113 resultados para event investigation
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The study of the mechanisms of mechanical alloying requires knowledge of the impact characteristics between the ball and vial in the presence of milling powders. In this paper, foe falling experiments have br cn used to investigate the characteristics of impact events involved in mechanical milling. The effects of milling conditions, including impact velocity, ball size and powder thickness. on the coefficient of restitution and impact force are studied. It is found that the powder has a significant influence on the impact process due to its porous structure. This effect can be demonstrated using a modified Kelvin model. This study also confirms that the impact force is a relevant parameter for characterising the impact event due to its sensitivity to the milling conditions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
This paper summarises the major findings from the Quake Impact Study (QIS), a four-phase longitudinal project that was conducted in the aftermath of the 1989 Newcastle (Australia) earthquake. A total of 3,484 subjects participated in at least one component of the QIS, comprising a stratified sample of 3,007 drawn from community electoral rolls and 477 from specially targeted supplementary samples (the injured, the displaced, the owners of damaged businesses, and the helpers). Subjects' initial earthquake experiences were rated in terms of weighted indices of exposure to threat and disruption. Psychological morbidity was measured at each phase using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Impact of Event Scale (IES). Selected findings and key conclusions are presented for each of six areas of investigation: service utilisation during the first 6 months post-disaster; patterns of earthquake experience and short-term (6-month) psychosocial outcome; earthquake exposure and medium term (2-year) psychosocial outcome; vulnerability factors and medium-term psychosocial outcome: specific community groups at increased risk (e.g., the elderly and immigrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds); the effects of stress debriefing for helpers. Threshold morbidity (i.e., likely caseness) rates are also presented for a broad range of subgroups. In addition to presenting an overview of the QIS, this paper synthesises the major findings and discusses their implications for future disaster management and research from a mental health perspective.
This study tested the utility of a stress and coping model of employee adjustment to a merger Two hundred and twenty employees completed both questionnaires (Time 1: 3 months after merger implementation; Time 2: 2 years later). Structural equation modeling analyses revealed that positive event characteristics predicted greater appraisals of self-efficacy and less stress at Time 1. Self-efficacy, in turn, predicted greater use of problem-focused coping at Time 2, whereas stress predicted a greater use of problem-focused and avoidance coping. Finally, problem-focused coping predicted higher levels of job satisfaction and identification with the merged organization (Time 2), whereas avoidance coping predicted lower identification.
There is now considerable evidence to suggest that non-demented people with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience difficulties using the morphosyntactic aspects of language. It remains unclear, however, at precisely which point in the processing of morphosyntax, these difficulties emerge. The major objective of the present study was to examine the impact of PD on the processes involved in accessing morphosyntactic information in the lexicon. Nineteen people with PD and 19 matched control subjects participated in the study which employed on-line word recognition tasks to examine morphosyntactic priming for local grammatical dependencies that occur both within (e.g. is going) and across (e.g. she gives) phrasal boundaries (Experiments 1 and 2, respectively). The control group evidenced robust morphosyntactic priming effects that were consistent with the involvement of both pre- (Experiment 1) and post-lexical (Experiment 2) processing routines. Whilst the participants with PD also recorded priming for dependencies within phrasal boundaries (Experiment 1), priming effects were observed over an abnormally brief time course. Further, in contrast to the controls, the PD group failed to record morphosyntactic priming for constructions that crossed phrasal boundaries (Experiment 2). The results demonstrate that attentionally mediated mechanisms operating at both the pre- and post-lexical stages of processing are able to contribute to morphosyntactic priming effects. In addition, the findings support the notion that, whilst people with PD are able to access morphosyntactic information in a normal manner, the time frame in which this information remains available for processing is altered. Deficits may also be experienced at the post-lexical integrational stage of processing.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a central nervous system (CNS) chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease leading to various neurological disabilities. The disorder is more prevalent for women with a ratio of 3:2 female to male. Objectives: To investigate variation within the estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) polymorphism gene in an Australian MS case-control population using two intragenic restriction fragment length polymorphisms; the G594A located in exon 8 detected with the BtgI restriction enzyme and T938C located in intron 1, detected with PvuII. One hundred and ten Australian MS patients were studied, with patients classified clinically as Relapsing Remitting MS (RR-MS), Secondary Progressive MS (SP-MS) or Primary Progressive MS (PP-MS). Also, 110 age, sex and ethnicity matched controls were investigated as a comparative group. No significant difference in the allelic distribution frequency was found between the case and control groups for the ESR1 PvuII (P = 0.50) and Btg1 (P = 0.45) marker. Our results do not support a role for these two ESR1 markers in multiple sclerosis susceptibility, however other markers within ESR1 should not be excluded for potential involvement in the disorder.
Investigation of the role of cadmium sulfide in the surface passivation of lead sulfide quantum dots
Surface passivation of PbS nanocrystals (NC), resulting in strong photoluminescence, can be achieved by the introduction of CdS precursors. The role of CdS in the surface passivation of PbS NCs is uncertain, as the crystalline structure of CdS and PbS are different, which should impede effective epitaxial overgrowth. Absorption spectroscopy is used to show that the CdS precursors strongly interact with the PbS NC surface. Electron microscopy reveals that the introduction of CdS precursors results in an increased particle size, consistent with overcoating. However, we also find the process to be highly non-uniform. Nevertheless, evidence for epitaxial growth is found, suggesting that effective surface passivation may be possible.
Argumentation is modelled as a game where the payoffs are measured in terms of the probability that the claimed conclusion is, or is not, defeasibly provable, given a history of arguments that have actually been exchanged, and given the probability of the factual premises. The probability of a conclusion is calculated using a standard variant of Defeasible Logic, in combination with standard probability calculus. It is a new element of the present approach that the exchange of arguments is analysed with game theoretical tools, yielding a prescriptive and to some extent even predictive account of the actual course of play. A brief comparison with existing argument-based dialogue approaches confirms that such a prescriptive account of the actual argumentation has been almost lacking in the approaches proposed so far.
The Japanese inchoative-lexical causative pair poses an interesting problem for the Minimalist Program – how should the lexical causative and the syntactic causative be structurally represented and theoretically accounted for? The lexical causative verb and the syntactic causative verb formed by suffixing the syntactic causative morpheme sase onto the inchoative counterpart are both single causative constructions that are semantically similar. Yet, they differ in some ways, most significantly in their clausality – the lexical causative is monoclausal in nature while the syntactic causative is biclausal, comparable to English biclausal constructions formed with let or force. This paper investigates how this difference can be represented by investigating the possible VP shell structures of different Japanese sentences, and the analysis from the discussion suggests a different structure where a CP is embedded into a higher VP shell as the sister of Agro head.
Brain electrical activity related to working memory was recorded at 15 scalp electrodes during a visuospatial delayed response task. Participants (N = 18) touched the remembered position of a target on a computer screen after either a 1 or 8 sec delay. These memory trials were compared to sensory trials in which the target remained present throughout the delay and response periods. Distracter stimuli identical to the target were briefly presented during the delay on 30% of trials. Responses were less accurate in memory than sensory trials, especially after the long delay. During the delay slow potentials developed that were significantly more negative in memory than sensory trials. The difference between memory and sensory trials was greater at anterior than posterior electrodes. On trials with distracters, the slow potentials generated by memory trials showed further enhancement of negativity whereas there were minimal effects on accuracy of performance. The results provide evidence that engagement of visuospatial working memory generates slow wave negativity with a timing and distribution consistent with frontal activation. Enhanced brain activity associated with working memory is required to maintain performance in the presence of distraction. © 1997 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Four adducts of triphenylphosphine oxide with aromatic carboxylic acids have been synthesized and tested for second-order non-linear optical properties. These were with N-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (I), indole-2-carboxylic acid (2), 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid (3), and thiophen-2-carboxylic acid (4). Compound (1) produced clear, colourless crystals (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) With a 9.892(1), b 14.033(1), c 15.305(1) Angstrom, Z 4) which allowed the structure to be determined by X-ray diffraction.
This investigation was designed to examine the antinociceptive activity in rats of 3-O-acyl prodrugs of M6S relative to the parent drug, after intravenous and intramuscular injection, using the tail flick latency test of antinociception. M6S, 3-acetylmorphine-6-sulfate (3AcM6S), 3-propionylmorphine-6-sulfate (3PrM6S), 3-butanoylmorphine-6-sulfate (3BuM6S) and 3-heptanoylmorphine-6-sulfate (3HpM6S) were administered by the IV route in a dose of 4.10 mu mol/kg. Relatively high levels of antinociception (>40% Maximum Possible Effect) were achieved following administration of M6S, 3AcM6S and 3PrM6S, whereas insignificant antinociception (<20%MPE) was achieved following administration of 3BuM6S or 3HpM6S. Although the mean duration of action for 3AcM6S (6 h) was longer than for M6S or 3PrM6S (4 h), the mean area (+/- S.E.M.) under the degree of antinociception versus time curve (AUG) for 3AcM6S (151.6 +/- 6.9%MPE h) was not significantly different (p <0.05) from that for M6S (120.8 +/- 32.7%MPE h) or for 3PrM6S (106.0 +/- 21.3%MPE h). The mean ED50 (range) doses for M6S, 3AcM6S and 3PrM6S were calculated to be 4.16 (3.61-4.48), 4.32 (3.55-5.09) and 4.54 (4.21-4.79) mu mol/kg, respectively. Preliminary studies were conducted on potential long-acting formulations containing 8 x ED50 doses of M6S and the 3-acetyl and 3-propionyl esters suspended in soybean oil. These showed that 3PrM6S gave a greater AUC (mean + S.E.M.) (1087.4 +/- 97.4%MPE h) and longer duration of action (20 h) than did M6S (613.1 +/- 155.9%MPE h; 10 h duration) or 3AcM6S (379.3 + 114.2%MPE h: 8 h duration). Further studies are needed to more fully investigate these findings. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The redox proteins that incorporate a thioredoxin fold have diverse properties and functions. The bacterial protein-folding factor DsbA is the most oxidizing of the thioredoxin family. DsbA catalyzes disulfide-bond formation during the folding of secreted proteins, The extremely oxidizing nature of DsbA has been proposed to result from either domain motion or stabilizing active-site interactions in the reduced form. In the domain motion model, hinge bending between the two domains of DsbA occurs as a result of redox-related conformational changes. Results: We have determined the crystal structures of reduced and oxidized DsbA in the same crystal form and at the same pH (5.6). The crystal structure of a lower pH form of oxidized DsbA has also been determined (pH 5.0). These new crystal structures of DsbA, and the previously determined structure of oxidized DsbA at pH 6.5, provide the foundation for analysis of structural changes that occur upon reduction of the active-site disulfide bond. Conclusions: The structures of reduced and oxidized DsbA reveal that hinge bending motions do occur between the two domains. These motions are independent of redox state, however, and therefore do not contribute to the energetic differences between the two redox states, instead, the observed domain motion is proposed to be a consequence of substrate binding. Furthermore, DsbA's highly oxidizing nature is a result of hydrogen bond, electrostatic and helix-dipole interactions that favour the thiolate over the disulfide at the active site.
Objective: To investigate a proposed model in which manipulative therapy produces a treatment-specific initial hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effect by activating a descending pain inhibitory system. The a priori hypothesis tested was that manipulative therapy produces mechanical hypoalgesia and sympatho-excitation beyond that produced by placebo or control. Furthermore, these effects would be correlated, thus supporting the proposed model. Design: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures study of the initial effect of treatment. Setting: Clinical neurophysiology laboratory. Subjects: Twenty-four subjects (13 women and 11 men; mean age, 49 yr) with chronic lateral epicondylalgia (average duration, 6.2 months). Intervention: Cervical spine lateral glide oscillatory manipulation, placebo and control. Outcome Measures: Pressure pain threshold, thermal pain threshold, pain-free grip strength test, upper limb tension test 2b, skin conductance, pileous and glabrous skin temperature and blood flux. Results: Treatment produced hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory changes significantly grater than those of placebo and control (p < .03). Confirmatory factor-analysis modeling, which was performed on the pain-related measures and the indicators of sympathetic nervous system function, demonstrated a significant correlation (r = .82) between the latencies of manipulation-induced hypoalgesia and sympathoexcitation. The Lagrange Multiplier test and Wald test indicated that the two latent factors parsimoniously and appropriately represented their observed variables. Conclusions: Manual therapy produces a treatment-specific initial hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effect beyond that of placebo or control. The strong correlation between hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects suggests that a central control mechanism might be activated by manipulative therapy.
Bracken fern (Pteridium spp.) produces cancer of the urinary bladder and oesophagus in grazing animals and is a suspected human carcinogen, The carcinogenic principle ptaquiloside (PT), when activated to a dienone (APT), forms DNA adducts which eventually leads to tumor. Two groups of female Sprague-Dawley rats were given a chronic dose of 3 mg APT weekly for 10 weeks either by intravenous (iv) tail vein or by intragastric (ig) route, A third group was given a weekly dose of 6 mg of APT for 3 weeks by the ig route corresponding to acute dosing. Both chronic iv and ig dosed animals showed ischemic tubular necrosis in the kidney but only iv dosed animals developed adenocarcinomas of the mammary glands. Acutely dosed ig animals produced apoptotic bodies in the liver, necrosis of blood cell precursors in the bone marrow and ischemic tubular necrosis in the kidney but they did not develop tumors, No mutations were found in the H-ras and p53 genes in the mammary glands of either the ig rats or the tumor-bearing iv rats. However, the mammary glands of a fourth group of rats, which received APT by iv and killed before tumor development, carried Pu to Pu and Pu to Py double mutations in codons 58 and 59 of H-ras. This study indicates that the route of administration plays a role in the nature of the disease expression from ptaquiloside exposure. In addition to confirming the role of APT in the PT-induced carcinogenesis our finding suggests that activation of H-ras is an early event in the PT-carcinogenesis model. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
A multisegment percolation system (MSPS) consisting of 25 individual collection wells was constructed to study the effects of localised soil heterogeneities on the transport of solutes in the vadose zone. In particular, this paper discusses the transport of water and nutrients (NO3-, Cl-, PO43-) through structurally stable, free-draining agricultural soil from Victoria, Australia. A solution of nutrients was irrigated onto the surface of a large undisturbed soil core over a 12-h period. This was followed by a continuous irrigation of distilled water at a fate which did not cause pending for a further 18 days. During this time, the volume of leachate and the concentration of nutrients in the leachate of each well were measured. Very significant variation in drainage patterns across a small spatial scale was observed. Leaching of nitrate-nitrogen and chloride from the core occurred two days after initial application. However, less than 1% of the total applied phosphate-phosphorus leached from the soil during the 18-day experiment, indicating strong adsorption. Our experiments indicate considerable heterogeneity in water flow patterns and solute leaching on a small spatial scale. These results have significant ramifications for modelling solute transport and predicting nutrient loadings on a larger scale.