27 resultados para metabolic fate
A variety of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their dihydrodiol derivatives, arylamines, heterocyclic amines, and nitroarenes, were incubated with cDNA-based recombinant (Escherichia coli or Trichoplusia ni) systems expressing different forms of human cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) and NADPH-P450 reductase using Salmonella typhimurium, tester strain NM2009, and the resultant DNA damage caused by the reactive metabolites was detected by measuring expression of umu gene in the cells. Recombinant (bacterial) CYP1A1 was slightly more active than any of four CYP1B1 allelic variants, CYP1B1*1, CYP1B1*2, CYP1B1*3, and CYP1B1*6, in catalyzing activation of chrysene-1,2-diol, benz[a]anthracene-trans-1,2-, 3,4-, 5,6-, and 8,9-diol, fluoranthene-2,3-diol, dibenzo[a]pyrene, benzo[c]phenanthrene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene and several arylamines and heterocyclic amines, whereas CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 enzymes had essentially similar catalytic specificities toward other procarcinogens, such as (+)-, (-)-, and (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol, 5-methylchrysene-1,2-diol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-3,4-diol, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene-11,12-diol, benzo[b]fluoranthene-9,10-diol, benzo[c]chrysene, 5,6-dimethylchrysene-1,2-diol, benzo[c]phenanthrene-3,4-diol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, 5-methylchrysene, and benz[a]anthracene. We also determined activation of these procarcinogens by recombinant (T. ni) human P450 enzymes in S. typhimurium NM2009. There were good correlations between activities of procarcinogen activation by CYP1A1 preparations expressed in E. coli and T. ni cells, although basal activities with three lots of CYP1B1 in T. ni cells were very high without substrates and NADPH in our assay system. Using 14 forms of human P450S (but not CYP1B1) (in T. ni cells), we found that CY1P1A2, 2C9, 3A4, and 2C19 catalyzed activation of several of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at much slower rates than those catalyzed by CYP1A1 and that other enzymes, including CYP2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C18, 2D6, 2E1, 3A5, 3A7, and 4A11, were almost inactive in the activation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons examined here.
We investigated roles of different forms of cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) in the metabolic activation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and other procarcinogens to genotoxic metabolite(s) in the newly developed umu tester strains Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium) OY1002/1A1, OY1002/1A2, OY1002/1B1, OY1002/2C9, OY1002/2D6, OY1002/2E1 and OY 1002/3A4. which express respective human P450 enzymes and NADPH-cytochrome P350 reductase (reductase) and bacterial O-acetyltransferase (O-AT). These strains were established by introducing two plasmids into S. typhimurium TA 1535, one carrying both P450 and the reductase cDNA in a bicistronic construct under control of an IPTG-inducible double me promoter and the other, pOA 102, carrying O-AT and umuClacZ fusion genes. Expression levels of CYP were found to range between 35 to 550 nmol/l cell culture in the strains tested. O-AT activities in different strains ranged from 52 to 135 nmol isoniazid acetylated/min/mg protein. All HCAs tested, and 2-aminoanthracene and 2-aminofluorene exhibited high genotoxicity in the OY1002/1A2 strain, and genotoxicity of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo [4,5-f]quinoline was detected in both the OY1002/1A1 and OY1002/1A2 strains. 1-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4.3-b]-indole and 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]-indole were activated in the OY1002/1A1, OY1002/1B1, OY1002/1A2, and OY1002/3A4 strains. Aflatoxin B-1 exhibited genotoxicity in the OY1002/1A2, OY1002/1A1, and OY1002/3A4 strains. beta -Naphthylamine and benzo[a]pyrene did not exhibit genotoxicity in any of the strains. These results suggest that CYP1A2 is the major cytochrom P450 enzyme involved in bioactivation of HCAs. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To compare measurements of sleeping metabolic rate (SMR) in infancy with predicted basal metabolic rate (BMR) estimated by the equations of Schofield. Methods: Some 104 serial measurements of SMR by indirect calorimetry were performed in 43 healthy infants at 1.5, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age. Predicted BMR was calculated using the weight only (BMR-wo) and weight and height (BMR-wh) equations of Schofield for 0-3-y-olds. Measured SMR values were compared with both predictive values by means of the Bland-Altman statistical test. Results: The mean measured SMR was 1.48 MJ/day. The mean predicted BMR values were 1.66 and 1.47 MJ/day for the weight only and weight and height equations, respectively. The Bland-Altman analysis showed that BMR-wo equation on average overestimated SMR by 0.18 MJ/day (11%) and the BMR-wh equation underestimated SMR by 0.01 MJ/day (1%). However the 95% limits of agreement were wide: - 0.64 to - 0.28MJ/day (28%) for the former equation and - 0.39 to +0.41 MJ/day (27%) for the latter equation. Moreover there was a significant correlation between the mean of the measured and predicted metabolic rate and the difference between them. Conclusions: The wide variation seen in the difference between measured and predicted metabolic rate and the bias probably with age indicates there is a need to measure actual metabolic rate for individual clinical care in this age group.
in a recent publication, Eriksson et al. [1] explored the relationship between size at birth and resting metabolic rate and body composition in adulthood in a cohort of over 300 men and women. They reported an unexpected finding that people of both sexes who had a low birth weight also had a higher metabolic activity per unit muscle tissue. This conclusion was drawn from an analysis where resting metabolic rate (expressed as kcal/kg fat-free mass) in adulthood was examined relative to the birth weight of the subject. One explanation that they suggested was that the apparent increased activity of muscle tissue resulted from an increased sympathetic drive associated with low birth weight. There may be a less physiological reason for the findings of Eriksson et al. Whilst the data are not given specifically in the text, it can be seen clearly from Fig. 1 in the paper that the mean fat-free mass measured in adulthood increased, in both sexes, from the lightest birth weight group to the heaviest birth weight group when the cohort were divided into tertiles based on birth weight. The crux of the issue is that in many - indeed most - cases, expressing resting energy expenditure as kcal/kg fat-free mass does not totally adjust for fat-free mass [2 - 5], and a bias is introduced so that those who have a higher fat-free mass will tend to have a lower resting energy expenditure when expressed per kg fat-free mass. This bias found when expressing many physiological parameters relative to body size, body weight or body composition has long been known [6], and should be carefully considered by appropriate adjustment and hence analysis.
To evaluate the passage of cytokines through the gastrointestinal tract, we investigated the digestion of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα), in vitro and in vivo, and their propensity to induce intestinal inflammation. We serially immuno-assayed IL-8 and TNFα solutions co-incubated with each of three pancreatin preparations at pH 4.5 and pH 8. We gavaged IL-8, TNFα and marker into 15 Wistar rats, and measured their faecal cytokine concentrations by ELISA and histologically examined their guts. IL-8 immunoreactivity was extinguished by all pancreatin preparations after 1 h of incubation at 37 °C. TNFα concentration progressively fell from 1 to 4 h with all enzyme preparations. Buffer control samples maintained their cytokine concentrations throughout incubation. No IL-8 or TNFα was detected in any rat faecal pellets. There was no significant proinflammatory effect of the gavaged cytokines on rat intestine. IL-8 and TNFα in aqueous solution could well be fully digested in the CF gut when transit time is normal and exogenous enzymes are provided, although cytokines swallowed in viscous sputum may be protected from such digestion. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Filipe et al. (2001) proposed an anaerobic metabolic model for glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) in which the succinate-propionate pathway was used to describe the production of propionyl-CoA. However, propionyl-CoA is only an intermediate product in the above pathway. Stopping at propionyl-CoA instead of propionate (the end product of the pathway) results in the consumption of one ATP from succinate to succinyl-CoA, which was not accounted for in the model of Filipe et al. (2001). This resulted in significant errors in the stoichiometric coefficients in the final metabolic model. A modified model is presented in this communication and is shown to fit the experimental data significantly better than the original model. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In this paper, we studied the fate of endocytosed glycosylphosphatidyl inositol anchored proteins (GPI-APs) in mammalian cells, using aerolysin, a bacterial toxin that binds to the GPI anchor, as a probe. We find that GPI-APs are transported down the endocytic pathway to reducing late endosomes in BHK cells, using biochemical, morphological and functional approaches. We also find that this transport correlates with the association to raft-like membranes and thus that lipid rafts are present in late endosomes (in addition to the Golgi and the plasma membrane). In marked contrast, endocytosed GPI-APs reach the recycling endosome in CHO cells and this transport correlates with a decreased raft association. GPI-APs are, however, diverted from the recycling endosome and routed to late endosomes in CHO cells, when their raft association is increased by clustering seven or less GPI-APs with an aerolysin mutant. We conclude that the different endocytic routes followed by GPI-APs in different cell types depend on the residence time of GPI-APs in lipid rafts, and hence that raft partitioning regulates GPI-APs sorting in the endocytic pathway.
A field study was conducted to investigate the fate of N-15-labelled nitrate applied at 20 kg N ha(-1) in a wet summer to microplots installed in areas under different residue management regimes in second-rotation hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations aged 1-3 years in south-east Queensland, Australia. PVC microplots of 235 mm diameter and 300 mm long were driven into 250 mm soil. There were three replications of each of eight treatments. These were areas just under and between 1-year-old windrows (ca. 2-3 m in width) of harvesting residues spaced 15 m apart, and with and without incorporated foliage residues (20 t DM ha(-1)); the areas just under and between 2- or 3-year-old windrows spaced 10 m apart. Only 7-29% of the added N-15 was recovered from the top 750 mm of the soil profile with the leaching loss estimated to be 70-86% over the 34-day period. The N-15 loss via denitrification was 3.7-6.3% by directly measuring the N-15 gases emitted. The microplots with the incorporated residues at the 1-year-old site had the highest N-15 loss (6.3%) as compared with the other treatments. The N-15 mass balance method together with the use of bromide (Br) tracer applied at 100 kg Br ha(-1) failed to obtain a reliable estimate of the denitrification loss. The microplots at the 1-year-old site had higher N-15 immobilisation rate (7.5-24.7%) compared with those at 2- and 3-year-old sites (2.1-3.6%). Incorporating the residues resulted in an increase in N-15 immobilisation rate (24.5-24.7%) compared with the control without the incorporated residues (8.4-14.3%). These findings suggest that climatic conditions played important roles in controlling the N-15 transformations in the wet summer season and that the residue management regimes could also significantly influence the N-15 transformations. Most of the N-15 loss occurred through leaching, but a considerable amount of the N-15 was lost through denitrification. Bromide proved to be an unsuitable tracer for monitoring the N-15 leaching and movement under the wet summer conditions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The fate of N-15-nitrogen-enriched formulated feed fed to shrimp was traced through the food web in shallow, outdoor tank systems (1000 1) stocked with shrimp. Triplicate tanks containing shrimp water with and without sediment were used to identify the role of the natural biota in the water column and sediment in processing dietary nitrogen (N). A preliminary experiment demonstrated that N-15-nitrogen-enriched feed products could be detected in the food web. Based on this, a 15-day experiment was conducted. The ammonium (NH4+) pool in the water column became rapidly enriched (within one day) with N-15-nitrogen after shrimp were fed N-15-enriched feed. By day 15, 6% of the added N-15-nitrogen was in this fraction in the 'sediment' tanks compared with 0.4% in the 'no sediment' tanks. The particulate fraction in the water column, principally autotrophic nanoflagellates, accounted for 4-5% of the N-15-nitrogen fed to shrimp after one day. This increased to 16% in the 'no sediment' treatment, and decreased to 2% in the 'sediment' treatment by day 15. It appears that dietary N was more accessible to the phytoplankton community in the absence of sediment. The difference is possibly because a proportion of the dietary N was buried in the sediment in the 'sediment' treatment, making it unavailable to the phytoplankton. Alternatively, the dietary N was retained in the NH4+ pool in the water column since phytoplankton growth, and hence, N utilization was lower in the 'sediment' treatment. The lower growth of phytoplankton in the 'sediment' treatment appeared to be related to higher turbidity, and hence, lower light availability for growth. The percentage N-15-nitrogen detected in the sediment was only 6% despite the high capacity for sedimentation of the large biomass of plankton detritus and shrimp waste. This suggests rapid remineralization of organic waste by the microbial community in the sediment resulting in diffusion of inorganic N sources into the water column. It is likely that most of the dietary N will ultimately be removed from the tank system by water discharges. Our study showed that N-15-nitrogen derived from aquaculture feed can be processed by the microbial community in outdoor aquaculture systems and provides a method for determining the effect of dietary N on ecosystems. However, a significant amount of the dietary N was not retained by the natural biota and is likely to be present in the soluble organic fraction. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The endocytosis of E-cadherin has recently emerged as an important determinant of cadherin function with the potential to participate in remodeling adhesive contacts. In this study we focused on the initial fate of E-cadherin when it predominantly exists free on the cell surface prior to adhesive binding or incorporation into junctions. Surface-labeling techniques were used to define the endocytic itinerary of E-cadherin in MCF-7 cells and in Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing human E-cadherin. We found that in this experimental system E-cadherin entered a transferrin-negative compartment before transport to the early endosomal compartment, where it merged with classical clathrin-mediated uptake pathways. E-cadherin endocytosis was inhibited by mutant dynamin, but not by an Eps15 mutant that effectively blocked transferrin internalization. Furthermore, sustained signaling by the ARF6 GTPase appeared to trap endocytosed E-cadherin in large peripheral structures. We conclude that in isolated cells unbound E-cadherin on the cell surface is predominantly endocytosed by a clathrin-independent pathway resembling macropinocytotic internalization, which then fuses with the early endosomal system. Taken with earlier reports, this suggests the possibility that multiple pathways exist for E-cadherin entry into cells that are likely to reflect cell context and regulation.
Glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) have the potential to directly compete with polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAO) in EBPR systems as both are able to take up VFA anaerobically and grow on the intracellular storage products aerobically. Under anaerobic conditions GAO hydrolyse glycogen to gain energy and reducing equivalents to take up VFA and to synthesise polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). In the subsequent aerobic stage, PHA is being oxidised to gain energy for glycogen replenishment (from PHA) and for cell growth. This article describes a complete anaerobic and aerobic model for GAO based on the understanding of their metabolic pathways. The anaerobic model has been developed and reported previously, while the aerobic metabolic model was developed in this study. It is based on the assumption that acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA go through the catabolic and anabolic processes independently. Experimental validation shows that the integrated model can predict the anaerobic and aerobic results very well. It was found in this study that at pH 7 the maximum acetate uptake rate of GAO was slower than that reported for PAO in the anaerobic stage. On the other hand, the net biomass production per C-mol acetate added is about 9% higher for GAO than for PAO. This would indicate that PAO and GAO each have certain competitive advantages during different parts of the anaerobic/aerobic process cycle. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.