45 resultados para runoff erosivity parameter


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Calculating the potentials on the heart’s epicardial surface from the body surface potentials constitutes one form of inverse problems in electrocardiography (ECG). Since these problems are ill-posed, one approach is to use zero-order Tikhonov regularization, where the squared norms of both the residual and the solution are minimized, with a relative weight determined by the regularization parameter. In this paper, we used three different methods to choose the regularization parameter in the inverse solutions of ECG. The three methods include the L-curve, the generalized cross validation (GCV) and the discrepancy principle (DP). Among them, the GCV method has received less attention in solutions to ECG inverse problems than the other methods. Since the DP approach needs knowledge of norm of noises, we used a model function to estimate the noise. The performance of various methods was compared using a concentric sphere model and a real geometry heart-torso model with a distribution of current dipoles placed inside the heart model as the source. Gaussian measurement noises were added to the body surface potentials. The results show that the three methods all produce good inverse solutions with little noise; but, as the noise increases, the DP approach produces better results than the L-curve and GCV methods, particularly in the real geometry model. Both the GCV and L-curve methods perform well in low to medium noise situations.


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An exact analytical solution is obtained for the transient dissolution of solid spheres in a diffusion-controlled environment. This result provides a useful reference point for drug testing in humans. The dimensionless solution is expressed in terms of a single parameter, which accounts for solubility, bulk flow, and stagnant fluid composition. A simple, explicit and exact expression was found to predict time-to-complete dissolution (TCD). An approximate solution was also found which tracks the exact case for low solubility conditions.


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What entanglement is present in naturally occurring physical systems at thermal equilibrium? Most such systems are intractable and it is desirable to study simple but realistic systems that can be solved. An example of such a system is the one-dimensional infinite-lattice anisotropic XY model. This model is exactly solvable using the Jordan-Wigner transform, and it is possible to calculate the two-site reduced density matrix for all pairs of sites. Using the two-site density matrix, the entanglement of formation between any two sites is calculated for all parameter values and temperatures. We also study the entanglement in the transverse Ising model, a special case of the XY model, which exhibits a quantum phase transition. It is found that the next-nearest-neighbor entanglement (though not the nearest-neighbor entanglement) is a maximum at the critical point. Furthermore, we show that the critical point in the transverse Ising model corresponds to a transition in the behavior of the entanglement between a single site and the remainder of the lattice.


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We present an analysis of previously published measurements of the London penetration depth of layered organic superconductors. The predictions of the BCS theory of superconductivity are shown to disagree with the measured zero temperature, in plane, London penetration depth by up to two orders of magnitude. We find that fluctuations in the phase of the superconducting order parameter do not determine the superconducting critical temperature as the critical temperature predicted for a Kosterlitz–Thouless transition is more than an order of magnitude greater than is found experimentally for some materials. This places constraints on theories of superconductivity in these materials.


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A large number of models have been derived from the two-parameter Weibull distribution and are referred to as Weibull models. They exhibit a wide range of shapes for the density and hazard functions, which makes them suitable for modelling complex failure data sets. The WPP and IWPP plot allows one to determine in a systematic manner if one or more of these models are suitable for modelling a given data set. This paper deals with this topic.


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We propose and demonstrate, theoretically and experimentally, a novel achromatic optical phase shifter modulator based on a frequency-domain optical delay line configured to maintain zero group delay as variable phase delay is generated by means of tilting a mirror. Compared with previously reported phase shifter modulators, e.g., based on the Pancharatnam (geometric) phase, our device is high speed and polarization insensitive and produces a large, bounded phase delay that, uniquely, is one-to-one mapped to a measurable parameter, the tilt angle.