12 resultados para hydrolyzable tannin
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The tannin-degrading species Streptococcus gallolyticus and Streptococcus caprinus have been shown to be subjective synonyms on the basis of their levels of 16S rRNA sequence similarity (98.3%) and DNA-DNA homology (>70%) and the phenotypes of their type strains. S. gallolyticus has nomenclatural priority according to Rule 24b(2) of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
Polyphenolics are widely distributed in the plant kingdom and are often present in the diet of herbivores. The two major groups of plant polyphenolic compounds other than lignin are condensed and hydrolysable tannins. These compounds can have toxic and/or antinutritional effects on the animal. It is well established that tannins complex with dietary proteins can reduce nitrogen supply to the animal, but the ability of gastrointestinal microorganisms to metabolise these compounds and their effects on microbial populations have received little attention. In this paper, we review recent literature on the topic as well as present research from our laboratories on the effect of condensed tannins on rumen microbial ecology and rumen metabolism. Interactions of tannins with dietary components and endogenous protein in the rumen and post-ruminally, and their impact on the nutrition of the animal are considered. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The salamanderfish, Lepidogalaxias salamandroides (Galaxiidae, Teleostei) is endemic to southwestern Australia and inhabits shallow, freshwater pools which evaporate during the hot summer months. Burrowing into the substrate in response to falling water levels allows these fish to aestivate for extended periods of time while encapsulated in a mucous cocoon even when the pools contain no water. Only a few minutes after a major rainfall, these fish emerge into relatively clear water which subsequently becomes laden with tannin, turning the water black and reducing the pH to approximately 4.3. As part of a large study of the visual adaptations of this unique species, the retinal and lenticular morphology of the aestivating salamanderfish is examined at the level of the light and electron microscopes. The inner retina is highly vascularised by a complex system of vitreal blood vessels, while the outer retina receives a blood supply by diffusion from a choriocapillaris. This increased retinal blood supply may be an adaptation for reducing the oxygen tension during critical periods of aestivation. Large numbers of Muller cells traverse the thickness of the retina from the inner to the outer limiting membranes. The ganglion cells are arranged in two ill-defined layers, separated from a thick inner nuclear layer containing two layers of horizontal cells by a soma-free inner plexiform layer. The photoreceptors can be divided into three types typical of many early actinopterygian representatives; equal double cones, small single cones and large rods (2:1:1). These photoreceptors are arranged into a unique regular square mosaic comprising a large rod bordered by four equal double cones with a small single cone located at the corner of each repeating unit. The double cones may optimise perception of mobile prey which it tracks by flexion of its head and neck and the large rods may increase sensitivity in the dark tannin-rich waters in which it lives. Each single cone also possesses a dense collection of polysomes and glycogen (a paraboloid) beneath its ellipsoid, the first such finding in teleosts. The retinal pigment epithelium possesses melanosomes, pha,oocytes and a large number of mitochondria. The anatomy of the retina and the photoreceptor mosaic is discussed in relation to the primitive phylogeny of this species and its unique life history.
The ability of low to moderate levels (
The ability of differently sized condensed tannins from the genus Leucaena, a fodder tree-legume, to bind protein at different pH values was evaluated to characterise their potential biological effects. Two factors affecting the ability of condensed tannin to bind protein, its major biological activity, have been purported to be the condensed tannin size and the pH of the reaction environment. To test these hypotheses, the protein-precipitating capacities of condensed tannin extracted from four Leucaena genotypes, L leucocephala (UHK636), L pallida (CQ3439), L trichandra (CP146568) and L collinsii (OFI52/88), were assessed. Condensed tannin from L leucocephala had approximately 50% of the ability to precipitate protein on a gg(-1) basis than L pallida or L trichandra, while L collinsii gave no measurable ability to precipitate protein (reaction environment pH 5.0). Increasing or decreasing the pH of the reaction solution away from pH 5.0 (approximately the isoelectric point of the protein) reduced the ability of condensed tannin from all the species to precipitate protein, the decrease being higher at pH 2.5 than at pH 7.5. Condensed tannins from each Leucaena species were also separated by size exclusion chromatography, and the fractions examined for protein-precipitating capacity. In general, it was found that the larger-sized condensed tannin of the accessions L pallida and L trichandra could precipitate more protein than the smaller-sized condensed tannin. This pattern was not found for L leucocephala. (C) 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.
The proanthocyanidin (PA) status of 116 accessions from the Leucaena genus representing 21 species, 6 subspecies, 3 varieties and 4 interspecific hybrids was evaluated under uniform environmental and experimental conditions at Redland Bay, Queensland, Australia in October 1997. The PA content of lyophilized youngest fully expanded leaves was measured spectrophotometrically by the butanol/HCl assay referenced to L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata standard PA and expressed as L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata PA equivalents (LLPAE). Considerable interspecific variation in PA concentration existed within the genus, ranging from 0-339 g LLPAE/kg dry matter (DM). Taxa including L. confertiflora, L. cuspidata, L. esculenta and L. greggii contained very high (> 180 g LLPAE/kg DM) PA concentrations. Similarly, many agronomically superior accessions from L. diversifolia, L. pallida and L. trichandra contained extremely high (up to 250 g LLPAE/kg DM) PA concentrations, although these taxa exhibited wide intraspecific variation in PA content offering the potential to select accessions with lower (120-160 g LLPAE/kg DM) PA content. Commercial cultivars of L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata, known to produce forage of superior quality, contained low amounts of PA (33-39 g LLPAE/kg DM). Artificial interspecific hybrids had PA contents intermediate to those of both parents, Lesser-known taxa. including L. collinsii, L. lanceolata, L. lempirana, L. macrophylla, L. magnifica, L. multicapitula, L. salvadorensis and L. trichodes, contained undetectable to low (0-36 g LLPAE/kg DM) quantities of PA and have potential as parents to breed interspecific hybrids of low PA status and superior forage quality. Extractable PA was the dominant PA component, accounting for 91% of total PA within the genus. Regression analysis of accession ranks from different experiments compared to these results indicated that genetic regulation of Leucaena spp. PA content was consistent (P < 0.01) under different edapho-climatic environments. The distribution of PA within the Leucaena genus did not concur with the predictions of various evolutionary and phylogenetic plant defence theories.
The spectral absorption characteristics of the visual pigments in the photoreceptors of the black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri Munro (Sparidae, Teleostei), were measured using microspectrophotometry. A single cohort of fish aged 5-172 days post-hatch (dph), aquarium-reared adults and wild-caught juveniles were investigated. During the larval stage and in juveniles younger than 100 dph, two classes of visual pigment were found, with wavelengths of maximum absorbance (lambda(max)) at approximately 425 nm and 535 nm. Following double cone formation, from 40 dph onwards, the short wavelength-sensitive pigment was recorded in single cones and the longer wavelength-sensitive pigment in double cones. From 100 dph, a gradual shift in the lambda(max) towards longer wavelengths was observed in both cone types. By 160 dph, and in adults, all single cones had a lambda(max) at approximately 475 nm while the lambda(max) in double cones ranged from 545 to 575 nm. The relationships between the lambda(max) and the ratio of bandwidth:lambda(max), for changes in either chromophore or opsin, were modelled mathematically for the long-wavelength-sensitive visual pigments. Comparing our data with the models indicated that changes in lambda(max) were not mediated by a switch from an A(1) to A(2) chromophore, rather a change in opsin expression was most likely. The shifts in the lambda(max) of the visual pigments occur at a stage when the juvenile fish begin feeding in deeper, tannin-stained estuarine waters, which transmit predominantly longer wavelengths, so the spectral sensitivity changes may represent an adaptation by the fish to the changing light environment.
Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with cross-polarisation (CP) and magic-angle-spinning (MAS) was used to: (a) examine the changes in carbon (C) composition of windrowed harvest residues during the first 3 years of hoop pine plantations in subtropical Australia; (b) assess the impacts of windrowed harvest residues on soil organic matter (SOM) composition and quality in the 0-10 cm soil layer. Harvest residues were collected from 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-year-old windrows of ca. 2.5 m width (15 m apart for 0-, 1- and 2-year-old sites and 10 m apart for 3-year-old site). Soils from the 0 to 10 cm soil layer were collected from the 1-, 2- and 3-year-old sites. The 13C NMR spectra of the harvest residues indicated the presence of lignin in the hoop pine wood, foliage and newly incorporated organic matter (NIOM). Condensed tannin structures were found in the decay-resistant bark, small wood and foliage, but were absent in other residue components and SOM. The NMR spectra of small wood samples contained condensed tannin structures because the outer layer of bark was not removed. NIOM showed a shift from foliage-like structures (celluloses) to lignin-type structures, indicating an incorporation of woody residues from the decomposing harvest residues. Suberins were also present in the small wood, foliage and bark. The 13C CP NMR spectra of SOM indicated that in areas where windrows were present, SOM did not show compositional changes. However, an increase in SOM quality under the windrows in the second year after their formation as characterised by the alkyl C/O-alkyl C (A/O-A) ratio was mainly due to inputs from the decomposition of the labile, readily available components of the windrowed harvest residues. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
This study investigated the influence of harvest residue management practices on soil organic matter (SOM) composition and quality from two second-rotation Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southwestern Australia, using solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy with cross-polarisation and magic-angle-spinning (CPMAS). Soil samples (0–5 cm) were collected every 12 months for 5 years from two sites that had contrasting soil types and fertility. Harvest residue management treatments established at both sites were (a) no harvest residues; and (b) double harvest residues. The use of 13C CPMAS and DD NMR spectroscopy enabled the successful non-destructive detection of SOM quality changes in the two E. globulus plantations. Relative intensities of 13C CPMAS NMR spectral regions were similar at both sites, and for both harvest residue treatments, indicating that SOM composition was also similar. Dipolar dephasing (DD) NMR spectra revealed resonances in SOM assigned to lignin and tannin structures, with larger resonances in the carbonyl and alkyl C regions that were indicative of cuticular material, enabling detection of changes in SOM quality. Retention of double harvest residues on the soil surface increased the soil quality compared with removal of all harvest residues at both sites as indicated by the NMR aromaticities, but this was most noticeable at Manjimup, which had greater initial soil fertility.
Iron (Fe) bioavailability in unpolished, polished grain and bran fraction of five rice genotypes with a range of Fe contents was measured by in vitro digestion and cultured Caco-2 cells of cooked grain. There was a significant difference in Fe bioavailability among the five rice genotypes tested, in both the unpolished and polished grain. The range of Fe bioavailability variation in polished rice was much wider than that of unpolished, suggesting the importance of using Fe levels and bioavailability in polished rice grain as the basis for selecting high-Fe rice cultivars for both agronomic and breeding purposes. Milling and polishing the grain to produce polished (or white) rice increased Fe bioavailability in all genotypes. Iron bioavailability in polished rice was high in the UBON2 and Nishiki, intermediate in both IR68144 and KDML105, and low in CMU122. All genotypes had low bioavailability of Fe in bran fraction compared to unpolished and polished grain, except in CMU122. CMU122 contained the lowest level of bioavailable Fe in unpolished and polished grain and bran, because of the dark purple pericarp colored grain and associated tannin content. The level of bioavailable Fe was not significantly correlated with grain Fe concentration or grain phytate levels among these five genotypes tested. The negative relationship between Fe bioavailability and the levels of total extractable phenol was only observed in unpolished (r = -0.83**) and bran fraction (r = -0.50*). The present results suggested that total extractable phenol and tannin contents could also contribute to lowering bioavailability of Fe in rice grain, in addition to phytate. (c) 2006 Society of Chemical Industry