20 resultados para Méthode de quantification
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Experimental mechanical sieving methods are applied to samples of shellfish remains from three sites in southeast Queensland, Seven Mile Creek Mound, Sandstone Point and One-Tree, to test the efficacy of various recovery and quantification procedures commonly applied to shellfish assemblages in Australia. There has been considerable debate regarding the most appropriate sieve sizes and quantification methods that should be applied in the recovery of vertebrate faunal remains. Few studies, however, have addressed the impact of recovery and quantification methods on the interpretation of invertebrates, specifically shellfish remains. In this study, five shellfish taxa representing four bivalves (Anadara trapezia, Trichomya hirsutus, Saccostrea glomerata, Donax deltoides) and one gastropod (Pyrazus ebeninus) common in eastern Australian midden assemblages are sieved through 10mm, 6.3mm and 3.15mm mesh. Results are quantified using MNI, NISP and weight. Analyses indicate that different structural properties and pre- and postdepositional factors affect recovery rates. Fragile taxa (T. hirsutus) or those with foliated structure (S. glomerata) tend to be overrepresented by NISP measures in smaller sieve fractions, while more robust taxa (A. trapezia and P. ebeninus) tend to be overrepresented by weight measures. Results demonstrate that for all quantification methods tested a 3mm sieve should be used on all sites to allow for regional comparability and to effectively collect all available information about the shellfish remains.
Plants require roots to supply water, nutrients and oxygen for growth. The spatial distribution of roots in relation to the macropore structure of the soil in which they are growing influences how effective they are at accessing these resources. A method for quantifying root-macropore associations from horizontal soil sections is illustrated using two black vertisols from the Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia. Two-dimensional digital images were obtained of the macropore structure and root distribution for an area 55 x 55 mm at a resolution of 64 mu m. The spatial distribution of roots was quantified over a range of distances using the K-function. In all specimens, roots were shown to be clustered at short distances (1-10 mm) becoming more random at longer distances. Root location in relation to macropores was estimated using the function describing the distance of each root to the nearest macropore. From this function, a summary variable, termed the macropore sheath, was defined. The macropore sheath is the distance from macropores within which 80% of roots are located. Measured root locations were compared to random simulations of root distribution to establish if there was a preferential association between roots and macropores. More roots were found in and around macropores than expected at random.
The Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from Aequorea victor-in has begun to be used as a reporter protein in plants. It is particularly useful as GFP fluorescence can be detected in a non-destructive manner, whereas detection of enzyme-based reporters often requires destruction of the plant tissue. The use of GFP as a reporter enables transgenic plant tissues to be screened in vivo at any growth stage. Quantification of GFP in transgenic plant extracts will increase the utility of GFP as a reporter protein. We report herein the quantification of a mGFP5-ER Variant in tobacco leaf extracts by UV excitation and a sGFP(S65T) variant in sugarcane leaf and callus extracts by blue light excitation using the BioRad VersaFluor(TM) Fluorometer System or the Labsystems Fluoroskan Ascent FL equipped with a narrow band emission filter (510 +/- 5 nm). The GFP concentration in transgenic plant extracts was determined from a GFP-standard series prepared in untransformed plant extract with concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 4 mu g/ml of purified rGFP. Levels of sgfp(S65T) expression, driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter, in sugarcane calli and leaves ranged up to 0.525 mu g and 2.11 mu g sGFP(S65T) per mg of extractable protein respectively. In tobacco leaves the expression of mgfPS-ER, driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, ranged up to 7.05 mu g mGFP5-ER per mg extractable protein.
To facilitate the investigation of free mycophenolic acid concentrations we developed a high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method using indomethacin as an internal standard. Free drug was isolated from plasma samples (500 mul) using ultrafiltration, The analytes were extracted from the ultrafiltrate (200 mul) using C-18 solid-phase extraction. Detection was by selected reactant monitoring of mycophenolic acid (m/z 318.9-->190.9) and the internal standard (m/z 356.0-->297.1) with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation interface. The total chromatographic analysis time was 12 min. The method was found to be linear over the range investigated, 2.5-200 mug/l (r>0.990, n=6). The relative recovery of the method for the control samples studied (7.5, 40.0 and 150 mug/l) ranged from 95 to 104%. The imprecision of the method, expressed in terms of intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation, was
Axial X-ray Computed tomography (CT) scanning provides a convenient means of recording the three-dimensional form of soil structure. The technique has been used for nearly two decades, but initial development has concentrated on qualitative description of images. More recently, increasing effort has been put into quantifying the geometry and topology of macropores likely to contribute to preferential now in soils. Here we describe a novel technique for tracing connected macropores in the CT scans. After object extraction, three-dimensional mathematical morphological filters are applied to quantify the reconstructed structure. These filters consist of sequences of so-called erosions and/or dilations of a 32-face structuring element to describe object distances and volumes of influence. The tracing and quantification methodologies were tested on a set of undisturbed soil cores collected in a Swiss pre-alpine meadow, where a new earthworm species (Aporrectodea nocturna) was accidentally introduced. Given the reduced number of samples analysed in this study, the results presented only illustrate the potential of the method to reconstruct and quantify macropores. Our results suggest that the introduction of the new species induced very limited chance to the soil structured for example, no difference in total macropore length or mean diameter was observed. However. in the zone colonised by, the new species. individual macropores tended to have a longer average length. be more vertical and be further apart at some depth. Overall, the approach proved well suited to the analysis of the three-dimensional architecture of macropores. It provides a framework for the analysis of complex structures, which are less satisfactorily observed and described using 2D imaging. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This study quantified the release of monomers from polymerized specimens of four commercially available resin composites and one glass ionomer cement immersed in water:ethanol solutions. Individual standard curves were prepared from five monomers: (1) triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), (2) 2-hydroxy-ethyl methacrylate (HEMA), (3) urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), (4) bisphenol A glycidyl dimethacrylate (BISGMA), and (5) bisphenol A. The concentration of the monomers was determined at Days 1, 7, 30, and 90 with the use of electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry. Data were expressed in mean mumol per mm(2) surface area of specimen and analyzed with Scheffe's test (P < 0.05). The following monomers were found in water: monomers (1) and (2) from Delton sealant, monomer (5) from ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive and Delton sealant, monomer (3) from Definite and monomer (4) from Fuji II LC, ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive, Synergy and Definite. All these monomers increased in concentration over time, with the exception of monomer (1) from Delton sealant. Monomers (3) and (5) were found in extracts of materials despite their absence from the manufacturer's published composition. All monomers were released in significantly higher concentrations in water:ethanol solutions than in water. The greatest release of monomers occurred in the first day. The effect of the measured concentrations of monomers (1-5) on human genes, cells, or tissues needs to be considered with the use of a biological model. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Real-time Taqman(TM) RT-PCR was used to make quantitative comparisons of the levels of PrRP mRNA expression in micropunch brain samples from rats at different stages of the oestrous cycle and in lactation. The nucleus of the solitary tract and ventrolateral reticular nuclei of the medulla oblongata contained significantly (P < 0.05) greater levels of PrRP mRNA than any hypothalamic region. Within the hypothalamus, the highest level of PrRP expression was localised to the dorsomedial aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamus. All other hypothalamic regions exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) lower levels of expression, including the rostral and caudal dorsomedial hypothalamus. Very low levels of PrRP expression were observed in the arcuate nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, medial preoptic nucleus and ventrolateral aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamus. No significant changes in PrRP expression were noted in any sampled region between proestrus, oestrus or dioestrus. Similarly, PrRP expression in hypothalamic regions did not differ between lactating and non-lactating (dioestrous) animals. During validation of RT-PCR techniques we cloned and sequenced a novel splice variant of PrRP from the hypothalamus. This variant arises from alternative splicing of the donor site within exon 2, resulting in an insert of 64 base pairs and shift in the-codon:reading frame with the introduction of an early stop codon. In the hypothalamus and brainstem, mRNA expression of the variant was restricted to regions that expressed PrRP. These results suggest that PrRP expression in the hypothalamus may be more Widespread than previously reported. However, the relatively low level of PrRP in the hypothalamus and the lack of significant changes in expression during the oestrous cycle and lactation provides further evidence that PrRP is unlikely to be involved in the regulation of prolactin, secretion. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The use of X-ray imaging to assess variability in ceramic fabrication is common in archaeological studies aimed at examining ancient pottery technologies. In this paper, a method based on the measurement of individual pores orientation is presented. This method is successfully applied to ceramic specimens of known origin whose structure signified different deformation histories.
Wistari Reef. within the southern Great Barrier Reef. is a shallow coral reef platform featuring a very clearly defined leeward accretionary wedge of carbonate sediments. The total global area of shallowly submerged coral reef has been quantified as 255 000 km(2). The question then becomes: What additional area of sediment of significant thickness is associated with the measured shallow reef areas T At Wistari Reef, the leeward sedimentary wedge has an area and a thickness that are roughly equal to the Holocene sediments that have accumulated on the platform. Several important observations can be made from these data. Firstly. the area of significant neritic carbonate sedimentation ( > 1 m/ka) associated with coral reefs is near 500000 km(2). Secondly, the production rate of neritic carbonates at Wistari Reef is almost 50%, less than the accumulation rate needed to obtain the volume of Holocene reef sediments observed. This implies that both production and accumulation neritic carbonate must have been more than a factor of two higher in the early to mid Holocene. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Low-micromolar concentrations of sulfite, thiosulfate and sulfide, present in synthetic wastewater or anaerobic digester effluent, were quantified by means of derivatization with monobromobimane, followed by HPLC separation with fluorescence detection. The concentration of elemental sulfur was determined, after its extraction with chloroform from the derivatized sample, by HPLC with UV detection. Recoveries of sulfide (both matrices), and of thiosulfate and sulfite (synthetic wastewater) were between 98 and 103%. The in-run RSDs on separate derivatizations were 13 and 19% for sulfite (two tests), between 1.5 and 6.6% for thiosulfate (two tests) and between 4.1 and 7.7% for sulfide (three tests). Response factors for derivatives of sulfide and thiosulfate, but not sulfite, were steady over a 13-month period during which 730 samples were analysed. Dithionate and tetrathionate did not seem to be detectable with this method. The distinctness of the elemental sulfur and the derivatizing-agent peaks was improved considerably by detecting elution at 297 instead of 263 nm. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Current noninvasive techniques for the routine and frequent quantification of peripheral lymphedema in patients are total limb volume measurement (by water immersion or by circumferential measurements) and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). However both of these techniques require standardizing the measurement using a contralateral measurement from the unaffected limb, Hence these techniques are essentially restricted to unilateral lymphedema. This paper describes the results from a preliminary study to investigate an alternative approach to the analysis of the data from multiple frequency BIA to produce an index of lymphedema without the need for normalization to another body segment. Twenty patients receiving surgical treatment for breast cancer were monitored prior to surgery and again after diagnosis with unilateral lymphedema. The data recorded were total limb volume, by circumferential measurements; and BIA measurements of both limbs. From these measurements total limb volumes and extracellular fluid volumes were calculated and expressed as ratios of the affected limb to that of the unaffected limb. An index of the ratio of the extracellular fluid volume to the intracellular fluid volume was determined. This ECW/ICW index was calculated for both the affected and unaffected limbs at both measurement times. Results confirmed that the established techniques of total limb volume and extracellular fluid volume normalized to the unaffected contralateral limb were accurate in the detection of lymphedema (p < 10(-6)). Comparison of the ECW/ICW index from the affected limb after diagnosis with that from the pre-surgery measurement revealed a significant (p< 10(-6)) and considerable (75%) increase. The results of this pilot study suggest that by using multiple frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, an index of the ECW/ICW ratio can be obtained and this index appears to have an equal, or better, sensitivity, than the other techniques in detecting lymphedema. More importantly, this index does not require normalization to another body segment and can be used to detect all types of peripheral edema including both unilateral and bilateral lymphedema.