116 resultados para Complementary Therapies


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In contrast to curative therapies, preventive therapies are administered to largely healthy individuals over long periods. The risk-benefit and cost-benefit ratios are more likely to be unfavourable, making treatment decisions difficult. Drug trials provide insufficient information for treatment decisions, as they are conducted on highly selected populations over short durations, estimate only relative benefits of treatment and offer little information on risks and costs. Epidemiological modelling is a method of combining evidence from observational epidemiology and clinical trials to assist in clinical and health policy decision-making. It can estimate absolute benefits, risks and costs of long-term preventive strategies, and thus allow their precise targeting to individuals for whom they are safest and most cost-effective. Epidemiological modelling also allows explicit information about risks and benefits of therapy to be presented to patients, facilitating informed decision-making.


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The present paper reports a case study concerning a professional woman in her 30s, who presented to the Occupational Health department of a metropolitan hospital with work stress stemming from accelerating work demands and marital problems related to the decision about whether to start a family or continue her career. No clinical diagnosis was warranted; however, Maslach Burnout Inventory Scores indicated a high degree of emotional exhaustion and moderate levels of depersonalisation, offset by a high sense of personal accomplishment in her work role. The client also demonstrated severe stress and moderate depression on the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21). The case was conceptualised from a combined cognitive-existential perspective. The woman's cognitions about her work, relationship, and prospective motherhood roles were identified, as well as underlying existential issues such as finding a meaning in life and a fear of being alone and unloved. Eight sessions of therapy incorporated components of cognitive and existential therapies, aimed at managing stress and improving marital adjustment. Posttreatment results showed substantial reductions in all the measures of distress, while personal accomplishment remained high. The woman and her husband decided to defer starting a family until other issues had been addressed.


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Background. The importance of general practice involvement in the care of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is increasing due to the rising numbers of patients who present with the disorder. It has been suggested by consensus bodies that GPs should be identifying and referring patients at the severe end of the ADHD spectrum and managing those with less severe symptoms. However, GPs' views of their role in ADHD care are unknown. Objective. Our aim was to explore the attitudes and practices of Australian GPs towards the diagnosis and management of ADHD. Methods. We conducted a series of focus groups to explore GPs' beliefs regarding the causes of ADHD, their perceived role in ADHD diagnosis and management and their views on the role of behaviour therapies and pharmacotherapies in ADHD management. The subjects were 28 GPs in six focus groups. Results. GPs in this study did not want to be the primary providers of care for patients with ADHD. Participants indicated a preference to refer the patient to medical specialists for diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, and expressed low levels of interest in becoming highly involved in ADHD care. Concerns about overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis of the disorder, diagnostic complexity, time constraints, insufficient education and training about the disorder, and concerns regarding misuse and diversion of stimulant medications were the reasons cited for their lack of willingness. Conclusions. The Australian GPs in this study identify a role for themselves in ADHD care which is largely supportive in nature, and involves close liaison with specialist services.


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c-Myb is a transcription factor employed in the haematopoietic system and gastrointestinal tract to regulate the exquisite balance between cell division, differentiation and survival. In its absence, these tissues either fail to form, or show aberrant biology. Mice lacking a functional c-myb gene die in utero by day 15 of development. When inappropriately expressed, as is common in leukaemia and epithelial cancers of the breast, colon and gastro-oesophagus, c-Myb appears to activate gene targets of key importance to cancer progression and metastasis. These genes include cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), Bcl-2, Bcl-X-L and c-Myc, which influence diverse processes such as angiogenesis, proliferation and apoptosis. The clinical potential for blocking c-Myb expression in malignancies is based upon strong preclinical data and some trial-based evidence. The modest clinical experience to date has been with haematopoietic malignancies, but other disease classes may be amenable to similar interventions. The frontline agents to achieve this are nuclease-resistant oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), which are proving to be acceptable therapeutic reagents in terms of tolerable toxicities and delivery. Nevertheless, further effort must be focused on improving their efficacy, eliminating non-specific toxicity and optimising delivery. Optimisation issues aside, it would appear that anti-c-Myb therapies will be used with most success when combined with other agents, some of which will be established cytotoxic and differentiation-inducing drugs. This review will explore the future strategic use of ODNs in vivo, focusing on a wide spectrum of diseases, including several beyond the haematopoietic malignancies, in which c-Myb appears to play a role.


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In this paper, it is shown that, for a wide range of risk-averse generalized expected utility preferences, independent risks are complementary, contrary to the results for expected utility preferences satisfying conditions such as proper and standard risk aversion.


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Allergy is a major cause of morbidity worldwide. The number of characterized allergens and related information is increasing rapidly creating demands for advanced information storage, retrieval and analysis. Bioinformatics provides useful tools for analysing allergens and these are complementary to traditional laboratory techniques for the study of allergens. Specific applications include structural analysis of allergens, identification of B- and T-cell epitopes, assessment of allergenicity and cross-reactivity, and genome analysis. In this paper, the most important bioinformatic tools and methods with relevance to the study of allergy have been reviewed.


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Background: Recent research has shown that Mulligan's Mobilization With Movement treatment technique for the elbow (MWM), a peripheral joint mobilization technique, produces a substantial and immediate pain relief in chronic lateral epicondylalgia (48% increase in pain-free grip strength).(1) This hypoalgesic effect is far greater than that previously reported with spinal manual therapy treatments, prompting speculation that peripheral manual therapy treatments may differ in mechanism of action to spinal manual therapy techniques. Naloxone antagonism and tolerance studies, which employ widely accepted tests for the identification of endogenous opioid-mediated pain control mechanisms, have shown that spinal manual therapy-induced hypoalgesia does not involve an opioid mechanism. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of naloxone administration on the hypoalgesic effect of MWM. Methods: A randomized, controlled trial evaluated the effect of administering naloxone, saline, or no-substance control injection on the MWM-induced hypoalgesia in 18 participants with lateral epicondylalgia. Pain-free grip strength, pressure pain threshold, thermal pain threshold, and upper limb neural tissue provocation test 2b were the outcome measures. Results: The results demonstrated that the initial hypoalgesic effect of the MWM was not antagonized by naloxone, suggesting a nonopioid mechanism of action. Conclusions: The studied peripheral mobilization treatment technique appears to have a similar effect profile to previously studied spinal manual therapy techniques, suggesting a nonopioid-mediated hypoalgesia following manual therapy.


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Background: The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists is co-ordinating the development of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in psychiatry, funded under the National Mental Health Strategy (Australia) and the New Zealand Health Funding Authority. This paper presents CPGs for schizophrenia and related disorders. Over the past decade schizophrenia has become more treatable than ever before. A new generation of drug therapies, a renaissance of psychological and psychosocial interventions and a first generation of reform within the specialist mental health system have combined to create an evidence-based climate of realistic optimism. Progressive neuroscientific advances hold out the strong possibility of more definitive biological treatments in the near future. However, this improved potential for better outcomes and quality of life for people with schizophrenia has not been translated into reality in Australia. The efficacy-effectiveness gap is wider for schizophrenia than any other serious medical disorder. Therapeutic nihilism, under-resourcing of services and a stalling of the service reform process, poor morale within specialist mental health services, a lack of broad-based recovery and life support programs, and a climate of tenacious stigma and consequent lack of concern for people with schizophrenia are the contributory causes for this failure to effectively treat. These guidelines therefore tackle only one element in the endeavour to reduce the impact of schizophrenia. They distil the current evidence-base and make recommendations based on the best available knowledge. Method: A comprehensive literature review (1990-2003) was conducted, including all Cochrane schizophrenia reviews and all relevant meta-analyses, and a number of recent international clinical practice guidelines were consulted. A series of drafts were refined by the expert committee and enhanced through a bi-national consultation process. Treatment recommendations: This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for the management of schizophrenia by treatment type and by phase of illness. The essential features of the guidelines are: (i) Early detection and comprehensive treatment of first episode cases is a priority since the psychosocial and possibly the biological impact of illness can be minimized and outcome improved. An optimistic attitude on the part of health professionals is an essential ingredient from the outset and across all phases of illness. (ii) Comprehensive and sustained intervention should be assured during the initial 3-5 years following diagnosis since course of illness is strongly influenced by what occurs in this 'critical period'. Patients should not have to 'prove chronicity' before they gain consistent access and tenure to specialist mental health services. (iii) Antipsychotic medication is the cornerstone of treatment. These medicines have improved in quality and tolerability, yet should be used cautiously and in a more targeted manner than in the past. The treatment of choice for most patients is now the novel antipsychotic medications because of their superior tolerability and, in particular, the reduced risk of tardive dyskinesia. This is particularly so for the first episode patient where, due to superior tolerability, novel agents are the first, second and third line choice. These novel agents are nevertheless associated with potentially serious medium to long-term side-effects of their own for which patients must be carefully monitored. Conventional antipsychotic medications in low dosage may still have a role in a small proportion of patients, where there has been full remission and good tolerability; however, the indications are shrinking progressively. These principles are now accepted in most developed countries. (vi) Clozapine should be used early in the course, as soon as treatment resistance to at least two antipsychotics has been demonstrated. This usually means incomplete remission of positive symptomatology, but clozapine may also be considered where there are pervasive negative symptoms or significant or persistent suicidal risk is present. (v) Comprehensive psychosocial interventions should be routinely available to all patients and their families, and provided by appropriately trained mental health professionals with time to devote to the task. This includes family interventions, cognitive-behaviour therapy, vocational rehabilitation and other forms of therapy, especially for comorbid conditions, such as substance abuse, depression and anxiety. (vi) The social and cultural environment of people with schizophrenia is an essential arena for intervention. Adequate shelter, financial security, access to meaningful social roles and availability of social support are essential components of recovery and quality of life. (vii) Interventions should be carefully tailored to phase and stage of illness, and to gender and cultural background. (viii) Genuine involvement of consumers and relatives in service development and provision should be standard. (ix) Maintenance of good physical health and prevention and early treatment of serious medical illness has been seriously neglected in the management of schizophrenia, and results in premature death and widespread morbidity. Quality of medical care for people with schizophrenia should be equivalent to the general community standard. (x) General practitioners (GPs)s should always be closely involved in the care of people with schizophrenia. However, this should be truly shared care, and sole care by a GP with minimal or no special Optimal treatment of schizophrenia requires a multidisciplinary team approach with a consultant psychiatrist centrally involved.


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This study evaluated whether projects conducted through the Access to Allied Health Services component of the Australian Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care initiative are improving access to evidence-based, non-pharmacological therapies for people with depression and anxiety. Synthesising data from the first 29 projects funded through the initiative, the study found that the models utilised in the projects have evolved over time. The projects have achieved a high level uptake; at a conservative estimate, 710 GPs and 160 allied health professionals (AHPs) have provided care to 3,476 consumers. The majority of these consumers have depression (77%) and/or anxiety disorders (55%); many are low income earners (57%); and a number have not previously accessed mental health care (40%). The projects have delivered 8,678 sessions of high quality care to these consumers, most commonly providing CBT-based cognitive and behavioural interventions (55% and 41%, respectively). In general, GPs, AHPs and consumers are sanguine about the projects, and have reported positive consumer outcomes. However, as with any new initiative, there are some practical and professional issues that need to be addressed. The projects are improving access to evidence-based, non-pharmacological therapies. The continuation and expansion of the initiative should be a priority.


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We introduce biomimetic in silico devices, and means for validation along with methods for testing and refining them. The devices are constructed from adaptable software components designed to map logically to biological components at multiple levels of resolution. In this report we focus on the liver; the goal is to validate components that mimic features of the lobule (the hepatic primary functional unit) and dynamic aspects of liver behavior, structure, and function. An assembly of lobule-mimetic devices represents an in silico liver. We validate against outflow profiles for sucrose administered as a bolus to isolated, perfused rat livers. Acceptable in silico profiles are experimentally indistinguishable from those of the in situ referent. This new technology is intended to provide powerful Dew tools for challenging our understanding of how biological functional units function in vivo.


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Statins have been the mainstay of lipid-lowering therapy since their introduction. However, as lower LDL cholesterol targets are sought, adjunct therapies are becoming increasingly important. Few patients reach new targets with statin monotherapy. We propose that the cholestanol: cholesterol ratio can be used to guide lipid-lowering therapy and result in greater numbers of patients reaching target LDL cholesterol. By determining whether a patient is mainly a synthesizer or absorber of cholesterol, customized regimens can be used and are expected to improve patient outcomes and minimize costs of treatment. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The movement towards evidence-based practice in psychology and medicine should offer few problems in cognitive-behaviour therapies because it is consistent with the principles by which they have been developed and disseminated. However, the criteria for assessing empirical status, including the heavy emphasis on manualised treatments, need close examination. A possible outcome of the evidence-based movement would be to focus on the application of manualised treatments in both training and clinical practice; problems with that approach are discussed. If we are committed to evidence-based treatment, comparisons between psychological and pharmacological interventions should also be included so that rational health care decisions can be made. We should not be afraid of following the evidence, even when it supports treatments that are not cognitive-behavioural in stated orientation. Such results should be taken as an opportunity for theoretical development and new empirical inquiry rather than be a cause for concern.


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Cytokines are secreted proteins that regulate important cellular responses such as proliferation and differentiation(1). Key events in cytokine signal transduction are well defined: cytokines induce receptor aggregation, leading to activation of members of the JAK family of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases. In turn, members af the STAT family of transcription factors are phosphorylated, dimerize and increase the transcription of genes with STAT recognition sites in their promoters(1-4). Less is known of how cytokine signal transduction is switched off. We have cloned a complementary DNA encoding a protein SOCS-1, containing an SH2-domain, by its ability to inhibit the macrophage differentiation of M1 cells in response to interleukin-6. Expression of SOCS-1 inhibited both interleukin-6-induced receptor phosphorylation and STAT activation. We have also cloned two-relatives of SOCS-1, named SOCS-2 and SOCS-3, which together with the previously described CIS (ref. 5) form a new family of proteins. Transcription of all four SOCS genes is increased rapidly in response to interleukin-6, in vitro and in vivo, suggesting they may act in a classic negative feedback loop to regulate cytokine signal transduction.


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Much faith has been put in the increased supply of education as a means to promote national economic development and as a way to assist the poor and the disadvantaged. However, the benefits that nations can obtain by increasing the level of education of their workforce depends on the availability of other forms of capital to complement the use of its educated workforce in production. Generally, less developed nations are lacking in complementary capital compared to more developed ones and it is appropriate for less developed countries to spend relatively less on education. The contribution of education to economic growth depends on a nationâs stage of economic development. It is only when a nation becomes relatively developed that education becomes a major contributor to economic growth. It is possible for less developed nations to retard their economic growth by favouring investment in educational capital rather than other forms of capital. Easy access to education is often portrayed as a powerful force for assisting the poor and the disadvantaged. Several reasons are given here as to why it may not be so effective in assisting the poor and in promoting greater income equality even though the aim is a worthy one. Also, an economic argument is presented in favour of special education for the physically and mentally handicapped. This paper is not intended to belittle the contribution of education to economic development nor to devalue the ideal of making basic education available to all. Instead, it is intended as an antidote to inflated claims about the ability of greater investment in education to promote economic growth and about the ability of more widespread access to education to reduce poverty and decrease income inequality.