17 resultados para low-heating-rate sintering

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Borecore samples from the Trap Gully pit at Callide have been assessed using the R-70 self-heating test. The highest R-70 self-heating rate value was 16.22 degrees C/h, which is consistent with the subbituminous rank of the coal. R-70 decreases significantly with increasing mineral matter content, as defined by the ash content of the coal. This effect is due to the mineral matter in the coal acting as a heat sink. A trendline equation has been fitted to the borecore data from the Trap Gully pit: R-70 = 0.0029 x ash(2) - 0.4889 x ash + 20.644, where all parameters are on a dry-basis. This relationship can be used to model the self-heating hazard of the pit, both vertically and laterally. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Strip samples from the Boundary Hill pit at Callide have been tested in an adiabatic oven to assess the effect of moisture on the R-70 self-heating rate of coal. The two strip samples tested had R-70 self-heating rate values of 10.23 and 8.61 degrees C/h. As the moisture content of the coal was progressively increased, from the dry state of the test, the R-70 value decreased dramatically. At approximately 40-50% of the moisture holding capacity of the coal, the self-heating rate becomes measurable. Above this critical level of moisture content, the heat produced by oxidation is dissipated by moisture evaporation and coal self-heating is significantly delayed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Samples from New Zealand and Australia have been tested in an adiabatic oven to assess the effect of rank on the R-70 selfheating rate of coal. A non-linear relationship can be defined for coals from both countries using the revised Suggate rank (S-r) parameter. Subbituminous coals have the highest R-70 self-heating rate values, which are 20 times that of high volatile A bituminous coals on a dry mineral matter free basis (similar to 1 cf. 20 degrees C h(-1)). However, the moderating effects of moisture and mineral matter can reduce this difference to only 2-3 times for coal in-situ. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Eastern curlews Numenius madagascariensis spending the nonbreeding season in eastern Australia foraged on three intertidal decapods: soldier crab Mictyris longicarpus, sentinel crab Macrophthalmus crassipes and ghost-shrimp Trypaea australiensis. Due to their ecology, these crustaceans were spatially segregated (=distributed in 'patches') and the curlews intermittently consumed more than one prey type. It was predicted that if the curlews behaved as intake rate maximizers, the time spent foraging on a particular prey (patch) would reflect relative availabilities of the prey types and thus prey-specific intake rates would be equal. During the mid-nonbreeding period (November-December), Mictyris and Macrophthalmus were primarily consumed and prey-specific intake rates were statistically indistinguishable (8.8 versus 10.1 kJ x min(-1)). Prior to migration (February), Mictyris and Trypaea were hunted and the respective intake rates were significantly different (8.9 versus 2.3 kJ x min(-1)). Time allocation to Trypaea-hunting was independent of the availability of Mictyris. Thus, consumption of Trypaea depressed the overall intake rate. Six hypotheses for consuming Trypaea before migration were examined. Five hypotheses: the possible error by the predator, prey specialization, observer overestimation of time spent hunting Trypaea, supplementary prey and the choice of higher quality prey due to a digestive bottleneck, were deemed unsatisfactory. The explanation for consumption of a low intake-rate but high quality prey (Trypaea) deemed plausible was diet optimisation by the Curlews in response to the pre-migratory modulation (decrease in size/processing capacity) of their digestive system. With a seasonal decrease in the average intake rate, the estimated intake per low tide increased from 1233 to 1508 kJ between the mid-nonbreeding and pre-migratory periods by increasing the overall time spent on the sandflats and the proportion of time spent foraging.


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The indicator amino acid oxidation (IAAO) method allows the determination of amino acid requirements under conditions of low growth rate as found in pre-laying broiler breeder pullets. Cobb 500 breeder pullets (20 wk old; 2290 +/- 280 g, n = 4) were adapted (6 d) to a pelleted, purified control diet containing all nutrients at greater than or equal to 110% of NRC recommendations. After recovery from surgery for implantation of a jugular catheter, each bird was fed, in random order, test diets containing one of nine levels of lysine (0.48, 0.96, 1.92, 2.88, 3.84, 4.80, 7.68, 9.60 and 14.40 g/kg of diet). Indicator oxidation was determined during 4-h primed (74 kBq/kg body), constant infusions (44 kBq (.) h(-1) (.) kg body(-1)) of L-[1-C-14]phenylalanine. Using the breakpoint of a one-slope broken-line model, the lysine requirement was determined to be 4.88 +/- 0.96 g/kg of diet or 366 +/- 72 mg (.) hen(-1) (.) d(-1) with an upper 95% Cl of 6.40 g/kg of diet or 480 mg (.) hen(-1) (.) d(-1). IAAO allows determination of individual bird amino acid requirements for specific ages and types of birds over short periods of time and enables more accurate broiler breeder pullet diet formulation.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of use of play equipment in public schools and parks in Brisbane, Australia, and to estimate an annual rate of injury per use of equipment, overall and for particular types of equipment. Methods: Injury data on all children injured from playground equipment and seeking medical attention at the emergency department of either of the two children's hospitals in the City of Brisbane were obtained for the years 1996 and 1997. Children were observed at play on five different pieces of play equipment in a random sample of 16 parks and 16 schools in the City of Brisbane. Children injured in the 16 parks and schools were counted, and rates of injury and use were calculated. Results: The ranked order for equipment use in the 16 schools was climbing equipment (3762 uses), horizontal ladders (2309 uses), and slides (856 uses). Each horizontal ladder was used 2.6 times more often than each piece of climbing equipment. Each horizontal ladder was used 7.8 times more than each piece of climbing equipment in the sample of public parks. Slides were used 4.6 times more than climbing equipment in parks and 1.2 times more in public schools. The annual injury rate for the 16 schools and 16 parks under observation was 0.59/100000 and 0.26/100000 uses of equipment, respectively. Conclusions: This study shows that annual number of injuries per standardized number of uses could be used to determine the relative risk of particular pieces of playground equipment. The low overall rate of injuries/100000 uses of equipment in this study suggests that the benefit of further reduction of injury in this community may be marginal and outweigh the economic costs in addition to reducing challenging play opportunities.


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This paper examines the impact of declines in adult mortality on growth in an overlapping generations model. With public education and imperfect annuity markets, a decline in mortality affects growth through three channels. First, it raises the saving rate and thereby increases the rate of physical capital accumulation. Second, it reduces accidental bequests, lowers investment, and thereby lowers the rate of physical capital accumulation. Third, it may lead the median voter to increase the tax rate for public education initially but lower the tax rate in a later stage. Starting from a high mortality rate as found in many Third World populations, the net effect of a decline in mortality is to raise the growth rate. However, starting from a low mortality rate such as is found in most industrial populations, the net effect of a further decline in mortality is to reduce the growth rate. The findings appear consistent with recent empirical evidence. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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Stickiness behavior of skim milk powder was investigated based on the mechanical property of the material during the glass-rubber transition. A thermally controlled device was developed for the static mechanical test. This device was attached to a texture analyzer, and skim milk powder, which was used as a model sample, was tested for its glass-rubber transition temperature (Tg-r) using static compression technique (creep test). Changes in compression probe distance as a function of temperature were recorded. Tg-r was determined, in the region where changes in the probe distance were observed, by using linear regression technique. The effect of sample quantity, compression force, and heating rate on the determination of Tg-r was investigated. All these parameters significantly influenced the Tg-r determination (p < 0.05). The Tg-r of skim milk powder measured by this novel technique was found closely correlated to its glass transition temperature (T-g) measured by DSC.


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The crystallization behavior and crystallization kinetics Of (CU60Zr30Ti10)(99)Sn-1 bulk metallic glass was studied by X-ray diffractometry and differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that a two-stage crystallization took place during continuous heating of the bulk metallic glass. Both the glass transition temperature T-g and the crystallization peak temperatures T-p displayed a strong dependence on the heating rate. The activation energy was determined by the Kissinger analysis method. In the first-stage of the crystallization, the transformation of the bulk metallic glass to the phase one occurred with an activation energy of 386 kJ/mol; in the second-stage, the formation of the phase two took place at an activation energy of 381 kJ/mol.


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PURPOSE: This study has been undertaken to audit a single-center experience with laparoscopically-assisted resection rectopexy for full-thickness rectal prolapse. The clinical Outcomes and long-term results were evaluated. METHODS: The data were prospectively collected for the duration of the operation, time to passage of flatus postoperatively, hospital stay, morbidity, and mortality. For follow-up, patients received a questionnaire or were contacted. The data were divided into quartiles over the study period, and the differences in operating time and length of hospital stay were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: Between March 1992 and October 2003, a total of 117 patients underwent laparoscopic resection rectopexy for rectal prolapse. The median operating time during the first quartile (representing the early experience) was 180 minutes compared with 110 minutes for the fourth quartile (Kruskal-Wallis test for operating time = 35.523, 3 df, P < 0.0001). Overall morbidity was 9 percent (ten patients), with one death (< 1 percent). One patient had a ureteric injury requiring conversion. One minor anastomotic leak Occurred, necessitating laparoscopic evacuation of a pelvic abscess. Altogether, 77 patients were available for follow-up. The median follow-up was 62 months. Eighty percent of the patients reported alleviation of their symptoms after the operation. Sixty-nine percent of the constipated patients experienced an improvement in bowel frequency. No patient had new or worsening symptoms of constipation after Surgery. Two (2.5 percent) patients had full-thickness rectal prolapse recurrence. Mucosal prolapse recurred in 14 (18 percent) patients. Anastomotic dilation was performed for stricture in five (4 percent) patients. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopically-assisted resection rectopexy for rectal prolapse provides a favorable functional outcome and low recurrence rate. Shorter operating time is achieved with experience. The minimally invasive technique benefits should be considered when offering rectal prolapse patients a transabdominal approach for repair, and emphasis should now be on advanced training in the laparoscopic approach.


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Highly lattice mismatched (7.8%) GaAs/GaSb nanowire heterostructures were grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and their detailed structural characteristics were determined by electron microscopy. The facts that (i) no defects have been found in GaSb and its interfaces with GaAs and (ii) the lattice mismatch between GaSb/GaAs was fully relaxed suggest that the growth of GaSb nanowires is purely governed by the thermodynamics. The authors believe that the low growth rate of GaSb nanowires leads to the equilibrium growth. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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There are many physical factors that can affect the self-heating rate of coal. The presence of seam gas has often been referred to as inhibiting coal self-heating due to the limited access of oxidation sites created by the presence of the gas adsorbed on the coal pores. Similarly, the presence of bed moisture in the coal also acts as an inhibitor of oxidation by blocking access of air into the pores. Gas drainage of a coal seam prior to mining removes both gas and moisture from the seam. Bulk coal self-heating tests in a two-metre column on both gassy, as-mined and gas-drained, dried high volatile bituminous coal show that removal of gas and moisture from the coal accelerates the rate of self-heating to thermal runaway from 8.5 days to 4.25 days, from a start temperature of 30°C, with an airflow of 0.25 L/min. The corresponding gas evolution pattern for each of these situations is different. Therefore, it is necessary to take this change in coal condition into consideration when developing a spontaneous combustion management plan.


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Analytical transmission electron microscopy indicates that liquid film migration occurs during sintering of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, that intragranular liquid pools develop from migrating films and that iron segregates to these pools. It is suggested that a high localised iron concentration retards the liquid film migration rate by reducing the coherency strain in the retreating grain, causing a region of the film to detach from the boundary, thus forming an intragranular pool in the advancing grain. Alloys with low iron levels develop few intragranular pools and have high sintered densities. (C) 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reptiles change heart rate and blood flow patterns in response to heating and cooling, thereby decreasing the behavioural cost of thermoregulation. We tested the hypothesis that locally produced vasoactive substances, nitric oxide and prostaglandins, mediate the cardiovascular response of reptiles to heat. Heart rate and blood pressure were measured in eight crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) during heating and cooling and while sequentially inhibiting nitric-oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase enzymes. Heart rate and blood pressure were significantly higher during heating than during cooling in all treatments. Power spectral density of heart rate and blood pressure increased significantly during heating and cooling compared to the preceding period of thermal equilibrium. Spectral density of heart rate in the high frequency band (0.19-0.70 Hz) was significantly greater during cooling in the saline treatment compared to when nitric-oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase enzymes were inhibited. Cross spectral analysis showed that changes in blood pressure preceded heart rate changes at low frequencies (


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This work is part of a series of studies dealing with the evaluation of the effects of major elements of solid waste, especially metallic oxides, nitrates, sulfates, and chlorides, on the sintering and the densification of calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca-HAP) adsorbent. The effects of chloride salts of potassium (KCl) and zinc (ZnCl2) on sintering and densification of Ca-HAP were studied using surface area reduction and shrinkage measurements. The addition of KCl (2% w/w) activated the sintering process by bringing a swift reduction in surface area and lowering the densification temperature. However, a low final densification was achieved. Increasing the amount of this additive to 10% w/w further lowered the final densification and lowered the densification temperature of hydroxyapatite by 150 degrees C. On the other hand, the addition of 2 wt % of ZnCl2 deactivated the sintering process by slowing down the densification process and raising the densification temperature. However, the reduction of surface area was comparable to that of Ca-HAP. The densification rate contained two or more rate maxima indicating the additives (salts) bring multiple speeds in the densification process.