137 resultados para Portal Liver Fibrosis
The cDNA sequence for insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) was determined from the liver of the marsupial brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) using reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with gene-specific primers. The 359 bp of possum sequence encompassed the mature peptide, 27 bp of the signal peptide, and 125 bp of the E-peptide. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence with those from other species indicated that the mature peptide was 71 amino acids in length, 4 amino acids longer than most other mammals. At both the nucleotide and amino acid levels there was a high degree of sequence identity with IGF-2 from other mammalian and nonmammalian species. Amino acid identity ranged from 94.4% with a variant form of human IGF-2 to 80.3% with zebrafinch IGF-2. Northern analysis revealed that radiolabeled possum IGF-2, cDNA hybridized to multiple transcripts in the liver of both adult possums and 150-day-old pouch young and that the overall level of expression was greater in pouch young. Semiquantitative RT-PCR with total RNA from liver samples of pouch young aged 12 to 150 days postpartum and adults confirmed that IGF-2 gene expression was two to three times more abundant in pouch young than in adults but there was no significant change in the level of expression during pouch life. Unlike other mammalian species, in which there is a decline in levels of liver IGF-2 gene expression around the time of birth, levels in the marsupial brushtail possum remain elevated for at least 150 days after birth. This suggests that the decline in liver IGF-2 expression in marsupials and eutherians occurs at a similar stage of development and may reflect a role for this growth factor during the postnatal growth and development of the marsupial, (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a complex disease affecting epithelial ion transport. There are not many diseases like CF that have triggered such intense research activities. The complexity of the disease is due to mutations in the CFTR protein, now known to be a Cl- channel and a regulator of other transport proteins. The various interactions and the large number of disease-causing CFTR mutations is the reason for a variable genotype-phenotype correlation and sometimes unpredictable clinical manifestation. Nevertheless, the research of the past 10 years has resulted in a tremendous increase in knowledge, not only in regard to CFTR but also in regard to molecular interactions and completely new means of ion channel and gene therapy.
The K+ channel KCNQ1 (K(V)LQT1) is a voltage-gated K+ channel, coexpressed with regulatory subunits such as KCNE1 (IsK, mink) or KCNE3, depending on the tissue examined. Here, we investigate regulation and properties of human and rat KCNQ1 and the impact of regulators such as KCNE1 and KCNE3. Because the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has also been suggested to regulate KCNQ1 channels we studied the effects of CFTR on KCNQ1 in Xenopus oocytes, Expression of both human and rat KCNQ1 induced time dependent K+ currents that were sensitive to Ba2+ and 293B. Coexpression with KCNE1 delayed voltage activation, while coexpression with KCNE3 accelerated current activation. KCNQ1 currents were activated by an increase in intracellular cAMP, independent of coexpression with KCNE1 or KCNE3. cAMP dependent activation was abolished in N-terminal truncated hKCNQ1 but was still detectable after deletion of a single PKA phosphorylation motif. In the presence but not in the absence of KCNE1 or KCNE3, K+ currents were activated by the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. Coexpression of CFTR with either human or rat KCNQ1 had no impact on regulation of KCNQ1 K+ currents by cAMP but slightly shifted the concentration response curve for 293B. Thus, KCNQ1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes is regulated by cAMP and Ca2+ but is not affected by CFTR.
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has been shown previously to be regulated by inhibitory G proteins. In the present study, we demonstrate inhibition of CFTR by alphaG(i2) and alphaG(i1), but not alphaG(0), in Xenopus oocytes. We further examined whether regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins interfere with alphaG(i)-dependent inhibition of CFTR. Activation of CFTR by IBMX and forskolin was attenuated in the presence of alphaG(i2), indicating inhibition of CFTR by alphaG(i2) in Xenopus oocytes. Coexpression of the proteins RGS3 and RGS7 together with CFTR and alphaG(i2) partially recovered activation by IBMX/forskolin. 14-3-3, a protein that is known to interfere with RGS proteins, counteracted the effects of RGS3. These data demonstrate the regulation of CFTR by alphaG(i) in Xenopus oocytes. Because RGS proteins interfere with the G protein-dependent regulation of CFTR, this may offer new potential pathways for pharmacological intervention in cystic fibrosis. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
1. More than 1300 different mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) cause cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease characterized by deficient epithelial Cl- secretion and enhanced Na+ absorption. The clinical course of the disease is determined by the progressive lung disease. Thus, novel approaches in pharmacotherapy are based primarily on correction of the ion transport defect in the airways. 2. The current therapeutic strategies try to counteract the deficiency in Cl- secretion and the enhanced Na+ absorption. A number of compounds have been identified, such as genistein and xanthine derivatives, which directly activate mutant CFTR. Other compounds may activate alternative Ca2+-activated Cl- channels or basolateral K+ channels, which supply the driving force for Cl- secretion. Apart from that, Na+ channel blockers, such as phenamil and benzamil, are being explored, which counteract the hyperabsorption of NaCl in CF airways. 3. Clinical trials are under way using purinergic compounds such as the P2Y(2) receptor agonist INS365. Activation of P2Y(2) receptors has been found to both activate Cl- secretion and inhibit Na+ absorption. 4. The ultimate goal is to recover Cl- channel activity of mutant CFTR by either enhancing synthesis and expression of the protein or by activating silent CFTR Cl- channels. Strategies combining these drugs with compounds facilitating Cl- secretion and inhibiting Na+ absorption in vivo may have the best chance to counteract the ion transport defect in cystic fibrosis.
Activation of the CFTR Cl- channel inhibits epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC), according to studies on epithelial cells and overexpressing recombinant cells. Here we demonstrate that ENaC is inhibited during stimulation of the cystic fibrosis trans-membrance conductance regulator (CFTR) in Xenopus oocytes, independent of the experimental set-up and the magnitude of the whole-cell current. Inhibition of ENaC is augmented at higher CFTR Cl- currents. Similar to CFTR, ClC-0 Cl- currents also inhibit ENaC, as well as high extracellular Na+ and Cl- in partially permeabilized oocytes. Thus, inhibition of ENaC is not specific to CFTR and seems to be mediated by Cl-.
Poor nutritional status in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is associated with severe lung disease, and possible causative factors include inadequate intake, malabsorption, and increased energy requirements. Body cell mass (which can be quantified by measurement of total body potassium) provides an ideal standard for measurements of energy expenditure. The aim of this study was to compare resting energy expenditure (REE) in patients with CF with both predicted values and age-matched healthy children and to determine whether REE was related to either nutritional status or pulmonary function. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry and body cell mass by scanning with total body potassium in 30 patients with CF(12 male, mean age = 13.07 +/- 0.55 y) and 18 healthy children (six male, mean age = 12.56 +/- 1.25 y). Nutritional status was expressed as a percentage of predicted total body potassium; Lung function was measured in the CF group by spirometry and expressed as the percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s. Mean REE was significantly increased in the patients with CF compared with healthy children (119.3 +/- 3.1% predicted versus 103.6 +/- 5% predicted, P < 0.001) and, using multiple regression techniques, REE for total body potassium was significantly increased in patients with CF (P = 0.0001). There was no relation between REE and nutritional status or pulmonary disease status in the CF group. In conclusion, REE is increased in children and adolescents with CF but is not directly related to nutritional status or pulmonary disease. Nutrition 2001;17:22-25. (C)Elsevier Science Inc. 2001.
Despite a large number of T cells infiltrating the liver of patients with chronic hepatitis B, little is known about their complexity or specificity. To characterize the composition of these T cells involved with the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B (CHB), we have studied the clonality of V beta T cell receptor (TCR)-bearing populations in liver tissue by size spectratyping the complementarity-determining region (CDR3) lengths of TCR transcripts. We have also compared the CDR3 profiles of the lymphocytes infiltrating the liver with those circulating in the blood to see whether identical clonotypes may be detected that would indicate a virus-induced expansion in both compartments. Our studies show that in most of the patients examined, the T cell composition of liver infiltrating lymphocytes is highly restricted, with evidence of clonotypic expansions in 4 to 9 TCR V beta subfamilies. In contrast, the blood compartment contains an average of 1 to 3 expansions. This pattern is seen irrespective of the patient's viral load or degree of liver pathology. Although the TCR repertoire profiles between the 2 compartments are generally distinct, there is evidence of some T cell subsets being equally distributed between the blood and the liver. Finally, we provide evidence for a putative public binding motif within the CDR3 region with the sequence G-X-S, which may be involved with hepatitis B virus recognition.
1. An isolated perfused rat liver (IPRL) preparation was used to investigate separately the disposition of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) naproxen (NAP), its reactive acyl glucuronide metabolite (NAG) and a mixture of NAG rearrangement isomers (isoNAG), each at 30 mug NAP equivalents ml(-1) perfusate (n = 4 each group). 2. Following administration to the IPRL, NAP was eliminated slowly in a log-linear manner with an apparent elimination half-life (t(1/2)) of 13.4 +/-4.4 h. No metabolites were detected in perfusate, while NAG was the only metabolite present in bile in measurable amounts (3.9 +/-0.8%, of the dose). Following their administration to the IPRL, both NAG and isoNAG were rapidly hydrolysed (t(1/2) in perfusate=57 +/-3 and 75 +/- 14min respectively). NAG also rearranged to isoNAG in the perfusate. Both NAG and isoNAG were excreted intact in bile (24.6 and 14.8% of the NAG and isoNAG doses, respectively). 3. Covalent NAP-protein adducts in the liver increased as the dose changed from NAP to NAG to isoNAG (0.20 to 0.34 to 0.48% of the doses, respectively). Similarly, formation of covalent NAP-protein adducts in perfusate were greater in isoNAG-dosed perfusions. The comparative results Suggest that isoNAG is a better substrate for adduct formation with liver proteins than NAG.
After the transition from in utero to newborn life, the neonate becomes solely reliant upon its own drug clearance processes to metabolise xenobiotics. Whilst most studies of neonatal hepatic drug elimination have focussed upon in vitro expression and activities of drug-metabolising enzymes, the rapid physiological changes in the early neonatal period of life also need to be considered. There are dramatic changes in neonatal liver blood how and hepatic oxygenation due to the loss of the umbilical blood supply, the increasing portal vein blood flow, and the gradual closure of the ductus venosus shunt during the first week of life. These changes which may well affect the capacity of neonatal hepatic drug metabolism. The hepatic expression of cytochromes P450 1A2, 2C, 2D6, 2E1 and 3A4 develop at different rates in the postnatal period, whilst 3A7 expression diminishes. Hepatic glucuronidation in the human neonate is relatively immature at birth, which contrasts with the considerably more mature neonatal hepatic sulfation activity. Limited in vivo studies show that the human neonate can significantly metabolise xenobiotics but clearance is considerably less compared with the older infant and adult. The neonatal population included in pharmacological studies is highly heterogeneous with respect to age, body weight, ductus venosus closure and disease processes, making it difficult to interpret data arising from human neonatal studies. Studies in the perfused foetal and neonatal sheep liver have demonstrated how the oxidative and conjugative hepatic elimination of drugs by the intact organ is significantly increased during the first week of life, highlighting that future studies will need to consider the profound physiological changes that may influence neonatal hepatic drug elimination shortly after birth.
This study was undertaken to assess associations between age, gender, cigarette smoke and non-workplace cadmium exposure, and liver pathology and inter-individual variation in cytochrome P450 (CYP) expression in human tissues. Autopsy specimens of twenty-eight Queensland residents whose ages ranged from 3 to 89 years were analyzed for the presence of nine CYP protein isoforms by immunoblotting. All subjects were Caucasians and their liver cadmium contents ranged from 0.11 to 3.95 kg/g wet weight, while their kidney cadmium contents were in the range of 2 to 63 mug/g wet weight. CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, and CYP3A5 were detected in liver but not in kidney, and CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 were not found in liver or kidney. Lowered liver CYP2C8/19 protein contents were found to be associated with liver pathology. Importantly, we show elevated levels of CYP2C9 protein to be associated with cadmium accumulation in liver. No mechanism that explains this association is apparent, but there are two possibilities that require further study. One is that variation in CYP2C9 protein levels may be, in part, attributed to an individual's non-workplace exposure to cadmium, or an individual's CYP2C9 genotype may be a risk factor for cadmium accumulation. A positive correlation was found between liver CYP3A4 protein and subject age. Levels of liver CYPIA2 protein, but not other CYP forms, were increased in people more exposed to cigarette smoke, but there was no association between CYPIA2 protein and cadmium. CYP2A6 protein was found in all liver samples and CYP2A6 gene typing indicated the absence of CYP2A6 null allele (CYP2A6(D)) in this sample group, confirming very low prevalence of homozygous CYP2A6(D) in Caucasians. CYP2A6 gene types W/W, WIC, and CIC were not associated with variations in liver microsomal CYP2A6 protein. CYP2D6 protein was absent in all twenty-five kidney samples tested but was detectable in liver samples of all but two subjects, indicating the prevalence of the CYP2D6 null allele (CYP2D6(D)) in this sample group to be about 7%, typical of Caucasian populations. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in children who receive cut-down or full liver transplants
Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in pediatric liver transplant recipients and to identify factors that may explain pharmacokinetic variability. Methods. Data were collected retrospectively from 35 children who received oral immunosuppressant therapy with tacrolimus. Maximum likelihood estimates were sought for the typical values of apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) with the program NONMEM. Factors screened for influence on the pharmacokinetic parameters were weight, age, gender, postoperative day, days since commencing tacrolimus therapy, transplant type (whole child liver or cut-down adult liver), liver function tests (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase [ALP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], gamma -glutamyl transferase [GGT], alanine aminotransferase [ALT]), creatinine clearance, hematocrit, corticosteroid dose, and concurrent therapy with metabolic inducers and inhibitors of tacrolimus. Results. No clear correlation existed between tacrolimus dosage and blood concentrations (r(2) =0.003). Transplant type, age, and liver function test values were the most important factors (P
Background/Aims: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a carcinoma malignancy and a major complication of untreated haemochromatosis. Encapsulation of liver tumours has been associated with a better prognosis and longer disease-free periods following resection, This study investigated the source of the tumour capsule in patients with haemochromatosis and coexisting hepatocellular carcinoma and examined potential factors influencing development. Methods: Five haemochromatosis patients with encapsulated hepatocellular carcinoma were studied. Myofibroblasts were identified using combined immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation for a-smooth muscle actin and procollagen alpha (1)(I) mRNA, respectively. Immunohistochemistry was also performed for transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta (1), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-beta receptor and malondialdehyde. Results. Procollagen alpha (1)(I) mRNA co-localised to alpha -smooth muscle actin positive myofibroblasts. The number of myofibroblasts was maximal within the capsule and decreased away from the tumour. TGF-beta (1) protein was expressed in iron-loaded cells in non-tumour liver at the interface of tumour capsule. PDGF-beta receptor expression was observed in mesenchymal cells in the tumour capsule and in portal tracts. Malondialdehyde adducts were observed in the tumour, non-tumour tissue and in the capsule. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that myofibroblasts are the cell type responsible for collagen production within the tumour capsule surrounding hepatocellular carcinoma in haemochromatosis, The production of TGF-beta (1) by iron-loaded hepatic cells at the tumour capsule interface may perpetuate the myofibroblastic phenotype, resulting in, the formation of the tumour capsule.
The enormous progress that has been made in liver transplantation over the past two decades has culminated in survival approaching 90% at 12 months. The success of the procedure combined with the widening spectrum of disease processes deemed amenable to liver transplantation has meant that there are too few donors for those awaiting transplantation. This has extrapolated to many patients having such advanced disease by the time a suitable donor liver is available, that they are almost non-transplantable. The immediate options facing the transplant community are to decrease the number of patients listed or to increase the number of living donor transplants. Alternatives to liver transplantation such as hepatocyte transplantation, gene therapy, xenotransplantation and the bioartificial liver are being sought but, at best, are some way from clinical application. It is anticipated that a number of liver diseases that are indications for liver transplantation at this time will have progression arrested or will be cured by medical therapy in the future.