em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Although prosimians are greatly olfaction-oriented, little is known about the specifics of how they use scent to communicate. In this preliminary study we attempted to delineate intra- and interspecific differences among the anogenital gland secretions of two lemur species (Lemur catta and Propithecus verreauxi coquereli) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results indicate that the two species are discernible through scent. Furthermore, we were able to identify reproductive status using this technique. The anogenital secretions of the different sexes in L. catta, though perhaps not P. v. coquereli, are chemically distinguishable. Given this information, it appears that at least some lemur species can use scent marks to determine species, sex, and reproductive status. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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wPrey species show specific adaptations that allow recognition, avoidance and defense against predators. For many mammalian species this includes sensitivity towards predator-derived odors. The typical sources of such odors include predator skin and fur, urine, feces and anal gland secretions. Avoidance of predator odors has been observed in many mammalian prey species including rats, mice, voles, deer, rabbits, gophers, hedgehogs, possums and sheep. Field and laboratory studies show that predator odors have distinctive behavioral effects which include (1) inhibition of activity, (2) suppression of non-defensive behaviors such as foraging, feeding and grooming, and (3) shifts to habitats or secure locations where such odors are not present. The repellent effect of predator odors in the field may sometimes be of practical use in the protection of crops and natural resources, although not all attempts at this have been successful. The failure of some studies to obtain repellent effects with predator odors may relate to (1) mismatches between the predator odors and prey species employed, (2) strain and individual differences in sensitivity to predator odors, and (3) the use of predator odors that have low efficacy. In this regard, a small number of recent studies have suggested that skin and fur-derived predator odors may have a more profound lasting effect on prey species than those derived from urine or feces. Predator odors can have powerful effects on the endocrine system including a suppression of testosterone and increased levels of stress hormones such as corticosterone and ACTH. Inhibitory effects of predator odors on reproductive behavior have been demonstrated, and these are particularly prevalent in female rodent species. Pregnant female rodents exposed to predator odors may give birth to smaller litters while exposure to predator odors during early life can hinder normal development. Recent research is starting to uncover the neural circuitry activated by predator odors, leading to hypotheses about how such activation leads to observable effects on reproduction, foraging and feeding. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Spiroacetals, cryptic ketodiols showing a hydroxyl group at both sides of a carbonyl whithin reachable distances are very widespread in nature. A group of 30 different structures, not including stereoisomers, represent volatile, less polar constituents of insect secretions. Five different systems were identified: 1,6-dioxaspirol[4.4]nonanes, 1,6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decanes, 1,6-dioxaspiro[4.6]undecanes, 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5] undecanes, and 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.6]dodecanes. Some spiroacetals are insect pheromones: (2S,5R)-2-ethyl-1,6-dioxaspiro[4.4]nonane, chalcogran, 1, is a key component of the male produced aggregation pheromone of the spruce bark beetle, Pityogenes cha2cographus. In contrast, (5S,7S)-7-methyl-1,6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane, 2, conophthorin, acts as a repellent or spacer in several bark beetles. Racemic 1,7-diosaspiro[5.5]undecane, olean, 5, is the female produced sex pheromone of the olive fly, Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae. The most widespread spiroacetal is 2,8-dimethyl-1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane, 8. Tt often forms a mixture of (E,E)- and (E,Z)-isomers, the (E,E)-isomer showing (2S,6R,8S)-configuration. In the solitary bee, Andrena wilkella, it serves as an aggregation pheromone. Present knowledge on structures and distribution of volatile spiroacetals is comprehensively compiled. Stereochemical aspects and mass spectrometric fragmentation patterns are discussed in detail to facilitate identifications of hitherto unknown compounds. Synthetic approaches to spiroacetals are classified and reviewed. Last but not least, facts and speculations on the biosynthesis of volatile spiroacetals are presented.


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The recent report of an ecdysis-triggering hormone (ETH) in the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta and several other Lepidoptera prompted the search for the homologous hormone in the pest noctuid, Helicoverpa armigera. In M. sexta, ETH is produced in a large cell that forms part of a three-cell epitracheal gland complex found near each of the the larval and pupal spiracles. The homologous glands were found in H. armigera and an ecdysis-triggering function of the gland contents was confirmed by the induction of premature ecdysis after injection of a crude gland extract into pupae.


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The mRNA differential display technique was used to compare mRNAs between normal mammary gland and turner-derived epithelial cells from female Sprague-Dawley rat mammary gland tumors induced by the heterocyclic amine 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) and promoted by a high-fat diet (23.5% corn oil). Two genes, beta-casein and transferrin, were identified as differentially expressed. The expression of these genes was examined across a bank of rat mammary gland tumors derived from animals on a low-fat diet (5% corn oil) or the high-fat diet. Carcinomas had over a 10- and 50-fold lower expression of beta-casein and transferrin, respectively than normal mammary gland. In addition, carcinomas from animals on the high-fat diet showed on average a 5-fold higher expression of beta-casein, and transferrin than carcinomas from animals on the low-fat diet. The results indicate the process of mammary gland tumorigenesis alters the expression of certain genes in the mammary gland, and that the level of dietary fat further modulates the expression of these genes.


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Objective: To determine whether coinfection with sexually transmitted diseases (STD) increases HIV shedding in genital-tract secretions, and whether STD treatment reduces this shedding. Design: Systematic review and data synthesis of cross-sectional and cohort studies meeting. predefined quality criteria. Main Outcome Measures: Proportion of patients with and without a STD who had detectable HIV in genital secretions, HIV toad in genital secretions, or change following STD treatment. Results: Of 48 identified studies, three cross-sectional and three cohort studies were included. HIV was detected significantly more frequently in participants infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (125 of 309 participants, 41%) than in those without N gonorrhoeae infection (311 of 988 participants, 32%; P = 0.004). HIV was not significantly more frequently detected in persons infected with Chlamydia trachomatis (28 of 67 participants, 42%) than in those without C trachomatis infection (375 of 1149 participants, 33%; P = 0.13). Median HIV load reported in only one study was greater in men with urethritis (12.4 x 10(4) versus 1.51 x 10(4) copies/ml; P = 0.04). In the only cohort study in which this could be fully assessed, treatment of women with any STD reduced the proportion of those with detectable HIV from 39% to 29% (P = 0.05), whereas this proportion remained stable among controls (15-17%), A second cohort study reported fully on HIV load; among men with urethritis, viral load fell from 12.4 to 4.12 x 10(4) copies/ml 2 weeks posttreatment, whereas viral load remained stable in those without urethritis. Conclusion: Few high-quality studies were found. HIV is detected moderately more frequently in genital secretions of men and women with a STD, and HIV load is substantially increased among men with urethritis, Successful STD treatment reduces both of these parameters, but not to control levels. More high-quality studies are needed to explore this important relationship further.


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Normal Sprague-Dau ley rat mammary gland epithelial cells and mammary gland carcinomas induced by 2-amino-1 -methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine, a carcinogen found in the diet, were examined for the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha). PPAR alpha mRNA and protein was detected in normal and tumor tissue by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. By quantitative RT-PCR, carcinomas had a 12-fold higher expression than control mammary glands, a statistically significant difference. PPAR alpha expression was examined in carcinomas and normal tissues from rats on high fat (23.5/% corn oil) and low fat (5% corn oil) diets. Although neither carcinomas, nor control tissues showed statistically significant differences between the two diet groups, PPAR alpha expression was the highest in carcinomas from rats on the high fat diet. The expression of PPAR alpha in normal mammary gland and its significant elevation in mammary gland carcinomas raises the possibility of its involvement in mammary gland physiology and pathophysiology. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) uses the secretion of the chin gland in the maintenance of social status. Previous work has concentrated on secretion collected directly from the animal. In this study, the analysis was conducted by collecting scent marks made by free-ranging animals. Scent marks were found to be concentrated at the center of the area controlled by a social group, and at the boundaries between two adjacent social groups. Only the mark from dominant animals could be identified. Marks were also collected from the skin of rabbits, where they had been placed by the dominant individual. The mark found on the head of a subordinate animal may, in the future, be used to identify the dominant animal of the social group, who placed the mark.


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The volatile components of the chin gland secretion of the wild European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), were investigated with the use of gas chromatography. Studies of the chemical nature of this secretion by previous workers demonstrated that it was important in the maintenance of social structure in this species. This study identified 34 different volatile components that consist primarily of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Especially common are a series of alkyl-substituted benzene derivatives that provide most of the compound diversity in the secretion. Samples of chin gland secretion collected from animals at three different geographical locations, separated by more than 100 km, showed significant differences in composition. This work suggests that variation among populations needs to be considered when undertaking semiochemical research. Alternate nonparametric methods are also used for the analysis of chromatographic data.


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The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) uses the secretion of the chin gland to maintain dominance hierarchies in the wild. Recent work has investigated changes in the secretion when social status is manipulated in the rabbit. When a rabbit becomes dominant, a new compound appears in his secretion, 2-phenoxyethanol. This compound is used as a fixative in the perfume industry. This study investigates whether the compound performs a similar function in the secretion of the rabbit. 2-Phenoxyethanol is not detected olfactorially by rabbits, and slows the release rate of some of the compounds that occur naturally in rabbit chin gland secretion. We suggest that when a rabbit becomes dominant, he adds a fixative to his secretion so that his scent will persist in the environment and not dissipate. He will thus come to dominate the olfactory environment, in much the same way as he does the physical environment.


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This study continues the collection of data on the anterior adhesive areas and secretions of monopisthocotylean monogenean (flatworm) parasites and begins an investigation of their phylogenetic usefulness. Here, two species of parasitic worms from an elasmobranch, Troglocephalus rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Dasybatotreminae) and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Heterocotylinae), are compared and contrasted. It has been suggested in recent literature that these two taxa are more closely related than is currently recognised. Our data support this view. Both species have multiple apertures on the ventral anterior margin through which adhesive is secreted. Two types of secretion exit from multiple adjacent duct endings terminating in each aperture: rod-shaped (S1) and spherical-shaped (S2) bodies. S1 bodies of both species show nano-banding of similar size and are membrane bound. Ultrastructure of the glands, ducts, duct endings and secreted adhesive is similar for both species, but aperture shape differs. Away from the adhesive areas, tegumental inclusions are found to differ between the two species and another, apparently non-adhesive, secretion is found in N. rhinobatidis.


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KCNQ1 (K(V)LQT1) K+ channels play an important role during electrolyte secretion in airways and colon. KCNQ1 was cloned recently from NaCl-secreting shark rectal glands. Here we study. the properties and regulation of the cloned sK(V)LQT1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and compare the results with those obtained from in vitro perfused rectal gland tubules (RGT). The expression of sKCNQ1 induced voltage-dependent, delayed activated K+ currents, which were augmented by an increase in intracellular cAMP and Ca2+. The chromanol derivatives 293B and 526B potently inhibited sKCNQ1 expressed in oocytes and CHO cells, but had little effect on RGT electrolyte transport. Short-circuit currents in RGT were activated by alkalinization and were decreased by acidification. In CHO cells an alkaline pH activated and an acidic pH inhibited 293B-sensitive KCNQ1 currents. Noise analysis of the cell-attached basolateral membrane of RGT indicated the presence of low-conductance (