49 resultados para design methods
The precise evaluation of electromagnetic field (EMF) distributions inside biological samples is becoming an increasingly important design requirement for high field MRI systems. In evaluating the induced fields caused by magnetic field gradients and RF transmitter coils, a multilayered dielectric spherical head model is proposed to provide a better understanding of electromagnetic interactions when compared to a traditional homogeneous head phantom. This paper presents Debye potential (DP) and Dyadic Green's function (DGF)-based solutions of the EMFs inside a head-sized, stratified sphere with similar radial conductivity and permittivity profiles as a human head. The DP approach is formulated for the symmetric case in which the source is a circular loop carrying a harmonic-formed current over a wide frequency range. The DGF method is developed for generic cases in which the source may be any kind of RF coil whose current distribution can be evaluated using the method of moments. The calculated EMFs can then be used to deduce MRI imaging parameters. The proposed methods, while not representing the full complexity of a head model, offer advantages in rapid prototyping as the computation times are much lower than a full finite difference time domain calculation using a complex head model. Test examples demonstrate the capability of the proposed models/methods. It is anticipated that this model will be of particular value for high field MRI applications, especially the rapid evaluation of RF resonator (surface and volume coils) and high performance gradient set designs.
This paper gives a review of recent progress in the design of numerical methods for computing the trajectories (sample paths) of solutions to stochastic differential equations. We give a brief survey of the area focusing on a number of application areas where approximations to strong solutions are important, with a particular focus on computational biology applications, and give the necessary analytical tools for understanding some of the important concepts associated with stochastic processes. We present the stochastic Taylor series expansion as the fundamental mechanism for constructing effective numerical methods, give general results that relate local and global order of convergence and mention the Magnus expansion as a mechanism for designing methods that preserve the underlying structure of the problem. We also present various classes of explicit and implicit methods for strong solutions, based on the underlying structure of the problem. Finally, we discuss implementation issues relating to maintaining the Brownian path, efficient simulation of stochastic integrals and variable-step-size implementations based on various types of control.
The concept of the burden of disease, introduced and estimated for a broad range of diseases in the World Bank report of 1993 illustrated that mental and neurological disorders not only entail a higher burden than cancer, but are responsible, in developed and developing countries, for more than 15% of the total burden of all diseases. As a consequence, over the past decade, mental disorders have ranked increasingly highly on the international agenda for health. However, the fact that mental health and nervous system disorders are now high on the international health agenda is by no means a guarantee that the fate of patients suffering from these disorders in developing countries will improve. In most developing countries the treatment gap for mental and neurological disorders is still unacceptably high. To address this problem, an international network of collaborating institutions in low-income countries has been set up. The establishment and the achievements of this network-the International Consortium on Mental Health Policy and Services-are reported. Sixteen institutions in developing countries collaborate (supported by a small number of scientific resource centres in industrialized nations) in projects on applied mental health systems research. Over a two-year period, the network produced the key elements of a national mental health policy; provided tools and methods for assessing a country's current mental health status (context, needs and demands, programmes, services and care and outcomes); established a global network of expertise, i.e., institutions and experts, for use by countries wishing to reform their mental health policy, services and care; and generated guidelines and examples for upgrading mental health policy with due regard to the existing mental health delivery system and demographic, cultural and economic factors.
This paper highlights the importance of design expertise, for designing liquid retaining structures, including subjective judgments and professional experience. Design of liquid retaining structures has special features different from the others. Being more vulnerable to corrosion problem, they have stringent requirements against serviceability limit state of crack. It is the premise of the study to transferring expert knowledge in a computerized blackboard system. Hybrid knowledge representation schemes, including production rules, object-oriented programming, and procedural methods, are employed to express engineering heuristics and standard design knowledge during the development of the knowledge-based system (KBS) for design of liquid retaining structures. This approach renders it possible to take advantages of the characteristics of each method. The system can provide the user with advice on preliminary design, loading specification, optimized configuration selection and detailed design analysis of liquid retaining structure. It would be beneficial to the field of retaining structure design by focusing on the acquisition and organization of expert knowledge through the development of recent artificial intelligence technology. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The design of liquid-retaining structures involves many decisions to be made by the designer based on rules of thumb, heuristics, judgement, codes of practice and previous experience. Structural design problems are often ill structured and there is a need to develop programming environments that can incorporate engineering judgement along with algorithmic tools. Recent developments in artificial intelligence have made it possible to develop an expert system that can provide expert advice to the user in the selection of design criteria and design parameters. This paper introduces the development of an expert system in the design of liquid-retaining structures using blackboard architecture. An expert system shell, Visual Rule Studio, is employed to facilitate the development of this prototype system. It is a coupled system combining symbolic processing with traditional numerical processing. The expert system developed is based on British Standards Code of Practice BS8007. Explanations are made to assist inexperienced designers or civil engineering students to learn how to design liquid-retaining structures effectively and sustainably in their design practices. The use of this expert system in disseminating heuristic knowledge and experience to practitioners and engineering students is discussed.
Background Reliable information on causes of death is a fundamental component of health development strategies, yet globally only about one-third of countries have access to such information. For countries currently without adequate mortality reporting systems there are useful models other than resource-intensive population-wide medical certification. Sample-based mortality surveillance is one such approach. This paper provides methods for addressing appropriate sample size considerations in relation to mortality surveillance, with particular reference to situations in which prior information on mortality is lacking. Methods The feasibility of model-based approaches for predicting the expected mortality structure and cause composition is demonstrated for populations in which only limited empirical data is available. An algorithm approach is then provided to derive the minimum person-years of observation needed to generate robust estimates for the rarest cause of interest in three hypothetical populations, each representing different levels of health development. Results Modelled life expectancies at birth and cause of death structures were within expected ranges based on published estimates for countries at comparable levels of health development. Total person-years of observation required in each population could be more than halved by limiting the set of age, sex, and cause groups regarded as 'of interest'. Discussion The methods proposed are consistent with the philosophy of establishing priorities across broad clusters of causes for which the public health response implications are similar. The examples provided illustrate the options available when considering the design of mortality surveillance for population health monitoring purposes.
Owing to the high degree of vulnerability of liquid retaining structures to corrosion problems, there are stringent requirements in its design against cracking. In this paper, a prototype knowledge-based system is developed and implemented for the design of liquid retaining structures based on the blackboard architecture. A commercially available expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO working as an ActiveX Designer under the VISUAL BASIC programming environment is employed. Hybrid knowledge representation approach with production rules and procedural methods under object-oriented programming are used to represent the engineering heuristics and design knowledge of this domain. It is demonstrated that the blackboard architecture is capable of integrating different knowledge together in an effective manner. The system is tailored to give advice to users regarding preliminary design, loading specification and optimized configuration selection of this type of structure. An example of application is given to illustrate the capabilities of the prototype system in transferring knowledge on liquid retaining structure to novice engineers. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work a superposition technique for designing gradient coils for the purpose of magnetic resonance imaging is outlined, which uses an optimized weight function superimposed upon an initial winding similar to that obtained from the target field method to generate the final wire winding. This work builds on the preliminary work performed in Part I on designing planar insertable gradient coils for high resolution imaging. The proposed superposition method for designing gradient coils results in coil patterns with relatively low inductances and the gradient coils can be used as inserts into existing magnetic resonance imaging hardware. The new scheme has the capacity to obtain images faster with more detail due to the deliver of greater magnetic held gradients. The proposed method for designing gradient coils is compared with a variant of the state-of-the-art target field method for planar gradient coils designs, and it is shown that the weighted superposition approach outperforms the well-known the classical method.
This paper presents a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulator for electromagnetic analysis and design applications in MRI. It is intended to be a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all RF and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The pro-ram has been constructed in an object-oriented framework. The design procedure is detailed and the numerical solver has been verified against analytical solutions for simple cases and also applied to various field calculation problems. In particular, the simulator is demonstrated for inverse RF coil design, optimized source profile generation, and parallel imaging in high-frequency situations. The examples show new developments enabled by the simulator and demonstrate that the proposed FDTD framework can be used to analyze large-scale computational electromagnetic problems in modern MRI engineering. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper, numerical simulations are used in an attempt to find optimal Source profiles for high frequency radiofrequency (RF) volume coils. Biologically loaded, shielded/unshielded circular and elliptical birdcage coils operating at 170 MHz, 300 MHz and 470 MHz are modelled using the FDTD method for both 2D and 3D cases. Taking advantage of the fact that some aspects of the electromagnetic system are linear, two approaches have been proposed for the determination of the drives for individual elements in the RF resonator. The first method is an iterative optimization technique with a kernel for the evaluation of RF fields inside an imaging plane of a human head model using pre-characterized sensitivity profiles of the individual rungs of a resonator; the second method is a regularization-based technique. In the second approach, a sensitivity matrix is explicitly constructed and a regularization procedure is employed to solve the ill-posed problem. Test simulations show that both methods can improve the B-1-field homogeneity in both focused and non-focused scenarios. While the regularization-based method is more efficient, the first optimization method is more flexible as it can take into account other issues such as controlling SAR or reshaping the resonator structures. It is hoped that these schemes and their extensions will be useful for the determination of multi-element RF drives in a variety of applications.
In a recent study, severe distortions in the proton images of an excised, fixed, human brain in an 11.1 Tesla/40 cm MR instrument have been observed, and the effect modeled on phantom images using a finite difference time domain (FDTD) model. in the present study, we extend these simulations to that of a complete human head, employing a hybrid FDTD and method of moments (MoM) approach, which provides a validated method for simulating biological samples in coil structures. The effect of fixative on the image distortions is explored. importantly, temperature distributions within the head are also simulated using a bioheat method based on parameters derived from the electromagnetic simulations. The MoM/FDTD simulations confirm that the transverse magnetic field (B,) from a ReCav resonator exhibits good homogeneity in air but strong inhomogeneity when loaded with the head with or without fixative. The fixative serves to increase the distortions, but they are still significant for the in vivo simulations. The simulated signal intensity (SI) distribution within the sample confirm the distortions in the experimental images are caused by the complex interactions of the incident electromagnetic fields with tissue, which is heterogeneous in terms of conductivity and permittivity. The temperature distribution is likewise heterogeneous, raising concerns regarding hot spot generation in the sample that may exceed acceptable levels in future in vivo studies. As human imaging at 11.1 T is some time away, simulations are important in terms of predicting potential safety issues as well as evaluating practical concerns about the quality of images. Simulation on a whole human head at 11.1 T implies the wave behavior presents significant engineering challenges for ultra-high-field (UHF) MRI. Novel strategies will have to be employed in imaging technique and resonator design for UHF MRI to achieve the theoretical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvements it offers over lower field systems. (C) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objective: This study (a) evaluated the reading ability of patients following stroke and their carers and the reading level and content and design characteristics of the written information provided to them, (b) explored the influence of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on patients' reading ability, and (c) described an education package that provides well-designed information tailored to patients' and carers' informational needs. Methods: Fifty-seven patients and 12 carers were interviewed about their informational needs in an acute stroke unit. Their reading ability was assessed using the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM). The written information provided to them in the acute stroke unit was analysed using the SMOG readability formula and the Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM). Results: Thirteen (22.8%) patients and 5 (41.7%) carers had received written stroke information. The mean reading level of materials analysed was 11th grade while patients read at a mean of 7-8th grade. Most materials (89%) scored as only adequate in content and design. Patients with combined aphasia read significantly lower (4-6th grade) than other patients (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Only a small proportion of patients and carers received written materials about stroke and the readability level and content and design characteristics of most materials required improvement. Practice implications: When developing and distributing written materials about stroke, health professionals should consider the reading ability and informational needs of the recipients, and the reading level and content and design characteristics of the written materials. A computer system can be used to generate written materials tailored to the informational needs and literacy skills of patients and carers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ecosystems and the species and communities within them are highly complex systems that defy predictions with any degree of certainty. Managing and conserving these systems in the face of uncertainty remains a daunting challenge, particularly with respect to developing networks of marine reserves. Here we review several modelling frameworks that explicitly acknowledge and incorporate uncertainty, and then use these methods to evaluate reserve spacing rules given increasing levels of uncertainty about larval dispersal distances. Our approach finds similar spacing rules as have been proposed elsewhere - roughly 20-200 km - but highlights several advantages provided by uncertainty modelling over more traditional approaches to developing these estimates. In particular, we argue that uncertainty modelling can allow for (1) an evaluation of the risk associated with any decision based on the assumed uncertainty; (2) a method for quantifying the costs and benefits of reducing uncertainty; and (3) a useful tool for communicating to stakeholders the challenges in managing highly uncertain systems. We also argue that incorporating rather than avoiding uncertainty will increase the chances of successfully achieving conservation and management goals.
Objective: To devise more-effective physical activity interventions, the mediating mechanisms yielding behavioral change need to be identified. The Baron-Kenny method is most commonly used. but has low statistical power and May not identify mechanisms of behavioral change in small-to-medium size Studies. More powerful statistical tests are available, Study Design and Setting: Inactive adults (N = 52) were randomized to either a print or a print-plus-telephone intervention. Walking and exercise-related social support Were assessed at baseline, after file intervention, and 4 weeks later. The Baron-Kenny and three alternative methods of mediational analysis (Freedman-Schatzkin; MacKinnon et al.: bootstrap method) were used to examine the effects of social support on initial behavior change and maintenance. Results: A significant mediational effect of social support on initial behavior change was indicated by the MacKinnon et al., bootstrap. and. marginally. Freedman-Schatzkin methods, but not by the Baron-Kenny method. No significant mediational effecl of social support on maintenance of walking was found. Conclusions: Methodologically rigorous intervention studies to identify mediators of change in physical activity are costly and labor intensive, and may not be feasible with large samples. The Use of statistically powerful tests of mediational effects in small-scale studies can inform the development of more effective interventions. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fieldwork placements are an integral part of many professional tertiary programmes. At The University of Queensland, Occupational Therapy students undertake block fieldwork affiliations off campus at a wide range of sites as part of their studies. Students’ fieldwork performance has traditionally been assessed using a hard copy format of the Student Placement Evaluation Form (SPEF), which is posted to the university on completion by the clinical supervisor. This project aimed to develop an electronic version of the UQ Occupational Therapy Student Placement Evaluation Form (SPEF), to allow the assessment to be completed and returned in an on line format. Practitioners had become very comfortable with using the existing print based form so in order to encourage and assist users to extend beyond their comfort zones, numerous steps were taken to ease the learning process including incorporating the existing page layout, consistent colour coding, considerable user instruction, testing and software enhancement cycles. Additionally, the e-version of the SPEF aimed to provide a range of benefits such as on screen assistance in the form of instructions, roll overs and feedback to supervisors, increased accuracy, faster completion, cost savings to the School, up to date design, improved security and confidential and anonymous storage of fieldwork results for potential future research.