedlings and trees. The NMR spectrum of the phantom containing 10% (v/v) of a nC24 agricultural mineral oil (AMO) showed the resonance of the water protons at delta = 5 ppm, while the resonance of the oil protons at delta = 1.3 to 1.7 ppm. The peak resolution and the chemical shift difference of more than 3.3 ppm between water and oil protons effectively differentiated water and the oil. Chemical shift selective imaging (CSSI) was performed to localize the AMO within the stems of Citrus trifoliata L. seedlings after the application of a 4% (v/v) spray. The chemical shift selective images of the oil were acquired by excitation at delta = 1.5 ppm by averaging over 400 transients in each phase-encoding step. Oil was mainly detected in the outer cortex of stems within 10 d of spray application; some oil was also observed in the inner vascular bundle and pith of the stems at this point. CSSI was also applied to investigate the persistence of oil deposits in sprayed mature Washington navel orange (Citrus x aurantium L.) trees in an orchard. The trees were treated with either fourteen 0.25%, fourteen 0.5%, four 1.75%, or single 7% sprays of a nC23 horticultural mineral oil (HMO) 12 to 16 months before examination of plant tissues by CSSI, and were still showing symptoms of chronic phytotoxicity largely manifested as reduced yield. The oil deposits were detected in stems of sprayed flushes and unsprayed flushes produced 4 to 5 months after the last spray was applied, suggesting a potential movement of the oil via phloem and a correlation of the persistence of oil deposit in plants and the phytotoxicity. The results demonstrate that MRI is an effective method to probe the uptake and localization of PDSOs and other xenobiotics in vivo in plants noninvasively and nondestructively.


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A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) thermal model has been developed to compute the temperature elevation in the Sprague Dawley rat due to electromagnetic energy deposition in high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The field strengths examined ranged from 11.75-23.5 T (corresponding to H-1 resonances of 0.5-1 GHz) and an N-stub birdcage resonator was used to both transmit radio-frequency energy and receive the MRI signals. With an in-plane resolution of 1.95 mm, the inhomogeneous rat phantom forms a segmented model of 12 different tissue types, each having its electrical and thermal parameters assigned. The steady-state temperature distribution was calculated using a Pennes 'bioheat' approach. The numerical algorithm used to calculate the induced temperature distribution has been successfully validated against analytical solutions in the form of simplified spherical models with electrical and thermal properties of rat muscle. As well as assisting with the design of MRI experiments and apparatus, the numerical procedures developed in this study could help in future research and design of tumour-treating hyperthermia applicators to be used on rats in vivo.


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A great deal of effort has been made at searching for alternative catalysts to replace conventional Lewis acid catalyst aluminum trichloride (AlCl3). In this paper, immobilization of AlCl3 on mesoporous MCM-41 silica with and without modification was carried out. The catalytic properties of the immobilized catalyst systems for liquid-phase isopropylation of naphthalene were studied and compared with those of H/MCM-41 and H/mordenite. The structures of the surface-immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts were studied and identified by using solid-state magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nitrogen adsorption, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The catalytic activity of the immobilized catalysts was found to be similar to that of acidic mordenite zeolite. A significant enhancement in the selectivity of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (2,6-DIPN) was observed over the immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts. Immobilization of aluminum chloride on mesoporous silica coupled with surface silylation is a promising way of developing alternative catalyst system for liquid-phase Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A phantom that can be used for mapping geometric distortion in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is described. This phantom provides an array of densely distributed control points in three-dimensional (3D) space. These points form the basis of a comprehensive measurement method to correct for geometric distortion in MR images arising principally from gradient field non-linearity and magnet field inhomogeneity. The phantom was designed based on the concept that a point in space can be defined using three orthogonal planes. This novel design approach allows for as many control points as desired. Employing this novel design, a highly accurate method has been developed that enables the positions of the control points to be measured to sub-voxel accuracy. The phantom described in this paper was constructed to fit into a body coil of a MRI scanner, (external dimensions of the phantom were: 310 mm x 310 mm x 310 mm), and it contained 10,830 control points. With this phantom, the mean errors in the measured coordinates of the control points were on the order of 0.1 mm or less, which were less than one tenth of the voxel's dimensions of the phantom image. The calculated three-dimensional distortion map, i.e., the differences between the image positions and true positions of the control points, can then be used to compensate for geometric distortion for a full image restoration. It is anticipated that this novel method will have an impact on the applicability of MRI in both clinical and research settings. especially in areas where geometric accuracy is highly required, such as in MR neuro-imaging. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recently, a 3-dimensional phantom that can provide a comprehensive, accurate and complete measurement of the geometric distortion in MRI has been developed. In this paper, a scheme for characterizing the measured geometric distortion using the 3-D phantom is described. In the proposed scheme, a number of quantitative measures are developed and used to characterize the geometric distortion. These measures encompass the overall and spatial aspects of the geometric distortion. Two specific types of volume of interest, rectangular parallelepipeds (including cubes) and spheres are considered in the proposed scheme. As an illustration, characterization of the geometric distortion in a Siemens 1.5T Sonata MRI system using the proposed scheme is presented. As shown, the proposed scheme provides a comprehensive assessment of the geometric distortion. The scheme can be potentially used as a standard procedure for the assessment of geometric distortion in MRI. (C) 2004 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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The structural and dynamic properties of dioctadecyldimethylammoniums (DODDMA) intercalated into 2:1 layered clays are investigated using isothermal-isobaric (NPT) molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The simulated results are in reasonably good agreement with the available experimental measurements, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), atom force microscopy (AFM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies. The nitrogen atoms are found to be located mainly within two layers close to the clay surface whereas methylene groups form a pseudoquadrilayer structure. The results of tilt angle and order parameter show that interior two-bond segments of alkyl chains prefer an arrangement parallel to the clay surface, whereas the segments toward end groups adopt a random orientation. In addition, the alkyl chains within the layer structure lie almost parallel to the clay surface whereas those out of the layer structure are essentially perpendicular to the surface. The trans conformations are predominant in all cases although extensive gauche conformations are observed, which is in agreement with previous simulations on n-butane. Moreover, an odd-even effect in conformation distributions is observed mainly along the chains close to the head and tail groups. The diffusion constants of both nitrogen atoms and methylene groups in these nanoconfined alkyl chains increase with the temperature and methelene position toward the tail groups.


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AIM: To establish a simple method to quantify muscle/fat constituents in cervical muscles of asymptomatic women using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to determine whether there is an age effect within a defined age range. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI of the upper cervical spine was performed for 42 asymptomatic women aged 18-45 years. The muscle and fat signal intensities on axial spin echo T1-weighted images were quantitatively classified by taking a ratio of the pixel intensity profiles of muscle against those of intermuscular fat for the rectus capitis posterior major and minor and inferior obliquus capitis muscles bilaterally. Inter- and intra-examiner agreement was scrutinized. RESULTS: The average relative values of fat within the upper cervical musculature compared with intermuscular fat indicated that there were only slight variations in indices between the three sets of muscles. There was no significant correlation between age and fat indices. There were significant differences for the relative fat within the muscle compared with intermuscular fat and body mass index for the right rectus capitis posterior major and right and left inferior obliquus capitis muscles (p = 0.032). Intraclass correlation coefficients for intraobserver agreement ranged from 0.94 to 0.98. Inter-rater agreement of the measurements ranged from 0.75 to 0.97. CONCLUSION: A quantitative measure of muscle/fat constituents has been developed, and results of this study indicate that relative fatty infiltration is not a feature of age in the upper cervical extensor muscles of women aged 18-45 years. (C) 2005 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a new model for the continuous measurement of a coupled quantum dot charge qubit. We model the effects of a realistic measurement, namely adding noise to, and filtering, the current through the detector. This is achieved by embedding the detector in an equivalent circuit for measurement. Our aim is to describe the evolution of the qubit state conditioned on the macroscopic output of the external circuit. We achieve this by generalizing a recently developed quantum trajectory theory for realistic photodetectors [P. Warszawski, H. M. Wiseman, and H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. A 65, 023802 (2002)] to treat solid-state detectors. This yields stochastic equations whose (numerical) solutions are the realistic quantum trajectories of the conditioned qubit state. We derive our general theory in the context of a low transparency quantum point contact. Areas of application for our theory and its relation to previous work are discussed.