175 resultados para State Cds Particles
We conduct a theoretical analysis of steady-state heat transfer problems through mid-crustal vertical cracks with upward throughflow in hydrothermal systems. In particular, we derive analytical solutions for both the far field and near field of the system. In order to investigate the contribution of the forced advection to the total temperature of the system, two concepts, namely the critical Peclet number and the critical permeability of the system, have been presented and discussed in this paper. The analytical solution for the far field of the system indicates that if the pore-fluid pressure gradient in the crust is lithostatic, the critical permeability of the system can be used to determine whether or not the contribution of the forced advection to the total temperature of the system is negligible. Otherwise, the critical Peclet number should be used. For a crust of moderate thickness, the critical permeability is of the order of magnitude of 10(-20) m(2), under which heat conduction is the overwhelming mechanism to transfer heat energy, even though the pore-fluid pressure gradient in the crust is lithostatic. Furthermore, the lower bound analytical solution for the near field of the system demonstrates that the permeable vertical cracks in the middle crust can efficiently transfer heat energy from the lower crust to the upper crust of the Earth. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
In the Leaven of the Ancients, John Walbridge studies the appropriation of non–Peripatetic philosophical ideas by an anti–Aristotelian Islamic philosopher, Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi (d. 1191). He proposes a comprehensive explanation of the origin of Suhrawardi's philosophical system, a revival of the “wisdom of the Ancients” and its philosophical affiliations “grounded” in Greek philosophy (p. xiii). Walbridge attempts to uncover the reasons for Suhrawardi's rejection of the prevailing neo–Aristotelian synthesis in Islamic philosophy, Suhrawardi's knowledge and understanding of non–Aristotelian Greek philosophy, the ancient philosophers Suhrawardi was attempting to follow, the relationship between Suhrawardi's specific philosophical teachings (logic, ontology, physics, and metaphysics), and his understanding of non–Aristotelian ancient philosophy and the relationship between Suhrawardi's system and the major Greek philosophers, schools, and traditions—in particular the Presocratics, Plato, and the Stoics (p. 8). Copyright © 2003 Cambridge University Press
Andrew Tooke's 1691 English translation of Samuel Pufendorf's De officio hominis et civis, published as The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature, brought Pufendorf's manual fo statist natural law into English politics at a moment of temporary equilibrium in the unfinished contest between Crown and Parliament for the rights and powers of sovereignty. Drawing on the authors' re-edition of The Whole Duty of Man, this article describes and analyses a telling instance of how--by translation--the core political terms and concepts of the German natural jurist's 'absolutist' formulary were reshaped for reception in the different political culture of late seventeenth-century England.
We obtain a class of non-diagonal solutions of the reflection equation for the trigonometric A(n-1)((1)) vertex model. The solutions can be expressed in terms of intertwinner matrix and its inverse, which intertwine two trigonometric R-matrices. In addition to a discrete (positive integer) parameter l, 1 less than or equal to l less than or equal to n, the solution contains n + 2 continuous boundary parameters.
The concept of local concurrence is used to quantify the entanglement between a single qubit and the remainder of a multiqubit system. For the ground state of the BCS model in the thermodynamic limit the set of local concurrences completely describes the entanglement. As a measure for the entanglement of the full system we investigate the average local concurrence (ALC). We find that the ALC satisfies a simple relation with the order parameter. We then show that for finite systems with a fixed particle number, a relation between the ALC and the condensation energy exposes a threshold coupling. Below the threshold, entanglement measures besides the ALC are significant.
Recent increasing applications for cast Al-Si alloys are particularly driven by the need for lightweighting components in the automotive sector. To improve mechanical properties, elements such as strontium, sodium and antimony can be added to modify the eutectic silicon from coarse and plate-like to fine and fibrous morphology. It is only recently being noticed that the morphological transformation resulting from eutectic modification is also accompanied by other, equally significant, but often unexpected changes. These changes can include a 10-fold increase in the eutectic grain size, redistribution of low-melting point phases and porosity as well as surface finish, consequently leading to variations in casting quality. This paper shows the state-of-the-art in understanding the mechanism of eutectic nucleation and growth in Al-Si alloys, inspecting samples, both quenched and uninterrupted, on the macro, micro and nano-scale. It shows that significant variations in eutectic nucleation and growth dynamics occur in AI-Si alloys as a function of the type and amount of modifier elements added. The key role of AIP particles in nucleating silicon is demonstrated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We theoretically study the Hilbert space structure of two neighboring P-donor electrons in silicon-based quantum computer architectures. To use electron spins as qubits, a crucial condition is the isolation of the electron spins from their environment, including the electronic orbital degrees of freedom. We provide detailed electronic structure calculations of both the single donor electron wave function and the two-electron pair wave function. We adopted a molecular orbital method for the two-electron problem, forming a basis with the calculated single donor electron orbitals. Our two-electron basis contains many singlet and triplet orbital excited states, in addition to the two simple ground state singlet and triplet orbitals usually used in the Heitler-London approximation to describe the two-electron donor pair wave function. We determined the excitation spectrum of the two-donor system, and study its dependence on strain, lattice position, and interdonor separation. This allows us to determine how isolated the ground state singlet and triplet orbitals are from the rest of the excited state Hilbert space. In addition to calculating the energy spectrum, we are also able to evaluate the exchange coupling between the two donor electrons, and the double occupancy probability that both electrons will reside on the same P donor. These two quantities are very important for logical operations in solid-state quantum computing devices, as a large exchange coupling achieves faster gating times, while the magnitude of the double occupancy probability can affect the error rate.
China's state sector reform process is examined through the key sector of agriculture. A preview of aggregate statistics and broader reform measures indicate the declining role of the state. However, a systematic analysis of administrative, service and enterprise structures reveal the nuances of how the state has retained strong capacity to guide development of the agricultural sector. State and Party policy makers aim not only to support the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of farmers, but also to pursue agricultural modernization in the context of rapid industrialization. These goals are unlikely to be achieved through a wholesale transfer of functions to the private sector, so the state has maintained or developed new mechanisms of influence, particularly in the areas of service provision and enterprise development.
An improved method for counting virus and virus like particles by electron microscopy (EM) was developed. The procedure involves the determination of the absolute concentration of pure or semi-pure particles once deposited evenly on EM grids using either centrifugation or antibody capture techniques. The counting of particles was done with a Microfiche unit which enlarged approximately 50 x the image of particles on a developed negative film which had been taken at a relatively low magnification (2500 x) by EM. Initially, latex particles of a known concentration were counted using this approach, to prove the accuracy of the technique. The latex particles were deposited evenly on an EM grid using centrifugation (Modified Beckmen EM-90 Airfuge technique). Subsequently, recombinant Bluetongue virus (BTV) core-like particles (CLPs) captured by a Monoclonal antibody using a hovel sample loading method were counted by the Microfiche unit method and by a direct EM method. Comparison of the simplified counting method developed with a conventional method, showed good agreement. The method is simple, accurate, rapid, and reproducible when used with either pure particles or with particles from crude cell culture extracts.
The settling characteristics of cell debris and inclusion bodies prior to, and following, fractionation in a disc-stack centrifuge were measured using Cumulative Sedimentation Analysis (CSA) and Centrifugal Disc photosedimentation (CDS). The impact of centrifuge feedrate and repeated homogenisation on both cell debris and inclusion body collection efficiency was investigated. Increasing the normalised centrifuge feedrate (Q/Sigma) from 1.32 x 10(-9) m s(-1) to 3.97 x 10(-9) m s(-1) leads to a 36% increase in inclusion body paste purity. Purity may also be improved by repeated homogenisation. Increasing the number of homogeniser passes results in smaller cell debris size whilst leaves inclusion body size unaltered. At a normalised centrifuge feedrate of 2.65 x 10(-9) m s(-1), increasing the number of homogeniser passes from two (2) to ten (10) improved overall inclusion body paste purity by 58%. Grade-efficiency curves for both the cell debris and inclusion bodies have also been generated in this study. The data are described using an equation developed by Mannweiler (1989) with parameters of k = 0.15-0.26 and n = 2.5-2.6 for inclusion bodies, and k = 0.12-0.14 and n = 2.0-2.2 for cell debris. This is the first accurate experimentally-determined grade efficiency curve for cell debris. Previous studies have simply estimated debris grade efficiency curves using an approximate debris size distribution and grade efficiency curves determined with 'ideal particles' (e.g. spherical PVA particles). The findings of this study may be used to simulate and optimise the centrifugal fractionation of inclusion bodies from cell debris.
We calculate the stationary state of the system of two non-identical two-level atoms driven by a finite-bandwidth two-mode squeezed vacuum. It is well known that two identical two-level atoms driven by a broadband squeezed vacuum may decay to a pure state, called the pure two-atom squeezed state, and that the presence of the antisymmetric state can change its purity. Here, we show that for small interatomic separations the stationary state of two non-identical atoms is not sensitive to the presence of the antisymmetric state and is the pure two-atom squeezed state. This effect is a consequence of the fact that in the system of two non-identical atoms the antisymmetric state is no longer the trapping state. We also calculate the squeezing properties of the emitted field and find that the squeezing spectrum of the output field may exhibit larger squeezing than that in the input squeezed vacuum. Moreover, we show that squeezing in the total field attains the optimum value which can ever be achieved in the field emitted by two atoms.