47 resultados para Portiraguá(BA)


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A new ball mill scale-up procedure is developed. This procedure has been validated using seven sets of Ml-scale ball mil data. The largest ball mills in these data have diameters (inside liners) of 6.58m. The procedure can predict the 80% passing size of the circuit product to within +/-6% of the measured value, with a precision of +/-11% (one standard deviation); the re-circulating load to within +/-33% of the mass-balanced value (this error margin is within the uncertainty associated with the determination of the re-circulating load); and the mill power to within +/-5% of the measured value. This procedure is applicable for the design of ball mills which are preceded by autogenous (AG) mills, semi-autogenous (SAG) mills, crushers and flotation circuits. The new procedure is more precise and more accurate than Bond's method for ball mill scale-up. This procedure contains no efficiency correction which relates to the mill diameter. This suggests that, within the range of mill diameter studied, milling efficiency does not vary with mill diameter. This is in contrast with Bond's equation-Bond claimed that milling efficiency increases with mill diameter. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A 250-mum-diameter fiber of ytterbium-doped ZBLAN (fluorine combined with Zr, Ba, La, Al, and Na) has been cooled from room temperature. We coupled 1.0 W of laser light from a 1013-nm diode laser into the fiber. We measured the temperature of the fiber by using both fluorescence techniques and a microthermocouple. These microthermocouple measurements show that the cooled fiber can be used to refrigerate materials brought into contact with it. This, in conjunction with the use of a diode laser as the light source, demonstrates that practical solid-state laser coolers can be realized. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.


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The taxonomic relationship between two toothed South African river crabs, Potamonautes warreni and P. unispinus, is unclear. The problem stems from the widespread variation in carapace dentition patterns amongst P. warreni individuals over its biogeographic range, where single toothed individuals may appear similar in carapace morphology to P. unispinus. Ten populations of P. warreni and 18 populations of P. unispinus were collected and the morphometric and genetic differentiation between the two taxa quantified. Patterns of morphometric and genetic variation were examined using multivariate statistics and protein gel electrophoresis, respectively. Principal component analyses of carapace characters showed that the two species are morphologically indistinguishable. However, discriminate functions analyses and additional statistical results corroborate the morphological distinction between the two taxa. Allozyme electrophoresis of 17 protein coding loci, indicated a close genetic similarity between the two species (I = 0.92). A fixed allelic difference at one locus (LT-2) and extensive genetic variability at another locus (PGM-1) indicate that two gene pools are present and that the two taxa are genetically isolated. Intraspecific genetic I values for both species were > 0.97 and indicated no apparent genetic structuring on a micro or macro-geographic scale. The variation in carapace dentition among P. warreni populations possesses no genetic basis and may possibly toe the product of ecogenesis. The value of dentition patterns in the systematics of river crabs is discussed. Dentition patterns among river crab species appear to be conserved and reliable as species specific diagnostic markers, but should ideally be used in combination with other morphological data sets and genetic evidence.


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In situ gelatin zymography is a simple technique providing valuable information about the cellular and tissue localization of gelatinases. Until recently, the use of this technique has been confined to soft, relatively homogeneous tissue. In this report in situ zymography has been utilized to assess the sub-lamellar location of gelatinases in the hard, semi-keratinized epidermal layer and the adjacent soft connective tissue matrix of the dermis of the equine hoof. We show that alterations in the orientation at which the tissue is dipped and withdrawn from the emulsion cause profound alterations in emulsion thickness. Microscopic Variations in the surface topography of frozen tissue sections also influence emulsion thickness making interpretation of the results difficult. Given these results, researchers must be aware of potential variations in zymographic analysis may be influenced by physical tissue parameters in addition to suspected gelatinase activity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Utilizing an in vitro laminitis explant model, we have investigated how bacterial broth cultures and purified bacterial proteases activate matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and alter structural integrity of cultured equine lamellar hoof explants. Four Gram-positive Streptococcus spp. and three Gram-negative bacteria all induced a dose-dependent activation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 and caused lamellar explants to separate. MMP activation was deemed to have occurred if a specific MMP inhibitor, batimastat, blocked MMP activity and prevented lamellar separation. Thermolysin and streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B (SpeB) both separated explants dose-dependently but only thermolysin was inhibitable by batimastat or induced MMP activation equivalent to that seen with bacterial broths. Additionally, thermolysin and broth MMP activation appeared to be cell dependent as MMP activation did not occur in isolation. These results suggest the rapid increase in streptococcal species in the caecum and colon observed in parallel with carbohydrate induced equine laminitis may directly cause laminitis via production of exotoxin(s) capable of activating resident MMPs within the lamellar structure. Once activated, these MMPs can degrade key components of the basement membrane (BM) hemidesmosome complex, ultimately separating the BM from the epidermal basal cells resulting in the characteristic laminitis histopathology of hoof lamellae. While many different causative agents have been evaluated in the past, the results of this study provide a unifying aetiological mechanism for the development of carbohydrate induced equine laminitis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Attempts to classify colorectal cancer into subtypes based upon molecular characterisation are overshadowed by the classical stepwise model in which the adenoma-carcinoma sequence serves as the morphological counterpart. Clarity is achieved when cancers showing DNA microsatellite instability (MSI) are distinguished as sporadic MSI-low (MSI-L), sporadic MSI-high (MSI-H) and hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Divergence of the 'methylator' pathway into MSI-L and MSI-H is at least partly determined by the respective silencing of MGMT and hMLH1. Multiple differences can be demonstrated between sporadic and familial (HNPCC) MSI-H colorectal cancer with respect to early mechanisms, evolution, molecular characterisation, demographics and morphology. By acknowledging the existence of multiple pathways, rapid advances in the fields of basic and translational research will occur and this will lead to improved strategies for the prevention, early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This review compiles evidence for an alternative to the classical adenoma-carcinoma sequence in the evolution of colorectal cancer. It is suggested that between 30 and 50% of colorectal cancers are not initiated by mutation of the tumor suppressor gene APC, but through the epigenetic silencing of genes implicated in the control of differentiation, cell cycle control and DNA repair proficiency. The precursor polyps are often characterized by a serrated architecture, and include hyperplastic polyps, admixed polyps and serrated adenomas. The alternative pathway is heterogeneous and may culminate in cancers showing low or high level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-L and MSI-H, respectively), and in cancers that are microsatellite stable (MSS). Cancers showing DNA MSI may be characterized by an accelerated evolution. Cancers in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer show features of both classical (adenoma and APC mutation) and alternative pathways (rapid evolution, MSI-H and lack of chromosomal instability). (C) 2001 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.


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An understanding of the mechanisms that explain the initiation and early evolution of colorectal cancer should facilitate the development of new approaches to effective prevention and intervention. This review highlights deficiencies in the current model for colorectal neoplasia in which APC mutation is placed at the point of initiation. Other genes implicated in the regulation of apoptosis and DNA repair may underlie the early development of colorectal cancer. Inactivation of these genes may occur not by mutation or loss but through silencing mediated by methylation of the gene's promoter region. hMLH1 and MGMT are examples of DNA repair genes that are silenced by methylation. Loss of expression of hMLH1 and MGMT protein has been demonstrated immunohistochemically in serrated polyps. Multiple lines of evidence point to a serrated pathway of neoplasia that is driven by inhibition of apoptosis and the subsequent inactivation of DNA repair genes by promoter methylation. The earliest lesions in this pathway are aberrant crypt foci (ACF). These may develop Into hyperplastic polyps or transform while still of microscopic size into admixed polyps, serrated adenomas, or traditional adenomas. Cancers developing from these lesions may show high- or low-level microsatellite instability (MSI-H and MSI-L, respectively) or may be microsatellite stable (MSS). The suggested clinical model for this alternative pathway is the condition hyperplastic polyposis. If colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease comprising discrete subsets that evolve through different pathways, it is evident that these subsets will need to be studied individually in the future.


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A protocol based on seed culture was developed for efficient in vitro propagation of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik). Benzyladenine (BA), thidiazuron (TDZ), and kinetin all induced multiple shoot formation. In terms of the number of long shoots (>2.0 cm) produced per seed, BA and TDZ at optimum concentrations (0.2-0.4 and 0.1 mg/litre, respectively) had similar efficiency, whereas kinetin produced less shoots. Murashige and Skoog (MS) salt composition was better than that of Gamborge (B5) for shoot induction. Increasing calcium (Ca) concentration was necessary to overcome shoot-tip necrosis. For shoot elongation, fresh medium of the same composition of shoot induction medium could be used for stumps from medium with low BA (


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Cultured equine lamellar hoof explants secrete the pro-enzymes matrix metalloproteinse-2 (MMP-2, 72 kDa) and MMP-2 (92 kDa). Untreated explants remained intact tested on a calibrated force transducer, but when treated with an NIMP activator, developed in-vitro laminitis, separating at the dermal-epidermal junction. Explants treated with the bacterial protease thermolysin separated dose-dependently; this was accompanied by activation of both MMP-2 and -9. Thermolysin-mediated NIP activation did not occur in a cell-free system and was not inhibited by the addition of the MMP inhibitor and batimastat. These findings suggest that thermolysin-mediated gelatinase activation is not dependent on membrane-bound matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMP) activation, providing further evidence that bacteria can produce potent MMP activators that probably facilitate host invasion. (C) 2002 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) is a modular modelling framework that has been developed by the Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit in Australia. APSIM was developed to simulate biophysical process in farming systems, in particular where there is interest in the economic and ecological outcomes of management practice in the face of climatic risk. The paper outlines APSIM's structure and provides details of the concepts behind the different plant, soil and management modules. These modules include a diverse range of crops, pastures and trees, soil processes including water balance, N and P transformations, soil pH, erosion and a full range of management controls. Reports of APSIM testing in a diverse range of systems and environments are summarised. An example of model performance in a long-term cropping systems trial is provided. APSIM has been used in a broad range of applications, including support for on-farm decision making, farming systems design for production or resource management objectives, assessment of the value of seasonal climate forecasting, analysis of supply chain issues in agribusiness activities, development of waste management guidelines, risk assessment for government policy making and as a guide to research and education activity. An extensive citation list for these model testing and application studies is provided. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.