116 resultados para AIDS Dementia Complex
The project involves rural/regional community pharmacists integrating care for complex needs patients and delivering a range of services, based on a care plan developed collaboratively with the GP and the consumer. The pharmacist will coordinate other services based on the multidisciplinary care plan. This research follows a successful pilot project and offers an opportunity to investigate new health service delivery in rural areas for patients at greater health related risk. Care integration will be compared to usual care, with outcomes relating to medication and health service usage, as well as clinical and quality of life outcomes being compared
The architectonic features of the thalamic ventrobasal complex (Vb) of two species of Megachiropteran (Grey-headed flying fox, Pteropus poliocephalus, and the Eastern tube-nosed bat, Nyctimene robinsoni) are compared with those of a Microchiropteran (Australian ghost bat, Macroderma gigas). The somatosensory system was chosen for comparison as it represents a sensory system that has undergone analogous modifications in both Chiropteran lineages (the evolution of the wing). The components of Vb were examined as there are taxon-specific features in this region of the brain. Within the Megachiropteran Vb, four subnuclei were recognized: the ventral posterior medial (VPM), the ventral posterior lateral (VPL), the ventral posterior inferior (VPI), and the basal ventral medial (VMb). In the ghost bat only VPM and VPL were identified with certainty. No VPI was evident in the ghost bat, however a putative VMb was observed. Vb of the ghost bat also lacked the arcuate lamina, which distinguishes VPM from VPL in the Megachiropterans and many other mammals. These taxon-specific differences lend support to the proposal that the order Chiroptera has a diphyletic origin.
The present study investigates the somatotopic representation in the somatosensory thalamus of a megachiropteran bat. Using standard microelectrode mapping techniques, representational maps were generated for the ventrobasal (Vb) and posterior (Po) thalamic complexes of the Grey-headed flying fox. Anatomical tracing from neocortical injections provided additional data confirming the somatotopy found physiologically. A full representation of the body surface innervated by the trigeminal and spinal nerves was found. However, in contrast with other mammals, the representations of the forelimb and adjacent thoracic trunk within the thalamus were inverted. This means that the distal portions of the wing membrane and the tips of the digits were represented dorsally in Vb, and the thoracic trunk was represented ventrally In Po the digit tips were represented in the ventral most portion and the thoracic trunk in the dorsal portion of the nucleus. These results are discussed in relation to similarities of megachiropteran somatosensory thalamic nuclei to those of other mammalian species and in relation to the formation of thalamic somatotopic maps and fiber sorting.
Polarized absorption and emission spectra of trigonal single crystals of an Er(III) complex coordinated to a heptadentate tripodal ligand are reported at temperatures between 8 and 298 K. The assigned energy levels below the onset of ligand absorption (< 25 000 cm(-1)) are fitted to a parametrized electronic Hamiltonian. The C-3 site symmetry of the Er(HI) ion requires eight parameters for a full description of the ligand field within a one-electron operator description. This compound shows unusually large splittings of the multiplets, and the fitted parameters imply that this heptadentate ligand imparts the largest ligand field reported for an Er(III) complex. The ligand field was also interpreted within the angular overlap model (AOM). We derive the AOM matrix to include both sigma and anisotropic pi bonding and show that a useful description of the C-3 ligand field can be made using only five parameters. The success of the AOM description is encouraging for applications on isomorphous complexes within the lanthanide series and in describing the ligand field of low-symmetry complexes with less parameters than in the usual spherical harmonic expansion.
In this study, we have compared the effector functions and fate of a number of human CTL clones in vitro or ex vivo following contact with variant peptides presented either on the cell surface or in a soluble multimeric format. In the presence of CD8 coreceptor binding, there is a good correlation between TCR signaling, killing of the targets, and Fast-mediated CTL apoptosis. Blocking CD8 binding using (alpha3 domain mutants of MHC class I results in much reduced signaling and reduced killing of the targets. Surprisingly, however, Fast expression is induced to a similar degree on these CTLs, and apoptosis of CTL is unaffected. The ability to divorce these events may allow the deletion of antigen-specific and pathological CTL populations without the deleterious effects induced by full CTL activation.
Eukaryotic phenotypic diversity arises from multitasking of a core proteome of limited size. Multitasking is routine in computers, as well as in other sophisticated information systems, and requires multiple inputs and outputs to control and integrate network activity. Higher eukaryotes have a mosaic gene structure with a dual output, mRNA (protein-coding) sequences and introns, which are released from the pre-mRNA by posttranscriptional processing. Introns have been enormously successful as a class of sequences and comprise up to 95% of the primary transcripts of protein-coding genes in mammals. In addition, many other transcripts (perhaps more than half) do not encode proteins at all, but appear both to be developmentally regulated and to have genetic function. We suggest that these RNAs (eRNAs) have evolved to function as endogenous network control molecules which enable direct gene-gene communication and multitasking of eukaryotic genomes. Analysis of a range of complex genetic phenomena in which RNA is involved or implicated, including co-suppression, transgene silencing, RNA interference, imprinting, methylation, and transvection, suggests that a higher-order regulatory system based on RNA signals operates in the higher eukaryotes and involves chromatin remodeling as well as other RNA-DNA, RNA-RNA, and RNA-protein interactions. The evolution of densely connected gene networks would be expected to result in a relatively stable core proteome due to the multiple reuse of components, implying,that cellular differentiation and phenotypic variation in the higher eukaryotes results primarily from variation in the control architecture. Thus, network integration and multitasking using trans-acting RNA molecules produced in parallel with protein-coding sequences may underpin both the evolution of developmentally sophisticated multicellular organisms and the rapid expansion of phenotypic complexity into uncontested environments such as those initiated in the Cambrian radiation and those seen after major extinction events.
This study examined the utility of a stress and coping model of adjustment to HIV/AIDS. A total of 114 HN-infected gay or bisexual men were interviewed and they completed self-administered scales. Predictors included illness variables (disease stage and number of symptoms), coping resources (optimism and social support), appraisal (threat, challenge, and controllability), and coping strategies (problem-and emotion-focused). Adjustment outcomes were depression, global distress, social adjustment, and subjective health status. Results from hierarchical regression analyses indicated that better adjustment was related to an asymptomatic illness stage, fewer HN-related symptoms, greater social support, challenge and controllability appraisals, problem-focused coping, and lower threat appraisals and reliance on emotion focused coping. There was limited support for the stress-buffering effects of optimism. Findings support the utility of a stress and coping model of adjustment to HIV/AIDS.
This paper reports research conducted among theaged residents of a rural, Southwestern Ugandanvillage. It documents their knowledge ofHIV/AIDS, their perceptions of their own riskof infection, and the multiple impacts of thecurrent HIV/AIDS epidemic on their lives. Mostolder individuals have a sound understanding ofthe sexual transmission of HIV, and someconsider themselves to be at risk of infectionthrough having multiple sexual partners. Theyattempt to limit their children's exposure toHIV, but many of these children have left thevillage to live in urban areas of relativelyhigh HIV prevalence. The loss of adult childrendeprives the aged of any support these childrenmight have provided as their parents'capabilities declined with advancing age.Female-headed households were more affected inthis way than were male-headed households. TheAIDS epidemic has increased the number ofburials taking place in the village, and theiraccumulated costs, both in time and money, andcreated new hardships for the aged, who alsohave to cope with grief that accompaniescontinuing deaths among their children andtheir contemporaries' children.