47 resultados para Sliding friction


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A theoretical analysis is presented to investigate fully developed (both thermally and hydrodynamically) forced convection in a duct of rectangular cross-section filled with a hyper-porous medium. The Darcy-Brinkman model for flow through porous media was adopted in the present analysis. A Fourier series type solution is applied to obtain the exact velocity and temperature distribution within the duct. The case of uniform heat flux on the walls, i.e. the H boundary condition in the terminology of Kays and Crawford [1], is treated. Values of the Nusselt number and the friction factor as a function of the aspect ratio, the Darcy number, and the viscosity ratio are reported.


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Timber deck with sliding timber shutters off the master bedroom


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An analytical approach to the stress development in the coherent dendritic network during solidification is proposed. Under the assumption that stresses are developed in the network as a result of the friction resisting shrinkage-induced interdendritic fluid flow, the model predicts the stresses in the solid. The calculations reflect the expected effects of postponed dendrite coherency, slower solidification conditions, and variations of eutectic volume fraction and shrinkage. Comparing the calculated stresses to the measured shear strength of equiaxed mushy zones shows that it is possible for the stresses to exceed the strength, thereby resulting in reorientation or collapse of the dendritic network.


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The origin of M32, the closest compact elliptical galaxy (cE), is a long-standing puzzle of galaxy fort-nation in the Local Group. Our N-body/smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations suggest a new scenario in which the strong tidal field of M31 can transform a spiral galaxy into a compact elliptical galaxy. As a low-luminosity spiral galaxy plunges into the central region of M31, most of the outer stellar and gaseous components of its disk are dramatically stripped as a result of M31's tidal field. The central bulge component, on the other hand, is just weakly influenced by the tidal field, owing to its compact configuration, and retains its morphology. M31's strong tidal field also induces rapid gas transfer to the central region, triggers a nuclear starburst, and consequently forms the central high-density and more metal-rich stellar populations with relatively young ages. Thus, in this scenario, M32 was previously the bulge of a spiral galaxy tidally interacting with M31 several gigayears ago. Furthermore, we suggest that cE's like M32 are rare, the result of both the rather narrow parameter space for tidal interactions that morphologically transform spiral galaxies into cE's and the very short timescale (less than a few times 10(9) yr) for cE's to be swallowed by their giant host galaxies (via dynamical friction) after their formation.


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Interaction forces between protein inclusion bodies and an air bubble have been quantified using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The inclusion bodies were attached to the AFM tip by covalent bonds. Interaction forces measured in various buffer concentrations varied from 9.7 nN to 25.3 nN (+/- 4-11%) depending on pH. Hydrophobic forces provide a stronger contribution to overall interaction force than electrostatic double layer forces. It also appears that the ionic strength affects the interaction force in a complex way that cannot be directly predicted by DLVO theory. The effects of pH are significantly stronger for the inclusion body compared to the air bubble. This study provides fundamental information that will subsequently facilitate the rational design of flotation recovery system for inclusion bodies. It has also demonstrated the potential of AFM to facilitate the design of such processes from a practical viewpoint.


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The combined approach of the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic theories for description of the motion of three-phase gas-liquid-solid contact lines has been examined using the Wilhelmy plate method. The whole dynamic meniscus has been divided into molecular, hydrodynamic, and static-like regions. The Young-Laplace equation and the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic dewetting theories have been applied to describe the meniscus profiles and contact angle. The dissipative forces accompanying the dynamic dewetting have also been investigated. The experiments with a Wilhelmy plate made from an acrylic polymer sheet were carried out using a computerized apparatus for contact angle analysis (OCA 20, DataPhysics, Germany). The extrapolated dynamic contact angle versus velocity of the three-phase contact line for Milli-Q water and 5 x 10(-4) M SDBS solution was experimentally obtained and compared with the combined MHD models with low and moderate Reynolds numbers. The models predict similar results for the extrapolated contact angle. SDBS decreases the equilibrium contact angle and increases the molecular jumping length but does not affect the molecular frequency significantly. The hydrodynamic deformation of the meniscus, viscous dissipation, and friction were also influenced by the SDBS surfactant. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Different abrasive wear tests have been applied to materials with hardnesses ranging from 80 HV (aluminium) to 1700 HV (tungsten carbide). The tests were: dry sand rubber wheel (DSRbrW); a similar test using a steel wheel (DSStlW); a new combined impact-abrasion test (FIA). The DSRbrW results were as expected, giving generally decreasing wear with increasing hardness. White cast irons and tool steels containing coarse, hard carbide particles performed better than more homogeneous materials of comparable hardness. When normalized to load and distance, the DSStlW results for the homogeneous materials were similar to the DSRbrW results. The multi-phase materials performed poorly in the DSStlW test, with volume loss for high-speed steel (880 HV) higher than that of aluminium. Within this group, wear increased with increasing hardness. These unexpected results are explained in terms of (a) differential friction coefficients of wheel and specimen, (b) increased fracture of sand, and (c) introduction of microfracture wear mechanisms. The FIA combined impact-abrasion results lacked clear correlations with hardness. The span of relative wear rates was similar to that reported for materials in ball mills. White cast irons at maximum hardness performed fairly poorly and showed evidence of microfracture. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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A continuum model for regular block structures is derived by replacing the difference quotients of the discrete equations by corresponding differential quotients. The homogenization procedure leads to an anisotropic Cosserat Continuum. For elastic block interactions the dispersion relations of the discrete and the continuous models are derived and compared. Yield criteria for block tilting and sliding are formulated. An extension of the theory for large deformation is proposed. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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For a two layered long wave propagation, linearized governing equations, which were derived earlier from the Euler equations of mass and momentum assuming negligible friction and interfacial mixing are solved analytically using Fourier transform. For the solution, variations of upper layer water level is assumed to be sinosoidal having known amplitude and variations of interface level is solved. As the governing equations are too complex to solve it analytically, density of upper layer fluid is assumed as very close to the density of lower layer fluid to simplify the lower layer equation. A numerical model is developed using the staggered leap-forg scheme for computation of water level and discharge in one dimensional propagation having known amplitude for the variations of upper layer water level and interface level to be solved. For the numerical model, water levels (upper layer and interface) at both the boundaries are assumed to be known from analytical solution. Results of numerical model are verified by comparing with the analytical solutions for different time period. Good agreements between analytical solution and numerical model are found for the stated boundary condition. The reliability of the developed numerical model is discussed, using it for different a (ratio of density of fluid in the upper layer to that in the lower layer) and p (ratio of water depth in the lower layer to that in the upper layer) values. It is found that as ‘CX’ increases amplification of interface also increases for same upper layer amplitude. Again for a constant lower layer depth, as ‘p’ increases amplification of interface. also increases for same upper layer amplitude.


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An experimental study has been carried out for the gas-liquid two-phase flow in a packed bed simulating conditions of the gas and liquid flows in the lower part of blast furnace. The localised liquid flow phenomenon in presence of gas cross flow, which usually occurs around the cohesive zone and raceway in blast furnace, was investigated in detail. Such liquid flow is characterised in terms of liquid shift distance or liquid shift angle that can effectively be measured by the experiments involved in the current study. It is found that liquid shift angle does not significantly increase or decrease with different packing depth. This finding supports the hypothesis of the force balance model where a vectorial relationship among acting forces, i.e. gas drag force, gravitational force and solid-liquid friction force, and liquid shift angle does exist. Liquid shift angle is inversely proportional to particle size and liquid density, and proportional to square of gas superficial velocity, but is almost independent on liquid flowrate and liquid viscosity. The gas-liquid drag coefficient, an important aspect for quantifying the interaction between gas and liquid flows, was conceptually modified based on the discrete feature of liquid flow through a packed bed and evaluated by the combined theoretical and experimental investigation. Experimental measurements suggest that the gas-liquid drag coefficient is approximately a constant (C-DG(')=5.4+/-1.0) and is independent on liquid properties, gas velocity and packing structure. The result shows a good agreement with previous experimental data and prediction of the existing liquid flow model.


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This article examines the current status of fetal pulse oximetry (FPO) as a means of intrapartum assessment of fetal wellbeing. FPO has been developed to a stage where it is a safe and accurate indicator of intrapartum fetal oxygenation. In general, sliding the FPO sensor along the examiner's fingers and through the cervix, to lie alongside the fetal cheek or temple is easy The recent publication of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of FPO versus conventional intrapartum monitoring has validated its use to reduce caesarean section rates for nonreassuring fetal status. An Australian multicentre RCT is currently underway. Maternal satisfaction rates with FPO are high. FPO may be used during labour when the electronic fetal heart rate trace is nonreassuring or when conventional monitoring is unreliable, such as with fetal arrhythmias. If the fetal oxygen saturation (FSpO(2)) values are < 30%, prompt obstetric intervention is indicated, such as fetal scalp blood sampling or delivery FSpO(2) monitoring should not form the sole basis of intrapartum fetal welfare assessment. Rather, the whole clinical picture should be considered.


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A simple method is provided for calculating transport rates of not too fine (d(50) greater than or equal to 0.20 mm) sand under sheet flow conditions. The method consists of a Meyer-Peter-type transport formula operating on a time-varying Shields parameter, which accounts for both acceleration-asymmetry and boundary layer streaming. While velocity moment formulae, e.g.., = Constant x calibrated against U-tube measurements, fail spectacularly under some real waves (Ribberink, J.S., Dohmen-Janssen, C.M., Hanes, D.M., McLean, S.R., Vincent, C., 2000. Near-bed sand transport mechanisms under waves. Proc. 27th Int. Conf. Coastal Engineering, Sydney, ASCE, New York, pp. 3263-3276, Fig. 12), the new method predicts the real wave observations equally well. The reason that the velocity moment formulae fail under these waves is partly the presence of boundary layer streaming and partly the saw-tooth asymmetry, i.e., the front of the waves being steeper than the back. Waves with saw-tooth asymmetry may generate a net landward sediment transport even if = 0, because of the more abrupt acceleration under the steep front. More abrupt accelerations are associated with thinner boundary layers and greater pressure gradients for a given velocity magnitude. The two real wave effects are incorporated in a model of the form Q(s)(t) = Q(s)[theta(t)] rather than Q(S)(t) = Q(S)[u(infinity)(t)], i.e., by expressing the transport rate in terms of an instantaneous Shields parameter rather than in terms of the free stream velocity, and accounting for both streaming and accelerations in the 0(t) calculations. The instantaneous friction velocities u(*)(t) and subsequently theta(t) are calculated as follows. Firstly, a linear filter incorporating the grain roughness friction factor f(2.5) and a phase angle phi(tau) is applied to u(infinity)(t). This delivers u(*)(t) which is used to calculate an instantaneous grain roughness Shields parameter theta(2.5)(t). Secondly, a constant bed shear stress is added which corresponds to the streaming related bed shear stress -rho ($) over bar((u) over tilde(w) over tilde)(infinity) . The method can be applied to any u(infinity)(t) time series, but further experimental validation is recommended before application to conditions that differ strongly from the ones considered below. The method is not recommended for rippled beds or for sheet flow with typical prototype wave periods and d(50) < 0.20 turn. In such scenarios, time lags related to vertical sediment movement become important, and these are not considered by the present model. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The forging characteristics of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si-Sn alloy are examined using it new testing strategy which incorporates a double truncated cone specimen and finite element modelling. This sample geometry produces controlled strain distributions within a single specimen and can readily identify the specific strain required to achieve a specific microstructural event by matching the metallographic data with the strain profiles calculated from finite element software, The friction conditions were determined using the conventional friction ring test, which was evaluated using finite element software. The rheological properties of the alloy, evaluated from compression testing of right cylinders, are similar to the properties of conventional aluminium forgings. A hoop strain develops at the outer diameter of the truncated cones and this leads to pore opening at the outer few millimetres. The porosity is effectively removed when the total strain equals the net compressive strain. The strain profiles that develop in the truncated cones are largely independent of the processing temperature and the strain rate although the strain required for pore closure increases as the forging temperature is reduced. This suggests that the microstructure and the strain rate sensitivity may also be important factors controlling pore behaviour. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The unsaturated flow of liquid through packed beds of large particles was studied using six different liquids, all with contact angles greater than 90degrees on the bed packing (wax spheres of 9, 15 and 19.4 mm diameter). The liquid flow was discrete in nature, as drops for low flow rates and rivulets for high flow rates. For unsaturated liquid flows, the actual percolation velocity, not superficial velocity, should be used to characterize the flow. The percolation velocity did not vary with packed-bed depth, but was a strong function of liquid flow rate, liquid and particle properties. Effects of liquid and particle properties (but not flow rate) are well captured by a simple correlation between the liquid-particle friction factor and Reynolds number based on actual percolation velocities. Liquid dispersion, characterized by the maximum dispersion angle, varies significantly with liquid and particle properties. The tentative correlation suggested here needs further validation for a wider range of conditions.


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The particle-based Lattice Solid Model (LSM) was developed to provide a basis to study the physics of rocks and the nonlinear dynamics of earthquakes (MORA and PLACE, 1994; PLACE and MORA, 1999). A new modular and flexible LSM approach has been developed that allows different microphysics to be easily included in or removed from the model. The approach provides a virtual laboratory where numerical experiments can easily be set up and all measurable quantities visualised. The proposed approach provides a means to simulate complex phenomena such as fracturing or localisation processes, and enables the effect of different micro-physics on macroscopic behaviour to be studied. The initial 2-D model is extended to allow three-dimensional simulations to be performed and particles of different sizes to be specified. Numerical bi-axial compression experiments under different confining pressure are used to calibrate the model. By tuning the different microscopic parameters (such as coefficient of friction, microscopic strength and distribution of grain sizes), the macroscopic strength of the material and can be adjusted to be in agreement with laboratory experiments, and the orientation of fractures is consistent with the theoretical value predicted based on Mohr-Coulomb diagram. Simulations indicate that 3-D numerical models have different macroscopic properties than in 2-D and, hence, the model must be recalibrated for 3-D simulations. These numerical experiments illustrate that the new approach is capable of simulating typical rock fracture behaviour. The new model provides a basis to investigate nucleation, rupture and slip pulse propagation in complex fault zones without the previous model limitations of a regular low-level surface geometry and being restricted to two-dimensions.