121 resultados para Casting Alloy
The economical and environmental effects of mass reduction through Al and Mg primary alloys substitutions for cast iron and steel in automotive components are discussed using MF. Ashby's penalty functions method The viability of Mg alloy substitutions for existing Al alloy cast components is also considered. The cost analysis shows that direct, equal-volume, Al alloy substitutions for cast iron and steel are the most feasible in terms of the CAFE liability, followed by substitutions involving flat panels of prescribed stiffness. When the creation of CO2 associated to the production of Al and Mg is considered, the potential gasoline savings over the lifespan of the car compensate for the intrinsic environmental burden of Al in all applications, while electrolytic Mg substitutions for cast iron and steel are feasible for equal volume and panels only. Magnesium produced by the Pidgeon thermal process appears to be too primary energy intensive to be competitive in structural applications. Magnesium substitutions for existing Al alloy beams and panels are generally unviable. The current higher recycling efficiency of Al casting alloys confers Al a significant advantage over Mg alloys.
Analysis of intra- and inter-phase distribution of modifying elements in aluminium-silicon alloys is difficult due to the low concentrations used. This research utilises a mu-XRF (X-ray fluorescence) technique at the SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility X-ray source and reveals that the modifying element strontium segregates exclusively to the eutectic silicon phase and the distribution of strontium within this phase is relatively homogeneous. This has important implications for the fundamental mechanisms of eutectic modification in hypoeutectic aluminium-silicon alloys. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent research suggest that the iron-rich intermetallic phases, such as alpha-FeAl15(Fe,Mn)(3)Si-2 and beta-Fe Al5FeSi, nucleate on oxide films entrained in aluminum casting alloys. This is evidenced by the presence of crack-like defects within these iron-rich intermetallics. In an attempt to verify the role of oxides in nucleating iron-rich intermetallics, experiments have been conducted under conditions where in-situ entrained oxide films and deliberately added oxide particles were present. Iron-rich intermetallics are observed to be associated with the oxides in the final microstructure, and crack-like defects are often observed in the beta-Fe plates. The physical association of the Fe-rich intermetallic phases with these solid oxides, either formed in situ or added, is in accordance with the mechanism suggesting that iron-rich intermetallics nucleate upon the wetted sides of double oxide films.
The corrosion of die cast AZ91D was studied and related to its microstructure. For comparison and to more fully understand the behaviour of die cast AZ91D, corrosion studies and microstructural examinations were also carried out using slowly solidified high purity AZ91, Mg-2%Al, Mg-9%Al, low purity magnesium and high purity magnesium. Corrosion was studied in 1N NaCl at pH 11 by (1) observing the corrosion morphology, (2) measuring electrochemical polarisation curves and (3) simultaneously measuring both the hydrogen evolution rate and the magnesium dissolution rate. The skin of die cast AZ91D showed better corrosion resistance than the interior. This is attributed to a combination of(1) a higher volume fraction of the beta phase, (2) a more continuous beta phase distribution around finer alpha grains, and (3) lower porosity in the skin layer than in the interior of the die casting. This study showed that the casting method can influence the corrosion performance by its influence on the alloy microstructure. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new model of halo formation in directional solidification is presented. The model describes halo formation in terms of competitive growth between the halo phase and coupled eutectic in liquid with a nominal composition that follows the primary phase liquidus extension with decreasing temperature. The model distinguishes between the effects of constitutional, capillarity and (where applicable) kinetic undercooling and avoids a number of theoretical inconsistencies associated with previous models. The critical growth rate for halo formation in directionally solidified hypereutectic Al-Si alloys is calculated using the model in conjunction with models of primary phase and coupled eutectic growth from the literature. The calculated result agrees reasonably well with the experimental result of Yilmaz and Elliott (Met. Sci. 18 (1984) 362), given the use of a relatively simple isolated dendrite tip model to calculate the growth undercooling of the halo tip. (C) 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior and pre-exposure embrittlement of AZ31 magnesium alloy have been studied by slow strain rate tensile (SSRT) tests in this paper. It is showed that AZ31 sheet material is susceptible to SCC in distilled water, ASTM D1.387 solution, 0.01 M NaCl and 0.1 M NaCl solution. The AZ31 magnesium alloy also becomes embrittled if pre-exposed to 0.01 M NaCl solution prior to tensile testing. The degree of embrittlement increased with increasing the pre-exposure time, It is proposed that both the pre-exposure embrittlement and SCC were due to hydrogen which reduces the cohesive strength. i,e,. hydrogen embrittlement, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Partially solid commercial Al-Si and Mg-Al alloys have been deformed in shear during solidification using vane rheometry. The dendritic mush was deformed for a short period at 29% solid and allowed to cool naturally after deformation. Both alloys exhibited yield point behaviour and deformation was highly localised at the surface of maximum shear stress. The short period of deformation was found to have a distinct impact on the as-cast microstructure leading to fragmented dendrites in the deformation region of both alloys. In the case of the Mg-Al alloy, a concentrated region of interdendritic porosity was also observed in the deformation region. Concentrated porosity was not observed in the Al-Si alloy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this monograph is to take a new look at various aspects of stone artefact analysis that reveal important and exciting new information about the past. This invovles reorienting our methodological approach to stone artefacts as well as the questions asked of them. The papers making up this volume tackle a number of issues that have long been at the heart of archaeology’s problematic relationship with stone artefacts, including our understanding of the dynamic nature of past stoneworking practices, the utility of traditional classificatory schemes, and ways to unlock the vast amount of information about the strategic role of lithic technology that resides in stone artefact assemblages.
Trace elements can have a significant effect on the processing and properties of aluminium alloys, including sintered alloys. As little as 0.07 wt% (100 ppm) lead, tin or indium promotes sintering in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy produced from mixed elemental powders. This is a liquid phase sintering system and thin liquid films form uniformly throughout the alloy in the presence of the trace elements, but liquid pools develop in their absence. Analytical transmission electron microscopy indicates that the trace elements are confined to the interparticle and grain boundary regions. The sintering enhancement is attributed to the segregation of the microalloying addition to the liquid-vapour interface. Because the microalloying elements have a low surface tension, they lower the effective surface tension of the liquid. This reduces the wetting angle and extends the spreading of the liquid through the matrix. An improvement in sintering results. (C) 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mass balance calculations were performed to model the effect of solution treatment time on A356 and A357 alloy microstructures. Image analysis and electron probe microanalysis were used to characterise microstructures and confirm model predictions. In as-cast microstructures, up to 8 times more Mg is tied up in the pi-phase than in Mg2Si. The dissolution of pi is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the amount of beta-phase. This causes the rate of pi dissolution to be limited by the rate of beta formation. It is predicted that solution treatments of the order of tens of minutes at 540degreesC produce near-maximum T6 yield strengths, and that Mg contents in excess of 0.52 wt% have no advantage.
The forging characteristics of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si-Sn alloy are examined using it new testing strategy which incorporates a double truncated cone specimen and finite element modelling. This sample geometry produces controlled strain distributions within a single specimen and can readily identify the specific strain required to achieve a specific microstructural event by matching the metallographic data with the strain profiles calculated from finite element software, The friction conditions were determined using the conventional friction ring test, which was evaluated using finite element software. The rheological properties of the alloy, evaluated from compression testing of right cylinders, are similar to the properties of conventional aluminium forgings. A hoop strain develops at the outer diameter of the truncated cones and this leads to pore opening at the outer few millimetres. The porosity is effectively removed when the total strain equals the net compressive strain. The strain profiles that develop in the truncated cones are largely independent of the processing temperature and the strain rate although the strain required for pore closure increases as the forging temperature is reduced. This suggests that the microstructure and the strain rate sensitivity may also be important factors controlling pore behaviour. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.