216 resultados para 270702 Marine and Estuarine Ecology (incl. Marine Ichthyology)


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Adult male Satin Bowerbirds build and decorate stick bowers to which they attract females for matings; females choose among males based on these complex bowers, decorations placed at these bowers, and displays consisting of vocalisations and posturing. Male Satin Bowerbirds undergo an extended period of delayed morphological maturation during which they retain female-like plumage and are assumed to learn adult male behavioural traits. Little is known, however, of how immature males acquire the ability to display and build and decorate bowers, except that they observe the displays of adult males at adults' bowers, and practise their own displays at both adults' and 'practice' bowers. We present data on the home ranges and movement patterns of six immature males, acquired through radio-tracking at the Bunya Mountains in south-east Queensland. Home-range size averaged 13.67 +/- 3.38 ha and immature males visited only some of the bowers located in their home ranges. On average, they visited 2.33 +/- 0.52 adults' bowers and 4.00 +/- 2.00 practice bowers.


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Floral volatiles play a major role in plant-insect communication. We examined the influence of two volatiles, phenylacetaldehyde and a-pinene, on the innate and learnt foraging behaviour of the moth Helicoverpa armigera. In dual-choice wind tunnel tests, adult moths flew upwind towards both volatiles, with a preference for phenylacetaldehyde. When exposure to either of these volatiles was paired with a feeding stimulus (sucrose), all moths preferred the learnt odour in the preference test. This change in preference was not seen when moths were exposed to the odour without a feeding stimulus. The learnt preference for the odour was reduced when moths were left unfed for 24 h before the preference test. We tested whether moths could discriminate between flowers that differed in a single volatile component. Moths were trained to feed on flowers that were odour-enhanced using either phenylacetaldehyde or a-pinene. Choice tests were then carried out in an outdoor flight cage, using flowers enhanced with either volatile. Moths showed a significant preference for the flower type on which they were trained. Moths that were conditioned on flowers that were not odour-enhanced showed no preference for either of the odour-enhanced flower types. The results imply that moths may be discriminating among odour profiles of individual flowers from the same species. We discuss this behaviour within the context of nectar foraging in moths and odour signalling by flowering plants.


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Territorial individuals often respond less aggressively to intrusions by their neighbours than to intrusions by unfamiliar individuals. This commonly observed strategy, the dear-enemy phenomenon, is thought to minimise the costs associated with territory defence. This study determined whether an insular population of territory-holding buff-banded rails (Gallirallus philippensis) exhibits dear-enemy relationships and whether males and females differ in their responses to neighbours and non-neighbours. Playback techniques were used to examine and compare the vocalisations and movements of focal individuals in response to the territorial advertisement calls of their neighbours and of unfamiliar individuals (non-neighbours). Results showed that focal birds did not respond differently to the calls of neighbours and non-neighbours; thus, no evidence for the dear-enemy phenomenon was found in this species. We suggest that this result is due to the significant threats posed by neighbours to territory owners in this territorial system, in addition to a high level of territorial instability in the population. Males and females were shown to differ qualitatively in their general territorial response to intruders but not in their relative responses to neighbours and non-neighbours, suggesting that the relative threats posed by neighbours and non-neighbours do not differ between the sexes.


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Increasing interests in the use of starch as biodegradable plastic materials demand, amongst others, accurate information on thermal properties of starch systems particularly in the processing of thermoplastic starch (TPS), where plasticisers (water and glycerol) are added. The specific heat capacity of starch-water-glycerol mixtures was determined within a temperature range of 40-120degreesC. A modulated temperature differential scanning calorimeter (MTDSC) was employed and regression equations were obtained to predict the specific heat capacity as a function of temperature, water and glycerol content for four maize starches of differing amylose content (0 - 85%). Generally, temperature and water content are directly proportional to the specific heat capacity of the systems, but the influence of glycerol content on the thermal property varied according to the starch type.


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The pumping characteristics of four Australian honey samples were investigated in a straight pipe. Six flow rates (100-500 kg h(-1)) were studied at three temperatures (35-50degreesC). The pressure loss increased with an increase in the length of the pipe, as the low rate was increased and as the temperature was reduced. In the 25.4 mm-pipe, the Reynolds number ranged from 0.2-32.0 and are substantially less than the critica value (2040-2180) for laminar condition in the system. The relationship between the wall shear stress and shear rate approximated power-law behaviour, and the power-law index was not significantly (p>0.05) different from 1.0. The honey samples exhibited Newtonian behaviour at all the temperatures and this was confirmed by rheometric studies using Couette geometry. A friction chart was generated independent of temperature and the type of honey. An equation was developed to predict the pressure loss of the honey in a typical pipeline at any temperature once the viscosity-temperature relationship had been established.


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Factors influencing the rate of cannibalism in juvenile blue-swimmer crabs Portunus pelagicus were investigated under controlled conditions using time-lapse video recordings. This study was undertaken to improve blue-swimmer crab culture and experimentally addressed (1) prey vulnerability (2) cannibal-victim interactions, and (3) activity patterns of juveniles in varying degrees of refuge. Crabs used in the study were aged 15 weeks and sorted into two size classes; small (less than or equal to 60 mm carapace width (CW)) and large (greater than or equal to65 mm CW) of a similar sex ratio. Vulnerability and thus survival was influenced by body size variation, moult stage and refuge availability. Crabs with carapace width less than or equal to 60 mm were more vulnerable than larger individuals, as indicated by significant differences in survival rates. As predicted, juveniles in transition stages associated with ecdysis were especially vulnerable. Premoult (redliner) crabs appeared to be in a high state of agitation as evidenced by the frequency of agonistic encounters and this may be a contributing factor to the high mortality observed at this critical premoult stag. increases in refuge density increased survival of juveniles proportionally, indicating that the quantity of shelter is important for reducing cannibalism in this species. Cannibal-victim interactions were frequently asymmetrical in terms of size and moult stage. Cannibals were significantly heavier than victims, and were predominantly at intermoult stage. Sexual biases among cannibals and victims were not found in this study. Activity patterns of juveniles were influenced by the experimental conditions. Crabs provided with high refuge showed reduced aggressive activity and increased time spent resting, but unchanged locomotion or feeding activity. Regular grading as well as the presence of suitable shelter for newly moulted crabs is recommended for improving culture of P. pelagicus. Research into inducing synchronous moulting may also yield promising results. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Magnitudes and patterns of energy expenditure in animal contests are seldom measured, but can be critical for predicting contest dynamics and understanding the evolution of ritualized fighting behaviour. In the sierra dome spider, males compete for sexual access to females and their webs. They show three distinct phases of fighting behaviour, escalating from ritualized noncontact display (phase 1) to cooperative wrestling (phase 2), and finally to unritualized, potentially fatal fighting (phase 3). Using CO2 respirometry, we estimated energetic costs of male-male combat in terms of mean and maximum metabolic rates and the rate of increase in energy expenditure. We also investigated the energetic consequences of age and body mass, and compared fighting metabolism to metabolism during courtship. All three phases involved mean energy expenditures well above resting metabolic rate (3.5 X, 7.4 X and 11.5 X). Both mean and maximum energy expenditure became substantially greater as fights escalated through successive phases. The rates of increase in energy use during phases 2 and 3 were much higher than in phase 1. In addition, age and body mass affected contest energetics. These results are consistent with a basic prediction of evolutionarily stable strategy contest models, that sequences of agonistic behaviours should be organized into phases of escalating energetic costs. Finally, higher energetic costs of escalated fighting compared to courtship provide a rationale for first-male sperm precedence in this spider species. (C) 2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A steady state mathematical model for co-current spray drying was developed for sugar-rich foods with the application of the glass transition temperature concept. Maltodextrin-sucrose solution was used as a sugar-rich food model. The model included mass, heat and momentum balances for a single droplet drying as well as temperature and humidity profile of the drying medium. A log-normal volume distribution of the droplets was generated at the exit of the rotary atomizer. This generation created a certain number of bins to form a system of non-linear first-order differential equations as a function of the axial distance of the drying chamber. The model was used to calculate the changes of droplet diameter, density, temperature, moisture content and velocity in association with the change of air properties along the axial distance. The difference between the outlet air temperature and the glass transition temperature of the final products (AT) was considered as an indicator of stickiness of the particles in spray drying process. The calculated and experimental AT values were close, indicating successful validation of the model. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New experimental laboratory data are presented on swash overtopping and sediment overwash on a truncated beach, approximating the conditions at the crest of a beach berm or inter-tidal ridge-runnel. The experiments provide a measure of the uprush sediment transport rate in the swash zone that is unaffected by the difficulties inherent in deploying instrumentation or sediment trapping techniques at laboratory scale. Overtopping flow volumes are compared with an analytical solution for swash flows as well as a simple numerical model, both of which are restricted to individual swash events. The analytical solution underestimates the overtopping volume by an order of magnitude while the model provides good overall agreement with the data and the reason for this difference is discussed. Modelled flow velocities are input to simple sediment transport formulae appropriate to the swash zone in order to predict the overwash sediment transport rates. Calculations performed with traditional expressions for the wave friction factor tend to underestimate the measured transport. Additional sediment transport calculations using standard total load equations are used to derive an optimum constant wave friction factor of f(w)=0.024. This is in good agreement with a broad range of published field and laboratory data. However, the influence of long waves and irregular wave run-up on the overtopping and overwash remains to be assessed. The good agreement between modelled and measured sediment transport rates suggests that the model provides accurate predictions of the uprush sediment transport rates in the swash zone, which has application in predicting the growth and height of beach berms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the influences of various natural and anthropogenic factors on the vigilance and flight behaviour of impalas in the Save Valley Conservancy, Zimbabwe, using multivariate statistical techniques. The factor that most significantly affected the proportions of time that individuals spent being vigilant and their rates of vigilance was the position of a focal animal in the group; impalas on the periphery of a group were more vigilant than central impalas. Both measures of vigilance were also negatively related to group size. Males spent more total time being vigilant but females raised their heads more often. Impalas spent more time being vigilant in the late afternoon than in the early morning, when greater than ten metres from cover, and when predators had been nearby within the previous six hours. Impalas spent more time vigilant at the property where more impalas were hunted, possibly reflecting the differences in the intensity of hunting by humans on the two properties. Flight distances at the approach of humans were significantly greater at one property than the other, and were also greater for small groups. Further research into the effects of hunting by humans on animals' antipredator behaviours would provide valuable insights for wildlife managers.


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Stickiness is a common problem encountered in food handling and processing, and also during consumption. Stickiness is observed as adhesion of the food to processing equipment surfaces or cohesion within the food particulate or mass. An important operation where this undesirable behavior of food is manifested is drying. This occurs particularly during drying of high-sugar and high-fat foods. To date, the stickiness of foods during drying or dried powder has been investigated in relation to their viscous and glass transition properties. The importance of contact surface energy of the equipment has been ignored in many analyses, despite the fact that some drying operations have reported using low-energy contact surfaces in drying equipment to avoid the problems caused by stickiness. This review discusses the fundamentals of adhesion and cohesion mechanisms and relates these phenomena to drying and dried products.


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We explore both the rheology and complex flow behavior of monodisperse polymer melts. Adequate quantities of monodisperse polymer were synthesized in order that both the materials rheology and microprocessing behavior could be established. In parallel, we employ a molecular theory for the polymer rheology that is suitable for comparison with experimental rheometric data and numerical simulation for microprocessing flows. The model is capable of matching both shear and extensional data with minimal parameter fitting. Experimental data for the processing behavior of monodisperse polymers are presented for the first time as flow birefringence and pressure difference data obtained using a Multipass Rheometer with an 11:1 constriction entry and exit flow. Matching of experimental processing data was obtained using the constitutive equation with the Lagrangian numerical solver, FLOWSOLVE. The results show the direct coupling between molecular constitutive response and macroscopic processing behavior, and differentiate flow effects that arise separately from orientation and stretch. (c) 2005 The Society of Rheology.