8 resultados para Undisciplined response strategies

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A social rules perspective was employed to identify the elements of socially appropriate responses to unfair criticism in the workplace. Women generally endorsed for themselves response strategies based on stronger obligation and softer rights components, while men endorsed responses based on stronger personal rights expression and weaker obligation components. In support of the utility of a social rules approach to operationalizing context-specific expectations, behavioral responses based on gender and status-specific rules were evaluated as more effective on task, relationship, and self-respect dimensions than were rights-only, rights-plus-empathy, or submissive strategies. Results are discussed in terms of the development of a context-specific model of interpersonal competence and implications for interpersonal skills and assertion training.


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Changes in gene expression are associated with switching to an autoprotected phenotype in response to environmental and physiological stress. Ubiquitous molecular chaperones from the heat shock protein (HSP) superfamily confer neuronal protection that can be blocked by antibodies. Recent research has focused on the interactions between the molecular sensors that affect the increased expression of neuroprotective HSPs above constitutive levels. An examination of the conditions under which the expression of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) was up regulated in a hypoxia and anoxia tolerant tropical species, the epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum), revealed that up-regulation was dependent on exceeding a stimulus threshold for an oxidative stressor. While hypoxic-preconditioning confers neuroprotective changes, there was no increase in the level of Hsp70 indicating that its increased expression was not associated with achieving a neuroprotected state in response to hypoxia in the epaulette shark. Conversely, there was a significant increase in Hsp70 in response to anoxic-preconditioning, highlighting the presence of a stimulus threshold barrier and raising the possibility that, in this species, Hsp70 contributes to the neuroprotective response to extreme crises, such as oxidative stress. Interestingly, there was a synergistic effect of coincident stressors on Hsp70 expression, which was revealed when metabolic stress was superimposed upon oxidative stress. Brain energy charge was significantly lower when adenosine receptor blockade, provided by treatment with aminophylline, was present prior to the final anoxic episode, under these circumstances, the level of Hsp70 induced was significantly higher than in the pair-matched saline treated controls. An understanding of the molecular and metabolic basis for neuroprotective switches, which result in an up-regulation of neuroprotective Hsp70 expression in the brain, is needed so that intervention strategies can be devised to manage CNS pathologies and minimise damage caused by ischemia and trauma. In addition, the current findings indicate that measurements of HSP expression per se may provide a useful correlate of the level of neuroprotection achieved in the switch to an autoprotected phenotype.


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Plant breeders use many different breeding methods to develop superior cultivars. However, it is difficult, cumbersome, and expensive to evaluate the performance of a breeding method or to compare the efficiencies of different breeding methods within an ongoing breeding program. To facilitate comparisons, we developed a QU-GENE module called QuCim that can simulate a large number of breeding strategies for self-pollinated species. The wheat breeding strategy Selected Bulk used by CIMMYT's wheat breeding program was defined in QuCim as an example of how this is done. This selection method was simulated in QuCim to investigate the effects of deviations from the additive genetic model, in the form of dominance and epistasis, on selection outcomes. The simulation results indicate that the partial dominance model does not greatly influence genetic advance compared with the pure additive model. Genetic advance in genetic systems with overdominance and epistasis are slower than when gene effects are purely additive or partially dominant. The additive gene effect is an appropriate indicator of the change in gene frequency following selection when epistasis is absent. In the absence of epistasis, the additive variance decreases rapidly with selection. However, after several cycles of selection it remains relatively fixed when epistasis is present. The variance from partial dominance is relatively small and therefore hard to detect by the covariance among half sibs and the covariance among full sibs. The dominance variance from the overdominance model can be identified successfully, but it does not change significantly, which confirms that overdominance cannot be utilized by an inbred breeding program. QuCim is an effective tool to compare selection strategies and to validate some theories in quantitative genetics.


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We investigated whether juvenile freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygon motoro) can solve spatial tasks by constructing a cognitive map of their environment. Two experimental conditions were run: allocentric and ego-allocentric. Rays were trained to locate food within a four-arm maze placed in a room with visual spatial cues. The feeding location (goal) within the maze (room) remained constant while the starting position varied for the allocentrically but not for the ego-allocentrically trained group. After training, all rays solved the experimental tasks; however, different orientation strategies were used within and between groups. Allocentrically trained rays reached the goal via novel routes starting from unfamiliar locations, while ego-allocentrically trained rays primarily solved the task on the basis of an egocentric turn response. Our data suggest that P. motoro orients by constructing a visual cognitive map of its environment, but also uses egocentric and/or other orientation strategies alone or in combination for spatial orientation, a choice which may be governed by the complexity of the problem. We conclude that spatial memory functions are a general feature of the vertebrate brain.


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To investigate the control mechanisms used in adapting to position-dependent forces, subjects performed 150 horizontal reaching movements over 25 cm in the presence of a position-dependent parabolic force field (PF). The PF acted only over the first 10 cm of the movement. On every fifth trial, a virtual mechanical guide (double wall) constrained subjects to move along a straight-line path between the start and target positions. Its purpose was to register lateral force to track formation of an internal model of the force field, and to look for evidence of possible alternative adaptive strategies. The force field produced a force to the right, which initially caused subjects to deviate in that direction. They reacted by producing deviations to the left, into the force field, as early as the second trial. Further adaptation resulted in rapid exponential reduction of kinematic error in the latter portion of the movement, where the greatest perturbation to the handpath was initially observed, whereas there was little modification of the handpath in the region where the PF was active. Significant force directed to counteract the PF was measured on the first guided trial, and was modified during the first half of the learning set. The total force impulse in the region of the PF increased throughout the learning trials, but it always remained less than that produced by the PF. The force profile did not resemble a mirror image of the PF in that it tended to be more trapezoidal than parabolic in shape. As in previous studies of force-field adaptation, we found that changes in muscle activation involved a general increase in the activity of all muscles, which increased arm stiffness, and selectively-greater increases in the activation of muscles which counteracted the PF. With training, activation was exponentially reduced, albeit more slowly than kinematic error. Progressive changes in kinematics and EMG occurred predominantly in the region of the workspace beyond the force field. We suggest that constraints on muscle mechanics limit the ability of the central nervous system to employ an inverse dynamics model to nullify impulse-like forces by generating mirror-image forces. Consequently, subjects adopted a strategy of slightly overcompensating for the first half of the force field, then allowing the force field to push them in the opposite direction. Muscle activity patterns in the region beyond the boundary of the force field were subsequently adjusted because of the relatively-slow response of the second-order mechanics of muscle impedance to the force impulse.


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Purpose: The present study was conducted to examine the impact of acute weight loss on repeat 2000-m rowing ergometer performance during a simulated multiday regatta. and to compare two different body mass management strategies between races. Methods: Competitive rowers (N = 16) were assigned to either a control (CON), partial recovery (RECpartial), or complete recovery (RECcomplete) group. Volunteers completed four trials, each separated by 48 h. No weight restrictions were imposed for the first trial. Thereafter, athletes in RECpartial and RECcomplete were required to reduce their body mass by 4% in the 24 h before trial 2, again reaching this body mass before the final two trials. No weight restrictions were imposed on CON. Aggressive nutritional recovery strategies were used in the 2 h following weigh-in for all athletes. These strategies were maintained for the 12-16 h following racing for RECcomplete with the aim of restoring at least three quarters of the original 4% body mass loss. Postrace recovery strategies were less aggressive in RECpartial; volunteers were encouraged to restore no more than half of their initial 4% body mass loss. Results: Acute weight loss increased time to complete the first at-weight performance trial by a small margin (mean 3.0, 95% CI -0.3 to 6.3 s, P = 0.07) when compared with the CON response. This effect decreased when sustained for several day,. Aggressive postrace recovery strategies tended to eliminate the effect of acute Weight loss on subsequent performance. Conclusion: Acute weight loss resulted in a small performance compromise that was reduced or eliminated when repeated over several days. Athletes should be encouraged to maximize recovery in the 12-16 h following racing when attempting to optimize subsequent performance.


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Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a recently discovered pathogen first identified in respiratory specimens from young children suffering from clinical respiratory syndromes ranging from mild to severe lower respiratory tract illness. HMPV has worldwide prevalence, and is a leading cause of respiratory tract infection in the first years of life, with a spectrum of disease similar to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The disease burden associated with HMPV infection has not been fully elucidated; however, studies indicate that HMPV may cause upper or lower respiratory tract illness in patients between ages 2 months and 87 years, may co-circulate with RSV, and HMPV infection may be associated with asthma exacerbation. The mechanisms and effector pathways contributing to immunity or disease pathogenesis following infection are not fully understood; however, given the clinical significance of HMPV, there is a need for a fundamental understanding of the immune and pathophysiological processes that occur following infection to provide the foundation necessary for the development of effective vaccine or therapeutic intervention strategies. This review provides a current perspective on the processes associated with HMPV infection, immunity, and disease pathogenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.