7 resultados para Biofilm Formation

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Diarrhea-causing Escherichia coli strains are responsible for numerous cases of gastrointestinal disease and constitute a serious health problem throughout the world. The ability to recognize and attach to host intestinal surfaces is an essential step in the pathogenesis of such strains. AIDA is a potent bacterial adhesin associated with some diarrheagenic E. coli strains. AIDA mediates bacterial attachment to a broad variety of human and other mammalian cells. It is a surface-displayed autotransporter protein and belongs to the selected group of bacterial glycoproteins; only the glycosylated form binds to mammalian cells. Here, we show that AIDA possesses self-association characteristics and can mediate autoaggregation of E. coli cells. We demonstrate that intercellular AIDA-AIDA interaction is responsible for bacterial autoaggregation. Interestingly, AIDA-expressing cells can interact with antigen 43 (Ag43) -expressing cells, which is indicative of an intercellular AIDA-Ag43 interaction. Additionally, AIDA expression dramatically enhances biofilm formation by E. coli on abiotic surfaces in How chambers.


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The capsular polysaccharide and type I fimbriae are two of the major surface-located virulence properties associated with the pathogenesis of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The capsule is an elaborate polysaccharide matrix that encases the entire cell surface and provides resistance against many host defense mechanisms. In contrast, type 1 fimbriae are thin adhesive thread-like surface organelles that can extend beyond the capsular matrix and mediate D-mannose-sensitive adhesion to host epithelial cells. These fimbriae are archetypical and consist of a major building block protein (FimA) that comprises the bulk of the organelle and a tip-located adhesin (FimH). It is assumed that the extended major-subunit protein structure permits the FimH adhesin to function independently of the presence of a capsule. In this study, we have employed a defined set of K. pneumoniae capsulated and noncapsulated strains to show that the function of type I fimbriae is actually impeded by the concomitant expression of a polysaccharide capsule. Capsule expression had significant effects on two parameters commonly used to define FimH function, namely, yeast cell agglutination and biofilm formation. Our data suggest that this effect is not due to transcriptional/translational changes in fimbrial gene/protein expression but rather the result of direct physical interference. This was further demonstrated by the fact that we could restore fimbrial function by inhibiting capsule synthesis. It remains to be determined whether the expression of these very different surface components occurs simply via random events of phase variation or in a coordinated manner in response to specific environmental cues.


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Mannose-binding type 1 pili are important virulence factors for the establishment of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections (UTIs). These infections are initiated by adhesion of uropathogenic E. coli to uroplakin receptors in the uroepithelium via the FimH adhesin located at the tips of type 1 pili. Blocking of bacterial adhesion is able to prevent infection. Here, we provide for the first time binding data of the molecular events underlying type 1 fimbrial adherence, by crystallographic analyses of the FimH receptor binding domains from a uropathogenic and a K-12 strain, and affinity measurements with mannose, common mono- and disaccharides, and a series of alkyl and aryl mannosides. Our results illustrate that the lectin domain of the FimH adhesin is a stable and functional entity and that an exogenous butyl alpha- D-mannoside, bound in the crystal structures, exhibits a significantly better affinity for FimH (K-d = 0.15 muM) than mannose (K-d = 2.3 muM). Exploration of the binding affinities of alpha-D-mannosides with longer alkyl tails revealed affinities up to 5 nM. Aryl mannosides and fructose can also bind with high affinities to the FimH lectin domain, with a 100-fold improvement and 15-fold reduction in affinity, respectively, compared with mannose. Taken together, these relative FimH affinities correlate exceptionally well with the relative concentrations of the same glycans needed for the inhibition of adherence of type 1 piliated E. coli. We foresee that our findings will spark new ideas and initiatives for the development of UTI vaccines and anti-adhesive drugs to prevent anticipated and recurrent UTIs.


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Virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves the co-ordinate expression of a range of factors including type IV pili (tfp), the type III secretion system (TTSS) and quorum sensing. Tfp are required for twitching motility, efficient biofilm formation, and for adhesion and type III secretion (TTS)-mediated damage to mammalian cells. We describe a novel gene (fimL) that is required for tfp biogenesis and function, for TTS and for normal biofilm development in P. aeruginosa. The predicted product of fimL is homologous to the N-terminal domain of ChpA, except that its putative histidine and threonine phosphotransfer sites have been replaced with glutamine. fimL mutants resemble vfr mutants in many aspects including increased autolysis, reduced levels of surface-assembled tfp and diminished production of type III secreted effectors. Expression of vfr in trans can complement fimL mutants. vfr transcription and production is reduced in fimL mutants whereas cAMP levels are unaffected. Deletion and insertion mutants of fimL frequently revert to wild-type phenotypes suggesting that an extragenic suppressor mutation is able to overcome the loss of fimL. vfr transcription and production, as well as cAMP levels, are elevated in these revertants, while Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) production is reduced. These results suggest that the site(s) of spontaneous mutation is in a gene(s) which lies upstream of vfr transcription, cAMP, production, and PQS synthesis. Our studies indicate that Vfr and FimL are components of intersecting pathways that control twitching motility, TTSS and autolysis in P. aeruginosa.


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Anaerobic digestion is a multistep process, mediated by a functionally and phylogenetically diverse microbial population. One of the crucial steps is oxidation of organic acids, with electron transfer via hydrogen or formate from acetogenic bacteria to methanogens. This syntrophic microbiological process is strongly restricted by a thermodynamic limitation on the allowable hydrogen or formate concentration. In order to study this process in more detail, we developed an individual-based biofilm model which enables to describe the processes at a microbial resolution. The biochemical model is the ADM1, implemented in a multidimensional domain. With this model, we evaluated three important issues for the syntrophic relationship: (i) is there a fundamental difference in using hydrogen or formate as electron carrier? (ii) Does a thermodynamic-based inhibition function produced substantially different results from an empirical function? and; (iii) Does the physical colocation of acetogens and methanogens follow directly from a general model. Hydrogen or formate as electron carrier had no substantial impact on model results. Standard inhibition functions or thermodynamic inhibition function gave similar results at larger substrate field grid sizes (> 10 mu m), but at smaller grid sizes, the thermodynamic-based function reduced the number of cells with long interspecies distances (> 2.5 mu m). Therefore, a very fine grid resolution is needed to reflect differences between the thermodynamic function, and a more generic inhibition form. The co-location of syntrophic bacteria was well predicted without a need to assume a microbiological based mechanism (e.g., through chemotaxis) of biofilm formation.


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The performance of a sulfide-removal system based on biofilms dominated by green sulfur bacteria (GSB) has been investigated. The system was supplied with radiant energy in the band 720-780 nm, and fed with a synthetic wastewater. The areal net sulfide removal rate and the efficacy of the incident radiant energy for sulfide removal have been characterized over ranges of bulk sulfide concentration (1.6-11.5 mg L-1) and incident irradiance (0.21-1.51 W m(-2)). The areal net sulfide removal rate increased monotonically with both increasing incident irradiance and increasing bulk sulfide concentration. The efficacy of the radiant energy for sulfide removal (the amount of sulfide removed per unit radiant energy supplied) also increased monotonically with rising bulk sulfide concentration, but exhibited a maximum value with respect to incident irradiance. The maximum observed values of this net removal rate and this efficacy were, respectively, 2.08 g m(-2) d(-1) and 2.04 g W-1 d(-1). In-band changes in the spectral composition of the radiant energy affected this efficacy only slightly. The products of sulfide removal were sulfate and elemental-S. The elemental-S was scarcely released into the liquid, however, and reasons for this, such as sulfur reduction and polysulfide formation, are considered. Between 1.45 and 3.85 photons were needed for the net removal of one electron from S-species. Intact samples of the biofilm were characterized by microscopy, and their thicknesses lay between 39 +/- 9 and 429 +/- 57 mum. The use of the experimentally determined rates and efficacies for the design of a pilot-scale system is illustrated. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.