61 resultados para magnetic bearing


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Novel current density mapping (CDM) schemes are developed for the design of new actively shielded, clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets. This is an extended inverse method in which the entire potential solution space for the superconductors has been considered, rather than single current density layers. The solution provides an insight into the required superconducting coil pattern for a desired magnet configuration. This information is then used as an initial set of parameters for the magnet structure, and a previously developed hybrid numerical optimization technique is used to obtain the final geometry of the magnet. The CDM scheme is applied to the design of compact symmetric, asymmetric, and open architecture 1.0-1.5 T MRI magnet systems of novel geometry and utility. A new symmetric 1.0-T system that is just I m in length with a full 50-cm diameter of the active, or sensitive, volume (DSV) is detailed, as well as an asymmetric system in which a 50-cm DSV begins just 14 cm from the end of the coil structure. Finally a 1.0-T open magnet system with a full 50-cm DSV is presented. These new designs provide clinically useful homogeneous regions and have appropriately restricted stray fields but, in some of the designs, the DSV is much closer to the end of the magnet system than in conventional designs. These new designs have the potential to reduce patient claustrophobia and improve physician access to patients undergoing scans. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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l-(BETS)2FeCl4 undergoes transitions from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a metal and then to a superconductor as a magnetic field is increased. We use a Hubbard-Kondo model to clarify the role of the Fe31 magnetic ions in these phase transitions. In the high-field regime, the magnetic field acting on the electron spins is compensated by the exchange field He due to the magnetic ions. We show how He can be extracted from the observed splitting of the Shubnikov–de Haas frequencies. We predict the field range for field-induced superconductivity in other materials.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an easily automated, reliable technique to investigate axial mixing within rotating drums. Moist bran can be clearly differentiated from dry bran using MRI allowing a non-segregating tracer for axial mixing. For a 20-cm diameter drum, the axial dispersion coefficient in the particle bed was 0.51 cm s(-2). Axial dispersion is scale-dependent.


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Ecosystem management such as plant residue retention and prescribed burning can significantly affect soil organic matter (SOM) composition and, thereby, the closely associated carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling processes, which underpin terrestrial ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Humic acid (HA) is an important SOM component and its chemical composition has attracted much attention. Here we report the first application of N-14 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to soil HA study, revealing the surprising existence of nitrate-N and ammonia-N in the HAs. This newly discovered HA nitrate-N, though in a relatively low concentrations, is closely related to soil N availability and responsive to plant residue management regimes in contrasting forest ecosystems. The HA nitrate-N may be a useful and sensitive biochemical indicator of SOM quality in response to different ecosystem management regimes.


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Background-In vivo methods to evaluate the size and composition of atherosclerotic lesions in animal models of atherosclerosis would assist in the testing of antiatherosclerotic drugs. We have developed an MRI method of detecting atherosclerotic plaque in the major vessels at the base of the heart in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-knockout (LDLR-/-) mice on a high-fat diet. Methods and Results-Three-dimensional fast spin-echo magnetic resonance images were acquired at 7 T by use of cardiac and respiratory triggering, with approximate to140-mum isotropic resolution, over 30 minutes. Comparison of normal and fat-suppressed images from female LDLR-/- mice I week before and 8 and 12 weeks after the transfer to a high-fat diet allowed visualization and quantification of plaque development in the innominate artery in vivo. Plaque mean cross-sectional area was significantly greater at week 12 in the LDLR-/- mice (0.14+/-0.086 mm(2) [mean+/-SD]) than in wild-type control mice on a normal diet (0.017+/-0.031 mm(2), p


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Haliclona sp. 628 (Demospongiae, Haplosclerida, Chalinidae), a sponge found on the reef slope below 5 in depth on the Great Barrier Reef, has two unusual characteristics. It contains a symbiotic dinoflagellate, Symbiodinium sp., similar in structure to the dinoflagellate found within Acropora nobilis (S. microadriaticum), and it contains coral nematocysts randomly distributed between the ectosome and endosome and usually undischarged in intact sponge tissue. Given the unusual occurrence of nematocysts in Haliclona sp. 628, the focus of this study was to determine the distribution of this species of sponge on the reef slope at Heron Island Reef in relation to the distribution of potential coral donors. A combination of line and belt transects was used to estimate the abundance of Halielona sp. 628 and a co-occurring congener, Haliclona sp. 1031, which does not contain nematocysts, at three widely separated sites on the reef slope at Heron Island Reef. The abundance of different types of substratum (sand, sand-covered coral rubble, dead A. nobilis, live A. nobilis, other live coral, and other dead coral) along the transects and the substratum to which each sponge colony was attached were also recorded. Despite the predominance of live A. nobilis and sand-covered rubble at all sites, between 30 and 55% of Haliclona sp. 628 colonies were attached to dead A. nobilis which comprised less than 8% of the available substratum along any transect. In contrast, Haliclona sp. 1031 was found significantly more frequently on other dead corals and less frequently on live A. nobilis than would be expected based on the availability of the different substrata in the sites. Potential explanations to account for the distribution of Haliclona sp. 628 in relation to potential coral donors are discussed.


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Low concentrate density from wet drum magnetic separators in dense medium circuits can cause operating difficulties due to inability to obtain the required circulating medium density and, indirectly, high medium solids losses. The literature is almost silent on the processes controlling concentrate density. However, the common name for the region through which concentrate is discharged-the squeeze pan gap-implies that some extrusion process is thought to be at work. There is no model of magnetics recovery in a wet drum magnetic separator, which includes as inputs all significant machine and operating variables. A series of trials, in both factorial experiments and in single variable experiments, was done using a purpose built rig which featured a small industrial scale (700 mm lip length, 900 turn diameter) wet drum magnetic separator. A substantial data set of 191 trials was generated in this work. The results of the factorial experiments were used to identify the variables having a significant effect on magnetics recovery. It is proposed, based both on the experimental observations of the present work and on observations reported in the literature, that the process controlling magnetic separator concentrate density is one of drainage. Such a process should be able to be defined by an initial moisture, a drainage rate and a drainage time, the latter being defined by the volumetric flowrate and the volume within the drainage zone. The magnetics can be characterised by an experimentally derived ultimate drainage moisture. A model based on these concepts and containing adjustable parameters was developed. This model was then fitted to a randomly chosen 80% of the data, and validated by application to the remaining 20%. The model is shown to be a good fit to data over concentrate solids content values from 40% solids to 80% solids and for both magnetite and ferrosilicon feeds. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Loss of magnetic medium solids from dense medium circuits is a substantial contributor to operating cost. Much of this loss is by way of wet drum magnetic separator effluent. A model of the separator would be useful for process design, optimisation and control. A review of the literature established that although various rules of thumb exist, largely based on empirical or anecdotal evidence, there is no model of magnetics recovery in a wet drum magnetic separator which includes as inputs all significant machine and operating variables. A series of trials, in both factorial experiments and in single variable experiments, was therefore carried out using a purpose built rig which featured a small industrial scale (700 mm lip length, 900 mm diameter) wet drum magnetic separator. A substantial data set of 191 trials was generated in the work. The results of the factorial experiments were used to identify the variables having a significant effect on magnetics recovery. Observations carried out as an adjunct to this work, as well as magnetic theory, suggests that the capture of magnetic particles in the wet drum magnetic separator is by a flocculation process. Such a process should be defined by a flocculation rate and a flocculation time; the latter being defined by the volumetric flowrate and the volume within the separation zone. A model based on this concept and containing adjustable parameters was developed. This model was then fitted to a randomly chosen 80% of the data, and validated by application to the remaining 20%. The model is shown to provide a satisfactory fit to the data over three orders of magnitude of magnetics loss. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science BY. All rights reserved.


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For ground penetrating radar (GPR), smaller antennas would provide considerable practical advantages. Some of which are: portability; ease of use; and higher spatial sampling. A theoretical comparison of the fundamental limits of a small electric field antenna and a small magnetic field antenna shows that the minimum Q constraints are identical. Furthermore, it is shown that only the small magnetic loop antenna can be constructed to approach, arbitrarily closely, the fundamental minimum Q limit. This is achieved with the addition of a high permeability material which reduces energy stored in the magnetic fields. This is of special interest to some GPR applications. For example, applications requiring synthetic aperture data collection would benefit from the increased spatial sampling offered by electrically smaller antennas. Low frequency applications may also benefit, in terms of reduced antenna dimensions, by the use of electrically small antennas. Under these circumstances, a magnetic type antenna should be considered in preference to the typical electric field antenna. Numerical modeling data supports this assertion.


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Six species of trees located in the dry sclerophyll forests of southeast Queensland were studied to ascertain which was most suitable to be retained as hollow-bearing trees for nesting and denning by arboreal marsupials. Generally for all tree species, the number of entrances to hollows was positively correlated with the diameter at breast height (DBH) and the growth stage, and entrance diameters also increased in trees with a larger DBH. However, there were differences between the species; Corymbia citriodora had few hollows until the individuals were very large while Eucalyptus crebra had low numbers of hollows throughout its entire size range. It was concluded that a mixture of tree species provided a range of hollow sizes and positions that would be suitable for nesting and denning by arboreal marsupials in those forests. There were large differences between tree species in the relationship between tree size and estimated age. Five of the tree species took between 186 and 230 years to begin to produce hollows while E. crebra took up to 324 years. This suggests that tree species other than E. crebra may be the most preferred for retention in areas where hollow-bearing tree densities are lower than the prescribed level. Other data also suggests there are likely to be enough trees in larger size classes that would begin to form hollows within the next 50 years to compensate for an expected loss of hollow-bearing stags during that same period. In terms of forest operation, the retention of six hollow-bearing trees/ha would represent an estimated loss of 7.3-15% wood production. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Prior theoretical studies indicate that the negative spatial derivative of the electric field induced by magnetic stimulation may he one of the main factors contributing to depolarization of the nerve fiber. This paper studies this parameter for peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) induced by time.-varying gradient fields during MRI scans. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic human, full-body model. Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient sets in MRI systems and various input signals have been explored. The spatial distributions of the induced electric field and their gradients are calculated and attempts are made to correlate these areas with reported experimental stimulation data. The induced electrical field pattern is similar for both the planar coils and cylindrical coils. This study provides some insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced field gradients for PNS in MRI, which may be used to further evaluate the sites where magnetic stimulation is likely to occur and to optimize gradient coil design.


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This paper continues the development of a new approach for the design of shim and gradient coils, used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. A cylindrical primary coil of radius a and length 2L is placed inside a co-axial shield cylinder of radius b. An active shielding strategy is used to create a desired target field at an arbitrarily specified (cylindrical) location within the primary coil, and to annul the field at a certain radius outside the shield. The form of the interior target field may be chosen arbitrarily by the designer, although zonal and tesseral harmonics are typically used in MRI applications. The method presented here designs coil windings on both the primary and shielding cylinders, to produce fields that conform to the specified interior target field and the annulled field exterior to the shield. An additional feature of the method presented here is that the target field inside the primary coil is matched at two different radii, to improve overall accuracy. The method is illustrated by designing several shielded shim coils, for creating higher order tesseral fields located asymmetrically within the coil. The simpler case of pure zonal fields is discussed separately and applied to the design of some higher order shielded coils.


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The equipment used to measure magnetic fields and, electric currents in residences is described. The instrumentation consisted of current transformers, magnetic field probes and locally designed and, built signal conditioning modules. The data acquisition system was capable of unattended recording for extended time periods. The complete system was calibrated to verify its response to known physical inputs. (C) 2003 ISA-The Instrumentation Automation Society.