93 resultados para carlavirus identification


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The broad-leaved paper bark tree Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav) (Myrtaceae) was introduced into Florida (USA) early in this century it has proliferated to such an extent that urgent measures are now required to control it. The sawfly Lophyrotoma zonalis (Pergidae) has been introduced as a possible biological control agent due to its ability to defoliate M. quinquenervia. Because toxic D-amino acid- containing peptides have been isolated from some sawfly species, L. zonalis larvae were processed using the previously reported method for the recovery of these compounds. The toxins lophyrotomin (as the free C-terminal acid) and a mixture of pergidin and Val(4)-pergidin were isolated at 0.36 and 0.43% yield of the dried larvae, respectively. Both compounds when dosed intraperitoneally to C57/B16 male mice were hepatotoxic with lowest lethal doses of 8 and 32 mg/kg, respectively. The pathology of the liver was different for each compound, with the lophyrotomin free acid causing a periportal haemorrhagic necrosis and the pergidin causing a periacinar coagulative necrosis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A strain of Cylindrospermopsis (Cyanobacteria) isolated from a fishpond in Thailand was examined for its taxonomy based upon morphology and 16S rRNA gene sequence. It was also examined for production of the hepatotoxic cyanotoxin called cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and deoxycylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN). The strain (CY-Thai) was identified as C. raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenaya and Subba Raju based upon morphological examination which was confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequences and phylogenetic comparisons based upon its 16S rRNA gene. The alkaloid heptatotoxin CYN was confirmed using mouse bioassay, HPLC and HPLC-MS/MS while deoxy-CYN was confirmed using HPLC-MS/MS. The mouse bioassay gave a minimum lethal dose at 250 mg dry weight cells/kg body weight within 24 h and 125 mg/kg at 72 h, with signs of poisoning the same as in literature reports for CYN. HPLC chromatographic comparison of the CY-Thai toxin with standard CYN gave the same retention time and an absorbance maximum at 262 nm. HPLC-MS/MS confirmed the presence of CYN (M + H 416) and deoxy-CYN (M + H 400). The CYN content in strain CY-Thai was estimated at 1.02 mg/g and approximately 1/10 of this amount for deoxy-CYN. This is the first report from Asia of a CYN, deoxy-CYN producing Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of the visible pigment melanin by the melanocyte cell is the basis of the human pigmentary system, those genes directing the formation, transport and distribution of the specialised melanosome organelle in which melanin accumulates can legitimately be called pigmentation genes. The genes involved in this process have been identified through comparative genomic studies of mouse coat colour mutations and by the molecular characterisation of human hypopigmentary genetic diseases such as OCA1 and OCA2. The melanocyte responds to the peptide hormones a-MSH or ACTH through the MC1R G-protein coupled receptor to stimulate melanin production through induced maturation or switching of melanin type. The pheomelanosome, containing the key enzyme of the pathway tyrosinase, produces light red/yellowish melanin, whereas the eumelanosome produces darker melanins via induction of additional TYRP1, TYRP2, SILV enzymes, and the P-protein. Intramelanosomal pH governed by the P-protein may act as a critical determinant of tyrosinase enzyme activity to control the initial step in melanin synthesis or TYRP complex formation to facilitate melanogenesis and melanosomal maturation. The search for genetic variation in these candidate human pigmentation genes in various human populations has revealed high levels of polymorphism in the MC1R locus, with over 30 variant alleles so far identified. Functional correlation of MC1R alleles with skin and hair colour provides evidence that this receptor molecule is a principle component underlying normal human pigment variation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electroantennogram method was used to investigate the number of distinct olfactory receptor neuron types responding to a range of behaviorally active volatile chemicals in gravid Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. Three receptor neuron types were identified. One type responds to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide; a second to ethanol; and a third to n-butyric acid and ammonia. The receptor neuron type responding to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide consists of three subtypes. The presence of a limited number of receptor neuron types responding to a diverse set of chemicals and the reception of carbon dioxide by a receptor neuron type that responds to other odorants are novel aspects of the peripheral olfactory discrimination process.


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Previous studies have shown that a negative relationship exists between transpiration efficiency (TE) and carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) and between TE and specific leaf area (SLA) in Stylosanthes scabra, A glasshouse experiment was conducted to confirm these relationships in an F-2 population and to study the causal nature of these relationships through quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, One hundred and twenty F-2 genotypes from a cross between two genotypes within S. scabra were used. Three replications for each genotype were maintained through vegetative propagation, Water stress was imposed by maintaining plants at 40% of field capacity for about 45 d. To facilitate QTL analysis, a genetic linkage map consisting of 151 RAPD markers was developed, Results from this study show that Delta was significantly and negatively correlated with TE and biomass production. Similarly, SLA showed significant negative correlation with TE and biomass production, Most of the QTL for TE and Delta were present on linkage groups 5 and 11. Similarly, QTL for SLA, transpiration and biomass productivity traits were clustered on linkage groups 13 and 24, One unlinked marker was also associated with these traits, There were several markers coincident between different traits, At all the coincident QTL, the direction of QTL effects was consistent with phenotypic data, At the coincident markers between TE and Delta, high alleles of TE were associated with low alleles of Delta. Similarly, low alleles of SLA were associated with high alleles of biomass productivity traits and transpiration. At the coincident markers between trans-4-hydroxy-N-methyl proline (MHP) and relative water content (RWC), low alleles of MHP were associated with high alleles of RWC, This study suggests the causal nature of the relationship between TE and Delta. Phenotypic data and QTL, data show that SLA was more closely associated with biomass production than with TE, This study also shows that a cause-effect relationship may exist between SLA and biomass production.


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Porphyromonas gingivalis is a key periodontal pathogen which has been implicated in the etiology of chronic adult periodontitis. Our aim was to develop a protein based vaccine for the prevention and or treatment of this disease. We used a whole genome sequencing approach to identify potential vaccine candidates. From a genomic sequence, we selected 120 genes using a series of bioinformatics methods. The selected genes were cloned for expression in Escherichia coli and screened with P. gingivalis antisera before purification and testing in an animal model. Two of these recombinant proteins (PG32 and PG33) demonstrated significant protection in the animal model, while a number were reactive with various antisera. This process allows the rapid identification of vaccine candidates from genomic data. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Inherited susceptibility to breast cancer results from germline mutations in one of a number of genes including BRCA1. A significant number of BRCA1-linked familial breast cancer patients, however, have no detectable BRCA1 mutation. This could be due in part to the inability of commonly used mutation-detection techniques to identify mutations outside the BRCA1 coding region. This paper addresses the hypothesis that non coding region mutations, specifically in the BRCA1 promoter, account for some of these cases. We describe a new and detailed restriction map of the 5' region of the BRCA1 gene including the nearby NBR2, psiBRCA1, and NBR1 genes and the isolation of a number of new informative hybridization probes suitable for Southern analysis. Using this information we screened DNA from lymphoblastoid cell-lines made from 114 UK familial breast cancer patients and detected one large deletion in the 5' region of BRCA1. We show that the breakpoints for this deletion are in BRCA1 intron 2 and between NBR2 and exon 2 of psiBRCA1, raising the possibility that this deletion arose via a novel mechanism involving BRCA1:psiBRCA1 recombination. We have also screened 60 familial breast cancer patients from the Australian population, using an amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) technique described previously by our group, and found one patient with a genotype consistent with a BRCA1 promoter deletion. These findings indicate that germline BRCA1 promoter deletions are a rare and yet significant mutation event and that they could arise via a novel genetic mechanism. Hum Mutat 19:435-442, 2002. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Aims: The physiological examination of amylase production by Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 and identification of the mechanism of regulation. Methods and Results: Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 was grown with single, then dual carbon sources; the growth cycle was followed and amylase activity throughout was monitored. The levels of cAMP, a known secondary messenger for the regulatory gene crp, were also examined. Amylase activity was regulated by catabolite repression. Physiological studies revealed that JMP636 exhibited both diauxic growth, with two carbon sources, and the 'acid toxicity' effect on glucose. The crp gene was cloned, expressed and inactivated from the JMP636 chromosome. Catabolite repression of amylase production and the 'acid toxicity' effect both require crp and were linked to cAMP levels. Conclusions: Regulation of amylase production was predicted to follow the model CRP-mediated cAMP-dependent Escherichia coli catabolite regulation system. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work provides an understanding of the physiology of the opportunistic pathogen Aer. hydrophila through identification of the mechanism of catabolite repression of amylase production and the existence of crp within this cell. It also provides a broader knowledge of global gene regulation and suggests regulatory mechanisms of other Aer. hydrophila gene/s.


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The mouse hnRNP A2/B1/B0 gene has been cloned using a PCR-based strategy and sequenced. Analysis of this sequence showed that the gene organization closely follows that of the human orthologue with 12 exons and 11 introns. The hnRNP A2/B1/B0 gene gives rise to four splice variants through alternative splicing of exons 2 and 9. RT-PCR assays indicated that all splice variants were expressed in mouse brain, skin, and stomach tissues of varying ages, although their ratios to one another varied with age and tissue type. We also identified a small subset of all polyadenylated splice variants that included intron 11, which shows 94% sequence identity between human and mouse. Several processed pseudogenes were identified in the mouse genome. A search of the mouse genome databases located five pseudogenes, four of. which are presumed to be non-functional because of the presence of premature stop codons, large deletions or rearrangements within the coding region. The fifth, which possesses putative promoter elements and has a coding sequence identical to that of the hnRNP A2 mRNA, variant, may be functional. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of micronutrients, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (13) and a commercial fritted micronutrient product called Zarzameen, on the yield and the yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), in the Peshawar valley, Pakistan. Different combinations of Zn, Cu. Fe. Mn, B, and Zarzameen were applied at the rate of 4.0, 2.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0 kg ha(-1) and 1.0 kg ha(-1), respectively, along with a basal dose of 100 kg ha(-1) nitrogen(N), 75 kg ha(-1) phosphorus (P) and 50 kg ha(-1) potassium (K). The fertilizer treatments (macro- and micronutrients) increased wheat dry matter, grain yield, and straw yield significantly over an unfertilized control. Soil tests for B and Zn were increased both at boot and harvesting stage, and Fe at boot stage, with the addition of micronutrients. Plants without B had showed classical B deficiency symptoms at grain formation stage, but not at vegetative stage. Boron concentration in the dry matter of wheat plants increased with the addition of the B fertilizer in the soil. Boron deficiency was not observed in plants containing >4 mg B kg(-1) at the boot stage, or in soils containing > 1.4 mg kg(-1) hot water soluble B.


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Most studies of tiller development have not related the physiological and morphological features of each calm to its subsequent fertility. This introduced problems when trying to account for the effects of tillering on yield in crop models. The objective of this study was to detect the most likely early determinants of tiller fertility in sorghum by identifying hierarchies for emergence, fertility and grain number of tillers over a wide range of assimilate availabilities. Emergence, phenology, leaf area development and dry weight partitioning were quantified weekly for individual tillers and main culms of tillering and uniculm plants grown at one of four densities, from two to 16 plants m(-2). For a given plant in any given density, the same tiller hierarchy applied for emergence of tillers, fertility of the emerged tillers and their subsequent grain number. These results were observed over a range of tiller fertility rates (from 7 to 91%), fertile tiller number per plant at maturity (from 0.2 to 4.7), and tiller contribution to grain yield (from 5 to 78%). Tiller emergence was most probably related to assimilate supply and light quality. Development, fertility and contribution to yield of a specific tiller were highly dependent on growing conditions at the time of tiller emergence, particularly via early leaf area development of the tiller, which affected its subsequent leaf area accumulation. Assimilate availability in the main culm at the time of tiller emergence was the most likely early determinant of subsequent tiller fertility in this study. (C) 2002 Annals of Botany Company.


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Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are active against oxyimino cephalosporins and monobactams. Twenty-one Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates obtained between 1991 and 1995 at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, were subject to amplification and sequencing of the SHV beta-lactamase-encoding genes. Thirteen strains were phenotypically ESBL positive. Of these, six strains carried the bla(SHV-2a) gene and seven strains carried the bla(SHV-12) gene. Eight strains were phenotypically ESBL negative. Of these, seven strains carried the non-ESBL bla(SHV-11) gene and one strain carried the non-ESBL bla(SHV-1) gene. There was complete correspondence between the ESBL phenotype and the presence or absence of an ESBL-encoding gene(s). In addition, it was determined that of the 13 ESBL-positive strains, at least 4 carried copies of a non-ESBL-encoding gene in addition to the bla(SHV-2a) or bla(SHV12) gene. A minisequencing-based assay was developed to discriminate the different SHV classes. This technique, termed first-nucleotide change, involves the identification of the base added to a primer in a single-nucleotide extension reaction. The assay targeted polymorphisms at the first bases of codons 238 and 240 and reliably discriminated ESBL-positive strains from ESBL-negative strains and also distinguished strains carrying bla(SHV-2a) from strains carrying bla(SHV-12). In addition, this method was used to demonstrated an association between the relative copy numbers of bla(SHV) genes in individual strains and the levels of antibiotic resistance.


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A major challenge faced by today's white clover breeder is how to manage resources within a breeding program. It is essential to utilise these resources with sufficient flexibility to build on past progress from conventional breeding strategies, but also take advantage of emerging opportunities from molecular breeding tools such as molecular markers and transformation. It is timely to review white clover breeding strategies. This background can then be used as a foundation for considering how to continue conventional plant improvement activities and complement them with molecular breeding opportunities. In this review, conventional white clover breeding strategies relevant to the Australian dryland target population environments are considered. Attention is given to: (i) availability of genetic variation, (ii) characterisation of germplasm collections, (iii) quantitative models for estimation of heritability, (iv) the role of multi-environment trials to accommodate genotype-by-environment interactions, (v) interdisciplinary research to understand adaptation to dryland environments, (vi) breeding and selection strategies, and (vii) cultivar structure. Current achievements in biotechnology with specific reference to white clover breeding in Australia are considered, and computer modelling of breeding programs is discussed as a useful integrative tool for the joint evaluation of conventional and molecular breeding strategies and optimisation of resource use in breeding programs. Four areas are identified as future research priorities: (i) capturing the potential genetic diversity among introduced accessions and ecotypes that are adapted to key constraints such as summer moisture stress and the use of molecular markers to assess the genetic diversity, (ii) understanding the underlying physiological/morphological root and shoot mechanisms involved in water use efficiency of white clover, with the objective of identifying appropriate selection criteria, (iii) estimation of quantitative genetic parameters of important morphological/physiological attributes to enable prediction of response to selection in target environments, and (iv) modelling white clover breeding strategies to evaluate the opportunities for integration of molecular breeding strategies with conventional breeding programs.