16 resultados para Ion exchange chromatography.

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A chromatographic method was developed for the determination of tryptophan content in food and feed proteins. The method involves separation and quantitation of tryptophan (released from protein by alkaline hydrolysis with NaOH) by isocratic ion-exchange chromatography with O-phthalaldehyde derivatization followed by fluorescence detection. In this procedure, chromatographic separation of the tryptophan and alpha-methyl tryptophan, the internal standard, was complete in 15 min, without any interference from other compounds. The precision of the method was 1-4%, relative standard deviation. Accuracy was validated by agreement with the value for chicken egg white lysozyme, a sequenced protein, and by quantitative recoveries after spiking with lysozyme. The method allows determination in a range of feed proteins, containing varied concentrations of tryptophan, and is applicable to systems used for routine amino acid analysis by ion-exchange chromatography. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Column-based refolding of complex and highly disulfide-bonded proteins simplifies protein renaturation at both preparative and process scale by integrating and automating a number of operations commonly used in dilution refolding. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as a model protein for refolding and oxido-shuffling on an ion-exchange column to give a refolding yield of 55 % after 40 Ih incubation. Successful on-column refolding was conducted at protein concentrations of up to 10 mg/ml and refolded protein, purified from misfolded forms, was eluted directly from the column at a concentration of 3 mg/ml. This technique integrates the dithiothreitol removal, refolding, concentration and purification steps, achieving a high level of process simplification and automation, and a significant saving in reagent costs when scaled. Importantly, the current result suggests that it is possible to controllably refold disulfide-bonded proteins using common and inexpensive matrices, and that it is not always necessary to control protein-surface interactions using affinity tags and expensive chromatographic matrices. Moreover, it is possible to strictly control the oxidative refolding environment once denatured protein is bound to the ion-exchange column, thus allowing precisely controlled oxido-shuffling. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure of the extracellular domain of growth hormone receptor complexed to its ligand, growth hormone, has been known since 1992. However, no information exists for the unliganded form of the receptor. The human growth hormone receptor's extracellular ligand-binding domain, encompassing amino-acid residues 1 - 238, has been expressed in Escherichia coli, purified by anion ion-exchange chromatography and crystallized in its unliganded state by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method in 100 mM HEPES pH 7.0 containing 27.5%(w/v) PEG 5000 monomethyl ether and 200 mM ammonium sulfate as the co-precipitants. The crystals belong to the othorhombic space group C222(1), have unit-cell parameters a = 99.7, b = 112.2, c = 93.2 Angstrom and diffract to 2.5 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation. The crystal structure will shed light on the nature of any conformation changes that occur upon ligand binding and will provide information to develop potential low-molecular-weight agonists/antagonists to treat clinical diseases in which the growth hormone receptor is implicated.


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Hepcidin is a liver-expressed antimicrobial and iron regulatory peptide. A number of studies have indicated that hepcidin is important for the correct regulation of body iron homeostasis. The aims of this study were to analyse the expression, trafficking and regulation of human hepcidin in an in vitro cell culture system. Human hepcidin was transfected into human embryonic kidney cells. Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy analysis revealed that recombinant hepcidin localised to the Golgi complex. Recombinant hepcidin is secreted from the cell within 1 h of its synthesis. Recombinant hepcidin was purified from the cell culture medium using ion-exchange and metal-affinity chromatography and was active in antimicrobial assays. Amino-terminal sequence analysis of the secreted peptide revealed that it was the mature 25 amino acid form of hepcidin. Our results show that recombinant myc-His tagged human hepcidin was expressed, processed and secreted correctly and biologically active in antimicrobial assays. (C) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Anion clay hydrotalcite sorbents were prepared to investigate their adsorption capabilities in the removal of coloured organic substances from various aqueous systems. Anion clay hydrotalcite was found to be particularly effective at removing negatively charged species. Its excellent uptake levels of anionic species can be accounted for by its high surface area and anion exchange ability. That is, coloured substances can be adsorbed on the surface or enter the interlayer region of the clay by anion exchange. In the adsorption of Acid Blue 29 on the anion clay hydrotalcite, an equilibrium time of 1 h with dye removal exceeding 99% was obtained. The hydrotalcite was found to have an adsorption capacity marginally below that of commercial activated carbon. It should be noted that the spent sorbents can be regenerated easily by heating at 723 K to remove all adsorbed organics. The reused sorbents displayed greater adsorption capabilities than the newly prepared hydrotalcite. Hence, the anion clay hydrotalcite is easily recoverable and reusable such that it is a promising sorbent for environmental and purification purposes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of the hexadentate ligand 5,6-dimethyl-2,2,9,9-tetra(methyleneamine)-4,7-dithiadecane (1,2-Me(2)EtN(4)S(2)amp) is reported. The diastereiosomers were separated as cobalt(III) complexes using cation exchange chromatography. The rac and mesa isomers were characterized by NMR (C-13, H-1, Co-59), ESI-MS, UV-Vis spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Single crystals of [Co(rac-1,2-Me(2)EtN(4)S(2)amp)] Cl-2(ClO4) (.) 2H(2)O were characterized by X-ray diffraction. The low-temperature (11 K) absorption spectra of the complexes have been measured in Nafion films and from the observed positions of both spin-allowed (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) and (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and spin forbidden (1)A(1g) --> T-3(2g) bands, octahedral ligand-field parameters (10Dq, B and C) were determined. These results, in conjunction with the Co-59 NMR data, are used to further explore the relationship between the Co-59 magnetogyric ratio (gamma(Co)) and the product of the nephelauxetic ratio and the wavelength of the (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) transition (beta(DeltaE)(-1)) for complexes of mixed donor nitrogen-thioether ligands. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hookworms feed on blood, but the mechanism by which they lyse ingested erythrocytes is unknown. Here we show that Ancylostoma caninum, the common dog hookworm, expresses a detergent soluble, haemolytic factor. Activity was identified in both adult and larval stages, was heat-stable and unaffected by the addition of protease inhibitors, metal ions, chelators and reducing agents. Trypsin ablated lysis indicating that the haemolysin is a protein. A closely migrating doublet of hookworm proteins with apparent molecular weights of 60-65 kDa bound to the erythrocyte membrane after lysis of cells using both unlabeled and biotinylated detergent-solubilised hookworm extracts. In addition, separation of detergent-soluble parasite extracts using strong cation-exchange chromatography, resulted in purification of 60-65 kDa proteins with trypsin-sensitive haemolytic activity. Erythrocytes lysed with particulate, buffer-insoluble worm extracts were observed using scanning electron microscopy and appeared as red cell ghosts with approximately 100 nm diameter pores formed in the cell membranes. Red blood cell ghosts remained visible indicating that lysis was likely caused by pore formation and followed by osmotic disruption of the cell. (C) 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Simultaneous and preirradiation grafting of styrene onto fluorinated polyolefins does not enable control of the molecular weights or polydispersities of the styrene grafts. The nitroxide-mediated grafting of styrene onto PFA with TEMPO and TEISO using a preirradiation method has been investigated as a means of controlling the graft properties and especially to produce grafts with improved suitability for SPOC. The yields of graft were found to be in the range 15-20% for nitroxide concentrations between 5 x 10(-3) and 2 x 10(-2) M and were similar for the two nitroxides studied. Raman mapping was used to obtain the depth profile for the styrene grafts. The grafts were found to be principally located within the PFA substrate, and little graft was formed at the PFA surface. Fmoc loading tests were performed to assess the suitability of the grafted PFA as a support for SPOC, but these showed no significant loading was achieved, thus indicating that the graft properties are not suitable for SPOC. However, the study has important implications for the applications of PFA-grafted polymers in other areas, such as chemically resistant ion-exchange and separation membranes.


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A solution culture experiment was conducted to examine the effect of Cu toxicity on Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Knuth.), a pasture species used in mine-site rehabilitation. The experiment used dilute, solution culture to achieve external nutrient concentrations, which were representative of the soil solution, and an ion exchange resin to maintain stable concentrations of Cu in solution. Copper toxicity was damaging to plant roots, with symptoms ranging from disruption of the root cuticle and reduced root hair proliferation, to severe deformation of root structure. A reduction in root growth was observed at an external Cu concentration of < 1 mu M, with damage evident from an external concentration of 0.2 mu M. Critical to the success of this experiment, in quantitatively examining the relationship between external Cu concentration and plant response, was the use of ion exchange resin to buffer the concentration of Cu in solution. After some initial difficulty with pH control, stable concentrations of Cu in solution were maintained for the major period of plant growth. The development of this technique will facilitate future investigations of the effect of heavy metals on plants.


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The zebrafish golden mutation is characterized by the production of small and irregular-shaped melanin granules, resulting in a lightening of the pigmented lateral stripes of the animal. The recent positional cloning and localization of the golden gene, combined with genotype-phenotype correlations of alleles of its human orthologue (SLC24A5) in African-American and African-Caribbean populations, provide insights into the genetic and molecular basis of human skin colour. SLC24A5 promotes melanin deposition through maturation of the melanosome, highlighting the importance of ion-exchange in the function of this organelle.


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Structured soils are characterized by the presence of inter- and intra-aggregate pore systems and aggregates, which show varying chemical, physical, and biological properties depending on the aggregate type and land use system. How far these aspects also affect the ion exchange processes and to what extent the interaction between the carbon distribution and kind of organic substances affect the internal soil strength as well as hydraulic properties like wettability are still under discussion. Thus, the objective of this research was to clarify the effect of soil aggregation on physical and chemical properties of structured soils at two scales: homogenized material and single aggregates. Data obtained by sequentially peeling off soil aggregates layers revealed gradients in the chemical composition from the aggregate surface to the aggregate core. In aggregates from long term untreated forest soils we found lower amounts of carbon in the external layer, while in arable soils the differentiation was not pronounced. However, soil aggregates originating from these sites exhibited a higher concentration of microbial activity in the outer aggregate layer and declined towards the interior. Furthermore, soil depth and the vegetation type affected the wettability. Aggregate strength depended. on water suction and differences in tillage treatments.


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We have investigated the isomeric distribution and rearrangement of complexes of the type [CoXLn](2+,3+) (where X = Cl-, OH-, H2O, and L-n represents a pentadentate 13-, 14-, and 15-membered tetraaza or diaza-dithia (N-4 or N2S2) macrocycle bearing a pendant primary amine). The preparative procedures for chloro complexes produced almost exclusively kinetically preferred cis isomers (where the pendant primary amine is cis to the chloro ligand) that can be separated by careful cation-exchange chromatography. For L-13 and L-14 the so-called cis-V isomer is isolated as the kinetic product, and for L-15 the cis-VI form (an N-based diastereomer) is the preferred, while for the L-14(S) complex both cis-V and trans-I forms are obtained. All these complexes rearrange to form stable trans isomers in which the pendent primary amine is trans to the monodentate aqua or hydroxo ligand, depending on pH and the workup procedure. In total 11 different complexes have been studied. From these, two different trans isomers of [CoCIL14S](2+) have been characterized crystallographically for the first time in addition to a new structure of cis-V-[CoCIL14S](2+); all were isolated as their chloride perchlorate salts. Two additional isomers have been identified and characterized by NMR as reaction intermediates. The remaining seven forms correspond to the complexes already known, produced in preparative procedures. The kinetic, thermal, and baric activation parameters for all the isomerization reactions have been determined and involve large activation enthalpies and positive volumes of activation. Activation entropies indicate a very important degree of hydrogen bonding in the reactivity of the complexes, confirmed by density functional theory studies on the stability of the different isomeric forms. The isomerization processes are not simple and even some unstable intermediates have been detected and characterized as part of the above-mentioned 11 forms of the complexes. A common reaction mechanism for the isomerization reactions has been proposed for all the complexes derived from the observed kinetic and solution behavior.


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Failure to express soluble proteins in bacteria is mainly attributed to the properties of the target protein itself, as well as the choice of the vector, the purification tag and the linker between the tag and protein, and codon usage. The expression of proteins with fusion tags to facilitate subsequent purification steps is a widely used procedure in the production of recombinant proteins. However, the additional residues can affect the properties of the protein; therefore, it is often desirable to remove the tag after purification. This is usually done by engineering a cleavage site between the tag and the encoded protein that is recognised by a site-specific protease, such as the one from tobacco etch virus (TEV). In this study, we investigated the effect of four different tags on the bacterial expression and solubility of nine mouse proteins. Two of the four engineered constructs contained hexahistidine tags with either a long or short linker. The other two constructs contained a TEV cleavage site engineered into the linker region. Our data show that inclusion of the TEV recognition site directly downstream of the recombination site of the Invitrogen Gateway vector resulted, in a loss of solubility of the nine mouse proteins. Our work suggests that one needs to be very careful when making modifications to expression vectors and combining different affinity and fusion tags and cleavage sites: (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.