175 resultados para Mechanical robot design
In this paper we propose a new framework for evaluating designs based on work domain analysis, the first phase of cognitive work analysis. We develop a rationale for a new approach to evaluation by describing the unique characteristics of complex systems and by showing that systems engineering techniques only partially accommodate these characteristics. We then present work domain analysis as a complementary framework for evaluation. We explain this technique by example by showing how the Australian Defence Force used work domain analysis to evaluate design proposals for a new system called Airborne Early Warning and Control. This case study also demonstrates that work domain analysis is a useful and feasible approach that complements standard techniques for evaluation and that promotes a central role for human factors professionals early in the system design and development process. Actual or potential applications of this research include the evaluation of designs for complex systems.
Ecological interface design (EID) is proving to be a promising approach to the design of interfaces for complex dynamic systems. Although the principles of EID and examples of its effective use are widely available, few readily available examples exist of how the individual displays that constitute an ecological interface are developed. This paper presents the semantic mapping process within EID in the context of prior theoretical work in this area. The semantic mapping process that was used in developing an ecological interface for the Pasteurizer II microworld is outlined, and the results of an evaluation of the ecological interface against a more conventional interface are briefly presented. Subjective reports indicate features of the ecological interface that made it particularly valuable for participants. Finally, we outline the steps of an analytic process for using EID. The findings presented here can be applied in the design of ecological interfaces or of configural displays for dynamic processes.
In this paper, genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to the optimum design of reinforced concrete liquid retaining structures, which comprise three discrete design variables, including slab thickness, reinforcement diameter and reinforcement spacing. GA, being a search technique based on the mechanics of natural genetics, couples a Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest principle with a random yet structured information exchange amongst a population of artificial chromosomes. As a first step, a penalty-based strategy is entailed to transform the constrained design problem into an unconstrained problem, which is appropriate for GA application. A numerical example is then used to demonstrate strength and capability of the GA in this domain problem. It is shown that, only after the exploration of a minute portion of the search space, near-optimal solutions are obtained at an extremely converging speed. The method can be extended to application of even more complex optimization problems in other domains.
The formability and stability of the alpha-sialon (alpha') phase was investigated in multi-cation Nd-Li-sialon systems. Four samples were prepared, ranging from a pure Nd-sialon to a pure Li-sialon, with two intermediate samples being prepared with either lithium or neodymium replacing the other alpha'-stabilising additive by 20 eq.%, as to maintain an equivalent design composition in all samples. After sintering, all samples were subsequently heat treated up to 192 h at 1450 and 1300 degreesC. While significant quantities of the beta'-sialon (beta' phase were found in most samples, the high-lithium Li-Nd-sialon sample was found to be almost pure a' phase after sintering. Furthermore, the long-term stability of the a' phase on heat treatment was also found to be superior in both multi-cation samples than in either of the single-alpha'-stabilising-cation samples. This is thought to be related to improved retention of the lithium in the multi-cation systems, as much of the lithium was found to volatilise during sintering in the neodymium-free sample. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The efficient expression and purification of an interfacially active peptide (mLac21) was achieved by using bioprocess-centered molecular design (BMD), wherein key bioprocess considerations are addressed during the initial molecular biology work. The 21 amino acid mLac21 peptide sequence is derived from the lac repressor protein and is shown to have high affinity for the oil-water interface, causing a substantial reduction in interfacial tension following adsorption. The DNA coding for the peptide sequence was cloned into a modified pET-31(b) vector to permit the expression of mLac21 as a fusion to ketosteroid isomerase (KSI). Rational iterative molecular design, taking into account the need for a scaleable bioprocess flowsheet, led to a simple and efficient bioprocess yielding mLac21 at 86% purity following ion exchange chromatography (and >98% following chromatographic polishing). This case study demonstrates that it is possible to produce acceptably pure peptide for potential commodity applications using common scaleable bioprocess unit operations. Moreover, it is shown that BMD is a powerful strategy that can be deployed to reduce bioseparation complexity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We generalize a proposal for detecting single-phonon transitions in a single nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) to include the intrinsic anharmonicity of each mechanical oscillator. In this scheme two NEMS oscillators are coupled via a term quadratic in the amplitude of oscillation for each oscillator. One NEMS oscillator is driven and strongly damped and becomes a transducer for phonon number in the other measured oscillator. We derive the conditions for this measurement scheme to be quantum limited and find a condition on the size of the anharmonicity. We also derive the relation between the phase diffusion back-action noise due to number measurement and the localization time for the measured system to enter a phonon-number eigenstate. We relate both these time scales to the strength of the measured signal, which is an induced current proportional to the position of the read-out oscillator.
This paper reports an investigation on techniques for determining elastic modulus and intrinsic stress gradient in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) silicon nitride thin films. The elastic property of the silicon nitride thin films was determined using the nanoindentation method on silicon nitride/silicon bilayer systems. A simple empirical formula was developed to deconvolute the film elastic modulus. The intrinsic stress gradient in the films was determined by using micrometric cantilever beams, cross-membrane structures and mechanical simulation. The deflections of the silicon nitride thin film cantilever beams and cross-membranes caused by in-thickness stress gradients were measured using optical interference microscopy. Finite-element beam models were built to compute the deflection induced by the stress gradient. Matching the deflection computed under a given gradient with that measured experimentally on fabricated samples allows the stress gradient of the PECVD silicon nitride thin films introduced from the fabrication process to be evaluated.
An experimental investigation of mechanical properties of thin films using nanoindentation was reported. Silicon nitride thin films with different thicknesses were deposited using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) on Si substrate. Nanoindentation was used to measure their elastic modulus and hardness. The results indicated that for a film/substrate bilayer system, the measured mechanical properties are significantly affected by the substrate properties. Empirical formulas were proposed for deconvoluting the film properties from the measured bilayer properties.
This paper presents a case study that explores how operator digging style juxtaposes with mechanical capability for a class of hydraulic mining excavators. The relationships between actuator and digging forces are developed and these are used to identify the excavator's capability to apply forces in various directions. Two distinct modes of operation are examined to see how they relate to the mechanical capabilities of the linkage and to establish if one has merit over the other. It is found that one of these styles results in lower loading of the machine.
The cellular mechanisms coupling mechanical loading with bone remodeling remain unclear. In the CNS, the excitatory amino acid glutamate (Glu) serves as a potent neurotransmitter exerting its effects via various membrane Glu receptors (GluR). Nerves containing Glu exist close to bone cells expressing functional GluRs. Demonstration of a mechanically sensitive glutamate/aspartate transporter protein and the ability of glutamate to stimulate bone resorption in vitro suggest a role for glutamate linking mechanical load and bone remodeling. We used immunohistochemical techniques to identify the expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate acid (NMDA) and non-NMDA (AMPA or kainate) ionotropic GluR subunits on bone cells in vivo. In bone sections from young adult rats, osteoclasts expressed numerous GluR subunits including AMPA (GluR2/3 and GluR4), kainic acid (GluR567) and NMDA (NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B and NMDAR2C) receptor subtypes. Bone lining cells demonstrated immunoexpression for NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B, NMDAR2C, GluR567, GluR23, GuR2 and GluR4 subunits. Immunoexpression was not evident on osteocytes, chondrocytes or vascular channels. To investigate the effects of mechanical loading on GluR expression, we used a Materials Testing System (MTS) to apply 10 N sinusoidal axial compressive loads percutaneously to the right limbs (radius/ulna, tibia/fibula) of rats. Each limb underwent 300-load cycles/day (cycle rate, 1 Hz) for 4 consecutive days. Contralateral, non-loaded limbs served as controls. Mechanically loaded limbs revealed a load-induced loss of immunoexpression for GluR2/3, GluR4, GluR567 and NMDAR2A on osteoclasts and NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B, GluR2/3 and GluR4 on bone lining cells. Both neonatal rabbit and rat osteoclasts were cultured on bone slices to investigate the effect of the NMDA receptor antagonist, MK801, and the AMPA/kainic acid receptor antagonist, NBQX, on osteoclast resorptive activity in vitro. The inhibition of resorptive function seen suggested that both NMDAR and kainic acid receptor function are required for normal osteoclast function. While the exact role of ionotropic GluRs in skeletal tissue remains unclear, the modulation of GluR subunit expression by mechanical loading lends further support for participation of Glu as a mechanical loading effector. These ionotropic receptors appear to be functionally relevant to normal osteoclast resorptive activity. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work a new approach for designing planar gradient coils is outlined for the use in an existing MRI apparatus. A technique that allows for gradient field corrections inside the diameter-sensitive volume is deliberated. These corrections are brought about by making changes to the wire paths that constitute the coil windings, and hence, is called the path correction method. The existing well-known target held method is used to gauge the performance of a typical gradient coil. The gradient coil design methodology is demonstrated for planar openable gradient coils that can be inserted into an existing MRI apparatus. The path corrected gradient coil is compared to the coil obtained using the target field method. It is shown that using a wire path correction with optimized variables, winding patterns that can deliver high magnetic gradient field strengths and large imaging regions can be obtained.
Manipulative therapy is frequently used in the management of musculoskeletal pain. A frequently reported clinical feature of this treatment is the immediacy with which it appears to initiate improvement in pain and function. A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, repeated measures design was employed to study the initial effects of a cervical spine treatment technique in a group of 15 patients with lateral epicondylalgia. Pressure pain threshold, pain-free grip strength, upper limb neurodynamics, pain and function were assessed prior to and following application of either a treatment, placebo or control condition. All subjects received all three conditions. Differences between the pre-post measures were used as indicators of change in subject's symptom profiles. The treatment condition produced significant improvement in pressure pain threshold, pain-free grip strength, neurodynamics and pain scores relative to placebo and control conditions (P < 0.05). In summary, this study demonstrates that manipulative therapy is capable of eliciting a rapid hypoalgesic effect.
Stickiness is a major reason that limits the spray drying of various sugar-rich food products. Higher hygroscopicity of amorphous powder, increase in solubility of sugars with temperature, and lower melting point and glass transition temperature, contribute to the stickiness problem. So far, the glass transition temperature has been widely accepted as a best indicator for stickiness. There are various manoeuvres that have been applied to spray dry such products. Some of them are the addition of drying aids, modification of drier design and use of mild drying temperature conditions. This review paper highlights the major research works that deal with the stickiness property of sugar-rich foods.
Various members of the bZip and bHLH-Zip families of eukaryotic transcription factors, including Jun, Fos, and Myc, have been identified as oncoproteins; mutation or deregulated expression of these proteins leads to certain types of cancer. These proteins can only bind to their cognate DNA enhancer sites following homodimerization, or heterodimerization with another family member, via their leucine zipper domain. Thus, a novel anticancer strategy would be to inhibit dimerization of these proteins, thereby blocking their DNA binding and transactivation functions. In this paper we show that it is possible to rationally design leucine zipper peptides that bind with high affinity to the leucine zipper dimerization domains of c-Jun and c-Fos, thus preventing the formation of functional c-Jun homodimers and c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers; we refer to such peptides as superzippers (SZs). In vivo, c-Jun:SZ and c-Fos:SZ heterodimers should be nonfunctional as they lack one of the two basic domains that are essential for DNA binding. While the transport of a peptidic agent into cells often poses a severe obstacle to its therapeutic use, we show that a 46-residue leucine zipper peptide can be transported into HeLa cells by coupling it to a 17-residue carrier peptide from the Antennapedia homeodomain, thus paving the way for detailed studies of the therapeutic potential of superzipper peptides.