Filipe et al. (2001) proposed an anaerobic metabolic model for glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) in which the succinate-propionate pathway was used to describe the production of propionyl-CoA. However, propionyl-CoA is only an intermediate product in the above pathway. Stopping at propionyl-CoA instead of propionate (the end product of the pathway) results in the consumption of one ATP from succinate to succinyl-CoA, which was not accounted for in the model of Filipe et al. (2001). This resulted in significant errors in the stoichiometric coefficients in the final metabolic model. A modified model is presented in this communication and is shown to fit the experimental data significantly better than the original model. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) have the potential to directly compete with polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAO) in EBPR systems as both are able to take up VFA anaerobically and grow on the intracellular storage products aerobically. Under anaerobic conditions GAO hydrolyse glycogen to gain energy and reducing equivalents to take up VFA and to synthesise polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). In the subsequent aerobic stage, PHA is being oxidised to gain energy for glycogen replenishment (from PHA) and for cell growth. This article describes a complete anaerobic and aerobic model for GAO based on the understanding of their metabolic pathways. The anaerobic model has been developed and reported previously, while the aerobic metabolic model was developed in this study. It is based on the assumption that acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA go through the catabolic and anabolic processes independently. Experimental validation shows that the integrated model can predict the anaerobic and aerobic results very well. It was found in this study that at pH 7 the maximum acetate uptake rate of GAO was slower than that reported for PAO in the anaerobic stage. On the other hand, the net biomass production per C-mol acetate added is about 9% higher for GAO than for PAO. This would indicate that PAO and GAO each have certain competitive advantages during different parts of the anaerobic/aerobic process cycle. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.