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This article examines the apparent contradictions in Singaporean interpretation and application of its Westminster modeled Constitution in which the Constitution is treated as any other piece of legislation and Western style individual rights are easily overrun. It also examines the Government's particularist claim to Asian values as an explanation for its handling of the Constitution and seeks an alternative approach to understand the Constitution with reference to the Government publication, the Shared Values. The author suggests that this Document serves as a quasi-Constitution, and finds that interpreting two leading cases with this hermeneutic leads to a more satisfactory understanding of the court's decisions. The article concludes that the Government's approach toward the law to create the society it envisioned and published in the Document is a different and pragmatic issue, rather than a result of any fundamental East versus West cultural difference.


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Background: Understanding how environmental attributes can influence particular physical activity behaviors is a public health research priority. Walking is the most common physical activity behavior of adults; environmental innovations may be able to influence rates of participation. Method: Review of studies on relationships of objectively assessed and perceived environmental attributes with walking. Associations with environmental attributes were examined separately for exercise and recreational walking, walking to get to and from places, and total walking. Results: Eighteen Studies were identified. Aesthetic attributes, convenience of facilities for walking (sidewalks, trails); accessibility of destinations (stores, park, beach); and perceptions about traffic and busy roads were found to be associated with walking for particular purposes. Attributes associated with walking for exercise were different front those associated with walking to get to and from places. Conclusions: While few studies have examined specific environment-walking relationships, early evidence is promising. Key elements of the research agenda are developing reliable and valid measures of environmental attributes and walking behaviors, determining whether environment-behavior relationships are causal, and developing theoretical models that account for environmental influences and their interactions with other determinants. (C) 2004 American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


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Background: Identifying environmental factors that can influence physical activity is a public health priority. We examined associations of perceived environmental attributes with walking for four different purposes: general neighborhood walking, walking for exercise, walking for pleasure, and walking to get to and from places. Methods: Participants (n =399; 57% women) were surveyed by mail. They reported place of residence, walking behaviors, and perceptions of neighborhood environmental attributes. Results: Men with the most positive perceptions of neighborhood aesthetics were significantly more likely (odds ratio [OR] =7.4) to be in the highest category of neighborhood walking. Men who perceived the weather as not inhibiting their walking were much more likely (OR= 4.7) to be high exercise walkers. Women who perceived the weather as not inhibiting their walking were significantly more likely to be high neighborhood walkers (OR=3.8) and those with moderate perceptions of accessibility were much more likely to do more walking for pleasure (OR=3.5). Conclusions: Different environmental attributes were associated with different types of walking and these differed between men and women. Approaches to increasing physical activity might usefully focus on those attributes of the local environment that might influence particular subsets of walking behavior.


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Background. Websites have the potential to deliver enhanced versions of targeted and tailored physical activity programs to large numbers of participants. We describe participant engagement and retention with a stage-based physical activity website in a workplace setting. Methods. We analyzed data from participants in the website condition of a randomized trial designed to test the efficacy of a print- vs. website-delivered intervention. They received four stage-targeted e-mails over 8 weeks, with hyperlinks to the website. Both objective and self-reported website use data were collected and analyzed. Results. Overall, 327 were randomized to the website condition and 250 (76%) completed the follow-up survey. Forty-six percent (n = 152) visited the website over the trial period. A total of 4,114 hits to the website were recorded. Participants who entered the site spent on average 9 min per visit and viewed 18 pages. Website use declined over time; 77% of all visits followed the first e-mail. Conclusions. Limited website engagement, despite the perceived usefulness of the materials, demonstrates possible constraints on the use of e-mails and websites in delivering health behavior change programs. In the often-cluttered information environment of workplaces, issues of engagement and retention in website-delivered programs require attention. (C) 2004 The Institute For Cancer Prevention and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We investigated whether the parents of burns patients could capture suitable clinical images with a digital camera and add the necessary text information to enable the paediatric burns team to provide follow-up care via email. Four families were involved in the study, each of whom sent regular email consultations for six months. The results were very encouraging. The burns team felt confident that the clinical information in 30 of the 32 email messages (94%) they received was accurate, although in I I of these 30 cases (37%) they stated that there was room for improvement (the quality was nonetheless adequate for clinical decision making). The study also showed that low-resolution images (average size 37 kByte) were satisfactory for diagnosis. Families were able to participate in the service without intensive training and support. The user survey showed that all four families found it easy and convenient to take the digital photographs and to participate in the study. The results suggest that the technique has potential as a low-cost telemedicine service in burns follow-up, and that it requires only modest investment in equipment, training and support.


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We evaluated an accident and emergency teleconsultation service provided to 14 community hospitals in north-east Scotland. Each community hospital was equipped with a videoconferencing system and a document camera to allow transmission of radiographs. The network used 384 kbit/s ISDN connections. A total of 1392 teleconsultations were recorded during a 12-month study period. Seventy-seven per cent of patients (n=1072) were managed locally and 23% (n=320) were transferred to Aberdeen. The majority (95%) of teleconsultations were conducted on weekdays, and 90% of these occurred between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00. The mean delay in contacting a doctor was 9 min and the mean consultation time was 10 min. The majority of patients were suffering from fractures or suspected fractures of the limbs. Radiograph transmission was used in 75% of all teleconsultations. A high degree of satisfaction was recorded by all users of the service.


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A virtual outpatient service has been established in Queensland for the delivery of post-acute burns care to children living in rural and remote areas of the state. The integration of telepaediatrics as a routine service has reduced the need for patient travel to the specialist burns unit situated in Brisbane. We have conducted 293 patient consultations over a period of 3 years. A retrospective review of our experience has shown that post-acute burns care can be delivered using videoconferencing, email and the telephone. Telepaediatric bums services have been valuable in two key areas. The first area involves a programme of routine specialist clinics via videoconference. The second area relates to ad-hoc patient consultations for collaborative management during acute presentations and at times of urgent clinical need. The families of patients have expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the service. Telepaediatric services have helped improve access to specialist services for people living in rural and remote communities throughout Queensland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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Videoconferencing has become a routine technique for the post-acute burns care of children in Queensland. We compared the agreement between clinical assessments conducted via videoconference and assessments conducted in the conventional, face-to-face manner (FTF). A total of 35 children with a previous burn injury were studied. Twenty-five children received three consecutive assessments: first FTF by a consultant in the outpatient department, then by a second consultant who reviewed the patient via videoconference, and then by the second consultant in person. The second consultant also reviewed another 10 children twice. At each review, the following variables were measured: scar colour, scar thickening, contractures, range of motion, the patient's level of general activity, any breakdown of the graft site, and adequacy of the consultation. Agreement between the two consultants when seeing patients FTF was moderately high, with an overall concordance of 85%. When videoconferencing was used, the level of agreement was almost the same, at 84%. If one consultant reviewed patients FTF first and then via videoconference, the overall concordance was 98%; if the process was reversed, the overall concordance was 97%. This study confirms that the quality of information collected during a videoconference appointment is comparable to that collected during a traditional, FTF appointment for a follow-up burns consultation.


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The Wilms' tumour suppressor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc-finger protein that is mutated in Wilms' tumours and other malignancies. WT1 is one of the earliest genes expressed during kidney development. WT1 proteins can activate and repress putative target genes in vitro, although the in vivo relevance of such target genes often remains unverified. To better understand the role of WT1 in tumorigenesis and kidney development, we need to identify downstream target genes. In this study, we have expression pro. led human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected to allow inducible WT1 expression and mouse mesonephric M15 cells transfected with a WT1 antisense construct to abolish endogenous expression of all WT1 isoforms to identify WT1-responsive genes. The complementary overlap between the two cell lines revealed a pronounced repression of genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis by WT1. This pathway is transcriptionally regulated by the sterol responsive element-binding proteins (SREBPs). Here, we provide evidence that the C-terminal end of the WT1 protein can directly interact with SREBP, suggesting that WT1 may modify the transcriptional function of SREBPs via a direct protein-protein interaction. Therefore, the tumour suppressor activities of WT1 may be achieved by repressing the mevalonate pathway, thereby controlling cellular proliferation and promoting terminal differentiation.


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Objectives: Long-term, low-dose macrolide therapy is effective in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. It is believed that macrolide antibiotics produce this benefit through an anti-inflammatory effect. In this study, the effect of clarithromycin treatment on the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and the key pro-inflammatory nuclear transcription factor, NF-kappaB, was examined in vitro and in vivo. Study Design and Methods: In vitro: nasal mucosa was obtained from 10 patients with chronic sinusitis and was cultured for 24 hours in the presence of clarithromycin or control. Cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB was determined by immunohistochemistry. In vivo: 10 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis were treated for 3 months with clarithromycin. Nasal mucosal biopsies were taken pre- and posttreatment. Cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB was again determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: Clarithromycin, when applied to nasal biopsies in vitro, reduced cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB. Nasal biopsies taken before and after clarithromycin treatment showed no differences in cellular expression of NF-kappaB or TGF-beta. Conclusion: Clarithromycin can reduce cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB when applied in vitro, but its action during clinical therapy is less clear. Clarithromycin is capable of inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro, and reductions of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB may represent additional mechanisms by which macrolides reduce inflammation in chronic airway disease. Discrepancies between the actions of clarithromycin on nasal biopsies in vitro and after clinical therapy warrant further investigation.


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There is a substantial body of work in the scientific literature discussing the role of risk-taking behavior in the causation of injury. Despite the quantity of diverse writings on the subject most is in the form of theoretical commentaries. This review was conducted to critically assess the empirical evidence supporting the association between injury and risk-taking behavior. The review found six case-control studies and one retrospective cohort study, which met all the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis was not possible due to the diversity of the independent and outcome variables in each of the studies reviewed. Overall the review found that risk-taking behavior, however it is measured, is associated with an increased chance of sustaining an injury except in the case of high skilled, risk-taking sports where the effect may be in the other direction. Drawing specific conclusions from the research presented in this review is difficult without an agreed conceptual framework for examining risk-taking behavior and injury. Considerable work needs to be done to provide a convincing evidence base on which to build public health interventions around risk behavior. However, sufficient evidence exists to suggest that effort in this area may be beneficial for the health of the community. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hepatosplenic measurements among 550 Chinese subjects, aged 3-59 years from Yueyang city-a nonendemic area for schistosomiasis in Hunan province, China-were performed to define normal ranges of ultrasound organometry for assessing hepatosplenic, morbidity in Schistosoma japonicum infection. Measurements included the size of the liver (left lobe and right lobe), the main portal vein stem, the peripheral periportal vein branches, and spleen length and thickness. The results document the significant relationship between body height and organometric parameters. The reference values stratified by body height improve the accuracy of assessment. Thus, height-based normal ranges established in this study can be applied in hospital routine and in field studies of patients infected with S. japonicum in Hunan province and in other endemic areas of China. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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With the implementation of programs to control lymphatic filariasis and soil-transmitted helminths using broad spectrum anthelmintics, including albendazole and ivermectin, there is a need to develop an in vitro assay for detection of drug resistance. This report describes an in vitro assay for measuring the effects of ivermectin and benzimidazoles on the motility of larvae of the hookworm species Ancylostoma ceylanicum, A. caninum, and Necator americanus, and Strongyloides species including Strongyloides stercoralis, and S. ratti. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated with each of the parasite species, with distinct differences observed between the various species. In pilot field testing of the assay with N. americanus larvae recovered from human fecal samples, a dose-response relationship was observed with ivermectin. While the assay has demonstrated the ability to determine drug responsiveness, its usefulness in resistance detection will require correlation with the clinical outcome among individuals infected with parasite strains showing different drug sensitivities.