16 resultados para Ette, Ottmar

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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In four experiments ERPs to emotional (negative and positive) and neutral stimuli were examined as a function of participants’ trait anxiety and repressivedefensiveness. The experiments investigated the time course of attentional bias in the processing of such stimuli. Pictures of angry, happy, and neutral faces were used in two of the experiments and pictures ofmutilated, happy, and neutral faces were used in the others. ERP’s to emotional and neutral stimuli were recorded from parietal, temporal, and frontal sites. Analysis of the P3 component indicated that the peak magnitude of the P3 at the parietal and temporal sites reflected an interactive function of trait anxiety and defensiveness. Repressors (low reported anxiety, high defensiveness) showed a consistent pattern of greater P3 magnitude at the parietal and temporal sites for emotional faces (angry, happy, and mutilated) than did high-anxious and low-anxious participants. Participants did not differ in P3 magnitude when ERPs to neutral stimuli were investigated (e.g., a fixation cross). The findings indicate that Repressors dedicate greater processing resources to emotional material, as compared to neutral material, than either the high-anxious or low-anxious individuals. Results of the four experiments are discussed within the theoretical framework of Derakshan and Eysenck (1998). The importance of understanding the role of differences in information processing, in the experience and avoidance of emotional information, as a function of trait anxiety and defensiveness is emphasized.


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The acquisition and extinction of affective valence to neutral geometrical shape conditional stimuli was investigated in three experiments. Experiment 1 employed a differential conditioning procedure with aversive shock USs. Differential electrodermal responding was evident during acquisition and lost during extinction. As indexed by verbal ratings, the CS1 acquired negative valence during acquisition,which was reduced after extinction. Affective priming, a reaction time based demand free measure of stimulus valence, failed to provide evidence for affective learning. Experiment 2 employed pictures of happy and angry faces as USs.Valence ratings after acquisitionweremore positive for theCS paired with happy faces (CS-H) and less positive for the CS paired with angry faces (CS-A) than during baseline. Extinction training reduced the extent of acquired valence significantly for both CSs, however, ratings of the CS-A remained different from baseline. Affective priming confirmed these results yielding differences between CS-A and CS-H after acquisition for pleasant and unpleasant targets, but for pleasant targets only after extinction. Experiment 3 replicated the design of Experiment 2, but presented the US pictures backwardly masked. Neither rating nor affective priming measures yielded any evidence for affective learning. The present results confirm across two different experimental procedures that, contrary to predictions from dual process accounts of human learning, affective learning is subject to extinction.


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The observation that snakes and spiders are found faster among flowers and mushrooms than vice versa and that this search advantage is independent of set size supports the notion that fear-relevant stimuli are processed preferentially in a dedicated fear module. Experiment I replicated the faster identification of snakes and spiders but also found a set size effect in a blocked, but not in a mixed-trial, sequence. Experiment 2 failed to find faster identification of snake and spider deviants relative to other animals among flowers and mushrooms and provided evidence for a search advantage for pictures of animals, irrespective of their fear relevance. These findings suggest that results from the present visual search task cannot support the notion of preferential processing of fear relevance.


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It has been demonstrated, using abstract psychophysical stimuli, that speeds appear slower when contrast is reduced under certain conditions. Does this effect have any real life consequences? One previous study has found, using a low fidelity driving simulator, that participants perceived vehicle speeds to be slower in foggy conditions. We replicated this finding with a more realistic video-based simulator using the Method of Constant Stimuli. We also found that lowering contrast reduced participants’ ability to discriminate speeds. We argue that these reduced contrast effects could partly explain the higher crash rate of drivers with cataracts (this is a substantial societal problem and the crash relationship variance can be accounted for by reduced contrast). Note that even if people with cataracts can calibrate for the shift in their perception of speed using their speedometers (given that cataracts are experienced over long periods), they may still have an increased chance of making errors in speed estimation due to poor speed discrimination. This could result in individuals misjudging vehicle trajectories and thereby inflating their crash risk. We propose interventions that may help address this problem.


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In the think/no-think paradigm people practice “suppressing” a learned response to a cue. Practice at suppression appears to produce a long-lasting inhibition of the suppressed response, as evidenced by a subsequent failure to recall the response to an extralist (associatively related, non-studied) cue. Critical to this interpretation is the assumption that suppression practice is necessary. A series of interference paradigms, which do not involve suppression practice and which are structurally similar to the think/no-think paradigm, provide evidence against the inhibition interpretation. Additional evidence against inhibition derives from our demonstrations herewith that the findings from the think/no-think paradigm can be replicated without any apparent suppression requirement. Furthermore, the results from all of these paradigms can be explained by the same simple principle. Namely, that when an item exists in an extended associative network, strengthening the item makes it interfere with the recall of other items in the network.


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The present study aims to encourage selective use of a complex categorisation strategy. More specifically, participants will be trained to use a two dimensional strategy in one region of category space and a more complex three-dimensional strategy in another region of category space. In the 2–3 conditions, participants will be presented with stimuli requiring the two-dimensional strategy in the first phase of training and the three-dimensional strategy in the second phase of training. In the 3-2 conditions, participants will be presented with stimuli requiring the three-dimensional strategy in the first phase of training and the two-dimensional strategy in the second phase of training. The main dependent measure will be performance on exceptions to the two-dimensional strategy. If participants learn to selectively use the three-dimensional strategy, then we expect them to correctly classify novel exceptions that occur in the three-dimensional region of the category space and incorrectly classify novel exceptions that occur in the two-dimensional region of the category space.


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Achievement goal orientation represents an individual's general approach to an achievement situation, and has important implications for how individuals react to novel, challenging tasks. However, theorists such as Yeo and Neal (2004) have suggested that the effects of goal orientation may emerge over time. Bell and Kozlowski (2002) have further argued that these effects may be moderated by individual ability. The current study tested the dynamic effects of a new 2x2 model of goal orientation (mastery/performance x approach/avoidance) on performance on a simulated air traffic control (ATC) task, as moderated by dynamic spatial ability. One hundred and one first-year participants completed a self-report goal orientation measure and computerbased dynamic spatial ability test and performed 30 trials of an ATC task. Hypotheses were tested using a two-level hierarchical linear model. Mastery-approach orientation was positively related to task performance, although no interaction with ability was observed. Performance-avoidance orientation was negatively related to task performance; this association was weaker at high levels of ability. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed.


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By 24-months of age most children show mirror self-recognition. When surreptitiously marked on their forehead and then presented with a mirror, they explore their own head for the unexpected mark. Here we demonstrate that self-recognition in mirrors does not generalize to other visual feedback. We tested 80 children on mirror and live video versions of the task. Whereas 90% of 24-month olds passed the mirror version, only 35% passed the video version. Seventy percent of 30-month olds showed video selfrecognition and only by age 36-months did the pass rate on the video version reach 90%. It remains to be y 24-months of age most children show mirror self-recognition. When surreptitiously marked on their forehead and then presented with a mirror, they explore their own head for the unexpected mark. Here we demonstrate that self-recognition in mirrors does not generalize to other visual feedback. We tested 80 children on mirror and live video versions of the task. Whereas 90% of 24-month olds passed the mirror version, only 35% passed the video version. Seventy percent of 30-month olds showed video selfrecognition and only by age 36-months did the pass rate on the video version reach 90%. It remains to be


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Fuzzy signal detection analysis can be a useful complementary technique to traditional signal detection theory analysis methods, particularly in applied settings. For example, traffic situations are better conceived as being on a continuum from no potential for hazard to high potential, rather than either having potential or not having potential. This study examined the relative contribution of sensitivity and response bias to explaining differences in the hazard perception performance of novices and experienced drivers, and the effect of a training manipulation. Novice drivers and experienced drivers were compared (N = 64). Half the novices received training, while the experienced drivers and half the novices remained untrained. Participants completed a hazard perception test and rated potential for hazard in occluded scenes. The response latency of participants to the hazard perception test replicated previous findings of experienced/novice differences and trained/untrained differences. Fuzzy signal detection analysis of both the hazard perception task and the occluded rating task suggested that response bias may be more central to hazard perception test performance than sensitivity, with trained and experienced drivers responding faster and with a more liberal bias than untrained novices. Implications for driver training and the hazard perception test are discussed.


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