98 resultados para Peripheral-nerve Stimulation
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
When patients undergo a magnetic resonance imaging scan, they are subject to both strong static and temporal magnetic fields. The temporal fields are designed to vary at each point in the region being imaged. This is achieved by the use of gradient coils. However, when the gradient coils are switched very rapidly, the strongly time-varying magnetic fields produced can be responsible for stimulating nerves in the peripheral regions of the body. This paper gives a somewhat novel explanation for this phenomenon. The physical mechanism suggested is supported by an illustrative theoretical calculation.
Axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) into a normal or pre-degenerated peripheral nerve graft after an optic nerve pre-lesion was investigated. A pre-lesion performed 1-2 weeks before a second lesion has been shown to enhance axonal regeneration in peripheral nerves (PN) but not in optic nerves (ON) in mammals. The lack of such a beneficial pre-lesion effect may be due to the long delay (1-6 weeks) between the two lesions since RGCs and their axons degenerate rapidly 1-2 weeks following axotomy in adult rodents. The present study examined the effects of the proximal and distal ON pre-lesions with a shortened delay (0-8 days) on axonal regeneration of RGCs through a normal or pre-degenerated PN graft. The ON of adult hamsters was transected intraorbitallv at 2 mm. (proximal lesion) or intracranially at 7 mm (distal lesion) from the optic disc. The pre-lesioned ON was re-transected at 0.5 mm from the disc after 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8 days and a normal or a pre-degenerated PN graft was attached onto the ocular stump. The number of RGCs regenerating their injured axons into the PN graft was estimated by retrograde labeling with FluoroGold 4 weeks after grafting. The number of regenerating RGCs decreased significantly when the delay-time increased in animals with both the ON pre-lesions (proximal or distal) compared to control animals without an ON pre-lesion. The proximal ON pre-lesion significantly reduced the number of regenerating RGCs after a delay of 8 days in comparison with the distal lesion. However, this adverse effect can be overcome, to some degree, by a pre-degenerated PN graft applied 2, 4, or 8 days after the distal ON pre-lesion enhanced more RGCs to regenerate than the normal PN graft. Thus, in order to obtain the highest number of regenerating RGCs, a pre-degenerated PN should be grafted immediately after an ON lesion.
Prior theoretical studies indicate that the negative spatial derivative of the electric field induced by magnetic stimulation may he one of the main factors contributing to depolarization of the nerve fiber. This paper studies this parameter for peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) induced by time.-varying gradient fields during MRI scans. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic human, full-body model. Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient sets in MRI systems and various input signals have been explored. The spatial distributions of the induced electric field and their gradients are calculated and attempts are made to correlate these areas with reported experimental stimulation data. The induced electrical field pattern is similar for both the planar coils and cylindrical coils. This study provides some insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced field gradients for PNS in MRI, which may be used to further evaluate the sites where magnetic stimulation is likely to occur and to optimize gradient coil design.
Rhythmic movements brought about by the contraction of muscles on one side of the body give rise to phase-locked changes in the excitability of the homologous motor pathways of the opposite limb. Such crossed facilitation should favour patterns of bimanual coordination in which homologous muscles are engaged simultaneously, and disrupt those in which the muscles are activated in an alternating fashion. In order to examine these issues, we obtained responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), to stimulation of the cervicomedullary junction (cervicomedullary-evoked potentials, CMEPs), to peripheral nerve stimulation (H-reflexes and f-waves), and elicited stretch reflexes in the relaxed right flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscle during rhythmic (2 Hz) flexion and extension movements of the opposite (left) wrist. The potentials evoked by TMS in right FCR were potentiated during the phases of movement in which the left FCR was most strongly engaged. In contrast, CMEPs were unaffected by the movements of the opposite limb. These results suggest that there was systematic variation of the excitability of the motor cortex ipsilateral to the moving limb. H-reflexes and stretch reflexes recorded in right FCR were modulated in phase with the activation of left FCR. As the f-waves did not vary in corresponding fashion, it appears that the phasic modulation of the H-reflex was mediated by presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents. The observation that both H-reflexes and f-waves were depressed markedly during movements of the opposite indicates that there may also have been postsynaptic inhibition or disfacilitation of the largest motor units. Our findings indicate that the patterned modulation of excitability in motor pathways that occurs during rhythmic movements of the opposite limb is mediated primarily by interhemispheric interactions between cortical motor areas.
This paper describes a hybrid numerical method for the design of asymmetric magnetic resonance imaging magnet systems. The problem is formulated as a field synthesis and the desired current density on the surface of a cylinder is first calculated by solving a Fredholm equation of the first kind. Nonlinear optimization methods are then invoked to fit practical magnet coils to the desired current density. The field calculations are performed using a semi-analytical method. A new type of asymmetric magnet is proposed in this work. The asymmetric MRI magnet allows the diameter spherical imaging volume to be positioned close to one end of the magnet. The main advantages of making the magnet asymmetric include the potential to reduce the perception of claustrophobia for the patient, better access to the patient by attending physicians, and the potential for reduced peripheral nerve stimulation due to the gradient coil configuration. The results highlight that the method can be used to obtain an asymmetric MRI magnet structure and a very homogeneous magnetic field over the central imaging volume in clinical systems of approximately 1.2 m in length. Unshielded designs are the focus of this work. This method is flexible and may be applied to magnets of other geometries. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, rapidly switching magnetic gradient fields that, in extreme cases, may be able to elicit nerve stimulation. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced current inside human tissues caused by pulsed z-gradient fields. A variety of gradient waveforms have been studied. The simulations are based on a new, high-definition, finite-difference time-domain method and a realistic inhomogeneous 10-mm resolution human body model with appropriate tissue parameters. it was found that the eddy current densities are affected not only by the pulse sequences but by many parameters such as the position of the body inside the gradient set, the local biological material properties and the geometry of the body. The discussion contains a comparison of these results with previous results found in the literature. This study and the new methods presented herein will help to further investigate the biological effects caused by the switched gradient fields in a MRI scan. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Numerical modeling of the eddy currents induced in the human body by the pulsed field gradients in MRI presents a difficult computational problem. It requires an efficient and accurate computational method for high spatial resolution analyses with a relatively low input frequency. In this article, a new technique is described which allows the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method to be efficiently applied over a very large frequency range, including low frequencies. This is not the case in conventional FDTD-based methods. A method of implementing streamline gradients in FDTD is presented, as well as comparative analyses which show that the correct source injection in the FDTD simulation plays a crucial rule in obtaining accurate solutions. In particular, making use of the derivative of the input source waveform is shown to provide distinct benefits in accuracy over direct source injection. In the method, no alterations to the properties of either the source or the transmission media are required. The method is essentially frequency independent and the source injection method has been verified against examples with analytical solutions. Results are presented showing the spatial distribution of gradient-induced electric fields and eddy currents in a complete body model.
Influence of magnetically-induced E-fields on cardiac electric activity during MRI: A modeling study
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, time-varying gradient magnetic fields that may be able to induce electric fields (E-fields)/currents in tissues approaching the level of physiological significance. In this work we present theoretical investigations into induced E-fields in the thorax, and evaluate their potential influence on cardiac electric activity under the assumption that the sites of maximum E-field correspond to the myocardial stimulation threshold (an abnormal circumstance). Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient coils were included in the model. The calculations of the induced fields are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic, whole-body model. The potential for cardiac stimulation was evaluated using an electrical model of the heart. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals were simulated and inspected for arrhythmias caused by the applied fields for both healthy and diseased hearts. The simulations show that the shape of the thorax and the conductive paths significantly influence induced E-fields. In healthy patients, these fields are not sufficient to elicit serious arrhythmias with the use of contemporary gradient sets. However, raising the strength and number of repeated switching episodes of gradients, as is certainly possible in local chest gradient sets, could expose patients to increased risk. For patients with cardiac disease, the risk factors are elevated. By the use of this model, the sensitivity of cardiac pathologies, such as abnormal conductive pathways, to the induced fields generated by an MRI sequence can be investigated. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This study investigated the haemodynamic response to the 90-minute application of 85 Hz transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to the T1 and T5 nerve roots. Comparison was made between 20 healthy subjects who had TENS stimulation and a separate group of 20 healthy subjects who rested for 90 minutes. Pulse and blood pressure were measured just prior to the start of TENS stimulation, after 30 minutes of stimulation, and after 90 minutes of stimulation (immediately after stopping TENS) or at completion of the rest time depending on group allocation. The rate pressure product was calculated from the pulse and systolic blood pressure data. Multivariate repeated measures analysis showed a significant group effect for TENS (p = 0.048). Univariate repeated measures analyses showed a significant group by time effect due to TENS on systolic blood pressure over the 90-minute time period (p = 0.028). Separate group repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant decline in heart rate (p = 0.000), systolic blood pressure (p = 0.013) and rate pressure product (p = 0.000) for the TENS group, while the control resting group showed a significant decline in heart rate only (p = 0.04). The application of 85 Hz TENS to the upper thoracic nerve roots causes no adverse haemodynamic effects in healthy subjects.
Little is known about the nature of the calcium channels controlling neurotransmitter release from preganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibres. In the present study, the effects of selective calcium channel antagonists and amiloride were investigated on ganglionic neurotransmission. Conventional intracellular recording and focal extracellular recording techniques were used in rat submandibular and pelvic ganglia, respectively. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials and excitatory postsynaptic currents preceded by nerve terminal impulses were recorded as a measure of acetylcholine release from parasympathetic and sympathetic preganglionic fibres following nerve stimulation. The calcium channel antagonists omega-conotoxin GVIA (N type), nifedipine and nimodipine (L type), omega-conotoxin MVIIC and omega-agatoxin IVA (P/Q type), and Ni2+ (R type) had no functional inhibitory effects on synaptic transmission in both submandibular and pelvic ganglia. The potassium-sparing diuretic, amiloride, and its analogue, dimethyl amiloride, produced a reversible and concentration-dependent inhibition of excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitude in the rat submandibular ganglion. The amplitude and frequency of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic potentials and the sensitivity of the postsynaptic membrane to acetylcholine were unaffected by amiloride. In the rat pelvic ganglion, amiloride produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of excitatory postsynaptic currents without causing any detectable effects on the amplitude or configuration of the nerve terminal impulse. These results indicate that neurotransmitter release from preganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve terminals is resistant to inhibition by specific calcium channel antagonists of N-, L-, P/Q- and R-type calcium channels. Amiloride acts presynaptically to inhibit evoked transmitter release, but does not prevent action potential propagation in the nerve terminals, suggesting that amiloride may block the pharmacologically distinct calcium channel type(s) on rat preganglionic nerve terminals. (C) 1999 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
We recorded reflexive OKN in ten younger (32.3±5.98 years) and older (65.6±6.53) visually normal subjects under viewing conditions designed to differentiate M-pathway functioning from other pathways. Subjects were required to gaze straight ahead while viewing vertical gratings of either 0.43 or 1.08 cpd, drifting at either 5 or 20°/sec and presented at either 8 or 80% contrast. Gratings were presented as full field stimulation, central stimulation or peripheral (>15°) stimulation. The order of presentation of conditions was pseudo-randomised at two blocked light levels: ‘mesopic’ or twilight conditions (1.8 cdm-2) and ‘photopic’ or full light conditions (71.5 cdm-2). For the partial fields, central stimulation, mesopic light level, lower temporal frequencies (i.e. number of stripes passing per second) each contributed to greater OKN strength as measured by slow-phase velocity (SPV). For full field stimulation, and especially for higher temporal frequencies and low contrast, there was a significant interaction between age group × light level (p = 0.017): SPV diminished much more among the older than the younger group for the twilight condition compared to full light. Such a clear diminution in M-pathway sensitivity revealed by OKN response has important implications for everyday situations like crash avoidance under twilight driving conditions.
The compact myelin sheath represents one of the largest expanses of membrane-membrane contact in the body and, in the central nervous system, requires the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) for assembly, To determine whether the molecular properties of PLP promote membrane adhesion and direct its subcellular localization in the absence of oligodendrocyte-specific targeting mechanisms, PLP was expressed in COS-I fibroblasts, Immunofluorescence staining indicated that PUP was translated effectively, transited the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, was delivered to the cell surface, and was endocytosed, In the plasma membrane, the PLP distribution was patchy and only sporadically coincided with sites of membrane-membrane contact between PLP-expressing cells, PLP was not randomly distributed, however, but correlated closely with microfilament locations in leading edge membranes and microvilli, as demonstrated by phalloidin double labeling, Our results indicate that even in non-myelinating cells, PLP can be concentrated in membranes associated with movement and growth, and suggest possible roles for the actin cytoskeleton in PLP localization, As PLP, DM20, and the DM20-like M6 protein all associate with actin-enriched membranes, this may be a common feature of PLP/DM20 gene family members. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The treatment of lateral epicondylalgia, a widely-used model of musculoskeletal pain in the evaluation of many physical therapy treatments, remains somewhat of an enigma. The protagonists of a new treatment technique for lateral epicondylalgia report that it produces substantial and rapid pain relief, despite a lack of experimental evidence. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled repeated-measures study evaluated the initial effect of this new treatment in 24 patients with unilateral, chronic lateral epicondylalgia. Pain-free grip strength was assessed as an outcome measure before, during and after the application of the treatment, placebo and control conditions. Pressure-pain thresholds were also measured before and after the application of treatment, placebo and control conditions. The results demonstrated a significant and substantial increase in pain-free grip strength of 58% (of the order of 60 N) during treatment but not during placebo and control. In contrast, the 10% change in pressure-pain threshold after treatment, although significantly greater than placebo and control, was substantially smaller than the change demonstrated for pain-free grip strength. This effect was only present in the affected limb. The selective and specific effect of this treatment technique provides a valuable insight into the physical modulation of musculoskeletal pain and requires further investigation. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Objective. To study pain quality and variability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods. Pain, disease activity, and functional status Were assessed 3 times over 6 years in an initial cohort of 120 clinic patients with chronic pain from RA. A pain visual analog scale and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) were used to record pain intensity and quality. RA disease activity and function were measured. Results. There was no statistically significant difference in any measure over the 3 assessments. RA pain intensity was moderate. The MPQ showed that sensory components of the pain were described in terms of pressure and constriction. Pain related affect was described with adjectives suggesting positive psychological adaptation to pain. Conclusion. The. results indicate a general profile of no change in pain sensation, affect, and emotional quality in clinic monitored patients with ongoing RA and ongoing, moderate levels of disease activity and function. The MPQ provides qualitative detail to patient's report of pain severity that could be a useful addition to longterm documentation of RA outcome. Regular MPQ documentation of current pain in outpatients could indicate whether any significant change in pain levels is reflected in altered word selection that reflects physiological or psychological change, and could assist clinicians to select the most appropriate form of therapy for RA pain.
Neurons in pelvic ganglia receive nicotinic excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) from sacral preganglionic neurons via the pelvic nerve, lumbar preganglionic neurons via the hypogastric nerve or both. We tested the effect of a range of calcium channel antagonists on EPSPs evoked in paracervical ganglia of female guinea-pigs after pelvic or hypogastric nerve stimulation. omega-Conotoxin GVIA (CTX GVIA, 100 nM) or the novel N-type calcium channel antagonist, CTX CVID (100 nM) reduced the amplitude of EPSPs evoked after pelvic nerve stimulation by 50-75% but had no effect on EPSPs evoked by hypogastric nerve stimulation. Combined addition of CTX GVIA and CTX CVID was no more effective than either antagonist alone. EPSPs evoked by stimulating either nerve trunk were not inhibited by the P/Q calcium channel antagonist, omega-agatoxin IVA (100 nM), nor the L-type calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine (30 muM). SNX 482 (300 nM), an antagonist at some R-type calcium channels, inhibited EPSPs after hypogastric nerve stimulation by 20% but had little effect on EPSPs after pelvic nerve stimulation. Amiloride (100 muM) inhibited EPSPs after stimulation of either trunk by 40%, while nickel (100 muM) was ineffective. CTX GVIA or CTX CVID (100 nM) also slowed the rate of action potential repolarization and reduced afterhyperpolarization amplitude in paracervical neurons. Thus, release of transmitter from the terminals of sacral preganglionic neurons is largely dependent on calcium influx through N-type calcium channels, although an unknown calcium channel which is resistant to selective antagonists also contributes to release. Release of transmitter from lumbar preganglionic neurons does not require calcium entry through either conventional N-type calcium channels or the variant CTX CVID-sensitive N-type calcium channel and seems to be mediated largely by a novel calcium channel. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.