53 resultados para Prior Probability
'Free will' and its corollary, the concept of individual responsibility are keystones of the justice system. This paper shows that if we accept a physics that disallows time reversal, the concept of 'free will' is undermined by an integrated understanding of the influence of genetics and environment on human behavioural responses. Analysis is undertaken by modelling life as a novel statistico-deterministic version of a Turing machine, i.e. as a series of transitions between states at successive instants of time. Using this model it is proven by induction that the entire course of life is independent of the action of free will. Although determined by prior state, the probability of transitions between states in response to a standard environmental stimulus is not equal to 1 and the transitions may differ quantitatively at the molecular level and qualitatively at the level of the whole organism. Transitions between states correspond to behaviours. It is shown that the behaviour of identical twins (or clones), although determined, would be incompletely predictable and non-identical, creating an illusion of the operation of 'free will'. 'Free will' is a convenient construct for current judicial systems and social control because it allows rationalization of punishment for those whose behaviour falls outside socially defined norms. Indeed, it is conceivable that maintenance of ideas of free will has co-evolved with community morality to reinforce its operation. If the concept is free will is to be maintained it would require revision of our current physical theories.
A 12-year-old male castrated Samoyed dog was presented with left-sided epistaxis and sneezing. Diagnostic procedures included haematology and biochemistry testing, thoracic radiography, fine needle aspiration of regional lymph nodes, CT, rhinoscopy, incisional biopsy and histopathology. Squamous cell carcinoma of the rostral nasal cavity was diagnosed, with no evidence of metastatic disease. External beam radiation was not an accessible treatment option. Complete surgical resection of the tumour would have required a larger, more disfiguring resection of nasal planum and maxilla than the owner was prepared to accept and may have been associated with an unacceptable morbidity. As an alternative, the extent of disease was reduced using a combination of carboplatin, doxorubicin and piroxicam chemotherapy. This allowed a less extensive nasal planum removal to be performed to remove residual disease with clean margins. The patient achieved a 14 month disease free interval from the time of surgery to the time of local recurrence. Survival time from diagnosis to eventual euthanasia for progressive local disease was 18 months.
Statistical tests of Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) signals are carried in order to verify statistical robustness of the previous studies using the Lattice Solid Model (MORA et al., 2002b). In each case 24 groups of samples with the same macroscopic parameters (tidal perturbation amplitude A, period T and tectonic loading rate k) but different particle arrangements are employed. Results of uni-axial compression experiments show that before the normalized time of catastrophic failure, the ensemble average LURR value rises significantly, in agreement with the observations of high LURR prior to the large earthquakes. In shearing tests, two parameters are found to control the correlation between earthquake occurrence and tidal stress. One is, A/(kT) controlling the phase shift between the peak seismicity rate and the peak amplitude of the perturbation stress. With an increase of this parameter, the phase shift is found to decrease. Another parameter, AT/k, controls the height of the probability density function (Pdf) of modeled seismicity. As this parameter increases, the Pdf becomes sharper and narrower, indicating a strong triggering. Statistical studies of LURR signals in shearing tests also suggest that except in strong triggering cases, where LURR cannot be calculated due to poor data in unloading cycles, the larger events are more likely to occur in higher LURR periods than the smaller ones, supporting the LURR hypothesis.
In 3 experiments, the authors examined the role of memory for prior instances for making relative judgments in conflict detection. Participants saw pairs of aircraft either repeatedly conflict with each other or pass safely before being tested on new aircraft pairs, which varied in similarity to the training pairs. Performance was influenced by the similarity between aircraft pairs. Detection time was faster when a conflict pair resembled a pair that had repeatedly conflicted. Detection time was slower, and participants missed conflicts, when a conflict pair resembled a pair that had repeatedly passed safely. The findings identify aircraft features that are used as inputs into the memory decision process and provide an indication of the processes involved in the use of memory for prior instances to make relative judgments.
The use of a fully parametric Bayesian method for analysing single patient trials based on the notion of treatment 'preference' is described. This Bayesian hierarchical modelling approach allows for full parameter uncertainty, use of prior information and the modelling of individual and patient sub-group structures. It provides updated probabilistic results for individual patients, and groups of patients with the same medical condition, as they are sequentially enrolled into individualized trials using the same medication alternatives. Two clinically interpretable criteria for determining a patient's response are detailed and illustrated using data from a previously published paper under two different prior information scenarios. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Purpose: Although the body-mass management strategies of athletes in high-participation weight-category sports such as wrestling have been thoroughly investigated, little is known about such practices among lightweight rowers. This study examined the body-mass management practices of lightweight rowers before competition and compared these with current guidelines of the International Federation of Rowing Association (FISA). Quantification of nutrient intake in the 1-2 h between weigh-in and racing was also sought. Methods: Lightweight rowers (N = 100) competing in a national regatta completed a questionnaire that assessed body-mass management practices during the 4 wk before and throughout a regatta plus recovery strategies after weigh-in. Biochemical data were collected immediately after weigh-in to validate questionnaire responses. Responses were categorized according to gender and age category (Senior B or younger than 23 yr old, i.e., U23, Senior A or OPEN, i.e., open age limit) for competition. Results: Most athletes (male U23 76.5%, OPEN 92.3%; female U23 84.0%, OPEN 94.1%) decreased their body mass in the weeks before the regatta at rates compliant with FISA guidelines. Gradual dieting, fluid restriction, and increased training load were the most popular methods of body-mass management. Although the importance of recovery after weigh-in was recognized by athletes, nutrient intake and especially sodium (male U23 5.3 ± 4.9, OPEN 7.7 ± 5.9; female U23 5.7 ± 6.8, OPEN 10.2 ± 5.4 mg-kg(-1)) and fluid intake (male U23 12.1 ± 7.1, OPEN 13.5 ± 8.1; female U23 9.4 ± 7.4, OPEN 14.8 ± 6.9 mL.kg(-1)) were below current sports nutrition recommendations. Conclusion: Few rowers were natural lightweights; the majority reduced their body mass in the weeks before a regatta. Nutritional recovery strategies implemented by lightweight rowers after weigh-in were not consistent with current guidelines.
The strength of synaptic transmission is highly variable between different synapses. The present study examined some factors that may contribute to this variation in the strength of neurotransmission in sympathetic varicosities of the mouse vas deferens. Transmitter release was measured using a focal macropatch electrode placed over pairs of visualised varicosities. By regulating the calcium concentration of the solutions inside the recording electrode and in the bath independently of each other, transmitter release was restricted to one or two surface varicosities at each recording site. Using this technique, transmitter release probability was shown to be highly variable, even between adjacent varicosities on single axon branches. Very little variation was observed in the calcium influx following single impulse nerve stimulation between adjacent Oregon Green BAPTA-1 loaded varicosities. However, the staining intensities of three vesicular proteins, SV2, synaptophysin, and synaptotagmin 1, showed considerable variation between adjacent varicosities on single axon branches. This variation in staining intensity may be partly explained by variation in the density of synaptic vesicles. However, double staining experiments using two vesicular antigens showed some varicosities staining for one vesicular antigen, but not for the second, suggesting that the expression of these release machinery proteins is regulated locally within the varicosities. The results of the present study strengthen suggestions that synaptic strength is at least in part, regulated by variation in the expression of vesicular proteins. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Mitarai [Phys. Fluids 17, 047101 (2005)] compared turbulent combustion models against homogeneous direct numerical simulations with extinction/recognition phenomena. The recently suggested multiple mapping conditioning (MMC) was not considered and is simulated here for the same case with favorable results. Implementation issues crucial for successful MMC simulations are also discussed.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent disease in which upper airways are collapsed during sleep, leading to serious consequences. The gold standard of diagnosis, called polysomnography (PSG), requires a full-night hospital stay connected to over ten channels of measurements requiring physical contact with sensors. PSG is inconvenient, expensive and unsuited for community screening. Snoring is the earliest symptom of OSA, but its potential in clinical diagnosis is not fully recognized yet. Diagnostic systems intent on using snore-related sounds (SRS) face the tough problem of how to define a snore. In this paper, we present a working definition of a snore, and propose algorithms to segment SRS into classes of pure breathing, silence and voiced/unvoiced snores. We propose a novel feature termed the 'intra-snore-pitch-jump' (ISPJ) to diagnose OSA. Working on clinical data, we show that ISPJ delivers OSA detection sensitivities of 86-100% while holding specificity at 50-80%. These numbers indicate that snore sounds and the ISPJ have the potential to be good candidates for a take-home device for OSA screening. Snore sounds have the significant advantage in that they can be conveniently acquired with low-cost non-contact equipment. The segmentation results presented in this paper have been derived using data from eight patients as the training set and another eight patients as the testing set. ISPJ-based OSA detection results have been derived using training data from 16 subjects and testing data from 29 subjects.
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During the analytical method development for BAY 11-7082 ((E)-3-[4-methylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile), using HPLC-MS-MS and HPLC-UV, we observed that the protein removal process (both ultrafiltration and precipitation method using organic solvents) prior to HPLC brought about a significant reduction in the concentration of this compound. The use of a structurally similar internal standard, BAY 11-7085 ((E)-3-[4-t-butylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile), was not effective in compensating for the loss of analyte as the extent of reduction was different to that of the analyte. We present here a systematic investigation of this problem and a new validated method for the determination of BAY 11-7082. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Statistics is known to be an art as well as a science. The training of mathematical physicists predisposes them towards hypothesising plausible Bayesean priors. Tony Bracken and I were of that mind [1], but in our discussions we also recognised the Bayesean will-o'-the-wisp illustrated below.
The paper investigates a Bayesian hierarchical model for the analysis of categorical longitudinal data from a large social survey of immigrants to Australia. Data for each subject are observed on three separate occasions, or waves, of the survey. One of the features of the data set is that observations for some variables are missing for at least one wave. A model for the employment status of immigrants is developed by introducing, at the first stage of a hierarchical model, a multinomial model for the response and then subsequent terms are introduced to explain wave and subject effects. To estimate the model, we use the Gibbs sampler, which allows missing data for both the response and the explanatory variables to be imputed at each iteration of the algorithm, given some appropriate prior distributions. After accounting for significant covariate effects in the model, results show that the relative probability of remaining unemployed diminished with time following arrival in Australia.