23 resultados para Library information networks.

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Network building and exchange of information by people within networks is crucial to the innovation process. Contrary to older models, in social networks the flow of information is noncontinuous and nonlinear. There are critical barriers to information flow that operate in a problematic manner. New models and new analytic tools are needed for these systems. This paper introduces the concept of virtual circuits and draws on recent concepts of network modelling and design to introduce a probabilistic switch theory that can be described using matrices. It can be used to model multistep information flow between people within organisational networks, to provide formal definitions of efficient and balanced networks and to describe distortion of information as it passes along human communication channels. The concept of multi-dimensional information space arises naturally from the use of matrices. The theory and the use of serial diagonal matrices have applications to organisational design and to the modelling of other systems. It is hypothesised that opinion leaders or creative individuals are more likely to emerge at information-rich nodes in networks. A mathematical definition of such nodes is developed and it does not invariably correspond with centrality as defined by early work on networks.


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Traditional methods of R&D management are no longer sufficient for embracing innovations and leveraging complex new technologies to fully integrated positions in established systems. This paper presents the view that the technology integration process is a result of fundamental interactions embedded in inter-organisational activities. Emerging industries, high technology companies and knowledge intensive organisations owe a large part of their viability to complex networks of inter-organisational interactions and relationships. R&D organisations are the gatekeepers in the technology integration process with their initial sanction and motivation to develop technologies providing the first point of entry. Networks rely on the activities of stakeholders to provide the foundations of collaborative R&D activities, business-to-business marketing and strategic alliances. Such complex inter-organisational interactions and relationships influence value creation and organisational goals as stakeholders seek to gain investment opportunities. A theoretical model is developed here that contributes to our understanding of technology integration (adoption) as a dynamic process, which is simultaneously structured and enacted through the activities of stakeholders and organisations in complex inter-organisational networks of sanction and integration.


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Mycorthizae play a critical role in nutrient capture from soils. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) and ectomycorrhizae (EM) are the most important mycorrhizae in agricultural and natural ecosystems. AM and EM fungi use inorganic NH4+ and NO3-, and most EM fungi are capable of using organic nitrogen. The heavier stable isotope N-15 is discriminated against during biogeochemical and biochemical processes. Differences in N-15 (atom%) or delta(15)N (parts per thousand) provide nitrogen movement information in an experimental system. A range of 20 to 50% of one-way N-transfer has been observed from legumes to nonlegumes. Mycorrhizal fungal mycelia can extend from one plant's roots to another plant's roots to form common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs). Individual species, genera, even families of plants can be interconnected by CMNs. They are capable of facilitating nutrient uptake and flux. Nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and other elements may then move via either AM or EM networks from plant to plant. Both N-15 labeling and N-15 natural abundance techniques have been employed to trace N movement between plants interconnected by AM or EM networks. Fine mesh (25similar to45 mum) has been used to separate root systems and allow only hyphal penetration and linkages but no root contact between plants. In many studies, nitrogen from N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants transferred to non-N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants (one-way N-transfer). In a few studies, N is also transferred from non-N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants to N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants (two-way N-transfer). There is controversy about whether N-transfer is direct through CMNs, or indirect through the soil. The lack of convincing data underlines the need for creative, careful experimental manipulations. Nitrogen is crucial to productivity in most terrestrial ecosystems, and there are potential benefits of management in soil-plant systems to enhance N-transfer. Thus, two-way N-transfer warrants further investigation with many species and under field conditions.


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A variety of current and future wired and wireless networking technologies can be transformed into a seamless communication environments through application of context-based vertical handovers. Such seamless communication environments are needed for future pervasive/ubiquitous systems. Pervasive systems are context aware and need to adapt to context changes, including network disconnections and changes in network Quality of Service (QoS). Vertical handover is one of many possible adaptation methods. It allows users to roam freely between heterogeneous networks while maintaining the continuity of their applications. This paper proposes a vertical handover mechanism suitable for multimedia applications in pervasive systems. The paper focuses on the handover decision making process which uses context information regarding user devices, user location, network environment and requested QoS. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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1. Growing concern associated with threats to the marine environment has resulted in an increased demand for marine reserves that conserve representative and adequate examples of biodiversity. Often, the decisions about where to locate reserves must be made in the absence of detailed information on the patterns of distribution of the biota. Alternative approaches are required that include defining habitats using surrogates for biodiversity. Surrogate measures of biodiversity enable decisions about where to locate marine reserves to be made more reliably in the absence of detailed data on the distribution of species. 2. Intertidal habitat types derived using physical properties of the shoreline were used as a surrogate for intertidal biodiversity to assist with the identification of sites for inclusion in a candidate system of intertidal marine reserves for 17 463 km of the mainland coast of Queensland, Australia. This represents the first systematic approach, on essentially one-dimensional data, using fine-scale (tens to hundreds of metres) intertidal habitats to identify a system of marine reserves for such a large length of coast. A range of solutions would provide for the protection of a representative example of intertidal habitats in Queensland. 3. The design and planning of marine and terrestrial protected areas systems should not be undertaken independently of each other because it is likely to lead to inadequate representation of intertidal habitats in either system. The development of reserve systems specially designed to protect intertidal habitats should be integrated into the design of terrestrial and marine protected area systems. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Motivation: Targeting peptides direct nascent proteins to their specific subcellular compartment. Knowledge of targeting signals enables informed drug design and reliable annotation of gene products. However, due to the low similarity of such sequences and the dynamical nature of the sorting process, the computational prediction of subcellular localization of proteins is challenging. Results: We contrast the use of feed forward models as employed by the popular TargetP/SignalP predictors with a sequence-biased recurrent network model. The models are evaluated in terms of performance at the residue level and at the sequence level, and demonstrate that recurrent networks improve the overall prediction performance. Compared to the original results reported for TargetP, an ensemble of the tested models increases the accuracy by 6 and 5% on non-plant and plant data, respectively.


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We propose a novel interpretation and usage of Neural Network (NN) in modeling physiological signals, which are allowed to be nonlinear and/or nonstationary. The method consists of training a NN for the k-step prediction of a physiological signal, and then examining the connection-weight-space (CWS) of the NN to extract information about the signal generator mechanism. We de. ne a novel feature, Normalized Vector Separation (gamma(ij)), to measure the separation of two arbitrary states i and j in the CWS and use it to track the state changes of the generating system. The performance of the method is examined via synthetic signals and clinical EEG. Synthetic data indicates that gamma(ij) can track the system down to a SNR of 3.5 dB. Clinical data obtained from three patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy of the brain showed that EEG could be modeled (within a root-means-squared-error of 0.01) by the proposed method, and the blood perfusion state of the brain could be monitored via gamma(ij), with small NNs having no more than 21 connection weight altogether.


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This paper presents a composite multi-layer classifier system for predicting the subcellular localization of proteins based on their amino acid sequence. The work is an extension of our previous predictor PProwler v1.1 which is itself built upon the series of predictors SignalP and TargetP. In this study we outline experiments conducted to improve the classifier design. The major improvement came from using Support Vector machines as a "smart gate" sorting the outputs of several different targeting peptide detection networks. Our final model (PProwler v1.2) gives MCC values of 0.873 for non-plant and 0.849 for plant proteins. The model improves upon the accuracy of our previous subcellular localization predictor (PProwler v1.1) by 2% for plant data (which represents 7.5% improvement upon TargetP).


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The past few years have brought about a fundamental change in our understanding and definition of the RNA world and its role in the functional and regulatory architecture of the cell. The discovery of small RNAs that regulate many aspects of differentiation and development have joined the already known non-coding RNAs that are involved in chromosome dosage compensation, imprinting, and other functions to become key players in regulating the flow of genetic information. It is also evident that there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of other non-coding RNAs that are transcribed from the mammalian genome, as well as many other yet-to-be-discovered small regulatory RNAs. In the recent symposium RNA: Networks & Imaging held in Heidelberg, the dual roles of RNA as a messenger and a regulator in the flow of genetic information were discussed and new molecular genetic and imaging methods to study RNA presented.


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Vertical handovers can transform heterogeneous networks into an integrated communication environment. Such integration can lead to seamless communication if context information is used to support vertical handovers. Seamless communication environments are needed for future pervasive/ubiquitous systems, which are context aware and can adapt to context changes, including network disconnections, changes in network quality of service and changes in user preferences. This paper describes a generic, context-aware handover solution for multimedia applications and illustrates how this handover works for redirection of communication between WLANs and GPRS or UMTS networks. A description of a prototype for WLAN/GPRS handover and the results of handover experiments are also presented.


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Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), based on commodity hardware, present a promising technology for a wide range of applications due to their self-configuring and self-healing capabilities, as well as their low equipment and deployment costs. One of the key challenges that WMN technology faces is the limited capacity and scalability due to co-channel interference, which is typical for multi-hop wireless networks. A simple and relatively low-cost approach to address this problem is the use of multiple wireless network interfaces (radios) per node. Operating the radios on distinct orthogonal channels permits effective use of the frequency spectrum, thereby, reducing interference and contention. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the multi-radio Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a specific focus on hybrid WMNs. Our simulation results show that under high mobility and traffic load conditions, multi-radio AODV offers superior performance as compared to its single-radio counterpart. We believe that multi-radio AODV is a promising candidate for WMNs, which need to service a large number of mobile clients with low latency and high bandwidth requirements.