147 resultados para MASS DETECTION


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Few prospective data from the Asia Pacific region are available relating body mass index to the risk of diabetes. Our objective was to provide reliable age, sex and region specific estimates of the associations between body mass index and diabetes. Twenty-seven cohort studies from Asia, New Zealand and Australia, including 154,989 participants, contributed 1,244,793 person-years of follow-up. Outcome data included a combination of incidence of diabetes (based on blood glucose measurements) and fatal diabetes events. Hazard ratios were calculated from Cox models, stratified by sex and cohort, and adjusted for age at risk and smoking. During follow-up (mean = 8 years), 75 fatal diabetes events and 242 new cases of diabetes were documented. There were continuous positive associations between baseline body mass index and risk of diabetes with each 2 kg/m(2) lower body mass index associated with a 27% (23-30%) lower risk of diabetes. The associations were stronger in younger age groups, and regional comparisons demonstrated slightly stronger associations in Asian than in Australasian cohorts (P = 0.04). This overview provides evidence of a strong continuous association between body mass index and diabetes in the Asia Pacific region. The results indicate considerable potential for reduction in incidence of diabetes with population-wide lowering of body mass index in this region.


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Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is associated with high morbidity and mortality which is due, at least in part, to late detection. Precancerous and cancerous oral lesions may mimic any number of benign oral lesions, and as such may be left without investigation and treatment until they are well advanced. Over the past several years there has been renewed interest in oral cytology as an adjuvant clinical tool in the investigation of oral mucosal lesions. The purpose of the present study was to compare the usefulness of ploidy analysis after Feulgen stained cytological thin-prep specimens with traditional incisional biopsy and routine histopathological examination for the assessment of the pre-malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions. An analysis of the cytological specimens was undertaken with virtual microscopy which allowed for rapid and thorough analysis of the complete cytological specimen. 100 healthy individuals between 30 and 70 years of age, who were non-smokers, non-drinkers and not taking any medication, had cytological specimens collected from both the buccal mucosa and lateral margin of tongue to establish normal cytology parameters within a control population. Patients with a presumptive clinical diagnosis of lichen planus, leukoplakia or OSCC had lesional cytological samples taken prior to their diagnostic biopsy. Standardised thin preparations were prepared and each specimen stained by both Feuglen and Papanicolau methods. High speed scanning of the complete slide at 40X magnification was undertaken using the Aperio Scanscope TM and the green channel of the resultant image was analysed after threshold segmentation to isolate only nuclei and the integrated optical density of each nucleus taken as a gross measure of the DNA content (ploidy). Preliminary results reveal that ploidy assessment of oral cytology holds great promise as an adjunctive prognostic factor in the analysis of the malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions.


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Normorphine was synthesised from morphine by thermal decomposition of an N-alpha-chloroethylchloroformate adduct, and purified (> 98% purity) using semipreparative HPLC with ultraviolet detection. Normorphine-3-glucuronide (NM3G) was biochemically synthesised using the substrate normorphine, uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid and Sprague-Dawley rat liver microsomes in a 75% yield (relative to normorphine base). The synthesised NM3G was purified by precipitation and washing with acetonitrile. Determinations of purity using HPLC with electrochemical and ultraviolet detection confirmed that the NM3G produced was of high (> 99%) purity. Mass spectrometry, fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry confirmed the structure, especially placement of the glucuronide moiety at the 3-phenolic position and not at the 17-nitrogen. Administration of NM3G by the intracerebroventricular (icy) route to rats in doses of 2.5 and 7.5 mu g resulted in the development of central nervous system (CNS) excitatory behavioural effects including myoclonus, chewing, wet-dog shakes, ataxia and explosive motor behaviour. At an icy dose of 7.5 mu g, NM3G also induced short periods of tonic-clonic convulsive activity. Thus, NM3G elicits CNS excitation following supraspinal administration in a manner analogous to morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), the major metabolite of morphine (1). Further studies are required to determine whether NM3G attenuates morphine-induced antinociception in se similar manner to M3G.


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The detection of acidophilic microorganisms from mining environments by culture methods is time consuming and unreliable. Several PCR approaches were developed to amplify small-subunit rRNA sequences from the DNA of six bacterial phylotypes associated with acidic mining environments, permitting the detection of the target DNA at concentrations as low as 10 fg.


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We have developed a sensitive resonant four-wave mixing technique based on two-photon parametric four-wave mixing with the addition of a phase matched ''seeder'' field. Generation of the seeder field via the same four-wave mixing process in a high pressure cell enables automatic phase matching to be achieved in a low pressure sample cell. This arrangement facilitates sensitive detection of complex molecular spectra by simply tuning the pump laser. We demonstrate the technique with the detection of nitric oxide down to concentrations more than 4 orders of magnitude below the capability of parametric four-wave mixing alone, with an estimated detection threshold of 10(12) molecules/cm(3).


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The photodegradation of irinotecan (CPT-11), the semisynthetic derivative of the antitumor alkaloid 20(S)-camptothecin, has been investigated. The drug was exposed to laboratory light for up to 5 days in 0.9% saline solution (pH 8.5). Five significant photodegradation products were observed and a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay was employed to isolate them from CPT-11 using gradient conditions. The structures were elucidated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and tandem mass spectrometry and shown to be the result of extensive modifications of the lactone ring of CPT-11. Three of the compounds were found to belong to the mappicine group of alkaloids. In addition, the effect of light on the stability of CPT-11 in aqueous solutions and biological fluids was also assessed, Potassium phosphate buffers (0.05 M, pH 5.0-8.2) and saline, plasma, urine, and bile solutions containing 20 mu M CPT-11 were equilibrated in the dark for 24 h before being exposed to laboratory light for up to 171 h at ambient temperature. Four of the five identified photodegradation products were observed and quantitated by isocratic HPLC, using a different detection mode (fluorescence) than the one used for gradient elution, In general, CPT-11 was found to be unstable under neutral and alkaline conditions for all solutions investigated, with the exception of bile. We conclude that CPT-11 is photolabile and that care should be taken to protect samples, particularly those intended for the isolation and identification of novel metabolites of CPT-11.


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Mass spectrometric U-series dating of speleothems from Tangshan Cave, combined with ecological and paleoclimatic evidence, indicates that Nanjing Man, a typical Homo erectus morphologically correlated with Peking Man at Zhoukoudian, should be at least 580 k.y. old, or more likely lived during the glacial oxygen isotope stage 16 (similar to 620 ka). Such an age estimate, which is similar to 270 ka older than previous electron spin resonance and alpha counting U-series dates, has significant implications for the evolution of Asian H. erectus. Dentine and enamel samples from the coexisting fossil layer yield significantly younger apparent ages, that of the enamel sample being only less than one-fourth of the minimum age of Nanjing Man. This suggests that U uptake history is far more complex than existing models can handle. As a result, great care must be taken in the interpretation of electron spin resonance and U-series dates of fossil teeth.


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Poor nutritional status in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is associated with severe lung disease, and possible causative factors include inadequate intake, malabsorption, and increased energy requirements. Body cell mass (which can be quantified by measurement of total body potassium) provides an ideal standard for measurements of energy expenditure. The aim of this study was to compare resting energy expenditure (REE) in patients with CF with both predicted values and age-matched healthy children and to determine whether REE was related to either nutritional status or pulmonary function. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry and body cell mass by scanning with total body potassium in 30 patients with CF(12 male, mean age = 13.07 +/- 0.55 y) and 18 healthy children (six male, mean age = 12.56 +/- 1.25 y). Nutritional status was expressed as a percentage of predicted total body potassium; Lung function was measured in the CF group by spirometry and expressed as the percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s. Mean REE was significantly increased in the patients with CF compared with healthy children (119.3 +/- 3.1% predicted versus 103.6 +/- 5% predicted, P < 0.001) and, using multiple regression techniques, REE for total body potassium was significantly increased in patients with CF (P = 0.0001). There was no relation between REE and nutritional status or pulmonary disease status in the CF group. In conclusion, REE is increased in children and adolescents with CF but is not directly related to nutritional status or pulmonary disease. Nutrition 2001;17:22-25. (C)Elsevier Science Inc. 2001.