5 resultados para Homogenization

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The efficiency of physical separation of inclusion bodies from cell debris is related to cell debris size and inclusion body release and both factors should be taken into account when designing a process. In this work, cell disruption by enzymatic treatment with lysozyme and cellulase, by homogenization, and by homogenization with ammonia pretreatment is discussed. These disruption methods are compared on the basis of inclusion body release, operating costs, and cell debris particle size. The latter was measured with cumulative sedimentation analysis in combination with membrane-associated protein quantification by SDS-PAGE and a spectrophotometric pepticloglycan quantification method. Comparison of the results obtained with these two cell debris quantification methods shows that enzymatic treatment yields cell debris particles with varying chemical composition, while this is not the case with the other disruption methods that were investigated. Furthermore, the experiments show that ammonia pretreatment with homogenization increases inclusion body release compared to homogenization without pretreatment and that this pretreatment may be used to control the cell debris size to some extent. The enzymatic disruption process gives a higher product release than homogenization with or without ammonia pretreatment at lower operating costs, but it also yields a much smaller cell debris size than the other disruption process. This is unfavorable for centrifugal inclusion body purification in this case, where cell debris is the component going to the sediment and the inclusion body is the floating component. Nevertheless, calculations show that centrifugal separation of inclusion bodies from the enzymatically treated cells gives a high inclusion body yield and purity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The efficiency of sonication and microfluidization to produce nano-emulsions were evaluated in this study. The purpose was to produce an oil-in-water nano-emulsion of d-limonene to apply it in the next step for nano-particle encapsulation. In the entrapment and retention of volatiles or for the microencapsulation efficiency, emulsion size is one of the critical factors. In this study, a bench-top sonicator and an air-driven microfluidizer were used to prepare the emulsions. Results show that, while both methods were capable of producing nano-emulsions of the size range of 150-700 nm, the microfluidizer produced emulsions with narrower size distributions and sonication was more convenient in terms of operation and cleaning. In general, the size of the emulsions decreased with increasing sonication time, or the microfluidization pressure and duration. However, for both sonication and microfluidization, optimal conditions were necessary for emulsification beyond which the emulsion sizes would either increase or have little change with further processing.


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Many recombinant proteins are often over-expressed in host cells, such as Escherichia coli, and are found as insoluble and inactive protein aggregates known as inclusion bodies (IBs). Recently, a novel process for IB extraction and solubilisation, based on chemical extraction, has been reported. While this method has the potential to radically intensify traditional IB processing, the process economics of the new technique have yet to be reported. This study focuses on the evaluation of process economics for several IB processing schemes based on chemical extraction and/or traditional techniques. Simulations and economic analysis were conducted at various processing conditions using granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor, expressed as IBs in E. coli, as a model protein. In most cases, IB processing schemes based on chemical extraction having a shorter downstream cascade demonstrated a competitive economic edge over the conventional route, validating the new process as an economically more viable alternative for IB processing.


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Enzymatically active Delta(5)-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) protein with a C-terminus his(6)-tag was produced following insoluble expression using Escherichia coli. A simple, integrated process was used to extract and purify the target protein. Chemical extraction was shown to be as effective as homogenization at releasing the inclusion body proteins from the bacteria] cells, with complete release taking less than 20 min. An expanded bed adsorption (EBA) column utilizing immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) was then used to purify the denatured KSI-(His(6)) protein directly from the chemical extract. This integrated process greatly simplifies the recovery and purification of inclusion body proteins by removing the need for mechanical cell disruption, repeated inclusion body centrifugation, and difficult clarification operations. The integrated chemical extraction and EBA process achieved a very high purity (99%) and recovery (89%) of the KSI-(His(6)), with efficient utilization of the adsorbent matrix (9.74 mg KSI-(His(6))/mL adsorbent). Following purification the protein was refolded by dilution to obtain the biologically active protein. Seventy-nine percent of the expressed KSI-(His(6)) protein was recovered as enzymatically active protein with the described extraction, purification, and refolding process. In addition to demonstrating the operation of this intensified inclusion body process, a plate-based concentration assay detecting KSI-(His(6)) is validated. The intensified process in this work requires minimal optimization for recovering novel his-tagged proteins, and further improves the economic advantage of E. coli as a host organism. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The stratiform Century Zn-Pb deposit and the discordant Zn-Pb lode deposits of the Burketown mineral field, northern Australia, host ore and gangue minerals with primary fluid inclusions that have not been affected by the Isan orogeny, thus providing a unique opportunity to investigate the nature of the ore-forming brines. All of the deposits are hosted in shales and siltstones belonging to the Isa superbasin and comprise sphalerite, pyrite, carbonate, quartz, galena, minor chalcopyrite, and minor illite. According to Pb model ages, the main ore stage of mineralization at Century formed at I575 Ma, some 20 m.y. after deposition of the host shale sequence. Microthermometry on undeformed, primary fluid inclusions hosted in porous sphalerite shows that the Zn at Century was transported to the deposit by a homogeneous, Ca2+- and Na+-bearing brine with a salinity of 21.6 wt percent NaCl equiv. delta D-fluid of the fluid inclusion water ranges from -89 to -83 per mil, consistent with a basinal brine that evolved from meteoric water. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures range between 74 degrees and 125 degrees C, which are lower than the 120 degrees to 160 degrees C range calculated from vitrinite reflectance and illite crystallinity data from the deposit. This discrepancy indicates that mineralization likely formed at 50 to 85 Mpa, corresponding to a depth of 1,900 to 3,100 m. Transgressive galena-sphalerite veins that cut stratiform mineralization at Century and breccia-filled quartz-dolomite-sphalerite-galena veins in the discordant Zn-Pb lodes have Pb model ages between 1575 and 1485 Ma. Raman spectroscopy and microthermometry reveal that the primary fluid inclusions in these veins contain Ca2+, Na+. but they have lower salinities between 23 and 10 wt percent NaCl equiv and higher delta D-fluid values ranging from -89 to -61 per mil than fluid inclusions in porous sphalerite from Century. Fluid inclusion water from sphalerite in one of the lode deposits has delta O-18(fluid) values of 1.6 and 2.4 per mil, indistinguishable from delta O-18(fluid) values between -0.3 to +7.4 per mil calculated from the isotopic composition of coexisting quartz, dolomite, and illite. The trend toward lower salinities and higher delta D-fluid values relative to the earlier mineralizing fluids is attributed to mixing between the fluid that formed Century and a seawater-derived fluid from a different source. Based on seismic data from the Lawn Hill platform and paragenetic and geochemical results from the Leichhardt River fault trough to the south, diagenetic aquifers in the Underlying Calvert superbasin appear to have been the most likely sources for the fluids that formed Century and the discordant lode deposits. Paragenetically late sphalerite and calcite cut sphalerite, quartz, and dolomite in the lode deposits and contain Na+-dominated fluid inclusions with much lower salinities than their older counterparts. The isotopic composition of calcite also indicates delta O-18(fluid) from 3.3 to 10.7 per mil, which is larger than the range obtained from synmineralization minerals, supporting the idea that a unique fluid source was involved. The absolute timing of this event is unclear, but a plethora of Pb model, K-Ar, and Ar-40/Ar-39 ages between 1440 and 1300 Ma indicate that a significant volume of fluid was mobilized at this time. The deposition of the Roper superbasin from ca. 1492 +/- 4 Ma suggests that these late veins formed from fluids that may have been derived from aquifers in overlying sediments of the Roper superbasin. Clear, buck, and drusy quartz in veins unrelated to any form of Pb-Zn mineralization record the last major fluid event in the Burketown mineral field and form distinct outcrops and ridges in the district. Fluid inclusions in these veins indicate formation from a low-salinity, 300 degrees +/- 80 degrees C fluid. Temperatures approaching 300 degrees C recorded in organic matter adjacent to faults and at sequence boundaries correspond to K-Ar ages spanning 1300 to 1100 Ma, which coincides with regional hydrothermal activity in the northern Lawn Hill platform and the emplacement of the Lakeview Dolerite at the time of assemblage of the Rodinia supercontinent.