48 resultados para technological efficiency
To investigate the efficiency of encapsidation of plasmid by papillomavirus virus-like particles (PV VLPs), and the infectivity of the resultant PV pseudovirions, Cos-1 cells were transfected with an 8-kb plasmid incorporating a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene (pGSV), and infected with bovine PV (BPV-1) L1/L2 recombinant vaccinia virus to produce BPV1 pseudovirions. Approximately 1 in 1.5x10(4) of dense (1.35 g/ml) PV pseudovirions and 0.3 in 10(4) Of less-dense (1.29 g/ml) pseudovirions packaged an intact pGSV plasmid. The majority (>75%) of packaged plasmids contained deletions, and the deletions affected all tested genes. After exposure of Cos-1 cells to BPV-1 pseudovirions at an MOI of 40,000:1, 6% of cells expressed GFP giving a calculated efficiency of delivery of the pGSV plasmid, by pseudovirions which had packaged an intact plasmid, of approximately 5%. Plasmid delivery was not effected by purified pGSV plasmid, was blocked by antiserum against BPV-1, and was not blocked by DNase treatment of pseudovirions, confirming that delivery was mediated by DNA within the pseudovirion. We conclude that a major limitation to the use of PV pseudovirions as a gene delivery system is that intact plasmid DNA is not efficiently selected for packaging by VLPs in cell-based pseudovirions production systems.
Current methods to detect transduction efficiency during the routine use of integrating retroviral vectors in gene therapy applications may require the use of radioactivity and usually rely upon subjective determination of the results. We have developed two competitive quantitative assays that use an enzyme-linked, amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA) to detect the products of PCR-amplified regions of transgene from cells transduced with Moloney murine leukemia virus vectors. The quantitative assays (PCR-ELAHA) proved to be simple, rapid, and sensitive, avoiding the need for Southern hybridization, complex histochemical stains, or often subjective and time-consuming tissue culture and immunofluorescence assays. The PCR-ELAHA systems can rapidly detect proviral DNA from any retroviral vector carrying the common selective and marker genes neomycin phosphotransferase and green fluorescent protein, and the methods described are equally applicable to other sequences of interest, providing a cheaper alternative to the evolving real-time PCR methods. The results revealed the number of copies of retrovector provirus present per stably transduced cell using vectors containing either one or both qPCR targets.
Prioritizing areas for conservation requires the use of surrogates for assessing overall patterns of biodiversity. Effective surrogates will reflect general biogeographical patterns and the evolutionary processes that have given rise to these and their efficiency is likely to lie influenced by several factors, including the spatial scale of species turnover and the overall congruence of the biogeographical history. We examine patterns of surrogacy for insects, snails, one family of plants and vertebrates from rainforests of northeast Queensland, an area characterized by high endemicity and an underlying history of climate-induced vicariance. Nearly all taxa provided some level of prediction of the conservation values For others. However, despite an overall correlation of the patterns of species richness and complementarity, the efficiency of surrogacy was highly asymmetric.. snails and insects were strong predictors of conservation priorities for vertebrates, but not vice versa. These results confirm predictions that taxon surrogates can be effective in highly diverse tropical systems where there is a strong history of vicariant biogeography, but also indicate that correlated patterns for species richness and/or complementarity do not guarantee that one taxon will be efficient as a surrogate for another. In our case, the highly diverse and narrowly distributed invertebrates were more efficient as predictors than the less diverse and more broadly distributed vertebrates.
The photochemical efficiency of symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tissues of two reef-building corals in response to normal and excess irradiance at wafer temperatures < 30 C were investigated using pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques, Dark-adapted F-v/F-m showed clear diurnal changes, decreasing to a low at solar noon and increasing in the afternoon. However, F-v/F-m also drifted downwards at night or in prolonged darkness, and increased rapidly during the early morning twilight. This parameter also increased when the oxygen concentration of the wafer holding the corals was increased. Such changes have not been described previously, and most probably reflect state transition's associated with PQ pool reduction via chlororespiration. These unusual characteristics may be a feature of an endosymbiotic environment, reflective of the well-documented night-time tissue hypoxia that occurs in corals. F-v/F-m decreased to 0.25 in response to full sunlight in shade-acclimated (shade) colonies of Stylophora pistillata, which is considerably lower than in light-acclimated (sun) colonies. In sun colonies, the reversible decrease in F-v/F-m was caused by a lowering of F-m and F-o suggesting photoprotection and no lasting damage. The decrease in F-v/F-m, however, was caused by a decrease in F-m and an increase in F-o in shade colonies suggesting photoinactivation and long-term cumulative photoinhibition. Shade colonies rapidly lost their symbiotic algae (bleached) during exposure to full sunlight. This study is consistent with the hypothesis that excess light leads to chronic damage of symbiotic dinoflagellates and their eventual removal from reef-building corals. It is significant that this can occur with high light conditions alone.
Qualitative data analysis (QDA) is often a time-consuming and laborious process usually involving the management of large quantities of textual data. Recently developed computer programs offer great advances in the efficiency of the processes of QDA. In this paper we report on an innovative use of a combination of extant computer software technologies to further enhance and simplify QDA. Used in appropriate circumstances, we believe that this innovation greatly enhances the speed with which theoretical and descriptive ideas can be abstracted from rich, complex, and chaotic qualitative data. © 2001 Human Sciences Press, Inc.
From the mid-1970s through the 1980s and into the 1990s, wage inequality and skill differentials in earnings and employment increased sharply in OECD countries. After 1973 and especially in the 1980s, the US experienced a dismal real wage performance for the less skilled. Among the factors singled out by economists as possible major contributors to this development are economic globalisation processes and skill-biased technological change. Although these are most commonly considered as independent influences, after critically outlining views about these factors, this article argues that strong interdependence exists between them. The article then examines potential policy responses to this growing inequality.
The principal aim of this paper is to measure the amount by which the profit of a multi-input, multi-output firm deviates from maximum short-run profit, and then to decompose this profit gap into components that are of practical use to managers. In particular, our interest is in the measurement of the contribution of unused capacity, along with measures of technical inefficiency, and allocative inefficiency, in this profit gap. We survey existing definitions of capacity and, after discussing their shortcomings, we propose a new ray economic capacity measure that involves short-run profit maximisation, with the output mix held constant. We go on to describe how the gap between observed profit and maximum profit can be calculated and decomposed using linear programming methods. The paper concludes with an empirical illustration, involving data on 28 international airline companies. The empirical results indicate that these airline companies achieve profit levels which are on average US$815m below potential levels, and that 70% of the gap may be attributed to unused capacity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Current shrimp pond management practices generally result in elevated concentrations of nutrients, suspended solids, bacteria and phytoplankton compared with the influent water. Concerns about adverse environmental impacts caused by discharging pond effluent directly into adjacent waterways have prompted the search for cost-effective methods of effluent treatment. One potential method of effluent treatment is the use of ponds or raceways stocked with plants or animals that act as natural biofilters by removing waste nutrients. In addition to improving effluent water quality prior to discharge, the use of natural biofilters provides a method for capturing otherwise wasted nutrients. This study examined the potential of the native oyster, Saccostrea commercialis (Iredale and Roughley) and macroalgae, Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva to improve effluent water quality from a commercial Penaeus japonicus (Bate) shrimp farm, A system of raceways was constructed to permit recirculation of the effluent through the oysters to maximize the filtration of bacteria, phytoplankton and total suspended solids. A series of experiments was conducted to test the ability of oysters and macroalgae to improve effluent water quality in a flow-through system compared with a recirculating system. In the flow-through system, oysters reduced the concentration of bacteria to 35% of the initial concentration, chlorophyll a to 39%, total particulates (2.28-35.2 mum) to 29%, total nitrogen to 66% and total phosphorus to 56%. Under the recirculating flow regime, the ability of the oysters to improve water quality was significantly enhanced. After four circuits, total bacterial numbers were reduced to 12%, chlorophyll a to 4%, and total suspended solids to 16%. Efforts to increase biofiltration by adding additional layers of oyster trays and macroalgae-filled mesh bags resulted in fouling of the lower layers causing the death of oysters and senescence of macroalgae. Supplementary laboratory experiments were designed to examine the effects of high effluent concentrations of suspended particulates on the growth and condition of oysters and macroalgae. The results demonstrated that high concentrations of particulates inhibited growth and reduced the condition of oysters and macroalgae. Allowing the effluent to settle before biofiltration improved growth and reduced signs of stress in the oysters and macroalgae. A settling time of 6 h reduced particulates to a level that prevented fouling of the oysters and macroalgae.
This article examines the productivity performance of Australia's manufacturing sector by decomposing its output growth into input growth, technological progress and gains in technical efficiency. This three-way decomposition is done with an improved version of the stochastic frontier model using eight, two-digit industry level data from 1968/9 to 1994/5. Empirical evidence shows that input growth fueled output growth from 1968/9 to 1973/4, but since then, total factor productivity (TFP) growth has been the main contributor of output growth. While the trend of TFP growth was found to be promising for most industries with positive and increasing technological progress, the negative gains from technical efficiency over time is however cause for concern.
The orthodoxy of supply chain management (SCM) emphasises competitive advantage through increased operational efficiency and market responsiveness from production and distribution processes into the hands of consumers. It anticipates that future competition will be between chains rather than between firms. While well established in other industry sectors, the SCM concept is newly developed in the Australian agri-food sector. Critical review of the concept has identified key issues of power among channel members, processes of chain initiation and innovation, and the inability of SCM to offer a viable business strategy for some firms. Building on those insights, this paper examines the supply chain concept for horticulture. Horticultural products are characterised by perishability, heterogeneity and lags in production response to market signals. Producers’ profits are vulnerable to quantity, timing of supply and product specification. Many supply chains in smaller industries are loose, fragmented, interwoven, unstable and unique! Firms operating within these environments need an astute understanding of the chains, the hierarchy of channel members and their relative position. Effective business strategies – for individual firms and supply chains - need to be developed and redeveloped to accommodate the dynamic nature of horticulture. Two case studies are discussed as contributions to this early stage of the theoretical development of supply chain management. The SCM concept also has implications for horticultural researchers, involving a wider range of industry stakeholders, technical problems and research skills. As for business management, the usefulness of the concept will depend on its capacity to increase responsiveness to customers’ preferences and customer value.