37 resultados para Carcinoma "in situ"

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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lBACKGROUND. Management of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a dilemma, as mastectomy provides nearly a 100% cure rate but at the expense of physical and psychologic morbidity. It would be helpful if we could predict which patients with DCIS are at sufficiently high risk of local recurrence after conservative surgery (CS) alone to warrant postoperative radiotherapy (RT) and which patients are at sufficient risk of local recurrence after CS + RT to warrant mastectomy. The authors reviewed the published studies and identified the factors that may be predictive of local recurrence after management by mastectomy, CS alone, or CS + RT. METHODS. The authors examined patient, tumor, and treatment factors as potential predictors for local recurrence and estimated the risks of recurrence based on a review of published studies. They examined the effects of patient factors (age at diagnosis and family history), tumor factors (sub-type of DCIS, grade, tumor size, necrosis, and margins), and treatment (mastectomy, CS alone, and CS + RT). The 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the recurrence rates for each of the studies were calculated for subtype, grade, and necrosis, using the exact binomial; the summary recurrence rate and 95% CI for each treatment category were calculated by quantitative meta-analysis using the fixed and random effects models applied to proportions. RESULTS, Meta-analysis yielded a summary recurrence rate of 22.5% (95% CI = 16.9-28.2) for studies employing CS alone, 8.9% (95% CI = 6.8-11.0) for CS + RT, and 1.4% (95% CI = 0.7-2.1) for studies involving mastectomy alone. These summary figures indicate a clear and statistically significant separation, and therefore outcome, between the recurrence rates of each treatment category, despite the likelihood that the patients who underwent CS alone were likely to have had smaller, possibly low grade lesions with clear margins. The patients with risk factors of presence of necrosis, high grade cytologic features, or comedo subtype were found to derive the greatest improvement in local control with the addition of RT to CS. Local recurrence among patients treated by CS alone is approximately 20%, and one-half of the recurrences are invasive cancers. For most patients, RT reduces the risk of recurrence after CS alone by at least 50%. The differences in local recurrence between CS alone and CS + RT are most apparent for those patients with high grade tumors or DCIS with necrosis, or of the comedo subtype, or DCIS with close or positive surgical margins. CONCLUSIONS, The authors recommend that radiation be added to CS if patients with DCIS who also have the risk factors for local recurrence choose breast conservation over mastectomy. The patients who may be suitable for CS alone outside of a clinical trial may be those who have low grade lesions with little or no necrosis, and with clear surgical margins. Use of the summary statistics when discussing outcomes with patients may help the patient make treatment decisions. Cancer 1999;85:616-28. (C) 1999 American Cancer Society.


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Lobular carcinoma in situ was first described over 60 years ago. Despite the long history, it continues to pose significant difficulties in screening, diagnosis, management and treatment. This is partly due its multi-focal and bilateral presentation, an incomplete understanding of its biology and natural history and perpetuation of misconceptions gathered over the last decades. In this review, the working group on behalf of EUSOMA has attempted to summarise the current thinking and management of this interesting lesion. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In situ gelatin zymography is a technique, which utilises a gelatin-based emulsion overlay to detect and, more importantly, localise the gelatinase activity in underlying tissue. Gelatinase A [matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2)] and gelatinase B [matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9)] are present in equine hoof homogenates and supernatants from cultured hoof explants by SDS-PAGE gelatin zymography, and it has been assumed that the enzymes are derived solely from matrix and epithelia and not from other sources such as leucocytes. Using in situ zymography, gelatinases are shown to be localised within the equine epidermal hoof lamellae and, more specifically, are apparently produced by epidermal basal and/or parabasal cells. The pattern of expression correlates with that expected based on the progression of pathological changes observed during the onset of laminitis, thus providing further evidence that laminitis pathology probably arises as a result of inadequate local MMP regulation.


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Background/Aims: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a carcinoma malignancy and a major complication of untreated haemochromatosis. Encapsulation of liver tumours has been associated with a better prognosis and longer disease-free periods following resection, This study investigated the source of the tumour capsule in patients with haemochromatosis and coexisting hepatocellular carcinoma and examined potential factors influencing development. Methods: Five haemochromatosis patients with encapsulated hepatocellular carcinoma were studied. Myofibroblasts were identified using combined immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation for a-smooth muscle actin and procollagen alpha (1)(I) mRNA, respectively. Immunohistochemistry was also performed for transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta (1), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-beta receptor and malondialdehyde. Results. Procollagen alpha (1)(I) mRNA co-localised to alpha -smooth muscle actin positive myofibroblasts. The number of myofibroblasts was maximal within the capsule and decreased away from the tumour. TGF-beta (1) protein was expressed in iron-loaded cells in non-tumour liver at the interface of tumour capsule. PDGF-beta receptor expression was observed in mesenchymal cells in the tumour capsule and in portal tracts. Malondialdehyde adducts were observed in the tumour, non-tumour tissue and in the capsule. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that myofibroblasts are the cell type responsible for collagen production within the tumour capsule surrounding hepatocellular carcinoma in haemochromatosis, The production of TGF-beta (1) by iron-loaded hepatic cells at the tumour capsule interface may perpetuate the myofibroblastic phenotype, resulting in, the formation of the tumour capsule.


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Immunohistochemical analysis of E-cadherin has changed the way lobular neoplasia is perceived. It has helped to classify difficult cases of carcinoma in situ with indeterminate features and led to the identification of new variants of lobular carcinoma. Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma (PLC) and pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ (PLCIS), recently described variants of invasive and in situ classic lobular carcinoma, are reported to be associated with more aggressive clinical behaviour. Although PLC/PLCIS show morphological features of classic lobular neoplasia and lack E-cadherin expression, it is still unclear whether these lesions evolve through the same genetic pathway as lobular carcinomas or are high-grade ductal neoplasms that have lost E-cadherin. Here we have analysed a case of extensive PLCIS and invasive PLC associated with areas of E-cadherin-negative carcinoma in situ with indeterminate features, using immunohistochemistry, chromogenic in situ hybridization, high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and array-based CGH. We observed that all lesions lacked E-cadherin and beta-catenin and showed gain of 1q and loss of 16q, features that are typical of lobular carcinomas but are not seen in high-grade ductal lesions. In addition, amplifications of c-myc and HER2 were detected in the pleomorphic components, which may account for the high-grade features in this case and the reported aggressive clinical behaviour of these lesions. Taken together, these data suggest that at least some PLCs may evolve from the same precursor or through the same genetic pathway as classic lobular carcinomas. Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Chromogenic (CISH) and fluorescent ( FISH) in situ hybridization have emerged as reliable techniques to identify amplifications and chromosomal translocations. CISH provides a spatial distribution of gene copy number changes in tumour tissue and allows a direct correlation between copy number changes and the morphological features of neoplastic cells. However, the limited number of commercially available gene probes has hindered the use of this technique. We have devised a protocol to generate probes for CISH that can be applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections (FFPETS). Bacterial artificial chromosomes ( BACs) containing fragments of human DNA which map to specific genomic regions of interest are amplified with phi 29 polymerase and random primer labelled with biotin. The genomic location of these can be readily confirmed by BAC end pair sequencing and FISH mapping on normal lymphocyte metaphase spreads. To demonstrate the reliability of the probes generated with this protocol, four strategies were employed: (i) probes mapping to cyclin D1 (CCND1) were generated and their performance was compared with that of a commercially available probe for the same gene in a series of 10 FFPETS of breast cancer samples of which five harboured CCND1 amplification; (ii) probes targeting cyclin-dependent kinase 4 were used to validate an amplification identified by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in a pleomorphic adenoma; (iii) probes targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and CCND1 were used to validate amplifications mapping to these regions, as defined by aCGH, in an invasive lobular breast carcinoma with FISH and CISH; and (iv) gene-specific probes for ETV6 and NTRK3 were used to demonstrate the presence of t(12; 15)(p12; q25) translocation in a case of breast secretory carcinoma with dual colour FISH. In summary, this protocol enables the generation of probes mapping to any gene of interest that can be applied to FFPETS, allowing correlation of morphological features with gene copy number.


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Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy, ease of use and reproducibility of chromogenic in situ hybridisation (CISH) for HER2 testing by studying its inter-laboratory concordance in five Australian pathology laboratories. Methods: The HER2 status of 49 breast cancers was determined by CISH twice in two different laboratories. Each sample had previously been tested by immunohistochemistry (IHC; 2+ and 3+ cases selected) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation ( FISH). Participating laboratories were blinded to these test results. Oestrogen receptor ( ER) status was also evaluated for each cancer. Results: High correlation was observed between FISH and CISH results. No cases showing high gene amplification by FISH were scored as non-amplified by CISH ( kappa coefficient=1). High correlation was observed between IHC and CISH, all IHC 3+ samples showing amplification by CISH. Inter-laboratory CISH concordance was also good ( kappa coefficient=0.67). Fifty-six per cent of HER2-amplified samples tested ER positive, while 42% of ER-positive cases showed HER2 gene amplification, confirming that HER2 testing should not be confined to ER-negative breast cancers. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that CISH is a robust test to assess HER2 status in breast cancer and therefore is an important addition to the HER2 testing algorithm.


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Sodium cyanide is being used on reefs in the Asia-Pacific region to capture live fish for the aquarium industry, and to supply a rapidly growing, restaurant-based demand, The effects of cyanide on reef biota have not been fully explored. To investigate its effect on hard corals, we exposed small branch lips of Stylophora pistillata and Acropora aspera to cyanide concentrations estimated to occur during cyanide fishing. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine photoinhibition and photosynthetic electron transport in the symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) in the tissues of the corals, These measurements were made in situ and in real time using a recently developed submersible PAM fluorometer. In S. pistillata. exposure to cyanide resulted in an almost complete cessation in photosynthetic electron transport rate. Both species displayed marked decreases in the ratio of variable fluorescence (F-v) to maximal fluorescence (F-m) (dark-adapted F-v/F-m), following exposure to cyanide, signifying a decrease in photochemical efficiency. Dark-adapted F-v/F-m recovered to normal levels in similar to 6 d, although intense tissue discolouration, a phenomenon well-recognised as coral 'bleaching' was observed during this period, Bleaching was caused by loss of zooxanthellae from the coral tissues, a well-recognised sub-lethal stress response of corals. Using the technique of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis, corals exposed to cyanide did not show light activation of Calvin cycle enzymes and developed high levels of non-photochemical quenching (q(N)), signifying the photoprotective dissipation of excess light as heat, These features are symptomatic of the known properties of cyanide as an inhibitor of enzymes of the Calvin cycle. The results of this in situ study show that an impairment of zooxanthellar photosynthesis is; the site of cyanide-mediated toxicity, and is the cue that causes corals to release their symbiotic zooxanthellac following cyanide exposure. This study demonstrates the efficacy of PBM fluorometry as a new tool for in situ stress assessment in zooxanthellate scleractinian corals. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The rocky intertidal zone has the potential to be one of the harshest environments for free-spawning organisms, but empirical data on fertilization success are scarce. Here, I report on an intertidal, solitary ascidian, Pyura stolonifera, which was observed to spawn at low tide. At a scale likely to be most important to gametes (metres, duration of tide), approximately 30% of individuals in the population were spawning synchronously. Spawned gametes remained in a viscous matrix and this appeared to minimise their dilution. Fertilization success varied greatly among individuals (0 to 92%) and was related to the distance to the nearest neighbouring spawner. Occasional wave wash facilitated the movement of sperm between spawners. Fertilization success in some individuals was limited by the scarcity of sperm whilst the experimental addition of sperm did not increase success in others.


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Background: A survey of pathology reporting of breast cancer in Western Australia in 1989 highlighted the need for improvement. The current study documents (1) changes in pathology reporting from 1989 to 1999 and (2) changes in patterns of histopathological prognostic indicators for breast cancer following introduction of mammographic screening in 1989. Methods: Data concerning all breast cancer cases reported in Western Australia in 1989, 1994 and 1999 were retrieved using the State Cancer Registry, Hospital Morbidity data system, and pathology laboratory records. Results: Pathology reports improved in quality during the decade surveyed. For invasive carcinoma, tumour size was not recorded in 1.2% of pathology reports in 1999 compared with 16.1% in 1989 (rho<0.001). Corresponding figures for other prognostic factors were: tumour grade 3.3% and 51.6% (rho<0.001), tumour type 0.2% and 4.1% (rho<0.001), vascular invasion 3.7% and 70.9% (rho<0.001), and lymph node status 1.9% and 4.5% (rho=0.023). In 1999, 5.9% of reports were not in a synoptic/checklist format, whereas all reports were descriptive in 1989 (rho<0.001). For the population as a whole, the proportion of invasive carcinomas <1 cm was 20.9% in 1999 compared with 14.5% in 1989 (rho<0.001); for tumours <2 cm the corresponding figures were 65.4% and 59.7% (rho=0.013). In 1999, 30.5% of tumours were histologically well-differentiated compared with 10.6% in 1989 (rho<0.001), and 61.7% were lymph node negative in 1999 compared with 57.1% in 1989 (rho=0.006). Pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) constituted 10.9% and 7.9% of total cases of breast carcinoma in 1999 and 1989, respectively (rho=0.01). Conclusions: Quality of pathology reporting improved markedly over the period, in parallel with adoption of stanclardised synoptic pathology reports. By 1999, recording of important prognostic information was almost complete. Frequency of favourable prognostic factors generally increased over time, reflecting expected effects of mammographic screening.