175 resultados para service level agreement
Empirical studies on the impact of women’s paid jobs on their empowerment and welfare in the Bangladesh context are rare. The few studies on the issue to date have all been confined to the garment workers only although studies indicate that women’s workforce participation in Bangladesh has increased across-the-board. Besides, none of these studies has made an attempt to control for the non-working women and/or applied any statistical technique to control for the effects of other pertinent determinants of women’s empowerment and welfare such as education, age, religion and place of living. This study overcomes these drawbacks and presents alternative assessments of the link between women’s workforce participation and empowerment on the basis of survey data from the two largest cities in Bangladesh. While the generic assessment indicates that women’s paid jobs have positive implications for women’s participation in decisions on fertility, children’s education and healthcare as well as their possession and control of resources, the econometric assessment negates most of these observations. Women’s education, on the other hand, appears to be more important than their participation in the labour force. The study underlines the fact that by omitting other relevant explanatory variables from the analysis, the previous studies might have overestimated the impact of women’s paid work on their empowerment. Among other things, the paper also highlights the importance of women’s job category, religion and regional differences for women’s empowerment.
Abstract: The Murray-Darling Basin comprises over 1 million km2; it lies within four states and one territory; and over 12, 800 GL of irrigation water is used to produce over 40% of the nation's gross value of agricultural production. This production is used by a diverse collection of some-times mutually exclusive commodities (e.g. pasture; stone fruit; grapes; cotton and field crops). The supply of water for irrigation is subject to climatic and policy uncertainty. Variable inflows mean that water property rights do not provide a guaranteed supply. With increasing public scrutiny and environmental issues facing irrigators, greater pressure is being placed on this finite resource. The uncertainty of the water supply, water quality (salinity), combined with where water is utilised, while attempting to maximising return for investment makes for an interesting research field. The utilisation and comparison of a GAMS and Excel based modelling approach has been used to ask: where should we allocate water?; amongst what commodities?; and how does this affect both the quantity of water and the quality of water along the Murray-Darling river system?
Most cellular solids are random materials, while practically all theoretical structure-property results are for periodic models. To be able to generate theoretical results for random models, the finite element method (FEM) was used to study the elastic properties of solids with a closed-cell cellular structure. We have computed the density (rho) and microstructure dependence of the Young's modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio (PR) for several different isotropic random models based on Voronoi tessellations and level-cut Gaussian random fields. The effect of partially open cells is also considered. The results, which are best described by a power law E infinity rho (n) (1<n<2), show the influence of randomness and isotropy on the properties of closed-cell cellular materials, and are found to be in good agreement with experimental data. (C) 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
High-level microsatellite instability (AISI-H) is demonstrated in 10 to 15% of sporadic colorectal cancers and in most cancers presenting In the inherited condition hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Distinction between these categories of MSI-H cancer is of clinical importance and the aim of this study was to assess clinical, pathological, and molecular features that might he discriminatory. One hundred and twelve MSI-H colorectal cancers from families fulfilling the Bethesda criteria were compared with 57 sporadic MSI-H colorectal cancers. HNPCC cancers presented at a lower age (P < 0.001) with no sporadic MSI-H cancer being diagnosed before the age of 57 years. MSI was less extensive in HNPCC cancers with 72% microsatellite markers showing band shifts compared with 87% in sporadic tumors (P < 0.001). Absent immunostaining for hMSH2 was only found in HNPCC tumors. Methylation of bMLH1 was observed in 87% of sporadic cancers but also in 55% of HNPCC tumors that showed loss of expression of hMLH1 (P = 0.02). HNPCC cancers were more frequently characterized by aberrant beta -catenin immunostaining as evidenced by nuclear positivity (P < 0.001). Aberrant p53 immunostaining was infrequent in both groups. There were no differences with respect to 5q loss of heterozygosity or codon 12 K-ras mutation, which were infrequent in both groups. Sporadic MSI-H cancers were more frequently heterogeneous (P < 0.001), poorly differentiated (P = 0.02), mucinous (P = 0.02), and proximally located (P = 0.04) than RNPCC tumors. In sporadic MSI-H cancers, contiguous adenomas were likely to be serrated whereas traditional adenomas were dominant in HNPCC. Lymphocytic infiltration was more pronounced in HNPCC but the results did not reach statistical significance. Overall, HNPCC cancers were more like common colorectal cancer in terms of morphology and expression of beta -catenin whereas sporadic MSI-H cancers displayed features consistent with a different morphogenesis. No individual feature was discriminatory for all RN-PCC cancers. However, a model based on four features was able to classify 94.5% of tumors as sporadic or HNPCC. The finding of multiple differences between sporadic and familial MSI-H colorectal cancer with respect to both genotype and phenotype is consistent with tumorigenesis through parallel evolutionary pathways and emphasizes the importance of studying the two groups separately.
The significance of low-level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-L) is not well understood. K-ras mutation is associated with MSI-L colorectal cancer and with the silencing of the DNA repair gene O-6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) by methylation of its promoter region. MGMT methylation was studied in sporadic colorectal cancers stratified as DNA microsatellite instability-high (n = 23), MSI-L (n = 44), and microsatellite-stable (n = 23). Methylation-specific PCR was used to detect MGMT-promoter hypermethylation in 3 of 23 (13%) microsatellite instability-high, in 28 of 44 (64%) MSI-L, and in 6 of 23 (26%) microsatellite-stable cancers (P = 0.0001). K-ras was mutated in 20 of 29 (69%) methylated MSI-L cancers and in 2 of 15 (13%) unmethylated MSI-L cancers (P = 0.001), indicating a relationship between MGMT-methylation and mutation of K-ras. Loss of nuclear expression of MGMT was demonstrated immunohistochemically in 23 of 31 (74%) cancers with methylated MGMT and in 10 of 49 (20%) cancers with nonmethylated MGMT (P < 0.0001). Loss of expression of MGMT was also demonstrated in 9 of 31 serrated polyps. Silencing of MGMT may predispose to mutation by overwhelming the DNA mismatch repair system and occurs with greatest frequency in MSI-L colorectal cancers.
Sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) characterized by high-level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-H) has a favorable prognosis. The reason for this MSI-H survival advantage is not known. The aim of this study was to correlate proliferation, apoptosis, and prognosis in CRC stratified by MSI status. The proliferative index (PI) was measured by immunohistochemical staining with the Ki-67 antibody in a selected series of 100 sporadic colorectal cancers classified according to the level of MSI as 31 MSI-H, 29 MSI-Low (MSI-L), and 40 microsatellite stable (MISS). The Ki-67 index was significantly higher in MSI-H cancers (P < 0.0001) in which the PI was 90.1 1.2% (mean +/- SE) compared with 69.5 +/- 3.1 % and 69.5 +/- 2.3 % in MSI-L and MSS subgroups, respectively. There was a positive linear correlation between the apoptotic index (AI) and PI (r = 0.51; P < 0.001), with MSI-H cancers demonstrating an increased AI:PI ratio indicative of a lower index of cell production. A high PI showed a trend toward predicting improved survival within MSI-H cancers (P = 0.09) but did not predict survival in MSI-L or MSS cancers. The Al was not associated with survival in any MSI subgroup. In conclusion, this is the first study to show that sporadic MSI-H cancers are characterized by a higher AL:PI ratio and increased proliferative activity compared with MSI-L and MSS cancers, and that an elevated PI may confer a survival advantage within the MSI-H subset.
Molecular events in early colorectal cancers (CRCs) have not been well elucidated because of the low incidence of early CRCs in clinical practice. Therefore, we studied 104 sporadic early CRCs with invasion limited to submucosa compared with 116 advanced CRCs. Loss of heterozygosity as well as microsatellite instability (MSI) status was examined. A significantly high frequency of low-level MSI (MSI-L) phenotype was detected in early CRCs (51.0%) compared with advanced CRCs (25.9%; P = 0.0001). In early and advanced CRCs, samples with MSI-L phenotype differed from microsatellite stable (MSS) phenotype with respect to loss of heterozygosity at 1p32 and 8p12-22. MSI-L is a frequent genetic event in early CRCs and may be a novel pathway in colorectal carcinogenesis distinct from both MSI-H and MSS.
Objective: To test the feasibility of an evidence-based clinical literature search service to help answer general practitioners' (GPs') clinical questions. Design: Two search services supplied GPs who submitted questions with the best available empirical evidence to answer these questions. The GPs provided feedback on the value of the service, and concordance of answers from the two search services was assessed. Setting: Two literature search services (Queensland and Victoria), operating for nine months from February 1999. Main outcome measures: Use of the service; time taken to locate answers; availability of evidence; value of the service to GPs; and consistency of answers from the two services. Results: 58 GPs asked 160 questions (29 asked one, 11 asked five or more). The questions concerned treatment (65%), aetiology (17%), prognosis (13%), and diagnosis (5%). Answering a question took a mean of 3 hours 32 minutes of personnel time (95% Cl, 2.67-3.97); nine questions took longer than 10 hours each to answer, the longest taking 23 hours 30 minutes. Evidence of suitable quality to provide a sound answer was available for 126 (79%) questions. Feedback data for 84 (53%) questions, provided by 42 GPs, showed that they appreciated the service, and asking the questions changed clinical care. There were many minor differences between the answers from the two centres, and substantial differences in the evidence found for 4/14 questions. However, conclusions reached were largely similar, with no or only minor differences for all questions. Conclusions: It is feasible to provide a literature search service, but further assessment is needed to establish its cost effectiveness.
The adverse effects of environmental lead exposure on the mental development of young children are well established. There is no safe level of blood lead below which children are not affected. Recent research expands our understanding of the impact of lead exposure continuing into later childhood, as well as its effects on children's behaviour. However, social and other environmental factors also contribute to variance in measures of developmental and behavioural outcomes. Lead is associated with only modest effects on children's development, but is a potentially modifiable risk factor. As environmental exposure to lead declines for the whole population, continued specific attention is needed for children living in industrial areas.