114 resultados para Specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA)


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The spectral sensitivities of avian retinal photoreceptors are examined with respect to microspectrophotometric measurements of single cells, spectrophotometric measurements of extracted or in vitro regenerated visual pigments, and molecular genetic analyses of visual pigment opsin protein sequences. Bird species from diverse orders are compared in relation to their evolution, their habitats and the multiplicity of visual tasks they must perform. Birds have five different types of visual pigment and seven different types of photo receptor-rods, double (uneven twin) cones and four types of single cone. The spectral locations of the wavelengths of maximum absorbance (lambda (max)) of the different visual pigments, and the spectral transmittance characteristics of the intraocular spectral filters (cone oil droplets) that also determine photoreceptor spectral sensitivity, vary according to both habitat and phylogenetic relatedness. The primary influence on avian retinal design appears to be the range of wavelengths available for vision, regardless of whether that range is determined by the spectral distribution of the natural illumination or the spectral transmittance of the ocular media (cornea, aqueous humour, lens, vitreous humour). Nevertheless, other variations in spectral sensitivity exist that reflect the variability and complexity of avian visual ecology. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many coral reef fish are beautifully coloured and the reflectance spectra of their colour patterns may include UVa wavelengths (315-400 nm) that are largely invisible to the human eye (Losey, G. S., Cronin, T. W., Goldsmith, T. H., David, H., Marshall, N. J., & McFarland, W.N, (1999). The uv visual world of fishes: a review. Journal of Fish Biology, 54, 921-943; Marshall, N. J. & Oberwinkler, J. (1999). The colourful world of the mantis shrimp. Nature, 401, 873-874). Before the possible functional significance of UV patterns can be investigated, it is of course essential to establish whether coral reef fishes can see ultraviolet light. As a means of tackling this question, in this study the transmittance of the ocular media of 211 coral reef fish species was measured. It was found that the ocular media of 50.2% of the examined species strongly absorb light of wavelengths below 400 nm, which makes the perception of UV in these fish very unlikely. The remaining 49.8% of the species studied possess ocular media that do transmit UV light, making the perception of UV possible. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A simulation of competitively primed allele-specific DNA amplification has been constructed and its behavior examined, This has shown that when the ratio of the amount of homoduplex misprime product to the total amount of amplimer is low, it increases by approximately one-fourth of the mispriming frequency with each doubling of the total amount of amplimer, When the ratio is high acid reverse mispriming becomes significant, it asymptotes toward a value


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This study investigates the hierarchy of cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses to twelve HLA A2-restricted epitopes from the latent, lytic and structural proteins of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) in acute infectious mononucleosis and in healthy seropositive donors and the relative immunogenecity of these epitopes in transgenic mice. Responses to the lytic epitope were uniformly strong in all healthy seropositive individuals and acute infectious mononucleosis donors while moderate or low responses were observed to the latent and structural epitopes, respectively in both groups studied. In contrast, when HLA A2/Kb transgenic mice were immunised with these peptide epitopes, CTL responses were observed to all epitopes with a maximal response to the epitopes within the structural proteins and low to moderate responses to the latent epitopes. This hierarchy of CTL responses in mice was also reflected in an MHC stabilisation analysis. These contrasting CTL responses in humans following natural infection compared to the immunogenicity of these epitopes and their ability to stabilise MHC may need to be considered when designing an EBV vaccine.


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Tumor cells from NPC patients are regularly and latently infected with EBV. To examine whether the virus serves as target for immune intervention of the cancer, we determined levels of EBV-specific CTLp in peripheral blood from NPC patients, long-term survivors of the cancer and healthy subjects. CTLp levels of test subjects varied between 3-3,000/10(6) PBMCs. The plasma EBV burden increased when the CTLp level fell below 150, whereas the EBV burden of PBMCs was not correlated with CTLp level. Compared with healthy carriers, CTLp levels of patients were lower and varied over a wider range, between 3-1,500/10(6) PBMCs. The quantitative immune deficit was probably attributed to the tumor because, first, CTLp in survivors was restored to levels similar to those in healthy carriers after the tumor had been successfully treated. Second, the CTLp level changed as disease progressed, being lower in local disease, increased in locoregional disease and decreased again when the tumor metastasized. Based on these findings, 4 patients with advanced disease were infused with 5 x 10(7)-3 x 10(8) autologous EBV CTLs. The treatment was safe and unaccompanied by inflammatory or other complications, but whether it improved tumor control could not be discerned from the large tumor bulk. Nevertheless, the treatment regularly increased CTLp levels of patients, maintained it at higher levels for protracted periods and, in 3 patients, restored host surveillance of EBV replication, reducing the plasma EBV burden. Taken together, these results provided a rationale to further explore EBV as a target of immune intervention of NPC. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In this study, we have compared the effector functions and fate of a number of human CTL clones in vitro or ex vivo following contact with variant peptides presented either on the cell surface or in a soluble multimeric format. In the presence of CD8 coreceptor binding, there is a good correlation between TCR signaling, killing of the targets, and Fast-mediated CTL apoptosis. Blocking CD8 binding using (alpha3 domain mutants of MHC class I results in much reduced signaling and reduced killing of the targets. Surprisingly, however, Fast expression is induced to a similar degree on these CTLs, and apoptosis of CTL is unaffected. The ability to divorce these events may allow the deletion of antigen-specific and pathological CTL populations without the deleterious effects induced by full CTL activation.


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Notes that very few journalists have formal training in corruption reporting. Discusses workshops held in 2000 and 2001 on the subject of corruption reporting for Pacific Island journalists. Explains the role of the media as an anti-corruption mechanism and the difficulty journalists face in identifying and sometimes stamping out corruption. Looks at the programs adopted and explains the responses of journalists.


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We have isolated a novel family of insect-selective neurotoxins that appear to be the most potent blockers of insect voltage-gated calcium channels reported to date. These toxins display exceptional phylogenetic specificity, with at least a 10,000-fold preference for insect versus vertebrate calcium channels. The structure of one of the toxins reveals a highly structured, disulfide-rich core and a structurally disordered C-terminal extension that is essential for channel blocking activity. Weak structural/functional homology with omega -agatoxin-IVA/B, the prototypic inhibitor of vertebrate P-type calcium channels, suggests that these two toxin families might share a similar mechanism of action despite their vastly different phylogenetic specificities.


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The drugs which provide specific relief from migraine attacks, the ergopeptides (ergotamine and dihydroergotamine) and the various 'triptans' (notably sumatriptan), are often prescribed for persons already taking various migraine preventative agents, and sometimes drugs for other indications. As a result, migraine-specific drugs may become involved in drug-drug interactions. The migraine-specific drugs all act as agonists at certain subclasses of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-MT) receptor, particularly those of the 5-HT1D subtype, and produce vasoconstriction through these receptor-mediated mechanisms. The oral bioavailabilities of these drugs, particularly those of the ergopeptides, are often incomplete, due to extensive presystemic metabolism. As a result, if migraine-specific agents are coadministered with drugs with vasoconstrictive properties, or with drugs which inhibit the metabolism of the migraine-specific agents, there is a risk of interactions occurring which produce manifestations of excessive vasoconstriction. This can also occur through pharmacodynamic mechanisms, as when ergopeptides or triptans are coadministered with methysergide or propranolol (although a pharmacokinetic element may apply in relation to the latter interaction), or if one migraine-specific agent is used shortly after another. When egopeptide metabolism is inhibited by the presence of macrolide antibacterials, particularly troleandomycin and erythromycin, the resultant interaction can produce ergotism, sometimes leading to gangrene. Similar pharmacokinetic mechanisms, with their vasoconstrictive consequences, probably apply to combination of the ergopeptides with HIV protease inhibitors (indinavir and ritonavir), heparin, cyclosporin or tacrolimus. Inhibition of triptan metabolism by monoamine oxidase A inhibitors, e.g. moclobemide, may raise circulating triptan concentrations, although this does not yet seem to have led to reported clinical problems. Caffeine may cause increased plasma ergotamine concentrations through an as yet inadequately defined pharmacokinetic interaction. However, a direct antimigraine effect of caffeine may contribute to the claimed increased efficacy of ergotamine-caffeine combinations in relieving migraine attacks. Serotonin syndromes have been reported as probable pharmacodynamic consequences of the use of ergots or triptans in persons taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors. There have been two reports of involuntary movement disorders when sumatriptan has been used by patients already taking loxapine. Nearly all the clinically important interactions between the ergopeptide antimigraine agents and currently marketed drugs are likely to have already come to notice. In contrast, new interactions involving the triptans are likely to be recognised as additional members of this family of drugs, with their different patterns of metabolism and pharmacokinetics, are marketed.


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We have utilised the combination of sensitivity and specificity afforded by coupling high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to a tandem mass spectrometer (MS-MS) to produce an assay which is suitable for assaying glutathione (GSH) concentrations in liver tissue. The sensitivity suggests it may also be suitable for extrahepatic tissues, The method has been validated for GSH using mouse liver samples and also allows the assay of GSSG. The stability of GSH under conditions relevant to the assay has been determined. A 20-mul amount of a diluted methanol extract of tissue is injected with detection limits of 0.2 pmol for GSH and 2 pmol for GSSG. The HPLC uses an Altima C-18 (150X4.6 mm, 5 mum) column at 35 degreesC. Chromatography utilises a linear gradient from 0 to 10% methanol in 0.1% formic acid over 5 min, with a final isocratic stage holding at 10% methanol for 5 min. Total flow rate is 0.8 ml/min. The transition from the M+H ion (308.1 m/z for GSH, and 613.3 m/z for GSSG) to the 162.0 m/z (GSH) and 355.3 m/z (GSSG) fragments are monitored. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies have provided evidence that breast cancer susceptibility gene products (Brca1 and Brca2) suppress cancer, at least in part, by participating in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair. Brca1 is hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage and co-localizes with Rad51, a protein involved in homologous-recombination, and Nbs1·Mre11·Rad50, a complex required for both homologous-recombination and nonhomologous end joining repair of damaged DNA. Here, we report that there is a qualitative difference in the phosphorylation states of Brca1 between ionizing radiation (IR) and UV radiation. Brca1 is phosphorylated at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR and UV; however, Ser-1387 is specifically phosphorylated after IR, and Ser-1457 is predominantly phosphorylated after UV. These results suggest that different types of DNA-damaging agents might signal to Brca1 in different ways. We also provide evidence that the rapid phosphorylation of Brca1 at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR (but not after UV) is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase-dependent. The overexpression of catalytically inactive ATM and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase inhibited the UV-induced phosphorylation of Brca1 at these sites, indicating that ATR controls Brca1 phosphorylation in vivo after the exposure of cells to UV light. Moreover, ATR associates with Brca1; ATR and Brca1 foci co-localize both in cells synchronized in S phase and after exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents. ATR can itself phosphorylate the region of Brca1 phosphorylated by ATM (Ser-Gln cluster in the C terminus of Brca1, amino acids 1241-1530). However, there are additional uncharacterized ATR phosphorylation site(s) between residues 521 and 757 of Brca1. Taken together, our results support a model in which ATM and ATR act in parallel but somewhat overlapping pathways of DNA damage signaling but respond primarily to different types of DNA lesion.