98 resultados para (15)N resonance
Objective: To study the clinical, endocrine and radiological features and progress of children presenting with acquired diabetes insipidus (CDI). Methodology: Chart review of children presenting because of CDI to Brisbane paediatric endocrine clinics between 1987 and 1999. Results: Thirty-nine children (female/male ratio 21/18) aged 0.1-15.4 years (mean age 6.7 years) were identified. Aetiologies were head trauma or familial in eight cases (20.5%) each, central nervous system (CNS) tumours in five cases (12.8%), CNS malformations in four cases (10.2%), histiocytosis in three cases (7%) and hypoxia and infection in two cases (5.1%) each. Seven cases (17.9%) remain undiagnosed. Of the 32 (82%) cases with isolated anti-diuretic hormone deficiency at presentation, 24 cases (61.5%) experienced no further endocrine deficit. Additional endocrine deficits occurred mainly in the tumour or undiagnosed groups. On follow-up brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in the seven undiagnosed cases, six patients bad mild or no change and one patient had marked improvement of MRI findings. These changes occurred 10-48 months (mean 18 months) after presentation. Conclusions: Children without an aetiological diagnosis for the uncommon condition of acquired CDI require careful follow-up. More intensive investigation at presentation (e.g. estimation of cerebrospinal fluid human chorionic gonadotrophin) promises to lessen the number of such cases. Pituitary stalk biopsies should be reserved for those patients with progressive MRI changes. If these changes do not occur early, our experience suggests that follow-up MRI scans may need to be performed only yearly.
Resonance phenomena associated with the unimolecular dissociation of HO2 have been investigated quantum-mechanically by the Lanczos homogeneous filter diagonalization (LHFD) method. The calculated resonance energies, rates (widths), and product state distributions are compared to results from an autocorrelation function-based filter diagonalization (ACFFD) method. For calculating resonance wave functions via ACFFD, an analytical expression for the expansion coefficients of the modified Chebyshev polynomials is introduced. Both dissociation rates and product state distributions of O-2 show strong fluctuations, indicating the dissociation of HO2 is essentially irregular. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
Some paramagnetic superoxide ions detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) can be generated on Au/ZnO catalyst by oxygen adsorption at room temperature as well as at 553 K. In both the cases, the O-2(-) ions are present on the catalyst surface. The disappearance of the O-2(-) signal by the introduction of carbon monoxide over the catalyst surface implies that the O-2(-) ions are either the active oxygen species or the precursors of the active oxygen species. The CO3- species produced are also detected by EPR. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A field study was carried out to investigate the impacts of windrowed harvesting residues on denitrification, immobilisation and leaching of N-15-labelled nitrate applied at 20 kg N ha(-1) to microplots in second-rotation hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations of 1-3 years old in southeast Queensland, Australia. The PVC microplots were 235 mm in diameter and 150 mm. long, and driven into the 100 mm soil. There were three replications of such microplots for each of the six treatments which were areas just under and between 1-, 2- and 3-year-old windrows of harvesting residues. Based on gaseous N losses estimated by the difference between the recoveries of bromide (Br) applied at 100 kg Br ha(-1) and N-15-labelled nitrate, denitrification was highest (23% based on N-15 loss) in the areas just under the 1-year-old windrows 25 days after a simulated 75 mm rainfall and following several natural rainfall events. There was no significant difference in N-15 losses (14-17%) among the other treatments. The N-15 immobilisation rate was highest for microplots in the areas between the 1-year-old windrows and generally higher for microplots in the areas just under the windrows (30-39%) than that (26-30%) between the windrows. Direct measurement of N-15 gas emissions (N-15(2) + (N2O)-N-15) confirmed that the highest denitrification rate occurred in the microplots under the 1-year-old windrows although the gaseous N-15 loss calculated by gas emission was only about one-quarter that estimated by the N-15 mass balance method. A significant, positive linear relationship (P < 0.05) existed between the gaseous N-15 losses measured by the two methods used. The research indicates that considerable mineral N could be lost via denitrification during the critical inter-rotation period and early phase of the second rotation. However, the impacts of windrowed harvesting residues on N losses via denitrification might only last for a period of about 2 years. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
This paper presents a new approach for the design of genuinely finite-length shim and gradient coils, intended for use in magnetic resonance imaging equipment. A cylindrical target region is located asymmetrically, at an arbitrary position within a coil of finite length. A desired target field is specified on the surface of that region, and a method is given that enables winding patterns on the surface of the coil to be designed, to produce the desired field at the inner target region. The method uses a minimization technique combined with regularization, to find the current density on the surface of the coil. The method is illustrated for linear, quadratic and cubic magnetic target fields located asymmetrically within a finite-length coil.
A method is presented for the systematic design of asymmetric zonal shim coils for magnetic resonance applications. Fourier-series methods are used to represent the magnetic field inside and outside a circular cylinder of length 2L and radius a. The current density on the cylinder is also represented using Fourier series. Any desired field can be specified in advance on the cylinder's radius, over some nonsymmetric portion pL
When patients undergo a magnetic resonance imaging scan, they are subject to both strong static and temporal magnetic fields. The temporal fields are designed to vary at each point in the region being imaged. This is achieved by the use of gradient coils. However, when the gradient coils are switched very rapidly, the strongly time-varying magnetic fields produced can be responsible for stimulating nerves in the peripheral regions of the body. This paper gives a somewhat novel explanation for this phenomenon. The physical mechanism suggested is supported by an illustrative theoretical calculation.
New designs for force-minimized compact high-field clinical MRI magnets are described. The design method is a modified simulated annealing (SA) procedure which includes Maxwell forces in the error function to be minimized. This permits an automated force reduction in the magnet designs while controlling the overall dimensions of the system. As SA optimization requires many iterations to achieve a final design, it is important that each iteration in the procedure is rapid. We have therefore developed a rapid force calculation algorithm. Novel designs for short 3- and 4-T clinical MRI systems are presented in which force reduction has been invoked. The final designs provide large homogeneous regions and reduced stray fields in remarkable short magnets. A shielded 4-T design that is approximately 30% shorter than current designs is presented. This novel magnet generates a full 50-cm diameter homogeneous region.
The purpose of this study, was to develop a newborn piglet model of hypoxia/ischaemia which would better emulate the clinical situation in the asphyxiated human neonate and produce a consistent degree of histopathological injury following the insult. One-day-old piglets (n = 18) were anaesthetised with a mixture of propofol (10 mg/kg/h) and alfentinal (5,5.5 mug/kg/h) i.v. The piglets were intubated and ventilated. Physiological variables were monitored continuously. Hypoxia was induced by decreasing the inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) to 3-4% and adjusting FiO(2) to maintain the cerebral function monitor peak amplitude at less than or equal to5 muV. The duration of the mild insult was 20, min while the severe insult was 30 min which included 10 min where the blood pressure was allowed to fall below 70% of baseline. Control piglets (n=4 of 18) were subjected to the same protocol except for the hypoxic/ischaemic insult. The piglets were allowed to recover from anaesthesia then euthanased 72 It after the insult. The brains were perfusion-fixed, removed and embedded in paraffin. Coronal sections were stained by haematoxylin/eosin. A blinded observer examined the frontal and parietal cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum for the degree of damage. The total mean histology score for the five areas of the brain for the severe insult was 15.6 +/-4.4 (mean +/-S.D., n=7), whereas no damage was seen in either the mild insult (n=4) or control groups. This 'severe damage' model produces a consistent level of damage and will prove useful for examining potential neuroprotective therapies in the neonatal brain. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BY. All rights reserved.
Lateral ventricular volumes based on segmented brain MR images can be significantly underestimated if partial volume effects are not considered. This is because a group of voxels in the neighborhood of lateral ventricles is often mis-classified as gray matter voxels due to partial volume effects. This group of voxels is actually a mixture of ventricular cerebro-spinal fluid and the white matter and therefore, a portion of it should be included as part of the lateral ventricular structure. In this note, we describe an automated method for the measurement of lateral ventricular volumes on segmented brain MR images. Image segmentation was carried in combination of intensity correction and thresholding. The method is featured with a procedure for addressing mis-classified voxels in the surrounding of lateral ventricles. A detailed analysis showed that lateral ventricular volumes could be underestimated by 10 to 30% depending upon the size of the lateral ventricular structure, if mis-classified voxels were not included. Validation of the method was done through comparison with the averaged manually traced volumes. Finally, the merit of the method is demonstrated in the evaluation of the rate of lateral ventricular enlargement. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Read-only-memory-based (ROM-based) quantum computation (QC) is an alternative to oracle-based QC. It has the advantages of being less magical, and being more suited to implementing space-efficient computation (i.e., computation using the minimum number of writable qubits). Here we consider a number of small (one- and two-qubit) quantum algorithms illustrating different aspects of ROM-based QC. They are: (a) a one-qubit algorithm to solve the Deutsch problem; (b) a one-qubit binary multiplication algorithm; (c) a two-qubit controlled binary multiplication algorithm; and (d) a two-qubit ROM-based version of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. For each algorithm we present experimental verification using nuclear magnetic resonance ensemble QC. The average fidelities for the implementation were in the ranges 0.9-0.97 for the one-qubit algorithms, and 0.84-0.94 for the two-qubit algorithms. We conclude with a discussion of future prospects for ROM-based quantum computation. We propose a four-qubit algorithm, using Grover's iterate, for solving a miniature real-world problem relating to the lengths of paths in a network.