218 resultados para Adult Learning
Birthweight affects neonatal mortality and morbidity and has been used as a marker of foetal undernutrition in studies of prenatal effects on adult characteristics. It is potentially influenced by genetic and environmental influences on the mother, and effects of foetal genotype, which is partially derived from the maternal genotype. Interpretations of variation in birthweight and associated characteristics as being due to prenatal environment ignore other possible modes of materno-foetal transmission. Subjects were adult twins recruited through the Australian Twin Registry, aged 17 to 87 years, and the sample comprised 1820 men and 4048 women. Twins reported their own birthweight as part of a health questionnaire. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated from self-reports of height and weight. Correlations between co-twins' birthweights were high for both monozygotic (r = 0.77) and dizygotic (r = 0.67) pairs, leading to substantial estimates of shared environmental effects (56% of variance) with significant additive genetic (23%) and non-shared environmental (21%) components. Adult BMI was mainly influenced by genetic factors, both additive (36% of variance) and nonadditive (35%). The correlation between birthweight and BMI was positive, in that heavier babies became on average more obese adults. A bivariate model of birthweight and adult BMI showed significant positive genetic (rg = 0.16, p = 0.005) and environmental (re = 0.08, p = 0.000011) correlations. Intra-uterine environmental or perinatal influences shared by cotwins exercise a strong influence on birthweight, but the factors which affect both birthweight and adult BMI are partly genetic and partly non-shared environmental.
GH is being used by elite athletes to enhance sporting performance. To examine the hypothesis that exogenous 22-kDa recombinant human GH (rhGH) administration could be detected through suppression of non-22-kDa isoforms of GH, we studied seventeen aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) randomized to rhGH or placebo treatment (0.15 IU/kg/day for 1 week). Subjects were studied at rest and in response to exercise (cycle-ergometry at 65% of maximal work capacity for 20 min). Serum was assayed for total GH (Pharmacia IRMA and pituitary GH), 22-kDa GH (2 different 2-site monoclonal immunoassays), non-22-kDa GH (22-kDa GH-exclusion assay), 20-kDa GH, and immunofunctional GH. In the study, 3 h after the last dose of rhGH, total and 22-kDa GH concentrations were elevated, reflecting exogenous 22-kDa GH. Non-22-kDa and 20-kDa GH levels were suppressed. Regression of non-22-kDa or 20-kDa GH against total or 22-kDa GH produced clear separation of treatment groups. In identical exercise studies repeated between 24 and 96 h after cessation of treatment, the magnitude of the responses of all GH isoforms was suppressed (P < 0.01), but the relative proportions were similar to those before treatment. We conclude: 1) supraphysiological doses of rhGH in trained adult males suppressed exercise-stimulated endogenous circulating isoforms of GH for up to 4 days; 2) the dearest separation of treatment groups required the simultaneous presence of high exogenous 22-kDa GH and suppressed 20-kDa or non-22-kDa GH concentrations; and 3) these methods may prove useful in detecting rhGH abuse in athletes.
Circulating GH consists of multiple molecular isoforms, all derived from the one gene in nonpregnant humans. To assess the effect of a potent stimulus to pituitary secretion on GH isoforms, we studied 17 aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) in a randomized, repeat measures study of rest vs. exercise. Exercise consisted of continuous cycle ergometry at approximately 80% of predetermined maximal oxygen uptake for 20 min. Serum was assayed for total, pituitary, 22-kDa, recombinant, non-22-kDa, 20-kDa, and immunofunctional GH. All isoforms increased during, peaked at the end, and declined after exercise. At peak exercise, 22-kDa GH was the predominant isoform. After exercise, the ratios of non-22 kDa/total GH and 20-kDa GH/total GH increased and those of recombinant/pituitary GH decreased. The disappearance half-times for pituitary GH and 20-kDa GH were significantly longer than those for all other isoforms. We conclude that 1) all molecular isoforms of GH measured increased with and peaked at the end of acute exercise, with 22-kBa GH constituting the major isoform in serum during exercise; and 2) the proportion of non-22-kDa isoforms increased after exercise due in part to slower disappearance rates of 20-kDa and perhaps other non-22-kDa GH isoforms. It remains to be determined whether the various biological actions of different GH isoforms impact on postexercise homeostasis.
Learning organizations are a special form of organization where enhancing learning is a strategy to increase intellectual capital. Developing learning organizations has become an imperative for many managers, since an organization's learning methods and rate may be the only source of sustainable competitive advantage. However, learning organization theory tends to be prescriptive and rhetorical, with empirical research still relatively new. This paper contributes to the literature by reporting case-study research in progress based on four Australian organizations. In the organizations studied, use of the learning organization metaphor was coupled with an emergent metaphor: organization as `family". By employing structure mapping of metaphor within analytical induction, both established methods but not combined before, this paper shows how theory might be developed from metaphor.
Events during perinatal and early life may influence the incidence of breast cancer in adult life, and some case-control studies suggest that having been breastfed may reduce breast cancer risk. The authors studied this association among premenopausal and postmenopausal women by using data from the two Nurses' Health Studies, the Nurses' Health Study (using data from 1992 to 1996) and the Nurses' Health Study II (using data from 1991 to 1997). A history of being breastfed was self-reported by the study participants. During a total of 695,655 person-years, 1,073 cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed. The authors did not observe any important overall association between having been breastfed and the development of breast cancer later in life among premenopausal women (covariate-adjusted relative risk = 0.97, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.78, 1.20) or postmenopausal women (covariate-adjusted relative risk = 1.12, 95% CI: 0.92, 1.37). No significant trend was observed with increasing duration of breastfeeding. The authors also used data on breastfeeding retrospectively collected from 2,103 mothers of participants of the two Nurses' Health Studies. With the mothers' reports, the covariate-adjusted odds ratio of breast cancer was 1.11 (95% CI: 0.88, 1.39) for women who were breastfed compared with those who were not. Data from these two large cohorts do not support the hypothesis that being breastfed confers protection against subsequent breast cancer.
Evaluative learning theory states that affective learning, the acquisition of likes and dislikes, is qualitatively different from relational learning, the learning of predictive relationships among stimuli. Three experiments tested the prediction derived from evaluative learning theory that relational learning, but not affective learning, is affected by stimulus competition by comparing performance during two conditional stimuli, one trained in a superconditioning procedure and the other in a blocking procedure. Ratings of unconditional stimulus expectancy and electrodermal responses indicated stimulus competition in relational learning. Evidence for stimulus competition in affective learning was provided by verbal ratings of conditional stimulus pleasantness and by measures of blink startle modulation. Taken together, the present experiments demonstrate stimulus competition in relational and affective learning, a result inconsistent with evaluative learning theory. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
The proposal that affective learning, the learning of likes and dislikes, can exist in the absence of contingency awareness, whereas signal learning, the learning of stimulus relationships, cannot, was investigated in a differential conditioning paradigm that was embedded in a visual masking task. Startle magnitude modulation and changes in verbal ratings served as measures of affective learning, whereas skin conductance was taken to reflect signal learning. Awareness was assessed online with an expectancy dial and in a postexperimental questionnaire. Both between-subject comparisons of verbalizers and nonverbalizers and within-subject comparisons of verbalizers before and after verbalization failed to reveal any evidence for learning, whether affective or otherwise, in the absence of knowledge of the stimulus contingencies. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Background: Cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that a specific polymorphism (allele 2 of both IL-1A +4845 and IL-1B +3954) in the IL-1 gene cluster has been associated with an increased susceptibility to severe periodontal disease and to an increased bleeding tendency during periodontal maintenance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between IL-1 genotype and periodontitis in a prospective longitudinal study in an adult population of essentially European heritage. Methods: From an ongoing study of the Oral Care Research Programme of The University of Queensland, 295 subjects consented to genotyping for IL-1 allele 2 polymorphisms. Probing depths and relative attachment levels were recorded at baseline, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months using the Florida probe. Periodontitis progression at a given site was defined as attachment loss greater than or equal to2 mm at any observation period during the 5 years of the study and the extent of disease progression determined by the number of sites showing attachment loss. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Prevotella intermedia were detected using ELISA. Results: 38.9% of the subjects were positive for the composite IL-1 genotype. A relationship between the IL-1 positive genotype and increased mean probing pocket depth in non-smokers greater than 50 years of age was found. Further, IL-1 genotype positive smokers and genotype positive subjects with P. gingivalis in their plaque had an increase in the number of probing depths greater than or equal to3.5 mm, There was a consistent trend for IL-1 genotype positive subjects to experience attachment loss when compared with IL-1 genotype negative subjects. Conclusion: The results of this study have shown an interaction of the IL-1 positive genotype with age, smoking and P. gingivalis which suggests that IL-1 genotype is a contributory but non-essential risk factor for periodontal disease progression in this population.
To support student learning in a large Metabolism and Nutrition class, we have introduced a web-based package, using a commercially available program, WebCT. The package was developed at a minimal cost and with limited resources. In addition to downloadable (PDF) versions of lecture Powerpoint presentations, tutorial outlines and a practical class exercise, web-based self-directed learning exercises were included to reinforce and extend lecture material in an active learning environment. The web-site also contained a variety of formative and summative assessment tasks that examined both factual recall and higher order thinking Detailed course information, timetables and a bulletin board were also readily accessible. Student usage of the site was generally high, but varied widely between individual students. Students who achieved a high overall score for the course completed on average three times as many formative assessment items and achieved a higher score for all tests than students who did poorly. Student feedback about the site was very positive with the majority of students reporting that the course material and assessment items that were available were useful to their learning. Administration of the course was also facilitated. (C) 2001 IUBMB. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) stimulates proliferation of the globose basal cells, the neuron:ll precursor in the olfactory epithelium. The present study investigates the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor and fibroblast growth factor receptors in the adult olfactory epithelium. FGF2 immunoreactivity was expressed widely in the olfactory epithelium, with the highest density of immunoreactivity in the supporting cells. In contrast, most cells in the epithelium expressed FGF2 mRNA. Fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFr1) immunoreactivity was densest in the basal cell and neuronal layers of the olfactory epithelium and on the apical surface of supporting cells. In the lamina propria FGF2 immunoreactivity and mRNA were densest in cells close to the olfactory nerve bundles. FGFr1 immunoreactivity was heaviest on the olfactory ensheathing cells. Using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis, the olfactory epithelium was shown to express only three receptor splice variants, including one (FGFr1c) with which basic fibroblast growth factor has high affinity. Other receptor splice variants were present in the lamina propria. Taken together, these observations indicate endogenous sources of FGF? within the olfactory epithelium and lamina propria and suggest autocrine and paracrine pathways via which FGF2 might regulate olfactory neurogenesis. The observation of only three receptor splice variants in the olfactory epithelium limits the members of the fibroblast growth factor family which could act in the olfactory epithelium. The widespread distribution of receptors suggests that fibroblast growth factors may have roles other than proliferation of globose basal cells. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
All patients with known pituitary or hypothalamic disease, or surgery or radiation treatment to the area could have growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone deficiency in adults is an approved indication for recombinant growth hormone treatment in Australia. Diagnosis currently requires measurement of growth hormone response to insulin hypoglycaemia. Many patients have dramatic improvements in body composition, functional capacity and psychological wellbeing following recombinant human growth hormone replacement. (author abstract)