135 resultados para McNeil, Legs: Please kill me
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Free Zarb banner in Mayday procession in Brisbane, Australia 1969Truck has another banner Trades and Labor Council of Queensland and affiliated unions. Banner reads Free Zarb and other political prisoners - gaoled for refusing to kill, end conscription. Facade of KR Darling Downs building can be seen in the background.
In four experiments ERPs to emotional (negative and positive) and neutral stimuli were examined as a function of participants’ trait anxiety and repressivedefensiveness. The experiments investigated the time course of attentional bias in the processing of such stimuli. Pictures of angry, happy, and neutral faces were used in two of the experiments and pictures ofmutilated, happy, and neutral faces were used in the others. ERP’s to emotional and neutral stimuli were recorded from parietal, temporal, and frontal sites. Analysis of the P3 component indicated that the peak magnitude of the P3 at the parietal and temporal sites reflected an interactive function of trait anxiety and defensiveness. Repressors (low reported anxiety, high defensiveness) showed a consistent pattern of greater P3 magnitude at the parietal and temporal sites for emotional faces (angry, happy, and mutilated) than did high-anxious and low-anxious participants. Participants did not differ in P3 magnitude when ERPs to neutral stimuli were investigated (e.g., a fixation cross). The findings indicate that Repressors dedicate greater processing resources to emotional material, as compared to neutral material, than either the high-anxious or low-anxious individuals. Results of the four experiments are discussed within the theoretical framework of Derakshan and Eysenck (1998). The importance of understanding the role of differences in information processing, in the experience and avoidance of emotional information, as a function of trait anxiety and defensiveness is emphasized.
The ability of introduced organisms to invade undisturbed native habitats is a major concern in conservation biology and has resulted in a re-evaluation of the introduction of exotic biocontrol agents, especially of generalist predators. One such agent is Stratiolaelaps miles (Berlese), a predatory mite described from Italy, known from throughout the Holarctic, and apparently accidentally introduced to other areas of the world, including Australia. Initial investigations revealed that putative S. miles could be found in both disturbed and relatively pristine habitats in Queensland, Australia. However, analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of five populations showed most to be highly divergent genetically. Subsequent morphological analysis established two species groups: the lamington-group from cool-temperate to subtropical rainforests in Eastern Australia and the more eurytopic miles-group with a cosmopolitan distribution. We describe two new species from each of these complexes (Stratiolaelaps womersleyi, Stratiolaelaps lamington; Stratiolaelaps marilyn, Stratiolaelaps lorna, respectively), and resurrect Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Womersley), a species which often appears to have been confused with S. miles. Additionally, the large genetic distances among morphologically homogenous species in the miles-group suggest that the apparently cosmopolitan S. miles may be composed of a suite of cryptic species of potentially varying utility in biological control. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Conventional chemotherapeutic drugs target proliferating cells, relying on often small differences in drug sensitivity of tumour cells compared to normal tissue to deliver a therapeutic benefit. Consequently, they have significant limiting toxicities and greatly reduced efficacy against nonproliferating compared to rapidly proliferating tumour cells. This lack of selectivity and inability to kill nonproliferating cells that exist in tumours with a low mitotic index are major failings of these drugs. A relatively new class of anticancer drugs, the histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDI), are selectively cytotoxic, killing tumour and immortalized cells but normal tissue appears resistant. Treatment of tumour cells with these drugs causes both G1 phase cell cycle arrest correlated with increase p21 expression, and cell death, but even the G1 arrested cells died although the onset of death was delayed. We have extended these observations using cells that were stably arrested by either serum starvation or expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16(ink4a). We report that histone deacetylase inhibitors have similar cytotoxicity towards both proliferating and arrested tumour and immortalized cells, although the onset of apoptosis is delayed by 24 h in the arrested cells. Both proliferating and arrested normal cells are unaffected by HDI treatment. Thus, the histone deacetylase inhibitors are a class of anticancer drugs that have the desirable features of being tumour-selective cytotoxic drugs that are equally effective in killing proliferating and nonproliferating tumour cells and immortalized cells. These drugs have enormous potential for the treatment of not only rapidly proliferating tumours, but tumours with a low mitotic index.
An effective immune system requires rapid and appropriate activation of inflammatory mechanisms but equally rapid and effective resolution of the inflammatory state. A review of the canonical host response to gram-negative bacteria, the lipopolysaccharide-Toll-like receptor 4 signaling cascade, highlights the induction of repressors that act at each step of the activation process. These inflammation suppressor genes are characterized by their induction in response to pathogen, typically late in the macrophage activation program, and include an expanding class of dominant-negative proteins derived from alternate splicing of common signaling components. Despite the expanse of anti-inflammatory mechanisms available to an activated macrophage, the frailty of this system is apparent in the large numbers of genes implicated in chronic inflammatory diseases. This apparent lack of redundancy between inflammation suppressor genes is discussed with regard to evolutionary benefits in generating a heterogeneous population of immune cells and consequential robustness in defense against new and evolving pathogens.
This paper provides two vignettes that draw on data from projects that interrogate how a student can be positioned by practices within physical education (PE) and directed by the PE teacher in relation to their valued or legitimated ability. Through the use of Pierre Bourdieu's conceptual tools of field, habitus and capital we investigate the complex legitimation processes that shape student poss(abilities) and that are situated in the space of the PE class. The first vignette is from the perspective of a student and draws on data from interviews, a journal, questionnaires and photos of her PE experiences in upper primary and lower secondary school. The second vignette focuses on teacher practices and his constitution of the field of a PE class highlighting the significance of teacher perspectives of 'ability' in informing assessment in senior secondary PE. Using these examples we discuss the symbolic violence that works against each student by positioning them as 'less able' or 'unable' despite their participation in a learning context. We argue that by not attending to the possible abilities of students that could have been recognized, developed and legitimated, and through the misuse of capital assignment by teachers, PE may well be counterproductive to students' ongoing engagement with the subject area and the espoused potential upon which such a subject area justifies itself.