44 resultados para KIMAP mouse model
Type I diabetes is thought to occur as a result of the loss of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells by an environmentally triggered autoimmune reaction. In rodent models of diabetes, streptozotocin (STZ), a genotoxic methylating agent that is targeted to the beta cells, is used to trigger the initial cell death. High single doses of STZ cause extensive beta -cell necrosis, while multiple low doses induce limited apoptosis, which elicits an autoimmune reaction that eliminates the remaining cells. We now show that in mice lacking the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG), beta -cell necrosis was markedly attenuated after a single dose of STZ. This is most probably due to the reduction in the frequency of base excision repair-induced strand breaks and the consequent activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), which results in catastrophic ATP depletion and cell necrosis. Indeed, PARP activity was not induced in A-PNG(-/-) islet cells following treatment with STZ in vitro. However, 48 h after STZ treatment, there was a peak of apoptosis in the beta cells of APNG(-/-) mice. Apoptosis was not observed in PARP-inhibited APNG(+/+) mice, suggesting that apoptotic pathways are activated in the absence of significant numbers of DNA strand breaks. Interestingly, STZ-treated APNG(-/-) mice succumbed to diabetes 8 months after treatment, in contrast to previous work with PARP inhibitors, where a high incidence of beta -cell tumors was observed. In the multiple-low-dose model, STZ induced diabetes in both APNG(-/-) and APNG(-/-) mice; however, the initial peak of apoptosis was 2.5-fold greater in the APNG(-/-) mice. We conclude that APNG substrates are diabetogenic but by different mechanisms according to the status of APNG activity.
Several cystic fibrosis (CF) mouse models demonstrate an increased susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection, characterized by excessive inflammation and high rates of mortality. Here we developed a model of chronic P. aeruginosa lung disease in mice homozygous for the murine CF transmembrane conductance regulator G551D mutation that provides an excellent model for CF lung disease. After 3 days of infection with mucoid P. aeruginosa entrapped in agar beads, the G551D animals lost substantially more body weight than non-CF control animals and were less able to control the infection, harboring over 40-fold more bacteria in the lung. The airways of infected G551D animals contained altered concentrations of the inflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor-alpha, KC/N51, and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 during the first 2 days of infection, suggesting that an ineffective inflammatory response is partly responsible for the clearance defect.
Background: Susceptibility to periodontal infections may, in part, be genetically determined. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a major periodontopathogen, and the immune response to this organism requires T-cell help. The aim of the present study was to examine the specific T-cell cytokine responses to P gingivalis outer membrane antigens in a mouse model and their relationship with H-2 haplotype. Methods: BALB/c and DBA/2J (H-2(d)), CBACaH (H-2(k)), and C57BL6 (H-2(b)) mice were immunized with P gingivalis outer membrane antigens weekly for 3 weeks. One week after the final injection, the spleens were removed, and 6 T-cell lines specific for P gingivalis were established for each mouse strain. The percentage of CD4 and CD8 cells in the P gingivalis-specific T-cell lines staining positive for intracytoplasmic interleukin (IL)-4, interferon (IFN)-gamma, and IL-10 was determined by 2-color flow cytometry. Results: The cytokine profiles of T-cell lines from BALB/c and DBA/2J mice showed no significant differences. Significantly fewer IL4+, IFN-gamma+, and IL-10+ CD4 cells than IL-4+, IFN-gamma+, and IL-10+ CD8 cells, respectively, were demonstrated for both strains. P gingivalis-specific T-cell lines generated from CBACaH mice were similar to those generated from BALB/c and DBA/2J mice; however, the mean percentage of IL4+ CD4 cells in CBACaH mice was lower than the percentage of IFN-gamma+ CD4 cells. Also, the mean percentage of IFN-gamma+ CD4 cells in CBACaH mice was significantly increased compared to DBA/2J mice. Unlike the other 3 strains, T-cell lines established from C57BL6 mice contained similar percentages of cytokine-positive cells, although the percentage of IL-4+ CD4 cells was reduced in comparison to the percentage of CD8 cells. However, comparisons with the other 3 strains demonstrated a higher percentage of IL-4+ CD4 cells than in lines established from the spleens of DBA/2J mice, IFN-gamma+ CD4 cells than in lines established from BALB/c and CBACaH mice, and IL-10+ CD4 cells than in lines established from all 3 other strains. No significant differences in the percentage of positive CD8 cells were demonstrated between lines in the 4 strains of mice. Conclusion: The specific T-cell response to P gingivalis in mice may, in the case of the CD4 response, depend on MHC genes. These findings are consistent with the concept that patient susceptibility is important to the outcome of periodontal infection and may, in part, be genetically determined.
Objective To describe the renal lesions in Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease (BTPKD), to confirm that the renal cysts in BTPKD arise from the nephron or collecting tubule, an to identify lesions consistent with concurrent BTPKD and Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis (BTHN). Design Renal tissue from five Bull Terriers with BTPKD and eight control dogs was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Clinical data were collected from all dogs, and family history of BTPKD and BTHN for all Bull Terriers. Results In BTPKD the renal cysts were lined by epithelial cells of nephron or collecting duct origin that were usually squamous or cuboidal, with few organelles. They had normal junctional complexes, and basal laminae of varying thicknesses. Glomeruli with small, atrophic tufts and dilated Bowman's capsules, tubular loss and dilation, and interstitial inflammation and fibrosis were common. Whereas the lesions seen in BTHN by light microscope were nonspecific, the presence of characteristic ultrastructural glomerular basement membrane (GMB) lesions and a family history of this disease indicated concurrent BTHN was likely in three of five cases of BTPKD. Conclusion This paper provides evidence that renal cysts in BTPKD are of nephron or collecting duct origin. In addition, GBM lesions are described that strongly suggest that BTPKD and BTHN may occur simultaneously.
VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1) and Sox18 are involved in vascular development. VCAM-1 is an important adhesion molecule that is expressed on endothelial cells and has a critical role in endothelial activation, inflammation, lymphatic pathophysiology, and atherogenesis. The Sry-related high mobility group box factor Sox18 has previously been implicated in endothelial pathologies. Mutations in human and mouse Sox18 leads to hypotrichosis and lymphedema. Furthermore, both Sox18 and VCAM-1 have very similar spatio-temporal patterns of expression, which is suggestive of crosstalk. We use biochemical techniques, cell culture systems, and the ragged opossum (RaOP) mouse model with a naturally occurring mutation in Sox18 to demonstrate that VCAM-1 is an important target of Sox18. Transfection, site-specific mutagenesis, and gel shift analyses demonstrated that Sox18 directly targeted and trans-activated VCAM-1 expression. Importantly, the naturally occurring Sox18 mutant attenuates the expression and activation of VCAM-1 in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo quantitation of VCAM-1 mRNA levels in wild type and RaOP mice demonstrates that RaOP animals show a dramatic and significant reduction in VCAM-1 mRNA expression in lung, skin, and skeletal muscle. Our observation that the VCAM-1 gene is an important target of SOX18 provides the first molecular insights into the vascular abnormalities in the mouse mutant ragged and the human hypotrichosis-lymphedematelangiectasia disorder.
Enhancement of flavivirus infection in vitro in the presence of subneutralizing concentrations of homologous or heterologous antiserum has been well described. However, the importance of this phenomenon in the enhancement of flavivirus infection in vivo has not been established. In order to study antibody- mediated enhancement of flavivirus infection in vivo, we investigated the effect of passive immunization of mice with Japanese encephalitis virus (JE) antiserum on the outcome of infection with Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVE). We show that prior treatment of mice with subneutralizing concentrations of heterologous JE antiserum resulted in an increase in viraemia titres and in mortality following challenge with wild-type MVE. Our findings support the hypothesis that subneutralizing concentrations of antibody may enhance flavivirus infection and virulence in vivo. These findings are of potential importance for the design of JE vaccination programs in geographic areas in which MVE co-circulates. Should subneutralizing concentrations of antibody remain in the population following JE vaccination, it is possible that enhanced disease may be observed during MVE epidemics.
Virulence of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves the coordinate expression of a wide range of virulence factors including type IV pili which are required for colonization of host tissues and are associated with a form of surface translocation termed twitching motility. Twitching motility in P. aeruginosa is controlled by a complex signal transduction pathway which shares many modules in common with chemosensory systems controlling flagella rotation in bacteria and which is composed, in part, of the previously described proteins PilG, PilH, PilI, PilJ and PilK. Here we describe another three components of this pathway: ChpA, ChpB and ChpC, as well as two downstream genes, ChpD and ChpE, which may also be involved. The central component of the pathway, ChpA, possesses nine potential sites of phosphorylation: six histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains, two novel serine- and threonine-containing phosphotransfer (SPt, TPt) domains and a CheY-like receiver domain at its C-terminus, and as such represents one of the most complex signalling proteins yet described in nature. We show that the Chp chemosensory system controls twitching motility and type IV pili biogenesis through control of pili assembly and/or retraction as well as expression of the pilin subunit gene pilA. The Chp system is also required for full virulence in a mouse model of acute pneumonia.
Investigations into pigment cell biology have relied on the ability to culture both murine and human melanocytes, numerous melanoma cell lines and more recently, murine and human melanoblasts. Melanoblast culture requires medium supplemented with a range of growth factors including Stem Cell Factor, Endothelin-3 and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2, withdrawal of which causes the cells to differentiate into melanocytes. Using the human melanoblast culture system, we have now examined the expression and/or DNA binding activity of several transcription factors implicated in melanocytic development and differentiation. Of these, the POU domain factor BRN2 and the SOX family member SOX10 are both highly expressed in unpigmented melanocyte precursors but are down-regulated upon differentiation. In contrast, the expression levels of the previously described MITF and PAX3 transcription factors remain relatively constant during the melanoblast-melanocyte transition. Moreover, BRN2 ablated melanoma cells lack expression of SOX10 and MITF but retain PAX3. A novel finding implicates a second SOX protein, SOX9, as a potential melanogenic transcriptional regulator, as its expression level is increased following the down-regulation of BRN2 and SOX10 in differentiated melanoblasts. Our results suggest that a complex network of transcription factor interactions requiring proper temporal coordination is necessary for acquisition and maintenance of the melanocytic phenotype. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Gallstone disease is very common among native Americans and Hispanics, and similar to 20 million patients are treated for this disease annually in the US. The nuclear farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is the receptor for bile acids, and GW4064 is a synthetic agonist at the FXR. FXR-/- mice fed a lithogenic diet (high fat, cholesterol and cholic acid) are more susceptible to gallstone disease than wild-type mice with the same mixed background, thus establishing that the ablation of FXR is associated with this disease. The C57L mouse is susceptible to gallstone formation. When C57L mice are fed a lithogenic diet for a week, the bile contains large aggregates of cholesterol precipitates, and two of five C57L mice had macroscopic cholesterol crystals. in contrast, when C57L mice were fed the lithogenic diet and administered GW4064 100 mg/kg/day by oral gavage, there was no precipitation of cholesterol. Treatment with this agent also increased bile salt and phospholipid concentration, and prevented gallbladder epithelium damage. As FXR agonism with GW4064 has been shown to be useful in a mouse model of cholesterol gallstone disease, it should undergo further development for the treatment of this condition.
In the present study, NaSi-l sulphate transporter knock-out (Nas1-/-) mice, an animal model of hyposulphataernia, were examined for spatial memory and learning in a Morris water maze, and for olfactory function in a cookie test. The Nas1-/- mice displayed significantly (P < 0.05) increased latencies to find an escape platform in the reversal teaming trials at 2 days but not 1 day after the last acquisition trial in a Morris water maze test. suggesting that Nas1-/- mice may have proactive memory interference. While the wild-type (Ncis1+/+) mice showed a significant (P < 0.02) decrease in time to locate a hidden food reward over four trials after overnight fasting, Nas1-/- mice did not change their performance, resulting in significantly (P < 0.05) higher latencies when compared to their Nas1+/+ littermates. There were no significant differences between Nas1-/- and Nas1+/+ mice in the cookie test after moderate food deprivation. In addition, both Nas1-/- and Nas1+/+ mice displayed similar escape latencies in the acquisition phase of the Morris water maze test, suggesting that learning, motivation, vision and motor skills required for the task may not be affected in Nas1-/- mice. This is the first study to demonstrate an impairment in memory and olfactory performance in the hyposulphataemic Nas1-/- mouse. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
NF-kappaB activation is associatied with the inflammation of bone destruction and certain cancers. The NEMO (NF-kB essential modulator)-binding domain (NBD) protein inhibits the activation of NF-kappaB. Cellular studies have shown that the NBD protein inhibits osteoclastogenesis. Mimicking infection with a lipopolysaccharide injection in mice resulted in activated osteoclasts and reduced bone mineral density. These responses are inhibited with the NBD peptide. In a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis, collagen-induced arthritis, treatment with the NBD protein delayed the onset, lowered the incidence and decreased the severity of the arthritis. NF-kappaB is a target in the inflammation associated with bone destruction. A key issue is whether or not this important transcription factor can be inhibited without causing excessive adverse effects and/or toxicity.
Vaccinology is a combinatorial science which studies the diversity of pathogens and the human immune system, and formulations that can modulate immune responses and prevent or cure disease. Huge amounts of data are produced by genomics and proteomics projects and large-scale screening of pathogen-host and antigen-host interactions. Current developments in computational vaccinology mainly support the analysis of antigen processing and presentation and the characterization of targets of immune response. Future development will also include systemic models of vaccine responses. Immunomics, the large-scale screening of immune processes which includes powerful immunoinformatic tools, offers great promise for future translation of basic immunology research advances into successful vaccines.
The Testisin gene (PRSS21) encodes a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked serine protease that exhibits testis tissue-specific expression. Loss of Testisin has been implicated in testicular tumorigenesis, but its role in testis biology and tumorigenesis is not known. Here we have investigated the role of CpG methylation in Testisin gene inactivation and tested the hypothesis that Testisin may act as a tumour suppressor for testicular tumorigenesis. Using sequence analysis of bisulphite-treated genomic DNA, we find a strong relationship between hypermethylation of a 385 bp 50 CpG rich island of the Testisin gene, and silencing of the Testisin gene in a range of human tumour cell lines and in 100% (eight/eight) of testicular germ cell tumours. We show that treatment of Testisin-negative cell lines with demethylating agents and/or a histone deacetylase inhibitor results in reactivation of Testisin gene expression, implicating hypermethylation in Testisin gene silencing. Stable expression of Testisin in the Testisin-negative Tera-2 testicular cancer line suppressed tumorigenicity as revealed by inhibition of both anchorage-dependent cell growth and tumour formation in an SCID mouse model of testicular tumorigenesis. Together, these data show that loss of Testisin is caused, at least in part, by DNA hypermethylation and histone deacetylation, and suggest a tumour suppressor role for Testisin in testicular tumorigenesis.
Cognitive disorders and neurogenesis deficits in Huntington's disease mice are rescued by fluoxetine
Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG trinucleotide repeat encoding an extended polyglutamine tract in the huntingtin protein. Affected individuals display progressive motor, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms (including depression), leading to terminal decline. Given that transgenic HD mice have decreased hippocampal cell proliferation and that a deficit in neurogenesis has been postulated as an underlying cause of depression, we hypothesized that decreased hippocampal neurogenesis contributes to depressive symptoms and cognitive decline in HD. Fluoxetine, a serotonin-reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed for the treatment of depression, is known to increase neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of wild-type mouse hippocampus. Here we show that hippocampal-dependent cognitive and depressive-like behavioural symptoms occur in HD mice, and that the administration of fluoxetine produces a marked improvement in these deficits. Furthermore, fluoxetine was found to rescue deficits of neurogenesis and volume loss in the dentate gyrus of HD mice.