6 resultados para saamelaiset - Lappi - 1600-luku
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The Hubble Deep Field South (HDF-S) Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations are expected to begin in 1998 October. We present a composite spectrum of the QSO in the HDF-S held covering UV/optical/near-IR wavelengths, obtained by combining data from the Australian National University 2.3 m telescope with STIS on the HST.(1) This intermediate-resolution spectrum covers the range 1600-10000 Angstrom and allows us to derive some basic information on the intervening absorption systems which will be important in planning future higher resolution studies of this QSO. The QSO J2233 - 606 coordinates are alpha = 22(h)33(m)37(s).6, delta = -60 degrees 33'29 (J2000), the magnitude is B = 17.5, and its redshift is z(em) = 2.238, derived by simultaneously fitting several emission lines. The spectral index is alpha = -0.7 +/- 0.1, measured between the Ly alpha and Mg II emission lines. Many absorption systems are present, including systems with metal lines redward of the Ly alpha emission line at z(abs) 2.204, 1.942, 1.870, 1.787 and a few very strong Ly alpha features at z(abs) = 2.077, 1.928, without similarly strong metal lines. There is a conspicuous Lyman limit (LL) absorption system that is most likely associated with the z(abs) = 1.942 system with a neutral hydrogen column density of N-HI = (3.1 +/- 1.0) x 10(17) cm(-2). There is some evidence for the presence of a second LL absorber just to the blue of the conspicuous system at z = 1.870. We have employed a new technique, based on an analysis of the shape of the observed spectrum in the region of the LL absorption, to explore the properties of the gas. We tentatively conclude that this system might have suitable characteristics for measuring the deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio.
Background. International research indicates that blue-collar employees typically exhibit lower rates of leisure-time physical activity. While lack of time and work demands are commonly reported barriers to activity, the extent to which time-at-work mediates the relationship between occupation and leisure-time physical activity is unclear. This study investigated the association between occupation, time spent in paid employment, and participation in leisure-time physical activity. Methods. This was a secondary analysis of cross-sectional data from the 1995 Australian Health Survey, focusing on employed persons ages 18-64 years (n = 24,454), Occupation was coded as per the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations and collapsed into three categories (professional, white-collar, blue-collar). Hours worked was categorized into eight levels, ranging from 1-14 to more than 50 h per week. Participation in leisure-time physical activity was categorized as either insufficient or sufficient for health, consistent with recommended levels of energy expenditure (1600 METS-min/fortnight). The relationship between occupation, hours worked, and leisure-time physical activity was examined using logistic regression. Analyses were conducted separately for male and female, and the results are presented as a series of models that successively adjust for a range of potential covariates: age, living arrangement, smoking status, body mass index, and self-reported health. Results. Individuals in blue-collar occupations were approximately 50% more likely to be classified as insufficiently active. This occupational variability in leisure-time physical activity was not explained by hours worked. There was a suggested relationship between hours worked and leisure-time physical activity; however, this differed between men and women, and was difficult to interpret. Conclusions. Occupational variability in leisure-time physical activity cannot be explained by hours worked. Therefore, reports that work constitutes a barrier to participation should be explored further. Identification of the factors contributing to occupational variability in leisure-time physical activity will add to our understanding of why population subgroups differ in their health risk profiles, and assist in the development of health promotion strategies to reduce rates of sedentariness and health inequalities. (C) 2000 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
Large (>1600 mum), ingestively masticated particles of bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers.) leaf and stem labelled with Yb-169 and Ce-144 respectively were inserted into the rumen digesta raft of heifers grazing bermuda grass. The concentration of markers in digesta sampled from the raft and ventral rumen were monitored at regular intervals over approximately 144 h. The data from the two sampling sites were simultaneously fitted to two pool (raft and ventral rumen-reticulum) models with either reversible or sequential flow between the two pools. The sequential flow model fitted the data equally as well as the reversible flow model but the reversible flow model was used because of its greater application. The reversible flow model, hereafter called the raft model, had the following features: a relatively slow age-dependent transfer rate from the raft (means for a gamma 2 distributed rate parameter for leaf 0.0740 v. stem 0.0478 h(-1)), a very slow first order reversible flow from the ventral rumen to the raft (mean for leaf and stem 0.010 h(-1)) and a very rapid first order exit from the ventral rumen (mean of leaf and stem 0.44 h(-1)). The raft was calculated to occupy approximately 0.82 total rumen DM of the raft and ventral rumen pools. Fitting a sequential two pool model or a single exponential model individually to values from each of the two sampling sites yielded similar parameter values for both sites and faster rate parameters for leaf as compared with stem, in agreement with the raft model. These results were interpreted as indicating that the raft forms a large relatively inert pool within the rumen. Particles generated within the raft have difficulty escaping but once into the ventral rumen pool they escape quickly with a low probability of return to the raft. It was concluded that the raft model gave a good interpretation of the data and emphasized escape from and movement within the raft as important components of the residence time of leaf and stem particles within the rumen digesta of cattle.
Scavenging of siliceous grain-boundary phase of 8-mol%-ytterbia-stabilized zirconia without additive
The grain-boundary conductivity (sigma (gb),) of 8-mol%-ytterbiastabilized zirconia increased markedly with heat treatment between 1000 degrees and 1300 degreesC with a slow heating rate (0.1 degreesC/min) before sintering. The extent of the sigma (gb) improvement was the same or larger than that via Al2O3 addition. The heat treatment did not affect the grain-interior conduction when sintered at 1600 degreesC, while Al2O3-derived scavenging significantly did, given the larger increment of total conductivity in the heat-treated sample. The formation of a silicon-containing phase in a discrete form was suggested as a possible route of scavenging the resistive phase from the correlation between average grain size and sigma (gb).