45 resultados para Green Fluorescent Protein


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Heating the scleractinian coral, Montipora monasteriata (Forskal 1775) to 32 degrees C under < 650 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1) led to bleaching in the form of a reduction in Peridinin, xanthophyll pool, chlorophyll c(2) and chlorophyll a, but areal dinoflagellates densities did not decline. Associated with this bleaching, chlorophyll (Chl) allomerization and dinoflagellate xanthophyll cycling increased. Chl allomerization is believed to result from the interaction of Chl with singlet oxygen (O-1(2)) or other reactive oxygen species. Thermally induced increases in Chl allomerization are consistent with other studies that have demonstrated that thermal stress generates reactive oxygen species in symbiotic dinoflagellates. Xanthophyll cycling requires the establishment of a pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane. Our results indicate that, during the early stages of thermal stress, thylakoid membranes are intact. Different morphs of M. monasteriata responded differently to the heat stress applied: heavily pigmented coral hosts taken from a high-light environment showed significant reductions in green fluorescent protein (GFP)-like homologues, whereas nonhost pigmented high-light morphs experienced a significant reduction in water-soluble protein content. Paradoxically, the more shade acclimated cave morph were, based on Chl fluorescence data, less thermally stressed than either of the high-light morphs. These results Support the importance of coral pigments for the regulation of the light environment within the host tissue.


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The manipulation of dendritic cells (DCs) ex vivo to present tumor-associated antigens for the activation and expansion of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) attempts to exploit these cells’ pivotal role in immunity. However, significant improvements are needed if this approach is to have wider clinical application. We optimized a gene delivery protocol via electroporation for cord blood (CB) CD34+ DCs using in vitro–transcribed (IVT) mRNA. We achieved > 90% transfection of DCs with IVT-enhanced green fluorescent protein mRNA with > 90% viability. Electroporation of IVT-mRNA up-regulated DC costimulatory molecules. DC processing and presentation of mRNA-encoded proteins, as major histocompatibility complex/peptide complexes, was established by CTL assays using transfected DCs as targets. Along with this, we also generated specific antileukemic CTLs using DCs electroporated with total RNA from the Nalm-6 leukemic cell line and an acute lymphocytic leukemia xenograft. This significant improvement in DC transfection represents an important step forward in the development of immunotherapy protocols for the treatment of malignancy.


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Application of a computational membrane organization prediction pipeline, MemO, identified putative type II membrane proteins as proteins predicted to encode a single alpha-helical transmembrane domain (TMD) and no signal peptides. MemO was applied to RIKEN's mouse isoform protein set to identify 1436 non-overlapping genomic regions or transcriptional units (TUs), which encode exclusively type II membrane proteins. Proteins with overlapping predicted InterPro and TMDs were reviewed to discard false positive predictions resulting in a dataset comprised of 1831 transcripts in 1408 TUs. This dataset was used to develop a systematic protocol to document subcellular localization of type II membrane proteins. This approach combines mining of published literature to identify subcellular localization data and a high-throughput, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach to experimentally characterize subcellular localization. These approaches have provided localization data for 244 and 169 proteins. Type II membrane proteins are localized to all major organelle compartments; however, some biases were observed towards the early secretory pathway and punctate structures. Collectively, this study reports the subcellular localization of 26% of the defined dataset. All reported localization data are presented in the LOCATE database (http://www.locate.imb.uq.edu.au).


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A fast, reproducible, and efficient transformation procedure employing Agrobacterium rhizogenes was developed for Phaseolus vulgaris L. wild accessions, landraces, and cultivars and for three other species belonging to the genus Phaseolus: R coccineus, P lunatus, and P acutifolius. Induced hairy roots are robust and grow quickly. The transformation frequency is between 75 and 90% based on the 35-S promoter-driven green fluorescent protein and beta-glucuronidase expression reporter constructs. When inoculated with Rhizobium tropici, transgenic roots induce normal determinate nodules that fix nitrogen as efficiently as inoculated standard roots. The A. rhizogenes-induced hairy root transformation in the genus Phaseolus sets the foundation for functional genomics programs focused on root physiology, root metabolism, and root-microbe interactions.


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Exogenous transfer RNAs (tRNAs) favor translation of bovine papillomavirus 1 wild-type (wt) L1 mRNA in in vitro translation systems (Zhou et al. 1999, J. Virol., 73, 4972-4982). We, therefore, investigated whether papillomavirus (PV) wt L1 protein expression could be enhanced in eukaryotic cells following exogenous tRNA supplementation. Both Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and Cos1 cells, transfected with PV1 wt L1 genes, effectively transcribed the genes but did not translate them. However, L1 protein translation was demonstrated following co-transfection with the L1 gene and a gene expressing tRNA(Ser)(CGA). Cell lines, stably transfected with a bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV1) wt L1 expression construct, produced L1 protein after the transfection of the tRNA(Ser)(CGA) gene, but not following the transfection with basal vectors, suggesting that tRNA(Ser)(CGA) gene enhanced wt L1 translation as a result of endogenous tRNA alterations and phosphorylation of translation initiation factors elF4E and elF2alpha in the tRNA(Ser)(CGA) transfected L1 cell lines. The tRNA(Ser)(CGA) gene expression significantly reduced translation of L1 proteins expressed from codon-modified (HB) PV L1 genes utilizing mammalian preferred codons, but had variable effects on translation of green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) expressed from six serine GFP variants. The changes of tRNA pools appear to match the codon composition of PV wt and HB L1 genes and serine GFP variants to regulate translation of their mRNAs. These findings demonstrate for the first time in eukaryotic cells that translation of the target genes can be differentially influenced by the provision of a single tRNA expression construct.


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Slit is a secreted protein known to repulse the growth cones of commissural neurons. By contrast, Slit also promotes elongation and branching of axons of sensory neurons. The reason why different neurons respond to Slit in different ways is largely unknown. Islet2 is a LIM/homeodomaintype transcription factor that specifically regulates elongation and branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos. We found that PlexinA4, a transmembrane protein known to be a coreceptor for class III semaphorins, acts downstream of Islet2 to promote branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons. Intriguingly, repression of PlexinA4 function by injection of the antisense morpholino oligonucleotide specific to PlexinA4 or by overexpression of the dominant-negative variant of PlexinA4 counteracted the effects of overexpression of Slit2 to induce branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos, suggesting involvement of PlexinA4 in the Slit signaling cascades for promotion of axonal branching of the sensory neurons. Colocalized expression of Robo, a receptor for Slit2, and PlexinA4 is observed not only in the primary sensory neurons of zebrafish embryos but also in the dendrites of the pyramidal neurons of the cortex of the mammals, and may be important for promoting the branching of either axons or dendrites in response to Slit, as opposed to the growth cone collapse.


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The mammalian retromer protein complex, which consists of three proteins - Vps26, Vps29, and Vps35 - in association with members of the sorting nexin family of proteins, has been implicated in the trafficking of receptors and their ligands within the endosomal/lysosomal system of mammalian cells. A bioinformatic analysis of the mouse genome identified an additional transcribed paralog of the Vps26 retromer protein, which we termed Vps26B. No paralogs were identified for Vps29 and Vps35. Phylogenetic studies indicate that the two paralogs of Vps26 become evident after the evolution of the chordates. We propose that the chordate Vps26-like gene published previously be renamed Vps26A to differentiate it from Vps26B. As for Vps26A, biochemical characterization of Vps26B established that this novel 336 amino acid residue protein is a peripheral membrane protein. Vps26B co-precipitated with Vps35 from transfected cells and the direct interaction between these two proteins was confirmed by yeast 2-hybrid analysis, thereby establishing Vps26B as a subunit of the retromer complex. Within HeLa cells, Vps26B was found in the cytoplasm with low levels at the plasma membrane, while Vps26A was predominantly associated with endosomal membranes. Within A549 cells, both Vps26A and Vps26B co-localized with actin-rich lamellipodia at the cell surface. These structures also co-localized with Vps35. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy confirmed the association of Vps26B with the plasma membrane in a stable HEK293 cell line expressing cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-Vps26B. Based on these observations, we propose that the mammalian retromer complex is located at both endosomes and the plasma membrane in some cell types.


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Extension of the conjugated pi-system of many all-protein chromophores with an acylimine bond is the basis for their red-shifted optical properties. The presence of this post-translational modification is evident in crystal structures of these proteins. Harsh denaturation of proteins containing an acylimine bond results in partial polypeptide cleavage. For the red fluorescent protein DsRed, the extent of cleavage is quantitative. However, this is not the case for the blue non-fluorescent chromoprotein Rtms5, even though all chromophores in tetrameric Rtms5 contain an acylimine bond. We have identified two positions around the chromophore of Rtms5 where substitutions can promote or suppress the extent of cleavage on harsh denaturation. We propose a model in which cleavage of Rtms5 is facilitated by a trans to cis isomerisation of the chromophore. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The chromophore of the red fluorescent protein DsRed contains an acylimine substituent to a GFP-like chromophore structure. The acylimine is formed from the trans peptide linkage between residues F65 and Q66 in immature DsRed, but has a cis configuration in the mature protein. The relationship between acylimine formation and trans–cis isomerization is unresolved. We have calculated bond rotation profiles for models of mature and immature DsRed chromophores using B3LYP DFT. The isomerization barrier is substantially reduced in acylimine-substituted models, providing prima facie evidence that acylimine formation precedes trans–cis isomerization in DsRed chromophores.


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A family of Golgi-localised molecules was recently described in animals and fungi possessing extensive coiled regions and a short (similar to40 residues) conserved C-terminal domain, called the GRIP domain, which is responsible for their location to this organelle. Using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we identified a gene (AtGRIP) encoding a putative GRIP protein. We demonstrated that the C-terminal domain from AtGRIP functions as a Golgi-targeting sequence in plant cells. Localisation studies in living cells expressing the AtGRIP fused to a DsRed2 fluorescent probe, showed extensive co-location with the Golgi marker alpha-mannosidase I in transformed tobacco protoplasts. GRIP-like sequences were also found in genomic databases of rice, maize, wheat and alfalfa, suggesting that this domain may be a useful Golgi marker for immunolocalisation studies. Despite low sequence identity amongst GRIP domains, the plant GRIP sequence was able to target to the Golgi of mammalian cells. Taken together, these data indicate that GRIP domain proteins might be implicated in a targeting mechanism that is conserved amongst eukaryotes.


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The strength of synaptic transmission is highly variable between different synapses. The present study examined some factors that may contribute to this variation in the strength of neurotransmission in sympathetic varicosities of the mouse vas deferens. Transmitter release was measured using a focal macropatch electrode placed over pairs of visualised varicosities. By regulating the calcium concentration of the solutions inside the recording electrode and in the bath independently of each other, transmitter release was restricted to one or two surface varicosities at each recording site. Using this technique, transmitter release probability was shown to be highly variable, even between adjacent varicosities on single axon branches. Very little variation was observed in the calcium influx following single impulse nerve stimulation between adjacent Oregon Green BAPTA-1 loaded varicosities. However, the staining intensities of three vesicular proteins, SV2, synaptophysin, and synaptotagmin 1, showed considerable variation between adjacent varicosities on single axon branches. This variation in staining intensity may be partly explained by variation in the density of synaptic vesicles. However, double staining experiments using two vesicular antigens showed some varicosities staining for one vesicular antigen, but not for the second, suggesting that the expression of these release machinery proteins is regulated locally within the varicosities. The results of the present study strengthen suggestions that synaptic strength is at least in part, regulated by variation in the expression of vesicular proteins. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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During aestivation, the gut of the green-striped burrowing frog, Cyclorana alboguttata undergoes significant morphological down-regulation. Despite the potential impact such changes might have on the re-feeding efficiency of these animals following aestivation, they appear to be as efficient at digesting their first meals as active, non-aestivating animals. Such efficiency might come about by the rapid restoration of intestinal morphology with both arousal from aestivation and the initial stages of re-feeding. Consequently, this study sought to determine what morphological changes to the intestine accompany arousal and re-feeding following 3 months of aestivation. Arousal from aestivation alone had a marked impact on many morphological parameters, including small and large intestine masses, small intestinal length, LF heights, enterocyte cross-sectional area and microvilli height and density. In addition, the onset of re-feeding was correlated with an immediate reversal of many morphological parameters affected by 3 months of aestivation. Those parameters that had not returned to control levels within 36 h of feeding generally had returned to control values by the completion of digestion (i.e. defecation of the meal). Re-feeding was also associated with several changes in enterocyte morphology including the incorporation in intracytoplasmic lipid droplets and the return of enterocyte nuclear material to the 'active' euchromatin state: In conclusion, morphological changes to the gut of aestivating frogs which occur during aestivation are transitory and rapidly reversible with both arousal from aestivation and re-feeding. The proximate causes behind these transitions and their functional significance are discussed. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Long (6- to 9-mo) bouts of estivation in green-striped burrowing frogs lead to 28% atrophy of cruralis oxidative fibers (P < 0.05) and some impairment of in vitro gastrocnemius endurance (P < 0.05) but no significant deficit in maximal twitch force production. These data suggest the preferential atrophy of oxidative fibers at a rate slower than, but comparable to, laboratory disuse models. We tested the hypothesis that the frog limits atrophy by modulating oxidative stress. We assayed various proteins at the transcript level and verified these results for antioxidant enzymes at the biochemical level. Transcript data for NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 1 (71% downregulated, P < 0.05) and ATP synthase (67% downregulated, P < 0.05) are consistent with mitochondrial quiescence and reduced oxidant production. Meanwhile, uncoupling protein type 2 transcription (P < 0.31), which is thought to reduce mitochondrial leakage of reactive oxygen species, was maintained. Total antioxidant defense of water-soluble (22.3 +/- 1.7 and 23.8 +/- 1.5 mu M/mu g total protein in control and estivator, respectively, P = 0.53) and membrane-bound proteins (31.5 +/- 1.9 and 42.1 +/- 7.3 mu M/mu g total protein in control and estivator, respectively, P = 0.18) was maintained, equivalent to a bolstering of defense relative to oxygen insult. This probably decelerates muscle atrophy by preventing accumulation of oxidative damage in static protein reserves. Transcripts of the mitochondrially encoded antioxidant superoxide dismutase type 2 ( 67% downregulated, P < 0.05) paralleled mitochondrial activity, whereas nuclear-encoded catalase and glutathione peroxidase were maintained at control values (P = 0.42 and P = 0.231), suggesting a dissonance between mitochondrial and nuclear antioxidant expression. Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 transcription was fourfold lower in estivators (P = 0.11), implying that, in contrast to mammalian hibernators, this enzyme does not drive the combustion of lipids that helps spare hypometabolic muscle.


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The Laryngeal Mask Airway is a reusable device for maintaining the patency of a patient's airway during general anaesthesia. The device can be reused after it has been cleaned and sterilized. Protein contamination of medical instruments is a concern and has been found to occur despite standard sterilization techniques. The reason for the concern relates to the possibility of the transmission of prions and the risk of developing a neurodegenerative disorder such as Creutzveldt-Jacob disease. The purpose of this study was to quantify the amount of protein contamination that occurs, and to relate this to the number of times the Laryngeal Mask Airway has been used. Fifty previously used Classic Laryngeal Masks were collected after routine sterilization and packaging. The devices were immersed in protein detecting stain and then visual inspection performed to assess the degree and distribution of the staining. The researcher was blinded to the number of times the Laryngeal Mask Airway had been used. Linear regression analysis of the degrees of staining of the airway revealed that protein contamination occurs after the first use of the device and this increases with each subsequent use. This finding highlights the concern that the currently used cleaning and sterilization methods do not prevent the accumulation of proteinaceous material on Laryngeal Mask Airways. Consideration should be given to the search for more efficient cleaning and sterilization techniques or the use of disposable devices.


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The p53 gene is a tumor suppressor gene that is commonly mutated in skin cancer and sun-exposed skin, and this can be detected through immunohistochemical expression of the p53 protein. The authors hypothesized that time spent outdoors is associated with p53 protein expression in human skin and that sunscreen use counteracts the association. In 1996, they investigated this in a community-based cross-sectional study in Australia. Detailed information about skin type, time spent outdoors, and sunscreen use was collected from 139 residents of a subtropical township who also provided a skin biopsy from the back of the hand for measurement of p53 expression. Increasing time spent outdoors was positively associated with immuno reactivity in the whole epidermis and in the basal layer of the epidermis. After adjustment for confounders, p53 immunoreactivity was twice as high for people who used sunscreen 1 or 2 days per week as for those who used sunscreen daily (whole epidermis: ratio estimate = 2.0, 95% confidence interval: 1.1, 3.6; basal layer: ratio estimate = 1.7, 95% confidence interval: 0.9, 3.1). The authors conclude that p53 immunoreactivity in the skin is a marker of exposure to ultraviolet light in the past 6 months, but this may be mitigated by regular application of sunscreen.