55 resultados para SNA research design
OBJECTIVE - The purpose of this paper is to estimate the impact of diabetes on survival among patients with first acute myocardial infarction, using data from the World Health Organization (WHO) Monitoring Trends and Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) Project in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - The WHO MONICA Project is a community-based surveillance system that monitors coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality. All patients with suspected coronary events were observed for 28 days after the onset of symptoms. RESULTS - Of 5,322 patients with acute myocardial infarction and no previous history of ischemic heart disease (3,643 men and 1,679 women), 333 men (9%) and 224 women (13%) had a history of diabetes. The age-adjusted 28-day case fatality for women with diabetes (25%) was significantly higher than for women without diabetes (16%); relative risk 1.56 (95% CI: 1.19-2.04). The difference for men was also significant (25% with diabetes and 20% without diabetes); relative risk 1.25 (95% CI: 1.02-1.53). Age-specific case fatality increased significantly with age in both men and women without diabetes, but systematic age effects were not so apparent in patients with diabetes. Case fatality significantly decreased over the study period in patients without diabetes, but not among the diabetic patients. CONCLUSIONS - The increased risk of death in the diabetic patients remained after accounting for their poorer risk factor profiles; even if they reached the hospital alive, diabetic patients were also less likely to survive than nondiabetic patients. The relative impact of diabetes on survival is greater in women than in men.
Primary objective: To examine a theoretical model which suggests that a contribution of both psychological and neuropsychological factors underlie deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation. Research design: Multivariate design including correlations and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Methods: Sixty-one subjects with acquired brain injury (ABI) were administered standardized measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Psychological factors included measures of coping-related denial, personality-related denial and personality change. Neuropsychological factors included an estimate of IQ and two measures of executive functioning that assess capacity for volition and purposive behaviour. Main outcomes and results: The findings indicated that the relative contribution of neuropsychological factors to an outcome of deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation had a more direct effect than psychological factors. In general, measures of executive functioning had a direct relationship, while measures of coping-related and personality-related denial had an indirect relationship with measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Conclusion: The findings highlighted the importance of measuring both neuropsychological and psychological factors and demonstrated that the relative contribution of these variables varies according to different levels of self-awareness and self-regulation.
OBJECTIVE - This study sought to determine whether stress echocardiography using exercise (when feasible) or dobutamine echo could be used to predict mortality in patients with diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Stress echo was performed in 937 patients with diabetes (aged 59 +/- 13 years, 529 men) for symptom evaluation (42%) and follow-up of known coronary artery disease (CAD) (58%). Stress echocardiography using exercise was performed in 333 patients able to exercise maximally, and dobutamine echo using a standard dobutamine stress was used in 604 patients. Patients were followed for less than or equal to9 years (mean 3.9 +/- 2.3) for all-cause mortality. RESULTS - Normal studies were obtained in 567 (60%) patients; 29% had resting left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, and 25% had ischemia. Abnormalities were confined to one territory in 183 (20%) patients and to multiple territories in 187 (20%) patients. Death (in 275 [29%] patients) was predicted by referral for pharmacologic stress (hazard ratio [HR] 3.94, P < 0.0001), ischemia (1.77, P <0.0001), age (1.02, P = 0.002), and heart failure (1.54, P = 0.01). The risk of death in patients With a normal scan was 4% per year, and this was associated with age and selection for pharmacologic stress testing. In stepwise models replicating the sequence of clinical evaluation, the predictive power of independent clinical predictors (age, selection for pharmacologic stress, previous infarction, and heart failure; model chi(2) = 104.8) was significantly enhanced by addition of stress echo data (model chi(2) = 122.9). CONCLUSIONS - The results of stress echo are independent predictors of death in diabetic patients with known or suspected CAD.. Ischemia adds risk that is incremental to clinical risks and LV dysfunction.
Background: For research on physical activity interventions to progress systematically, the mechanisms of action must be studied. In doing so, the research methods and their associated concepts and terminology become more complex. It is particularly important to clearly distinguish among determinants, correlates, mediators, moderators, and confounder variables used in physical activity research. This article examines the factors that are correlated with and that may have a causal relationship to physical activity. Methods and Results: We propose that the term correlate be used, instead of determinant, to describe statistical associations or correlations between measured variables and physical activity. Studies of the correlates of physical activity are reviewed. The findings of these studies can help to critique existing theories of health behavior change and can provide hypotheses to be tested in intervention studies from which it is possible to draw causal inferences. Mediator, moderator, and confounder variables can act to influence measured changes in physical activity. Intervening causal variables that are necessary to complete a cause-effect pathway between an intervention and physical activity are termed mediators. The relationship between an intervention and physical activity behaviors may vary for different groups; the strata by which they vary are levels of moderators of the relationship. Other factors may distort or affect the observed relationships between program exposure and physical activity, and are known as confounders. Conclusions: Consistent use of terms and additional research on mediators and moderators of intervention effects will improve our ability to understand and influence physical activity.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the timing of fetal growth spurt among pre-existing diabetic pregnancies (types 1 and 2) and its relationship with diabetic control. To correlate fetal growth acceleration with factors that might influence fetal growth. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - This retrospective study involved all pregestational diabetic pregnancies delivered at a tertiary obstetric hospital in Australia between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1999. Pregnancies with major congenital fetal anomalies, multiple pregnancies, small-for-gestational-age pregnancies (90th centile for gestation) were compared with babies with normal birth weights. RESULTS- A total of 101 diabetic pregnancies were included. Diabetic mothers, who had LGA babies, had significantly higher prepregnancy body weight and BMI (P < 0.05). There were no differences in maternal age or parity among the two groups. There were also no differences in the first-, second-, and third-trimester HbA(1c) levels between the two groups. The abdominal circumference z-scores were significantly higher for LGA babies from 18 weeks and thereafter. The differences increased progressively as the gestation advanced. Maximum difference was noted in the third trimester (30-38 weeks). CONCLUSIONS - Fetal growth acceleration in LGA fetuses of diabetic mothers starts in the second trimester, from as early as 18 weeks. In this study, glucose control did not appear to have a direct effect on the incidence of LGA babies, and such observation might result from the effects of other confounding factors.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the effect of age on glucose metabolism by examining 1) glucose metabolism in young and middle-aged subjects when total or regional adiposity is taken into account and 2) in vitro glucose transport in adipose tissue explants from young and middle-aged women paired for total and abdominal adiposity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Study 1: body composition, subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue areas, and fasting and oral glucose-stimulated glucose and insulin were measured in 84 young and 81 middle-aged men and in 110 young and 91 middle-aged women. Study 2: glucose uptake in subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue explants were measured in eight young and eight middle-aged women. RESULTS - Study 1: young and middle-aged men showed similar subcutaneous abdominal tissue area, whereas fat mass and visceral adipose tissue were greater in middle-aged than in young men (P < 0.01). Fat mass and subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue areas were greater in middle-aged as compared with young women (P < 0.01). Fasting plasma glucose and the glucose response to an oral glucose tolerance test were significantly higher in middle-aged than in young men and women (P < 0.001). Statistical control for visceral adipose tissue area eliminated the difference seen in glucose response in men and women. Study 2: glucose transport in subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue did not differ between young and middle-aged women. CONCLUSIONS - 1) Visceral obesity, more than age per se, correlates with glucose intolerance in middle-aged subjects; 2) aging does not influence in vitro adipose tissue glucose uptake.
OBJECTIVE- Diabetes, a major health problem worldwide, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and its associated mortality. Evidence of the overall benefits of lipid modification in this area is needed. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS- The Long-Term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease (LIPID) trial showed that cholesterol-lowering treatment with pravastatin reduced mortality and coronary heart disease (CHD) events in 9,014 patients aged 31-75 years with CHD and total cholesterol 4.0-7.0 mmol/l. We measured the effects of pravastatin therapy, 40 mg/day over 6.0 years, on the risk of CHD death or nonfatal myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular outcomes in 1,077 LIPID patients with diabetes and 940 patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG). RESULTS- in patients allocated to placebo, the risk of a major CHD event was 61% higher in patients with diabetes and 23% higher in the IFG group than in patients with normal fasting glucose, and the risk of any cardiovascular event was 37% higher in the diabetic group and 19% higher in the IFG group. Pravastatin therapy reduced the risk of a major CHD event overall from 15.9 to 12.3% (relative risk reduction [RRR] 24%, P < 0.001) and from 23.4 to 19.6% in the diabetic group (19%, P = 0.11); in the diabetic group, the reduction was not significantly different from the reductions in the other groups. Pravastatin reduced the risk of any cardiovascular event from 52.7 to 45.2% (21%, P < 0.008) in patients With diabetes and from 45.7 to 37.1% (26%, P = 0.003) in the IFG group. Pravastatin reduced the risk of stroke from 9.9 to 6.3% in the diabetic group (RRR 39%, Cl 7-61%, P = 0.02) and from 5.4 to 3.4% in the IFG group (RRR 42%, Cl -9 to 69%, P = 0.09). Pravastatin did not reduce the incidence of diabetes. Over 6 years, pravastatin therapy prevented one major,CHD event (CHD death or nonfatal myocardial infarction) in 23 patients with IFG and 18 patients with diabetes. A meta-analysis of other major trials confirmed the high absolute risks of diabetes and IFG and the absolute benefits of statin therapy in these patients. CONCLUSIONS- Cholesterol-lowering treatment with pravastatin therapy prevents cardiovascular events, including stroke, in patients with diabetes or IFG and established CHD.
Methodological criticisms of research undertaken in the area of paediatric burns are widespread. To date, quasi-experimental research designs have most frequently been used to examine the impact of impairments such as scarring and reduced ran e of motion on functional outcomes. Predominantly, these studies have utilised a narrow definition of functioning (e.g. school attendance) to determine a child's level of participation in activities post-burn injury. Until recently, there had been little attempt to develop and/or test a theoretical model of functional outcome with these children. Using a conceptual model of functional outcome based oil the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, this review paper outlines the current state of the research literature and presents explanatory case study methodology as an alternative research design to further advance the Study of functional outcome post-burn injury. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
This study employed a qualitative research design to explore therapists' and parents' perspectives of paediatric occupational therapy and speech pathology assessment reports. Aims of the study were to explore the intentions of therapists when writing reports, to expand upon existing literature on parental satisfaction and preferences with respect to paediatric clinical reports, to highlight documentation practices that would serve to maximize parental use of allied health reports, and to develop specific guidelines on how reports can be written to ensure they are useful and beneficial to therapists and parents. Participants were 15 parents of children who had been assessed at 1 of 2 university clinics and subsequently received a written report, and 11 therapists employed at the same university clinics. Questionnaires were used to seek information from therapists concerning the purpose of assessment reports and essential aspects to include when writing reports for parents. In-depth interviews were used to seek information about how understandable and beneficial clinical reports were to parents. The data were subjected to thematic analysis. From comments of therapists' intentions and parents' stated needs, and in accordance with literature reviewed, guidelines were identified for the production of parent-oriented reports. Conclusions drawn from this study can be specifically applied to services producing paediatric occupational therapy or speech pathology assessment reports, but are widely relevant to paediatric allied health services. (author abstract)
Primary Objective: To document the clinical characteristics of acute dysphagia in a group of pediatric patients after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Research Design: Prospective group study. Methods: Fourteen subjects (7 males, 7 females), aged 4 years 1 month to 15 years, with moderate or severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS] < 12). Subjects were assessed via clinical bedside examination documenting cognitive status, oromotor function, feeding function, dietary recommendations, and an indication of overall feeding severity Results: A pattern of impaired cognition, altered behavior related to feeding, severe tonal and postural deficits, oromotor, respiratory, and laryngeal impairments, and oral sensitivity issues was revealed. Conclusions: Swallowing impairment was affected by multilevel deficits, which both individually and in combination had a negative impact on swallowing competence and safety. In light of deficits identified, which could not be observed on videofluoroscopic investigation alone, this study highlighted the importance of the clinical bedside examination in assessing dysphagia in pediatric patients post-TBI for identifying targets for intervention.
Primary Objective. To extend the capabilities of current electropalatography (EPG) systems by developing a pressure-sensing EPG system. An initial trial of a prototype pressure-sensing palate will be presented. Research Design. The processes involved in designing the pressure sensors are outlined, with Hall effect transistors being selected. These units are compact, offer high sensitivity and are inexpensive. An initial prototype acrylic palate was constructed with five embedded pressure sensors. Syllable repetitions were recorded from one adult female. Main Outcomes, Results and Future Directions. The pressure-sensing palate was capable of recording dynamic tongue-to-palate pressures, with minimal to no interference to speech detected perceptually. With a restricted number of sensors, problems were encountered in optimally positioning the sensors to detect the consonant lingual pressures. Further developments are planned for various aspects of the pressure-sensing system. Conclusions. Although only in the prototype stage, the pressure-sensing palate represents the new generation of EPG. Comprehensive analysis of tongue-to-palate contacts, including pressure measures, is expected to enable more specific and effective therapeutic techniques to be developed for a variety of speech disorders.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy in the treatment of hypernasality following traumatic brain injury (17111). Design: An A-B-A experimental research design. Assessments were conducted prior to commencement of the program, midway, immediately posttreatment, and 1 month after completion of the CPAP therapy program. Participants: Three adults with dysarthria and moderate to severe hypernasality subsequent to TBI. Outcome Measures: Perceptual evaluation using the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, the Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech, and a speech sample analysis, and instrumental evaluation using the Nasometer. Results: Between assessment periods, varying degrees of improvement in hypernasality and sentence intelligibility were noted. At the 1-month post-CPAP assessment, all 3 participants demonstrated reduced nasalance values, and 2 exhibited increased sentence intelligibility. Conclusions: CPAP may be a valuable treatment of impaired velopharyngeal function in the TBI population.
Primary objective: The study aimed to examine the changes in water distribution in the soft tissue during systemic steroid activity. Research design: A three-way cross-over, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial was used, including 4 weeks of fluticasone propionate pMDI 200 mug b.i.d. delivered via Babyhaler(R), budesonide pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI) 200 mug b.i.d. delivered via Nebuchamber(R) and placebo. Spacers were primed before use. In total, 40 children aged 1-3 years, with mild intermittent asthma were included. Twenty-five of the children completed all three treatments. At the end of each treatment period body impedance and skin ultrasonography were measured. Methods and procedures: We measured changes in water content of the soft tissues by two methods. Skin ultrasonography was used to detect small changes in dermal water content, and bioelectrical impedance was used to assess body water content and distribution. Main outcomes and results: We found an increase in skin density of the shin from fluticasone as measured by ultrasonography (p = 0.01). There was a tendency for a consistent elevation of impedance parameters from active treatments compared to placebo although overall this effect was not statistically significant (0.1< p <0.2). However, sub-analyses indicated a significant effect on whole-body and leg impedance from budesonide treatment (p <0.05). Conclusion: Decreased growth during inhaled steroid treatment seems to partly reflect generalized changes in body water.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the concurrent validity of fasting indexes of insulin sensitivity and secretion in - obese prepubertal (Tanner stage 1) children and pubertal (Tanner stages 2-5) glucose tolerance test (FSIVGTT) as a criterion measure. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Eighteen obese children and adolescents (11 girls and 7 boys, mean age 12.2 +/- 2.4 years, mean BMI 35.4 +/- 6.2 kg/m(2), mean BMI-SDS 3.5 +/- 0.5, 7 prepubertal and I I pubertal) participated in the study. All participants underwent an insulin-modified FSIVGTT on two occasions, and 15 repeated this test a third time (mean 12.9 and 12.0 weeks apart). S-i measured by the FSIVGTT was compared with homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), quantitative insulin-sensitivity check index (QUICKI), fasting glucose-to-insulin ratio (FGIR), and fasting insulin (estimates of insulin sensitivity derived from fasting samples). The acute insulin response (AIR) measured by the FSIVGTT was compared with HOMA of percent beta-cell function (HOMA-beta%), FGIR, and fasting insulin (estimates of insulin secretion derived from fasting samples). RESULTS - There was a significant negative correlation between HOMA-IR and S-i (r = -0.89, r = -0.90, and r = -0.81, P < 0.01) and a significant positive correlation between QUICKI and S-i (r = 0.89, r = 0.90, and r = 0.81, P < 0.01) at each time point. There was a significant positive correlation between FGIR and S-i (r = 0.91, r = 0.91, and r = 0.82, P < 0.01) and a significant negative correlation between fasting insulin and S-i (r = -90, r = -0.90, and r = -0.88, P < 0.01). HOMA-beta% was not as strongly correlated with AIR (r = 0.60, r = 0.54, and r = 0.61, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS - HOMA-IR, QUICKI, FGIR, and fasting insulin correlate strongly with S-i assessed by the FSIVGTT in obese children and adolescents. Correlations between HOMA-β% FGIR and fasting insulin, and AIR were not as strong. Indexes derived from fasting samples are a valid tool for assessing insulin sensitivity in prepubertal and pubertal obese children.