107 resultados para Uptake of nitrogen
A simple method to characterize the micro and mesoporous carbon media is discussed. In this method, the overall adsorption quantity is the sum of capacities of all pores (slit shape is assumed), in each of which the process of adsorption occurs in two sequential steps: the multi-layering followed by pore filling steps. The critical factor in these two steps is the enhancement of the pressure of occluded 'free' molecules in the pore as well as the enhancement of the adsorption layer thickness. Both of these enhancements are due to the overlapping of the potential fields contributed by the two opposite walls. The classical BET and modified Kelvin equations are assumed to be applicable for the two steps mentioned above, with the allowance for the enhanced pore pressure, the enhanced adsorption energy and the enhanced BET constant,all of which vary with pore width. The method is then applied to data of many carbon samples of different sources to derive their respective pore size distributions, which are compared with those obtained from DFT analysis. Similar pore size distributions (PSDs) are observed although our method gives sharper distribution. Furthermore, we use our theory to analyze adsorption data of nitrogen at 77 K and that of benzene at 303 K (ambient temperature). The PSDs derived from these two different probe molecules are similar, with some small differences that could be attributed to the molecular properties, such as the collision diameter. Permeation characteristics of sub-critical fluids are also discussed in this paper. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Sugar uptake and metabolism were studied in callus cultures and shoot tips of asparagus. Asparagus callus cultures were used to model senescence in shoot tips. Callus cultures absorbed glucose from a nutrient medium, and accumulated sucrose, glucose and fructose. This uptake of glucose by the callus cultures down-regulated expression of asparagine synthetase and beta -galactosidase transcripts that otherwise accumulated when sugar was withheld. When 80 mm-long asparagus shoots were excised from growing plants and placed in 2% and 8% sucrose solutions, endogenous concentrations of sucrose, glucose, fructose, UDPglucose, and glucose-6-phosphate declined in the 30mm-long meristematic tip regions. At the same time, asparagine and asparagine synthetase gene transcripts began to accumulate in these tips. When 10 mm-long asparagus shoot tips were placed on glucose- or fructose-containing agar, the tips accumulated sucrose, glucose and fructose, and asparagine accumulation and expression of asparagine synthetase were marginally reduced. We concluded that in callus cultures, asparagine synthetase expression was sugar regulated, but that sugar regulation was not as pronounced in asparagus shoot tips. This may be due in part to slower rates of sugar uptake into shoot tips and in part to compartmentation of sugars in the tips. We suggest that callus cultures are not a suitable model for metabolic studies in asparagus shoot tips.
Increased nitrogen loading has been implicated in eutrophication occurrences worldwide. Much of this loading is attributable to the growing human population along the world's coastlines. A significant component of this nitrogen input is from sewage effluent, and delineation of the distribution and biological impact of sewage-derived nitrogen is becoming increasingly important. Here, we show a technique that identifies the source, extent and fate of biologically available sewage nitrogen in coastal marine ecosystem. This method is based on the uptake of sewage nitrogen by marine plants and subsequent analysis of the sewage signature (elevated delta N-15) in plant tissues. Spatial analysis is used to create maps of delta N-15 and establish coefficient of variation estimates of the mapped values. We show elevated delta N-15 levels in marine plants near sewage outfalls in Moreton Bay, Australia, a semi-enclosed bay receiving multiple sewage inputs. These maps of sewage nitrogen distribution are being used to direct nutrient reduction strategies in the region and will assist in monitoring the effectiveness of environmental protection measures. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We have examined the requirement for Ca2+ in the signaling and trafficking pathways involved in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-LI adipocytes. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+, using 1,2-bis (o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetra (acetoxymethyl) ester (BAPTA-AM), resulted in >95% inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. The calmodulin antagonist, W13, inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 60%. Both BAPTA-AM and W13 inhibited Akt phosphorylation by 70-75%. However, analysis of insulin-dose response curves indicated that this inhibition was not sufficient to explain the effects of BAPTA-AM and W13 on glucose uptake. BAPTA-AM inhibited insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 by 50%, as determined by plasma membrane lawn assay and subcellular fractionation. In contrast, the insulin-stimulated appearance of HA-tagged GLUT4 at the cell surface, as measured by surface binding, was blocked by BAPTA/AM.. While the ionophores A23187 or ionomycin prevented the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation by BAPTA-AM, they did not overcome the inhibition of glucose transport. Moreover, glucose uptake of cells pretreated with insulin followed by rapid cooling to 4 degreesC, to promote cell surface expression of GLUT4 and prevent subsequent endocytosis, was inhibited specifically by BAPTA-AM. This indicates that inhibition of glucose uptake by BAPTA-AM is independent of both trafficking and signal transduction. These data indicate that Ca2+ is involved in at least two different steps of the insulin-dependent recruitment of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. One involves the translocation step. The second involves the fusion of GLUT4 vesicles with the plasma membrane. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Ca2+/cahnodulin plays a fundamental role in eukaryotic vesicle docking and fusion. Finally, BAPTA-AM may inhibit the activity of the facilitative transporters by binding directly to the transporter itself.
The role of nitrate, ammonium, and culture medium pH on shoot organogenesis in Nicotiana tabacum zz100 leaf discs was examined. The nitrogen composition of a basal liquid shoot induction medium (SIM) containing 39.4 mM NO3- and 20.6 mM NH4+ was altered whilst maintaining the overall ionic balance with Na+ and Cl- ions. Omission of total nitrogen and nitrate, but not ammonium, from SIM prevented the initiation and formation of shoots. When nitrate was used as the sole source of nitrogen, a high frequency of explants initiated and produced leafy shoots. However, the numbers of shoots produced were significantly fewer than the control SIM. Buffering nitrate-only media with the organic acid 2[N-morpholinol]thanesulphonic acid (MES) could not compensate for the omission of ammonium. Ammonium used as the sole source of nitrogen appeared to have a negative effect on explant growth and morphogenesis, with a significant lowering of media pH. Buffering ammonium-only media with MES stabilized pH and allowed a low frequency of explants to initiate shoot meristems. However, no further differentiation into leafy shoots was observed. The amount of available nitrogen appears to be less important than the ratio between nitrate and ammonium. Shoot formation was achieved with a wide range of ratios, but media containing 40 mM nitrate and 20 mM ammonium (70:30) produced the greatest number of shoots per explant. Results from this study indicate a synergistic effect between ammonium and nitrate on shoot organogenesis independent of culture medium pH.
Plant morphogenesis in vitro can be achieved via two pathways, somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis. Relationships between the culture medium and explant leading to morphogenesis are complex and, despite extensive study, remain poorly understood. Primarily the composition and ratio of plant growth regulators are manipulated to optimize the, quality and numbers of embryos or organs initiated. However, many species and varieties do not respond to this classical approach and require further optimization by the variation of other chemical or physical factors. Mineral nutrients form a significant component of culture media but are often overlooked as possible morphogenic elicitors. The combination of minerals for a particular plant species and developmental pathway are usually determined by the empirical manipulation of one or a combination of existing published formulations. Often only one medium type is used for the duration of culture even though this formulation may not be optimal for the different stages of explant growth and development. Furthermore, mineral studies have often focused on growth rather than morphogenesis with very little known of the relationships between mineral uptake and morphogenesis. This article examines the present knowledge of the main effects that mineral nutrients have on plant morphogenesis in vitro. In particular, the dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium supply during development are discussed.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts exposed to bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) virions demonstrated uptake of virions on electron microscopy. S. cerevisiae cells looked larger after exposure to BPV-1 virions, and cell wall regeneration was delayed. Southern blot hybridization of Hirt DNA from cells exposed to BPV-1 virions demonstrated BPV-1 DNA, which could be detected over 80 days of culture and at least 13 rounds of division. Two-dimensional gel analysis of Hirt DNA showed replicative intermediates, confirming that the BPV-1 genome was replicating within S. cerevisiae. Nicked circle, linear, and supercoiled BPV-1 DNA species were observed in Hirt DNA preparations from S. cerevisiae cells infected for over 50 days, and restriction digestion showed fragments hybridizing to BPV-1 in accord with the predicted restriction map for circular BPV-1 episomes. These data suggest that BPV-1 can infect S. cerevisiae and that BPV-1 episomes can replicate in the infected S. cerevisiae cells.
It is predicted that dryland salinity will affect up to 17 Mha of the Australian landscape by 2050, and therefore, monitoring the health of tree plantings and remnant native vegetation in saline areas is increasingly important. Casuarina glauca Sieber ex Spreng. has considerable salinity tolerance and is commonly planted in areas with a shallow, saline water table. To evaluate the potential of using the nitrogenous composition of xylem sap to assess salinity stress in C. glauca, the responses of trees grown with various soil salinities in a greenhouse were compared with those of trees growing in field plots with different water table depths and groundwater salinities. In the greenhouse, increasing soil salinity led to increased allocation of nitrogen (N) to proline and arginine in both stem and root xylem sap, with coincident decreases in citrulline and asparagine. Although the field plots were ranked as increasingly saline-based on ground water salinity and depth-only the allocation of N to citrulline differed significantly between the field plots. Within each plot, temporal variation in the composition of the xylem sap was related to rainfall, rainfall infiltration and soil salinity. Periods of low rainfall and infiltration and higher soil salinity corresponded with increased allocation of N to proline and arginine in the xylem sap. The allocation of N to citrulline and asparagine increased following rainfall events where rain was calculated to have infiltrated sufficiently to decrease soil salinity. The relationship between nitrogenous composition of the xylem sap of C. glauca and soil salinity indicates that the analysis of xylem sap is an effective method for assessing changes in salinity stress in trees at a particular site over time. However, the composition of the xylem sap proved less useful as a comparative index of salinity stress in trees growing at different sites.
Reproductive data from southern Queensland indicate that vitellogenesis in female Chelonia mydas takes approximately 8 months and is followed by a migration to a breeding area. At Heron Island, females lay multiple clutches over approximately 3 months. To investigate how females mobilise and store lipid during the breeding season we collected plasma, yolk, and fat tissue samples from females at a variety of stages during the nesting season. In breeding females, concentrations of plasma triglyceride increased seasonally. They reached peak concentrations during vitellogenesis and courtship, remained high throughout the nesting season, and then declined to a nadir after the last clutch. Plasma protein concentration increased throughout the breeding season, peaking following the last clutch for the season. Yolk lipids were highest during courtship and were similar throughout the nesting season, suggesting that uptake of lipid by ovarian follicles is completed prior to the beginning of the nesting season. Plasma triglyceride decreases in females with prolonged periods of unsuccessful nesting, and total lipid levels in adipose tissue and follicle yolks were significantly lower in atretic females. It appears that: (1) endogenous energy reserves can be reduced by stochastic environmental events (such as those reducing nesting success), and (2) a metabolic shift signalling the end of the nesting season is characterised by a drop in plasma triglycerides and slight increase in total plasma protein.
The grazing trial at Kidston Gold Mine, North Queensland, was aimed specifically to assess the uptake of metals from the tailing and the potential for unacceptable contamination of saleable meat. Further aims included estimating metal dose rates and identifying potential exposure pathways including plant uptake of heavy metals, mine tailings adhered to plants and direct ingestion of mine tailing. It was found that of the 11 metals analysed (As, Zn, Co, Cd, Cr, Sn, Pb, Sb, Hg, Se and Ni) in the animal's liver, muscle and blood during the 8-month trial period, only accumulation of arsenic and zinc occurred. A risk assessment including these two metals was conducted to determine the potential for chronic metal toxicity and long-term contamination, using the estimates of metal dose rate. It was concluded that no toxicity or long-term contamination in cattle was likely at this site. Management procedures were therefore not required at this site; however, the results highlight percent ground cover and standing dry matter (DM) as important factors in decreasing metal exposure from direct ingestion of tailings and dust adhered to plants. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of the study was to investigate the role of glutamate residue 113 in transmembrane domain 2 of the human noradrenaline transporter in determining cell surface expression and functional activity. This residue is absolutely conserved in all members of the Na+- and Cl--dependent transporter family. Mutations to alanine (hE113A), aspartate (hE113D) and glutamine (hE113Q) were achieved by site-directed mutagenesis and the mutants were expressed in transfected COS-7 or HEK-293 cells. Cell surface expression of IIE113A and hE113D, but not hE113Q, was markedly reduced compared with wild type, and functional noradrenaline uptake was detected only for the hE113Q mutant. The pharmacological properties of the hE113Q mutant showed very little change compared with wild type, except for a decrease in V-max values for noradrenaline and dopamine uptake of 2-3-fold. However, the hE113D mutant showed very marked changes in its properties, compared with wild type, with 82-260-fold decreases in the affinities of the substrates, noradrenaline, dopamine and MPP+, and increased Na+ affinity for stimulation of nisoxetine binding. The results of the study show that the size and not the charge of the 113 glutamate residue of the noradrenaline transporter seems to be the most critical factor for maintenance of transporter function and surface expression.
Little is known about causes of endemic rarity in plants. This study pioneered an approach that determined environmental variables in the rainforest habitat and generated physiological profiles for light, water, and nutrient relations for three endemically restricted versus widespread congeneric species' pairs. We found no overall consistent differences in the physiological variables between the group of restricted species and the group of widespread species, and congeneric species pairs were therefore examined individually. Availability of soil nutrients did not differ between restricted-widespread species sites suggesting that species grow under comparable nutrient conditions. Under ambient and manipulated higher light conditions, widespread Gardenia ovularis had a greater photosynthetic activity than restricted Gardenia actinocarpa suggesting that the two species differ in their photosynthetic abilities. Differences between Xanthostemon species included lower photosynthetic activity, higher transpiration rate, and a higher foliar manganese concentration in restricted Xanthostemon formosus compared to widespread Xanthostemon chrysanthus. It is suggested that X. formosus is restricted by its high water use to its current rainforest creek edge habitat, while X. chrysanthus grows in a range of environments, although naturally found in riparian rainforest. Restricted Archidendron kanisii had higher electron transport rates, greater dissipative capacity for removal of excess light, and more efficient investment of nitrogen into photosynthetic components, than its widespread relative Archidendron whitei. These observations and previous research suggest that restricted Archidendron kanisii is in the process of expanding its range. Physiological profiles suggest a different cause of rarity for each species. This has implications for the conservation strategies required for each species. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Measurement of hepatic oxygen extraction was performed on six healthy Greyhound dogs over a two hour period. The Greyhounds were anaesthetised and a right subcostal surgical incision performed. Ultrasonic flow transducers were used to measure flow rate in the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The blood oxygen tensions in arterial blood and in the portal and hepatic veins were also measured. Hepatic oxygen extraction remained stable throughout the study, despite a steady decline in arterial blood pressure. The methodology described in this study provides a direct measure of oxygen uptake by the liver in the dog and could readily be used to investigate hepatic uptake of drugs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in alternating anaerobic-aerobic or alternating anaerobic-anoxic modes, respectively. Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR and denitrifying PAOs (DPAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated that the well-known PAO, Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis was abundant in both SBRs, and post-FISH chemical staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol (DAPI) confirmed that they accumulated polyphosphate. When the anaerobic-anoxic SBR enriched for DPAOs was converted to anaerobic-aerobic operation, aerobic uptake of phosphorus by the resident microbial community occurred immediately. However, when the anaerobic-aerobic SBR enriched for PAOs was exposed to one cycle with anoxic rather than aerobic conditions, a 5-h lag period elapsed before phosphorus uptake proceeded. This anoxic phosphorus-uptake lag phase was not observed in the subsequent anaerobic-aerobic cycle. These results demonstrate that the PAOs that dominated the anaerobic-aerobic SBR biomass were the same organisms as the DPAOs enriched under anaerobic-anoxic conditions. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Uptake of nutrients and water depends on the growth of roots through elongation of individual cells near the. root tip. Many of the numerous components of Type I primary cell walls, those of dicotyledons and monocotyledons other than grasses (Poaceae), have been determined, and many hypotheses have been proposed for the control of cell expansion. This important aspect of plant growth still needs elucidation, however. A model is proposed in which pectin, which occurs as a calcium (Ca) pectate gel between the load-bearing cellulose microfibrils and xyloglucan (XG) chains, controls the rate at which cells expand. It is considered that the increasing tension generated by the expanding cell is transmitted to interlocked XG chains and cellulose microfibrils. The resulting deformation of the embedded Ca pectate gel elicits the excretion of protons from the cytoplasm, possibly via compounds such as cell wall-associated kinases, that weakens the Ca pectate gel, permitting slippage of XG molecules through the action of expansin. Further slippage is prevented by deformation of the pectic gel, proton diffusion, and the transfer of residual tension to adjacent XG chains. Evidence for this model is based on the effects of pH, Ca, and aluminum (Al) on root elongation and on the reactions of these cations with Ca pectate. This model allows for genetic selection of plants and adaptation of individual plants to root environmental conditions.